3 Reviews
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Troy (2004)
An Enjoyable and Exciting film
6 February 2009
I've seen Troy 3 times now; I watch films more than once often but only if they are truly worth it. Troy, for me, is worth it.

If you like bulging muscles, tanned men, beautiful women, naked Brad Pitts, visually stunning scenery, amazing battle scenes, excellent stunts, some great acting, tear jerking moments, doe-eyed Orlando Blooms and Greek mythology then I would recommend this film for you.

Don't expect it to follow the history or myth perfectly, this NEVER (well, very rarely) happens, and it never fails to gall me when people expect a perfect adaptation of a book/story/etc every time. Stop doing it. You are bound to be disappointed.

I would mark Troy down though, because many of the actors attempted shoddy British accents, frankly - being British myself - I would rather they just did American cos they generally are really poor. But this is a minor issue really.

Brad Pitt steals this film for me. He really makes you relate to Achilles and pity him. I was really routing for him throughout the film. He portrays the anger and pain Achilles is obviously feeling excellently and I wouldn't change anything about his performance.

Orlando Bloom is a worthy addition to the cast but he doesn't really do much for the film as a whole as his scenes are short and he plays the character that everyone automatically dislikes; Paris. At the end he really comes through, and although you kind of hate him for what he does (you'll see what I mean) you begin to admire him.

There are some tear jerking moments so if you - like myself - cry at films a lot I would keep the tissue box nearby!

I can understand why Troy is not a 5 * film, but overall I think it's a really enjoyable film and worth watching!
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Twilight (I) (2008)
A really good teen film and a decent adaptation of the book.
19 December 2008
I'm pretty hard to please when it comes to book adaptations; especially adaptations of books I love such as Twilight, so I went into the cinema full of anticipation but knowing full well that I could leave disappointed. I didn't. I was pleased and impressed with the casting and acting, though it's clear that as the film went on some of the actors settled better into their roles (Robert Pattinson being one of those; though he was a good Edward all the way through, there were times were he was a little TOO dark!). The scenery was fantastic and beautiful, and the writing stayed true to the book and they didn't really skip anything that important. All the iconic scenes were there (at which some of the younger and more irritating fan girls screamed, giggled and 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at.. though I have to say, that's one of the few things I can actually complain about), and some of the dialogue was lifted straight from Stephenie Meyer's well loved pages.

Some people are going into the cinema and what exactly are they expecting? They know it's a teen vampire romance flick, so why are they leaving saying 'ahh there's vampires and TEENAGERS in this film, how would that ever happen?!'. You all know the plot line, you know it's a bit of light hearted fun for teenagers (or older!) with action carefully mixed in here and there.

Overall I'd say Catherine Hardwicke did a good job though some of the camera work (where it pans around and upside down and vertically, etc) did make me feel sick - though this may be the effect of the big screen; I'll have to wait for the DVD to see whether this is the case!

Look out for the baseball scene, most of the high school scenes, the scenes with Bella and her father (Charlie), and the meadow scene, I'd say they're some of the highlights! (Of course anything with the gorgeous Robert Pattinson in is definitely a highlight!)

Can't wait for New Moon!
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Wild Child (2008)
Good Teen Fun
20 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While this film won't be winning any prizes for being particularly deep and probably won't make you rethink your outlook on life, it's still good fun. There's some promising new talent, good laughs and sweet lines in this delightfully cheesy romantic comedy.

It's about a stereotypical Malibu Princess who annoys her father one too many times, resulting in her being sent away to an English Boarding school (much to her horror - the rain, the rain!). The film pretty much centers around her trying to get expelled from the school, and therefore sent back to LA with her father and sister. The film is about her journey from spoilt brat to English Boarding school-girl.

If you're into Rom Coms and you're between 12 & 19 years of age I would definitely recommend this one for a good night in with the girls.

+ there's some magnificent Alex Pettyfer moments ;)

JUST WANT TO ADD - That there have been many complaints (mostly from British girls - of which I am) about the way British girls are portrayed in this film, but please rethink this and look at how Americans are treated! Our main character starts as a lying, self obsessed and vain brat and her best friend Ruby (American) proceeds to steal her boyfriend and backstab her! So you British girls who saw fit to complain - don't. This is only light-hearted fun, and Americans are treated far worse!
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