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Very touching and informative. This film is quated in several history book
7 April 2022
This is the best film about the Nakba, the expulsions an massacres that committed in Palestine by the Israelis in 1948.

Now there are more and more evidence about the atrocities the Israelis committed in 1948, based on their own documents, as shown in the Sons of Eilaboun, and based on oral history.

Historians are using the film as an oral history source: Contending Nakba-denial: The Role of Oral and Visual Testimonies by Una McGahern The book An Oral History of the Palestinian Nakba and A Jewish case for Palestinian refugee return by Peter Beinart.

The film is really touching and many people that watch it end it with tears in their eyes.
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This is an insult to Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
4 January 2010
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking is an insult to Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

This film is a very bad serial killer film, and have nothing to do with Sherlock Holmes, actually it is an insult to Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and to the viewers! The story is week, and predictable. The characters are nothing like the original characters. In the film Sherlock Holmes smokes cigarettes and not a pipe, and have a problem to solve a case that a monkey solves. A woman psychiatrist in the time of the film is another joke!

This film is a real waist of time.
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Free Zone (2005)
28 May 2009
When I saw the beginning of the film begins with more than 10 minutes of Natalie crying in a passenger seat, while nothing is happening, I knew this film will be a very boring film, but I kept watching it, and I made a mistake! The film is a 15 minutes film dragged into 90 minute film, when most of the time nothing is happening, it is not that the film is slow, just things don't move, beside the car they are driving. The director did a very good job of annoying me, he just made a joke of the middle east conflict with a shallow, meaning less story. I am a big fan of art movies, and I am not a Hollywood movie fan, but this Free Zone is not an art movie, and even it is not a Hollywood movie. What I don't understand is how can this film win any awards and even be nominated, especially in Cannes Film Festival. Was the actors so bad in that year that Hana Laszlo won the best Best Actress in Cannes Film Festival? For half of the film she was driving with no expressions or dialog, and even when she spoke she was not convincing. All the actors beside Makram Khoury and Natalie Portman (she was not brilliant) were really bad! But I would say the worst of them all is the director, I did not see any other film he did, but if all his films are like this one, then he should start doing something else!

Sorry if my English is not perfect!
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Geographical and historical ignorance
10 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The film is OK, but it displays Palestine (Israel) as a desert, and this is totally ridicules. I lived in this place for 33 years, and the location of the last battle "Battle of Hattin" happened near Nazareth my home town, and not far from the see of Galilee. First of all Jerusalem is not in a desert, the mountain were Jesus was crucified is called in Arabic the mountain of Olives. but in the film it have no trees at all. In the film the Crusades lost the battle "Battle of Hattin" because they traveled between Jerusalem and Damascus to meet Saladin, and lost the battle because the lack of water in the desert. well there is no desert in this area, and it is full of springs and small rivers. they lost because Saladin had a better army and a better leadership. In the film the Europeans are shown as superior to the Arabs, in History it is well know that the Arabs were superior (culturally and more civilized) and they don't need a European blacksmith's help to dig water, because they had better technologies and the water flows all around. Nazareth, Jerusalem or any part of center to north Palestine is not a desert, and it is agriculture green land. in Short showing a desert in this film is a Joke, because it is more than 100 Km away (about 70 miles) from any event that happened in the film And the big joke in my eye, beside the Geographical and historical ignorance of the film and the filmmakers, is the blacksmith that turned to a great leader, and a general in a very short time.

Just look for images in the internet to see your self
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Syriana (2005)
Yet still they avoid the "Israel" question.
4 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I will write what Robert Fisk said a bout this movie: Syriana, Clooney's epic of the oil trade which combines suicide bombers, maverick CIA agents (one of them played by Clooney himself), feuding Middle East Arab potentates - one of whom wants real democracy and wealth for his people and control of his own country's resources - along with a slew of disreputable businessmen and east coast lawyers. The CIA eventually assassinates the Arab prince who wants to take control of his own country's oil (so much for democracy) - this is accomplished with a pilotless aerial bomb guided by men in a room in Virginia - while a Pakistani fired from his job in the oil fields because an American conglomerate has downsized for its shareholders' profits destroys one of the company's tankers in a suicide attack.

"People seem less afraid now," Clooney told an interviewer in Entertainment magazine. "Lots of people are starting to ask questions. It's becoming hard to avoid the questions." Of course, these questions are being asked because of America's more than 2,000 fatalities in Iraq rather than out of compassion for Iraq's tens of thousands of fatalities. They are being pondered because the whole illegal invasion of Iraq is ending in calamity rather than success.

Yet still they avoid the "Israel" question. The Arab princes in Syriana - who in real life would be obsessed with the occupation of the West Bank - do not murmur a word about Israel. The Arab al-Qa'ida operative who persuades the young Pakistani to attack an oil tanker makes no reference to Israel - as every one of bin Laden's acolytes assuredly would. It was instructive that Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 did not mention Israel once.
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The movie have its moments, but they are very short ones.
7 December 2004
During the first part I was impressed, I thought this movie is deep look at the relationship between a man and his wife, a deep look and analysis of a relation ship. I did not mined the erotic part, it was unnecessary but unfortunately it is used as a gimmick to market the movie!!

but after the first part, when he (Kruz)goes out and start an adventure that does nor make since, and not connected to the start on the movie (the only connection is Sex), with stupid events and characters, and a dragged plot. I just wanted the film to end and leave the theater!!

the movie have its moments, but they are very short ones.

I accepted more from with out the Stanley Kubrick, this movie cannot be compared to his master work "A Clockwork Orange" or not even to "2001: A Space Odyssey " which have a great start and end, and in the middle it loses its aim.
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This movie should be a short movie Maximum 30 min.
12 November 2004
As I read in another User Comment, this movie is based on a 1969 short story by Brian Aldiss, and it should be short, but Spielberg stretched it and made it a 146 min. the story is great but the movie disappointing. it starts good, the first part was good, emotional ( a bit shallow, but at least he tried) and makes you want to see what will happen next, but this did not last long (only a small part of the film), after this the movie terns to technical showoff full off effects with almost no story, the events are slow and meaning less, Spielberg destroyed the story by showing us computer animations and effects.

This movie should be a short movie Maximum 30 min.
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Atomic Train (1999)
don't bother watching it
10 November 2004
I don't believe someone would produce a catastrophe like this, I couldn't continue watching it.

one can produce the same story with less than half the time, and with better actors, OK this is a TV production I can accept the terrible acting. The plot is full of gaps. The behavior of people is not logical. I mean come on how can they make stopping a train an impossible mission? too stupid!! How can one smuggle an atom bomb so easily?

This movie is an insult for the human mind!! don't wast your time, this thing is a real catastrophe.
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Attila (2001)
Attila was a barbaric brutal leader, and not a good looking gentleman
12 February 2004
Attila was a barbaric brutal leader, and not a good looking gentleman

If the character was not historical, I would say the miniseries is ok, not good but just good entertainment. but come on, how can the director present Attila the barbaric brutal leader as a good looking gentleman? this is an insult to humanity! I am used to see Christians in the American movies as evil, but to see this and to see Attila as good looking gentleman!!!!! and what about Historic fact, Attila's death, the way he killed his brother or that Attila was finally overawed by Pope Leo. it is a typical anti Christians movie hiding behind false history!!
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This is not a movie, this is a bad joke!
21 December 2002
This is not a movie, this is a bad joke!

this Joke is full of annoying and stupid mistakes, like a cobra snake in Israel, and many more!

I did not see such a joke before in my life
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