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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Brilliant fun!
24 July 2010
Seinfeld, Friends and Frazier ended their legendary run and How I Met Your Mother started theirs, the show has originality which is something the sitcoms have needed since the great three ended and this is one of the greatest sitcom cast i have seen in a while Neil Patrick Harris is hilarious as Barney Stinson, NPH, Alysan Hanningan and Jason Segal are not new to the business and know how to make people laugh their ass off but the virtually unknown Josh Radnor and Cobie Smolders are the ones who i really like have the most challenging job in the show .

Obviously the guy who has the most entertaining material to work with is NPH, his job is being an obnoxious womanizer that things the world goes around him(The Best Job In The World?). How I Met Your Mother is one of the most hilarious and sharpest show on TV right now and will hopefully be for a long time. It's not all comedy it has a bit of a story. It's not about nothing like the other legendary shows, this one has a goal to reach and if something it makes it more entertaining, LEGEN...wait for it......DARY!!!!!!!
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Michael C. Hall's best work!
24 July 2010
Comedy, drama, horror can you ask for anything more? Dexter is a fantastic show which takes a different way than other series, We actually follow the serial killer, feel bad for him, hope his next kill will be successfully and hope he will never get caught.

Michael C. Hall is an artist, he portrays this maniac so perfectly it's unbelievable, the character from the book just come to life and i will never get over it why he isn't winning every single award he's up for. The rest of the cast are up and down, most have them bring confident performances, others fail but i have never let that stop me enjoying this brilliant show which brings something new in every episode.

Also the fact that the seasons are so different and there is very little of the show repeating itself, i think that it is one of the pros of making a show after a book. Dexter is a show everyone should enjoy even if you aren't into serial killer shows because this show is so much more than just another slasher show and also i believe the fans of the book will not be disappointed with this show.
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Friends (1994–2004)
My friends forever!
24 July 2010
Greatest sitcom and just TV series in the universe pure and simple Friends had the best cast, the best writers and the best fans. The cast is the greatest ever, Matthew Perry, Courtney Cox, Jennifer Anniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc and David Schwimmer could you ask for a better cast, of course we can't forget about Gunther, the acting was always solid, brilliant and hilarious. Over 10 seasons of material 238 shows and I can't find one bad performance from anyone in the main cast or the extras, that's because Friends was a quality show who did nothing half way, they always gave the audience 100% of them self's and that's why Friends is the greatest show on earth.

Most of the time the comedy was smart and edgy, often crude and immature, everyone loved friends because there was something for everyone. Show about nothing, just six friends hanging around going through life together, slipping up, making mistakes and finding their purpose. The writers David Crane and Martha Kauffman are my heroes for creating the greatest sitcom ever made and it's going to be a long time until a sitcom is made who had as much effect on as many people like Friends did and is still doing.
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Brilliant TV!
24 July 2010
Chuck is a breath of fresh air in a way, filled with colorful characters to say the least and jam packed with action. The cast is brilliant and the acting is top notch the whole cast delivers strong performances every time but my favorite is Adam Baldwin(not one of the Baldwin brothers)who plays the grumpy Agent John Casey also Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski who i had never seen before in my life have done a fantastic job and deserve a lot of credit.

Smart, Sexy, action packed and filled with drama is just what a television show needs to success and this show has it all and more also of course smart writers are needed which this show has a load of$, Chris Fedak and Josh Schwartz are the main writers but these guys were virtually unknown before Chuck and in my opinion Chuck should be getting a lot more recondition for the work they do. To sum it up Chuck is a fantastic television program that anyone can easily enjoy.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Brilliant idea......
24 July 2010
I didn't watch the first season when it came out on NBC and was hesitant to watch it but when it came out on DVD i decided to take a change and buy it because of all the good things i had heard about it and i wasn't disappointed in fact i got hooked and watched it all over one single weekend and now over the last two years i haven't missed a show and i am still as hooked as ever .Heroes has it all romance,betrayal,action,drama,comedy,intelligence,sexy characters and it has one of the most interesting plot i have seen from a NBC show.

