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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Excellent Superhero fare.
19 January 2016
One of my favorite things about this show is the excellent casting. Melissa Benoist is perfect as the young heroine who wants to be accepted by her friends and respected by her colleagues, but knows she must reconcile her "average girl" ambitions and desires with her role as one of the most powerful people on the planet.

Of particular note is the selection of Mehcad Brooks as Jame Olsen. Instead of the usual annoying bumbling airhead fanboy, we get an admirable Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist and war correspondent. Chyler Leigh as step-sister and best friend Alex Danvers is also an inspired choice.

I am convinced that if the scores of all those boys who react to any female hero with knee jerk misogynist criticism and condemnation were subtracted from the whole, this show would earn a rating in the high 7's at least.
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Summer Glau as a Terminatrix kicks butt with style
14 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is an entertaining and exciting show, so far (as of ep. 1). Apparently they have 12 eps. in the can, so we'll see. Fox seems determined to avoid past blunders by vigorously advertising and fully supporting this one. (Woe that they couldn't have learned this lesson earlier, say in time for Firefly.)

In any case, they've done a good job with casting the leads, although the enemy terminator is no Arnold. Summer Glau as Cameron, the Terminatrix sent back to 1999 to protect John Connor, lifts the show from merely good to great. She is fantastic as the protector/terminatrix, having an opportunity to again demonstrate her talents in a physical role. In terms of conventional acting, she is convincing and believable, as always, and manages to be both emotive and sympathetic, even as a killer cyborg.

The story told in "Chronicles" is intended to follow the events of "T-2" which ended with the Terminators, Dyson, and Cyberdyne Systems all destroyed. It is an "alternate timeline" to "T-3".

The point is clearly made that Cameron is "something different", unlike any terminator model that has been seen before. The terminator models seen previously were all supposed to have been built by the Machines,some of which were captured by the Resistance and reprogrammed.

When "Chronicles" was being advertised, it wasn't clear how much of a role Summer would have. Fortunately, at this point it looks as though her role will be co-equal with the 2 Connors. Cameron looks to be a fascinating character. I look forward to seeing what she does with this role.
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Sin City (2005)
A gripping tale of vengeance, and a feminist manifesto.
13 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film for anyone who loves great cinema or great stories. Stylized to the point that many of the scenes look, intentionally, just like comic book panels, it makes extraordinary use of a broad range of lighting and cinematography techniques. Of all the comics/graphic novels to screen adaptations, this movie succeeds in a way that sets the bar very high for everyone else. The only other comic book adaptation that comes close is Hellboy.

The acting, every bit of it, is spot-on. Jessica Alba, Jaime King, Rosario Dawson, and Carla Gugino all successfully portray mythic archetypes that are recognizable from a thousand stories and across a variety of genres.

Someone rather clueless said that this isn't a movie for feminists. (Yet another sad example of the triumph of propaganda over reality, for those lacking the wit to know one from the other, anyway.) I am a feminist, and what I loved about this movie was the way it portrayed women as strong and in control, especially in situations where they are usually depicted as helpless victims. The women in this movie use their heads. They motivate everything that happens.

The men are mostly mindless beasts or automatons, slaves to their twisted desires. The antagonists are motivated by perverse hungers, lust, and greed, which lead them to do evil things. The protagonists are motivated by a mixture of possessive paternalism and vengeance, which lead them to do horrible things, albeit to noble ends. These masochistic "heros" are also endlessly self-sacrificing, sometimes to a point that seems suicidal.

Sin City is a film about vengeance writ large, in bold, primary colors; it is a film about heroic action and senseless violence, and it is, without question, a feminist manifesto.
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Very enjoyable. Highly recommended.
1 February 2007
I saw this movie a long time ago, when it first came out, and haven't seen it again, though I'd like to. When I was recently reminded of it, I was surprised at how strong an impression it made. It is one of the best film depictions of young love that I have ever seen. It's both charming and utterly convincing.

This film has much in common with Lea Pool's "Lost and Delirious", although where that film was intense and more serious this is a much sweeter and happier story. Where they are similar is in the way they take youthful romance seriously and portray it with sensitivity and honesty. In both films the fact that they are about lesbian relationships is almost incidental. It is a device used to accentuate the characters' innocence. Sex is important, but secondary, a product of the intensely romantic, even spiritual, nature of their relationship as opposed to mere physical attraction.

