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I ragazzi del muretto: Un gran casino (1993)
Season 2, Episode 4
Last morning in Rome!
15 September 2022
My wife and I did a 12 day European tour that included London, Paris, Lucern, Andermatt, Como, Venice, Florence, and Rome. I took advantage of watching television programs the little time we spent in our rooms beyond sleeping. Our last morning in Italy while packing, this show was on and this was the episode. I am semifluent in Spanish and Italian with more knowledge of Spanish. I understood some of it and liked it more for being a 90's type of show and of course for being in Italian. Nonetheless, it was fun to watch. I wish we received European programs in the States. I will have fun memories of our time in in Europe (September 2 through the 14 of this year).
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Class Clowns (1992 TV Movie)
Blast from the past
18 August 2022
Wow! I remember watching this thirty years ago, although if it wasn't for IMDb having the air date for this program, I would have placed it somewhere around 1990 or 1991. Close enough! I enjoyed the special, especially the segment that had Howie Mandel. The other segments were okay, but dry compared to Howie's segment. He had me cracking up. There was this scene where he was making jokes (all in good humor/taste) with this girl's hair and he said "Look! I'm teasing her hair!" a play on the act of teasing hair. I see that Aptow was a writer, which looking back somehow please me, but of course back then I would not/could not have known who he was.
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Remote Control: Episode #1.1 (1987)
Season 1, Episode 1
Wow! First Review!
23 December 2021
I remember watching this show back in the day. It's now been something like 34 years or so. Looking back it seemed like it was on MTV for a couple of years, but I see on IMDb that there were only 19 episodes. I saw an episode on YouTube today and that took me back in time. I was surprise to see ColIn Quinn was on this show, as I didn't really know who he was back when this showed aired. I was also surprised to see that Ken Ober has since passed away, dying in 2009.

At the time, I loved the show, but looking at it from 2021, I just reminded me of how remote the 1980's are to us, especially in the technology of the gadgets they were giving away.

It was a fun show, but way back then, it never escaped me that then how much MTV was moving away from videos and moving into things like a game show, to fill their airwaves. Thus, I was glad when VH1 came along. I loved the original MTV VJ's and had a crush on Martha Quinn (what male didn't?). Well, maybe someday someone will read this and I apologize now for the long review, lol.
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First time seeing Jerry Seinfeld
27 September 2020
I saw this when it aired on TV. I was impressed with Jerry Seinfeld. Soon afterwards, when his show Seinfeld was being advertised for the new fall lineup of shows, I knew who he was and knew I would like the show very much.
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Christmas Perfection (2018 TV Movie)
14 November 2019
So, most of these movies in this Christmas genre tend to be too silly and not to my liking. This may have to be more with being low budgeted and quickly made. Lifetime alone can now show several movies a day without showing the same one twice. So, this movie is both silly and far fetching to say the least, however, I was sucked in and I must say, I did enjoy it. As a man, eye candy is always appreciated and Caitlin Thompson was adorable! Making it an Irish Christmas town added to it's charm. I grew up watching It's A Wonderful Life and there is an element of that in this story. Also, elements of Groundhog Day show up as well. But, that's okay. I hope you can enjoy this movie as much as I did. Merry Christmas!!!
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A Time for Miracles (1980 TV Movie)
A wonderful movie for the Christmas holiday!
23 December 2018
Last year, I came home from a twelve hour shift and found my wife watching this movie on DVD. I watched the remainder of the film with her and then the next day watched it in its entirety. I watched again this evening and guess it will be fun to watch each year. The movie is a great movie for Catholics (and others too I suppose). It tells the story of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton whose insístance on giving free education to the poor and needy in lieu of to only the wealthy made her dear and wise in her own time and her Charity spreader to other states. She was the widowed mother of five children after her wealthy husband died of consumption, now known a terburculosis, or TB. She went from being rich to suddenly without income and debt. While taking her ailing husband to Italy became in awe of Catholicism and used her new fairh to help children in need. She started a religious order and used love to help all children in her care. A great cast with Kate Mulgrew as Elizabeth Seaton and supporting roles played by John Forsythe and Lorne Greene, give this made for TV movie some credentials.
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Party of Five: Something Out of Nothing (1994)
Season 1, Episode 9
A great show
17 December 2018
I have been watching this show on Sundays (I can't do the whole binge watching without loosing interest in a show). So, I watch TV the old fashion way. I catch these shows on Netflix.

Party of Five was a show I never gave time to back when it aired as I was my twenties and did not watch a whole lot of TV back then. School, work and friends kept me occupied. I was aware of the show. Knew it was well received each week.

Now, I am watching it and each episode is new to me. I look forward to seeing an episode each Sunday.

This episode was okay. I found the Greer character a little far-fetched. But, that's okay. The show is about each character learning, growing and developing. So, the kids learn and move on.
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That Girl: Eleven Angry Men and That Girl (1968)
Season 3, Episode 3
Great show!
14 October 2018
My wife and I just got done watching this episode. We enjoyed it a lot. The title is easily recognized from the play/movie, so you knew Ann Marie would be doing Jury Duty. Probably would have been funnier if they some how could have had Ann's father making a scene in the court room. But, still fun to watch nonetheless.

We watch the episodes once a week and up until leap year, we were watching the episodes fifty years to the day they originally aired. We call it TGT, or That Girl Thursday as the origibal episode from first episode in 1966 up through February of 1968 were on Thursday as were 2016 through February 2018. Anyway, because of leap year, the day is off, but we still try to watch them on Thursdays, save this week our power was off, tonight was the night. It was another great show. We both adore Marlo Thomas in this show. Well, that's all for now. Must get ready for bed.
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Mad Men (2007–2015)
Excellent show!
27 July 2018
The attention to detail is excellent. The acting is great. The story lines are phenomenal. My only regret is that it took me eleven years to get around to watching it.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Science and action!!!
17 July 2018
I saw this movie earlier this evening and I was empressed. The movie mixes in some science with action and the two big stars, Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman, are great. Analeigh Tipton's brief part was a scene stealer all the way. A great movie to watch on a Monday night.
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Not a bad movie
5 July 2018
I enjoyed the movie despite its historical inaccuracies, and okay action but that is what I expect and enjoy in old Hollywood movies especially when they were made in color. This movie caught my eye when I saw that it was a Robert Stack movie. Always an imposing figure. And then the added benefit of seeing the lovely Marisa Paven in color! She was Italian, so I must say, Che Bella Donna! Molto bene per me a guadarla a lei. (That is if my Italian is any good?!?). So, while my wife found it boring and quickly gave up on it, I found its slow pace with vivid color a welcome.
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Monte Carlo (2011)
A good old fashion clean movie!
25 May 2018
I love this movie. It reminds me so much of the old travel movies that I am sure the director, like me, grew up watching. It's a great movie and a guilty pleasure of mine to watch. So many movies out there deal with sex and profanity that when a movie like this comes along it is very refreshing. The music is great as are the location settings. The actors all do wonderful jobs. I've read the complaints and I think this movies stands well on it's own despite it's simplicity.
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