
16 Reviews
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A Roller-coaster ride of kung fu and drama!
12 October 2014
Just enjoyed the World Premiere of Kung Fu Jungle, it really is a return to form for Donnie. It was well directed and edited, so Teddy Chen is on form too! All the supporting cast helped to make this entertaining, inbetween the brutal action, so the story rolled along nicely and the 100 minute run time was over before I knew it! I'm really looking forward to getting the DVD so I can rewind those epic battles! Also enjoyed the q&a at the end with Donnie, his on screen partner, Michelle Bai (who is lovely) and the director, Teddy Chen. There is also a great number of old school faces to look out for, including a couple of unexpected ones! Wang Bao-Qiang was great in his role, definitely one to watch!

Undoubtedly one of my favourites of recent months, even years!
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Sandler on Form!
10 March 2012
Just finished watching this one and I can honestly say (despite all the lies in the movie!!) that I haven't enjoyed a movie so much in ages. I was laughing out loud on several occasions! Not since "The Hangover" have I laughed out loud so much. Some cracking moments. Yes, of course the storyline is nuts, but when it's written and acted so well, who cares! Sandler was at his best ("Wedding Singer" standard) and Jennifer Aniston was wonderful! The rest of the cast all played their parts well too, but it's the scenes between Sandler & Aniston that I enjoyed the most. A most enjoyable movie that I'm sure I will return to again sometime, without hesitation!!
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One of the Greats!
24 February 2003
What can I say that hasn't already been said? It is a great film. The plot IS there, it's funny, gripping and thrilling. It's well written and well acted. This one is definitely in my top 100 (in no particular order!!). It also has a suprising cameo from Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, he's an ugly geezer! (Sorry Jet, just in case he knows where I live!).
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The Mask (1994)
P.A.R.T.Y. coz ya gotta!
24 February 2003
This is a great movie that does exactly what it should, makes you laugh. Heck, even my Mum & Dad enjoyed this one. It's got something for everyone. I'm a big fan of Jim Carrey, he's an entertainer, pure & simple. The film as a whole stands the test of time, the SFX still enhance the film even if it is nearly 10 years old now! Also, the moment where Cameron Diaz makes her entry is Cinema gold! She looks gorgeous! See this movie today!
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Like a glove!!
24 February 2003
JC rocks, it may have been his first starring role, but you wouldn't be able to tell as he takes his chance and flows like a pro. There aren't many films out there I can watch over & over (the ones I can, usually have the other JC in them), but this one I can view time & time again and not get bored. It's side splittingly funny! It was never gonna win an Oscar, but it does what it's supposed to, It makes you laugh!
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Crossroads (1986)
Blues Rocks!
24 February 2003
Ever since the BS film Crossroads came out and jogged a distant memory of a film with the same name I've been trying to find this little gem to show my wife. I haven't seen it in years, but I remember watching it over and over thinking "wish I could play like that". It always made me think it's Karate Kid with a guitar (but that's no bad thing!). I'd love to see it again, I think it's one of those little known classics.
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The Tuxedo (2002)
It's a JC movie!
12 January 2003
Since 1986 I have been watching (& watching!) Jackie Chan movies at every possible moment! I have collected every (I think) film he's made/appeared in since 1970. I love all of them. Some of them are pretty naff but I still find something to enjoy about them. Now, The Tuxedo, there were high expectations which unfortunately are not quite met. But it doesn't stop this film from being entertaining. Just leave the brain at home. JC has never really tried to make Oscar winning movies. He just wants to entertain. So stop panning this movie unless you have something genuine to say. JC is 49 years old this year (still fitter than this 31 year old writer!!), can you really expect him to be putting his body through the same punishment he was 10 or 20 years ago? No, is the simple answer, so what if there's a little camera trickery and CPU effects to enhance the film. JC's just out to make movies and entertain and Tuxedo does what it says on the tin! Lets face it, JC made films in the 70's which totally bombed at the box office, but are now considered classics. So all you negative critics may just be helping make this another classic!!!!!
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Yuen Biao Rocks
7 January 2003
I've been a fan of YB for as long as I have JC, it's hard to believe he's never quite "made it" in the same way as JC & SH. In my opinion he's as good at fighting , acrobatics and stunts as JC & SH put together and that's saying something. I'm a huge fan of JC & SH. This movie is perfect for Yuen. He's able to shine in his own right with some unbelievable moments of genius! SEE IT NOW!
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"Who's badder than the Shogun?" "Bruce Leeroy, that's who!"