On another note: I must confess, I am completely baffled by IMDb's "weighted average" scoring. It seems to defy logic. Over half of voters gave this film an 8 or higher and 80% scored it at 6 or better. The mean (the un-weighted average) is 7.2. Yet the "weighted average" is only 5.8?

Looking at the breakdown, it's clear that young people, especially males, gave disproportionately lower scores. So, despite the low overall score, it seems clear that adults in general, and especially women, recommend it pretty highly.

In any case, I definitely recommend it. I would even suggest watching the pair of films discussed above, "Lost and Delirious" followed by "The Incredibly True Adventure...", as an excellent date movie night for open-minded couples of any combination of genders.
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BloodRayne (2005)
Not nearly as bad as "groupthink" says it is. I liked it.
24 January 2007
People are eager to pile on any movie panned by the critics. While I agree that Uwe Boll should be making low budget videos or used car commercials until he learns how to direct, this movie was not all that bad if you overlook some of its obvious failings.

The fact is, there are hundreds of low budget movies made every year that are much worse than this. Many have laughable effects, are more trite, with worse acting, sets and costumes. You can see them any evening on SciFi or the other basic cable channels.

The biggest problem with Bloodrayne may be that it attempts to be more than it is. Compared to most direct-to-video fare, it's not half bad. I saw it on TV, so I'm not comparing it to other major releases from big studios. I believe people are judging it based on their expectations as much as anything.

I thought Kristanna Lokken was pretty good. Fortunately, she plays the main character. She was a good choice for Rayne. Some of the other actors sounded a little silly trying to affect a vaguely European, old-timey accent, especially Madsen and Rodriguez, neither of whom seemed able to convincingly drop their notable Jersey accents.
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Elektra (2005)
A great action film with lots of heart...
21 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer Garner is awesome as Elektra. The acting of young Kirsten Prout was equally impressive. She was a perfect choice for the role of Abby. Their relationship is a central element of the plot and is exceptionally well handled. I would have liked to have seen even more of their personal interaction. The Abby character has some great scenes with a very cool and unusual weapon, and they both come up against some of the most imaginatively conceived enemies in any movie ever. No generic black-clad baddies here; every one of these bad guys is unique and poses a special danger.

Many big action movies, like Ratner's relentlessly hyperkinetic "X-Men:The Last Stand", suffer from a lack of just such character development.

Elektra is beautifully filmed, a real work of art. The costumes and sets are exquisite, even though it was made for a relatively modest $40 million. I would love to see a sequel, with Elektra and Abby fighting side by side.

I'm sure many people went into the theatre expecting the sort of huge cast, non-stop explosions and widespread landscape demolition that seem to be required elements in action films these days. The IMDb rating score I thinks reflects this, more than the actual content or quality of the movie. There's plenty of action, but it's an action movie with heart.

I feel that this film deserves a much better score than the current average score of 5.1. It was a lot more entertaining, and of far higher quality, than a lot of more popular films.

This is the same Elektra character seen in the very mediocre movie "Daredevil. Here, her character and backstory are fleshed out, and we have a chance to get to really know her.

I have a theory: if you discount the votes of all the trolls, troglodytes, and conservative Neanderthals who will never give an action movie with a female lead a score higher than a 5, this movie would have a combined rating of 7 or more.
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Legend (1985)
There really should be two different "Legend" movies listed.
25 December 2006
There's the original version, released in 1986 and on videotape, and the 2002 Director's Cut, available on DVD. The latter version is one of my all-time favorite movies. It compares quite favorably with Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" and is a modern classic.

The theatrical release of 1986, shamefully butchered (chopped up and badly re-edited) by the mindless suits at Warner, and with its original Jerry Goldsmith score replaced by the rather trite Tangerine Dream soundtrack, is the version most people have seen. It was released on videotape as a children's movie. What it is, and was intended to be, is a fairy tale for adults. In fact, it's too intense for really young children.

It's hard to say that the '86 version deserves any more than the "6" it's rated at on its IMDb main page. It is a disappointment, primarily because it's now impossible to watch without think how much better it could be. The feeling and tone of the film were ruined by its treatment.

