3 Reviews
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The King (2005)
I rented it years ago only because I love Gael Garcia Bernal
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It has elements of Greek tragedy and religious archetypes.

Bernal plays the Devil/Satan. His mother, a prostitute, died young. He is cast out of Heaven into Hell, like Lucifer.

Hurt is the archetypal Father of Satan. His wife is rightfully pissed when she finds out her devout minister of Christ, fathered the demon child of a prostitute. Inevitably, she tries to kill herself when Satan kills her Son.

Satan seduces the Daughter, kills the Son, like another who was killed for His Father.

Bernal confesses to his Father's daughter that he killed her brother; she does not react but inevitably sides with Satan.

Hurt loses his Son, takes his other Son into the family home, never telling his daughter that he is her brother.

Inevitably the daughter confesses to mother about sleeping with her demonic brother, inevitably pregnant with Satan's seed.

Satan sees this, kills them both and burns them up as offerings to his subterranean Kingdom.

Inevitably he goes to Father and tells him He needs to be right with God, in this case, the Father of Satan.

I can only guess that Bernal then kills his Father who cast him out.

This movie is purely archetypal and a retelling of the Hades/Persephone myth. Inevitably, Hades got his wife and she says to him: We are both going to Hell.

And that was the point.
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Leap Year (2010)
You people need to get a sense of humour.
18 March 2021
I love Amy Adams and Matthew Goode, so of course I loved this movie. It is not a documentary so I didn't expect it to be 100% real life. I liked all the absurd things that happened to Amy. There were about 100 ridiculous things she went through in this film and most made me laugh. She played roughly the exact same character in Enchanted. So, think of this movie as Enchanted in Eire.
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Blackstone (2009–2015)
This series is about as real as it gets in talking about life on Reserves in Canada
12 June 2019
I tried watching this years ago on cable TV but I found it too cartoonish, too violent, too black and white in its portrayal of Aboriginals on modern day Reserves. Recently I caught it from the Pilot and have watched 14 episodes so far. Now I understand it. You have to watch it from the beginning to understand who are the good guys and bad guys. I hated Andy Fraser before as he is just pure evil, Satan incarnate. But now? I love him. When you watch any movie or TV series, if it does not have a good antagonist then it will fail. You need someone truly bad to contrast with the good characters, the angels if you will. I am addicted to this program. I have not missed an episode. I am invested in these characters. Andy is the only truly bad character. Even his co-conspirators are not as bad as he is. Life as an aboriginal in North America has always been a nightmare and like a horror movie for others who have not seen or heard what that group has been through. This series handles that aspect of Native life very well. There is lots of darkness and bad things happen all the time, but these people still survive, scarred and defeated, but they get back up again because that is all they can do.
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