3 Reviews
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And Here We GO!
16 July 2009
After Months of anticipation waiting for this film it finally arrived last year. Little did i know that i would walk into that cinema thinking 'this is gonna be good' that i would come out thinking 'WOW, BEST FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN!'. Now a year down the line i still can't get over how good this film actually is. A masterpiece, a work of art, i have no negative feedback for this film. Sequel to the excellent Batman Begins finally we have a batman portrayed the way it he was meant to be hence the title.

First we had Michael Keaton who was a very good Batman/ Bruce Wayne. Then we had Val Kilmer who was to put it quite simply, atrocious. Then George Clooney who, as good an actor as he is, was only hired as batman for the ladies and could not pull it off at all. Now we have Christian Bale. Without a shadow of a doubt Bale is by far the best we have had. I've been a fan of his since i saw the film 'Equilibrium'. His portrayal of Bruce Wayne/ Batman is unmatchable. The message of the character is portrayed brilliantly the feeling of what do i have to do? what makes a hero? Bale is vastly being recognised as one of the finest actors of this generation and rightly so.

Now, much hype and anticipation surrounded the undisputed king of villain's return to the big screen and rightly so. The Joker is back and better than ever has been or ever will be. Jack Nicholson did an excellent job as the joker but is ultimately outplayed by Heath Ledger R.I.P. Rightfully deserved the Oscar, if he didn't win it there would have been uproar. Heath's Portrayal is Genius, psychotic, frightening and much much more. The perfect end to a career that was unfortunately cut short. He delivers some of the best lines i think i've ever heard in cinema, his last line in the film is by far the best. His legend will live on.

Aaron Eckhart delivers a perfect performance as Harvey Dent Aka Harvey Two-Face. He demonstrates perfectly the effects the joker can have on people in his dramatic switch from gtham's white knight to a falen hero very well done.

As a huge fan of Gary Oldman all i can say is he is superb in every role he plays and as he portrays Jim Gordon he is exceptional yet again. Gordon takes a much more active role in this film and it works very well. Michael Cane is once again brilliant as Alfred, serious with the perfect amount of light humour mixed into it. He also delivers one of the best lines of the film. Morgan Freeman also delivers an excellent performance as always. I was edgy when i heard about Maggie Gyllenhaal replacing Katie Holmes but she steps up to the role superbly.

I just want to express all my thanks to Christopher Nolan for blessing us with this masterpiece. he manages to maintain a realism over the film which just adds to the audiences appreciation. If you haven't seen this film, don't rent it, BUY IT! You will want to watch it over and over again.
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Hellboy (2004)
Im sorry, you say this is a film?
16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, let me start off by asking... Can i have those few hours of my life back please? I wasn't all that fussed when this film came out at the cinemas so after 5 years of not being bothered and someone i know hounding me to watch it, i decided to go against my better judgement and borrow it. Terrible mistake. In all fairness the opening to the film was good and i thought to myself 'i may have been wrong' but it was all downhill from there. We're just thrown right into the middle of a story. Nothing is explained about the relationship between Hellboy and Liz, or at least it isn't explained very well. There was a pointless thing between Liz and Myers (seriously what was the point of it?) and finally whats with the fish thing?

Lets move on the the acting. There was none basically. The Script horrific to say the best, very cheap humour, a VERY cheesy love scene at the end which made me want to throw up. Horrendous in every way possible.

The one star i have given this film is for actually making it to the cinema because how it did is beyond me. One of the worse films i have seen since Spider-man 3 (and we all know how good Spider-man 3 is).

It's very rare that i don't enjoy a sci-fi action movie and it's even rarer that i tell people to avoid seeing a film but unfortunately this is the case, so... Do NOT watch this film, i wouldn't waste a penny on it!!!!!
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The Films Could Have Been Great
15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Why is it that they can't make a half decent Harry Potter film? You'd think that with the excellent cast (minus a few which i wont name, yet it is obvious who i mean) and the money they have they'd make brilliant movies but instead they have made 'cheesy' piles of crap which miss out so many important things from the books. As a huge fan of the books i was expecting to see, at least, the story to follow the book well and for the films to be, like the author intended, the films to be dark and to be aimed at adults as well as children. Sadly however this is not the case.

This film looked very good on the adverts and i went in expecting it to be so. But all the film was, was cheesy love scenes and a very rushed, very NON-DRAMATIC ENDING!

I find myself hoping that these films are re-made in the not too distant future and that they are much darker and follow the book well. So anyone looking to watch this film who hasn't read the books, read them and see what i'm on about.
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