The Ridley Scott Director's Cut, released in 2002, is a completely different movie. If you haven't seen this version, you haven't seen the movie. It deserves a score of 9 or 10.

It doesn't look like a movie made 20 years ago. Scenes which are vital to the tone of the film and the meaning of the story have been restored. The sumptuous original soundtrack, recorded with a full orchestra, has also been restored, and this adds more to the film than can be put into words.

About the performances: A very young Tom Cruise is excellent as the hero. Tim Curry as the Lord of Darkness is awesome; his costume and voice alone are worth the cost of renting or buying the DVD. Mia Sara is absolutely stunning as Lily. She actually plays two different versions of her character, both wonderfully. This was her first role, a risk for Scott on such a big budget film, and she turned in the performance of her career. She's never been better, or looked more beautiful, than in this movie. The elves and fairies, both good and evil, are incredibly real-looking and believable. The costumes are perfect, and the sets are breathtaking, literally. One of the largest indoor sets ever constructed - a huge fantasy forest - was built for this movie.

If you haven't seen this version, rent it. If you have kids, buy it for them; they'll watch it over and over. My daughter and her friends watch it repeatedly, she's probably seen it 50 times.
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Cherry Falls (1999)
Pop this Cherry in the DVD player and enjoy.
17 October 2006
I have read that before it was released the makers of Cherry Falls had a knock-down, drag-out battle with the spinster grannies of the ratings board who demanded all kinds of slasher moves to censor this amazing flick before allowing it an R rating. Don't you just hate life in Nuevo Puritanica? I can just imagine the juicy nectar that ended up on the cutting room floor. If ever a film cried out for a no-holds-barred "unrated director's cut" DVD release, this is it.

To judge by the votes for this movie, I can only conclude that most viewers simply didn't get it. It's pretty obviously a brilliant satire on teen slasher films, but to judge by the comments, many viewers seem to miss the point completely. It doesn't take itself overly seriously, yet still manages to pull off some of the most suspenseful scenes of its genre since Hitchcock.

Needless to say, Cherry Falls would not be the same movie without Brittany Murphy. She is absolutely brilliant in this film. She throws herself into the part of the nubile victim/seductress with breathtaking energy, giving an unforgettable performance as wide-eyed innocent virgin/knowing temptress Jody Marken.

With a lesser actress in the lead role this could have easily devolved into tasteless parody. But this isn't broad comedy, it's razor-sharp satire which requires better performances and more believable and suspenseful action than you'll see in a hundred grade B slasher films. There are sendups of familiar scenes from recent thrillers like "I Know What You Did Last Summer," and from classics like "Psycho." Cherry Falls manages to do justice to both.
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Over There (2005)
A great show about the lives of soldiers fighting a meaningless war.
31 October 2005
Despite some predictable nitpicking from the would-be experts, "Over There" succeeds in conveying an accurate impression of what life is like for soldiers in a hostile environment.

The strongest aspect of "Over There" is the way the various characters are developed. Their lives are fleshed out to the point that you feel like you know them and care about what happens to them. Of course, being a TV show, there's an excess of drama in everyone's life. But, that said, the characters, their situations and the troubles they face are all believable and realistically presented.

The ensemble cast is exceptional and the acting is consistently excellent. Even with such a large cast every character remains distinct and memorable and the show avoids relegating any of them to second-tier status. The two female soldiers, Lizette Carrion (Doublewide) and Nicki Lynn Aycox (Mrs. B), do a great job of illustrating how deployment affects women, and remind us that even supposedly non-combat jobs like driver or mechanic are just as hazardous in Iraq as foot patrols. Erik Palladino is excellent as soldier's soldier Sgt. Scream, who highlights the fact that experienced noncoms like him are the backbone of the army as well as the difficulty the services have in retaining them.

Some shows manage to alienate their audience with characters that are so annoying or unlikeable it's impossible to care about them, but "Over There" accomplishes something rare: even when one of the characters does something unforgivably stupid, cruel or selfish, they remain sympathetic and keep you invested in what happens to them.

There have been complaints about the way the soldiers are depicted, but I think the show does a good job of being realistic while highlighting these soldiers' professionalism, self-sacrifice and constant struggle to do the best job they can in what are often difficult and dangerous no-win situations.