7 January 2003
This is a great fun film, with some great moments. It's got a fab soundtrack, lots of bright colours and a script that makes you laugh out loud. On top of that, it's a great action movie, with some of the best fights ever made in the USA at that time! SEE IT NOW! "I've mastered the art of fighting, without knowing how to fight!"
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A Little Known Masterpiece!
7 January 2003
This is another great movie I had the good fortune to see for the first time on the big screen (thanks to Rick Baker et al). Back in the late 80's I was a relative newcomer to the genre and only really knew about the big three JC, SH & YB. I wasn't sure what to expect when I paid my hard earned money to see this in a "Triple bill of Classics" at the old Scala. I need not have worried, I was left breathless by this movie. If you're a fan of Hong Kong Action / Kung Fu movies and haven't seen this movie, do so NOW!

I recently watched this movie again, bit of a nostalgia weekend (May 2011), and was blown away all over again. Really is a top notch Kung Fu movie, they don't get much better! I'm pretty sure I will not be leaving it quite so long before it gets another viewing!
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6 January 2003
I like this film! It's not the greatest of movies to come out of HK, but it's fun and fast, with an edge! I also had the good luck to be in HK for the millenium celebrations when this movie was showing, so I saw it on the big screen in the heart of HK, so maybe that atmosphere made the movie better in my memory. I'd love to see it again if anyone knows where I can get a copy!
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Hard Boiled (1992)
Mad as a Hatter!
6 January 2003
23rd April 1992, the first day of my long awaited holiday to Hong Kong. I'm alone, 1000's of miles from home, very tired after the long flight. What should I do, go to my nice huge hotel bed, heck no, Cinema here I come. Hard Boiled is the movie I choose to see, I enjoyed The Killer so why not. Two hours later I was wide awake! What a MAD film, I need more! The bed won the arguement this time, but I'm glad that this was the first movie I ever saw in a Hong Kong cinema, it was everything I expected and more. This is another MUST SEE movie.
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They've taken the words right outta my mouth!
6 January 2003
What can I add that the previous comments haven't already said. This is a great film and the Light Sabre duel Star Wars tribute has to be seen to be believed!! There are moments of genius throughout this movie, if you can, SEE IT NOW! Thanks again to Rick Baker who gave me this movie many years ago!
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Crazy Brilliant!
30 December 2002
It's a crazy movie, but awesome all the same. It's an incredibly visual story. The first time I saw it was a Cantonese version with no subtitles, but I still followed the whole story. The humour is also very visual and very funny! However, the stand out moment, ignoring the awesome battles running through the film, has to be Yuen Biao's flip from the top of a burning building. If you watch this film for no other reason, you have to see one of the greatest stunts ever committed to celluloid. Simple yet MAD! For fight fans there's the added bonus of seeing some of the all time greats of Far East Cinema battle it out on screen! SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!
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30 December 2002
This movie is awesome, it's another one that takes my breathe away every time I see it! The action just flows, Sammo has never looked fitter, even as a kid he wasn't this slim! Yuen Biao shows why at one time no one could touch him in the acrobatic action. Again, I'm a little biased with this film as the first time I saw it was my first experience of Hong Kong action on the Big Screen (happy days at the Scala, Kings Cross, Thank you Rick Baker et al). From the very start, when the late, great Lam Ching Ying (RIP, he went too early) scales the Flag Pole to the final slow zoom out hillside shot this film will hold you to your seat (unless you hate action). It's an action film fan treat all the way. SEE THIS MOVIE NOW! (preferably in subtitled form as some humour gets lost in translation!!)
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Police Story (1985)
29 December 2002
A winters day, 28th December 1986, two bored 14 year olds hire a movie. "Hmmmm, Police Story, looks interesting", "who is this Jackie Chan?", "never heard of him". Two hours later after watching the film, in a daze, we wanted to know more. 16 years later (and severely out of pocket from collecting JC movies!) the film still grabs me like no other. Ok, maybe I have a soft spot for it as it was my "first" (Cannonball Run doesn't count!!) JC movie, but it is an excellent movie. It has all the classic JC elements, Action, Humour, Action, Heart and ACTION! Some comments say it's dated, it was made in 1985, of course it's dated! But then so must Jaws, Casablanca, Singin' in the Rain and The Godfather!!!!!! Without movies like Police Story where would Hollywood action be today? PS set standards, many a scene has been stolen for use in other movies. To really fully appreciate it you must see it in widescreen, you miss so much of the movie otherwise (yes, he really does fall off the bus going round the corner!). If you haven't already, SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!!!!
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