The producers also deserve a lot of credit for not sugarcoating the war or the soldiers' attitudes about the Iraqis. If anything they could do more to make clear what the US media has mostly overlooked: the horrific toll of war on the civilian population. Many people opposed this war on humanitarian grounds. Just as in Vietnam, just as in every war of the modern era, there are 10 innocent civilian casualties- mostly women, old people and children- for every armed insurgent or "terrorist" killed. War should always be a last resort, never an affirmative policy objective.

The war in Iraq took a bad situation and made it worse, compounding the error through ignorance, arrogance and incompetence. At a time when major news organizations have grown so timid they are only willing to show a sanitized, non-controversial version of the war for fear of offending those in power, we need more shows like "Over There", shows that are willing to tell the whole, unvarnished truth, uncolored by any agenda.
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The original Nikita, and still the best.
29 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Nikita" gave rise to both a big budget Hollywood movie starring the ever-fetching Bridget Fonda (Point of No Return) and a television series starring Peta Wilson. The series found a loyal audience (it was a cult favorite) and had a successful run of some ninety-six episodes.

The US movie and the TV series each took a somewhat different tack with the material, though they started from the same place. This says something for the concepts found in Luc Besson's excellent story, but the most exceptional aspect of "Nikita" is Anne Parillaud's gripping and unforgettable performance. Her portrayal of the conflicted nihilistic punk Nikita has served as a model for a host of strong female characters, from Buffy to Sydney Bristow (Alias).

The depth and complexity Parillaud brings to the fragile yet deadly character of Nikita makes this one of the most memorable performances on film.
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Leviathan (1989)
28 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The stupidity of this movie made me want to pull my hair out. I didn't have a problem with the "man in a rubber monster suit", or the meaningless pseudo-scientific techno-babble, or even the preposterous plot. I could even overlook the nonsense about siting a bunch of nuclear missiles on the bottom of the sea. After all, that's the kind of stuff you expect in a sci-fi monster flick.

What I can't stand is watching characters do things that are so stupid that they are simply not believable. Would anyone actually "dispose" of nearby nuclear weapons by detonating them? No one over 6 years old would ever think that this is a good idea, but that's just one of numerous scenes that had me shaking my head, thinking, "no one would ever do that, not in a million years." It's like the mission to Mars, or whatever life or death deep-space expedition, supposedly entrusted to a crew of highly trained astronauts, half of whom invariably have personality disorders or behavioral problems that would disqualify them from getting a job at the Post Office. In a film which requires a willing suspension of disbelief, being continually reminded that you're watching a movie by having poorly directed actors thrash about chewing up the scenery makes it impossible to enjoy. Illogical and aggressive behavior doesn't make up for the lack of a plot. Having characters act in a totally irrational or moronic manner for the sake of dramatic tension , like fighting and arguing when facing imminent death and destruction is the mark of a mediocre director. It's a bad-movie cliché to have actors bitching and bickering while bullets are flying.

This waste of time was released the same year as James Cameron's "The Abyss", one of the best deep-sea sci-fi films ever made. While they are both based on premises that were speculative and extreme, "The Abyss" has some of the best dramatic scenes of any movie in the genre, demonstrating that it's possible to have both believable acting and an excellent hard-core sci-fi story. "Leviathan" really suffers in comparison. Bottom line: don't waste your time. Check out "The Abyss" instead.
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Great adventure movie
15 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This review is of the DVD.

Alien vs Predator has some excellent CGI and effects, which are blended seamlessly into the live action, and the actors are very good as well. It was great to see Lance Henrikson, who is such an integral part of the "Alien" series, and Sanaa Lathan was an excellent choice as Alexa. The "pyramid" sets were very effective, too. The latter parts of the movie were as good as either of the "Predator" movies.

It always amazes me that so many people would give a film like this a "1" when voting, as if it were one of the worst movies ever made. I mean, give me a break! Maybe IMDb should just throw out all the 1's and 10's. I noticed the same thing with "Catwoman", which may not have been great but was far from the worst movie ever. I can't help feeling that some of the negative votes and comments are related to the lead character's being a black woman. That seems to push some tiny-minded peoples' buttons.

Spoiler follows:


For me, one of the most effective aspects of AVP is the relationship that develops between the Predator warrior and Alexa. The scenes of them hunting together and fighting the aliens are both excellent and unexpected. Another good point: both the aliens and the predators look better in this movie than they have in any of the previous "Alien" or "Predator" movies.

The extras on the DVD are good, especially the commentaries. I particularly liked the one with Lance, Sanaa and Paul. Definitely worth the DVD rental.
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Catwoman (2004)
Better than critics (and some IMDb voters) would have you believe.
25 January 2005
Halle Barry is excellent as Catwoman, especially in the difficult Patience/Catwoman transition. As Patience she is convincingly innocent, self-effacing and awkward; as Catwoman she is sexy, graceful, lithe and powerful. I can't find a thing to fault in Halle's performance, especially her amazing stunt work and extraordinary physical conditioning. She clearly put a lot of effort into preparing for this role and learning to move in a convincingly cat-like manner. I particularly like the way she handles her whip, which is reminiscent of the languid motion of a cat's tail or the quick strike of a paw.

As good as Halle is, overall the movie is very disappointing, a victim of both lack of imagination and heightened expectations. In fact, the only aspect of the movie that works is Catwoman herself. Her costume and diamond claws are wonderfully done, but she's all dressed up with nothing to do. While her backstory is well done, everything else seems like an afterthought. A comic book character needs a world of mystery, intrigue, danger and romance to inhabit. The story and setting need to take the viewer beyond the mundane. It needs to be larger than life, and that starts with imagining something extraordinary. The writers and director fail completely in this regard.

The contradictions inherent in a character of dual nature offer ample opportunity for dramatic tension, but the story fails to take any advantage of this, either. Nor does it bother to really explore Catwoman's danger-loving bad girl side.

The director, Pitof, is listed as an effects director on a number of French films and the last (and worst) of the "Alien" series. Clearly, he's not ready for prime time. Does an effects director even work with live actors? To judge by this effort you wouldn't think so. The difference between a blockbuster success and a complete flop can come down to hiring an inexperienced director to head an $85 million dollar project.

The bottom line: this is a watchable and entertaining film. Halle Berry's performance certainly makes it worth watching. I think anyone coming to it without high expectations will enjoy it.

An observation about votes and User Ratings: I noticed in the User Ratings that over 40% of voters gave this movie a "1". What's up with that? Considering how many genuinely crummy movies there are out there, the worst that can be said of Catwoman is that it could have been a lot better. I mean, really, you have to wonder how many of those votes are due to a herd-mentality "piling on". It's sad to think that this might be motivated in part by the star's race and gender.
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Suffers from sappy sidekick syndrome...
10 December 2004
Of the many things wrong with this movie, the worst by far is Marlon Wayons as the cringe-worthy sidekick "Snails." He's so awful he makes "Xena"'s Joxer seem heroic in comparison. What makes anyone think that a sappy sidekick adds anything to a story? This seems to be a requirement for some scifi/fantasy scripts. This syndrome is almost ubiquitous on TV; sadly, it still occurs in big-budget movies like this one where you'd think they'd know better. More than a few otherwise potentially good stories have been ruined by the presence of embarrassingly bad slapstick characters like Jarjar Binks from "Starwars", Russell (Randy Quaid) from "Independence Day" or Short Round from "Temple of Doom."

This could have been a good- or at least watchable- movie if more attention had been paid to the characters, script and editing. A lot of money and effort clearly went into the effects and sets. Zoe Mclellan is appealing as the apprentice mage Marina, and Justin Whalen makes a passable young hero. Sadly, Thora Birch has only a few minutes of screen time, though we see way too much of Jeremy Irons, chewing his way through the scenery whenever he's in front of the camera.
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Thoughtcrimes (2003 TV Movie)
The intriguing and alluring Navi Rawat makes this work.
16 October 2004
Navi Rawat plays troubled telepath Freya McAllister in "Thought Crimes", a USA Video scifi/spy drama. Driven mad by the din of numerous voices in her head, she is eventually recruited by the NSA as a psychic sleuth. This is an exciting and suspense-filled movie and makes for a very entertaining 2 hours.

The formula is familiar: troubled super hero reluctantly helps secret gov't. agency to bring down the forces of evil and make the world safe for mom, apple pie, etc. What sets this movie apart is a tightly written script and the convincing acting of Navi Rawat. The more I see of her the more impressed I am. Her performance in "Thought Crimes" is powerful and affecting. There is great chemistry between her character and Joe Flanigan ("Stargate: Atlantis") in the latter part of the story.

Navi Rawat has become widely known for her role in the Fox hit "The OC" which may be what earned this movie prime time exposure. Whatever the case it was well worth watching. As a sort of cross between "Jake 2.0" and "Tru Calling" (though far superior to either of those shows) this premise would make a great series.

I'm sure we'll be seeing lots more of this lovely and talented actress.
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Judged on its own terms, this is a lovely film.
28 September 2004
This movie reminded me, more than anything else, of "Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within." I think that critics of movies like these sometimes criticize them for being A: animated, and B: science fiction. That's sort of like criticizing "Terminator" or "Lord of the Rings" because, as one reviewer wrote: "that could never happen." Well, yeah. I mean, isn't that the point, to create something that can only exist in the imagination? I have a hard time seeing the relevance of comparing "Kaena" even to other animated features like "Toy Story" or "Ice Age." SciFi is a genre unto itself and needs to be judged on its own terms. "Kaena" is a fully-realized fantasy. It has a comprehensive story, background and setting. The voice-over narration (English) is particularly good, especially Kirsten Dunst in the title role. The only real criticism I have is that the quality of the animation is uneven, ranging between mid-90's video game at one extreme and almost breathtaking at the other. The choice of a very muted color palate for most of the scenes doesn't quite make up in atmosphere for what it loses in vibrancy and realism. Overall, I give "Kaena" an 8 based on the strength of its story and characters.
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Hellboy (2004)
A masterpiece...
14 August 2004
An absolute masterpiece among comics to film adaptations.

Guillermo del Toro brings Mike Mignola's Hellboy to the big screen with amazing atmosphere, brilliant characterizations and obsessive attention to detail. Absolutely top notch lighting, SFX, costuming and makeup, and cinematography all help bring some truly breathtaking scenes to life.

Hellboy compares favorably with the X-MEN and Spiderman franchises while putting misses like the Hulk and Daredevil to shame. Extreme fantasy like this only works if the human element is truly believable and the relationships draw you in and make you care about the characters. In this critical aspect, Hellboy succeeds brilliantly where so many others have failed.
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The Postman (1997)
One of Costner's best
30 June 2004
This is one of Costner's best efforts. I've seen this movie quite a few times and it gets better every time I see it. People who love this movie find it difficult to understand why some are so critical of it. I liked Waterworld, too, which makes me think that it's a lack of imagination that makes some people unable to appreciate movies like this. A lot of the criticism amounts to "it doesn't make any sense." As with any fiction, you need to approach it with a willing suspension of disbelief.

This movie does something that few manage to pull off: it has a message and it's entertaining. The story is about populism overcoming militant authoritarianism, of hope and the desire for peace triumphing over war and violence. The strongest aspect of this film is its story, which is entertaining and frequently thrilling. Like "Waterworld" it is essentially a quest for something that may be impossible to reach, something both elusive and of world-changing importance. Costner must overcome impossible odds, defeat a powerful enemy, and in the process evolves from self-centered loner to heroic leader.

The film isn't perfect, but its flaws are small and have mostly to do with uneven pacing and some minor plot inconsistencies. These are easily overlooked and far outweighed by the film's strengths. After the wonderful story, the acting in this film is its greatest strength. It is filled with likable and memorable characters, and the leads are perfectly cast.

People have also criticized it for being overly long, which is a complaint that seems to be heard about every movie ever made that was over 120 minutes long. This is a meaningless criticism. If you like the movie the fact that it's three hours long is a good thing.

Although it's set in the near future, it doesn't have the sort of extreme premise that a lot of sci-fi movies do. Even those who aren't fans of sci-fi/fantasy should find this film both accessible and enjoyable.
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Good Brosnan vehicle
8 December 2003
This is a good vehicle for Brosnan to show off the debonair flair that makes him such an excellent James Bond. It's an interesting caper flick that keeps you guessing right up to the end. Renee Russo is convincing as a hot-shot insurance investigator, but as a love interest for Brosnan's Thomas Crown, not so much. I think this movie would have been much better with someone like Catherine Zeta Jones or Sophie Marceau opposite Brosnan.
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