The writers do a great job keeping track of the characters and giving every single one a purpose and a goal to try to reach.The acting is fantastic, most of the cast are "unknown" but they surely made a name for them self here over the last four years but the great thing about it is the fact how completely different all the characters are and how they have matured over the three seasons.
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Lost (2004–2010)
Greatest series ever made....
24 July 2010
Lost!!! Lost!!! this is the reason why i love America, American TV shows are the best in the world and lost is one of my favorites. The cast is amazing all of them bring their "A" game in every episode, Matthew Fox is someone i didn't expect to see on a show like "Lost" but he takes the lead and does it quite nicely, you can't forget Naveen Andrews who plays the Iraqi Sayid, Jorge Garcia as Hugo(greatest character ever dude), Josh Halloway, Daniel Dae Kim and the main man Terry O'Quinn as the one and only John Lock.

My favorite thing about this show is the story, the twists, going from thinking you know exactly what's going on to not having a clue. A lot of people hate the fact how the show has dragged on and all the ridiculous twists and turns that it takes but that is the reason why i love this show and will never get sick of it. Lost Forever!!!
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Is it wrong to like death scenes?
24 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am going to get straight to the point because we all know where this is going. Final Destination 2 is a really bad movie in most areas and she doesn't really try to hide it. Acting, direction, script, just name it, it's all bad in the words strongest meaning. In some places she is like the earlier film, innocent fun and pretty cool death scenes even though the quality is a bit low.

Final Destination 2 Is just the most pointless sequel to a movie ever! She connects to the first one a little bit but not a lot happens with the plot they just keep picking them off, one at a time and most of it repetitive. Sometimes you even feel you're watching the first one again -- only with funnier (yes I said funnier) death scenes This film is not as entertainingly dark as the first one (Not like that's a surprise -- former X-files guys behind that one). Rather boringly bright and that dragged the movie a little down in the ratings for me. But most of the work goes into the disgustingly awesome kill scenes and nothing else unfortunately. Maybe that doesn't sound appropriate but it's all apart of the Final Destination ride and if you don't like it, get of it! The accidents scenes are a lot better here then in the earlier film but over all this is a mild disappointment with a couple of laughs.

But how can you not laugh at the final death scene? Had to mention it! 3/10
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Brilliant Writing! Brilliant Cast!
24 July 2010
It's one thing watching a typical rough comedy film; it's another thing watching a rough comedy that puts a lot of work into character development. Judd Apatow the super-producer of comedies has always been good at putting his own known style into a movie by having much more material then you are used to seeing in a comedy, a deeper meaning if you will. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a total gem to be honest and is not far away from movies like Knocked Up and The 40 Year Old Virgin, even better actually in some areas. And if we are talking about Apatow movies, i think this one is better then Walk Hard, Pineappla Express and Superbad. There is something just so wonderfully likable about this movie.

Firstly, she is packed with wonderful actors that play strangely believable characters. Seth Rogen step a side and make room for Jason Segal. Jason Segal is much funnier playing the dork that everyone is rooting for. Segel who's always funny in his hit TV show How I Met Your Mother gets praise from me for brilliant comedic timing and a great script that is totally in his own hands. Kristen Bell does also a good job here playing a person who seems as a one sided character but has a secret side. Same can be said about Mila Kunis (It's impossible to not connect her voice to Meg from Family Guy) and the always special Russel Brand who steals every scene as the Looney-sex addict Aldous Snow. Jonah Hill is also always a class act.

It's not only rich on fantastic characters, it's also hilarious in every turn. Nothing more complicated about that. The Humour is never over-done or forced rather it just becomes funny on its own. For example when Aldous was rambling on about the shoe he lost. Brilliant! Like every Apatow movies, it's rather long and suffers a little bit for that. The story is so thin that they could have easily made it quite shorter. The movie is also great in avoiding cliché's but that's always good no matter what movie you're talking about.

8/10 -- If you haven't seen it check it out now!
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
Not my taste....but if you like ABBA....go for it!
24 July 2010
I have to admit that I am a fan of ABBA and I really enjoyed their music so I decided to check this movie out because when I saw the trailer, I thought to my self, "I am going to love this movie".

So 5 minutes in I saw that the movie was really over the top, most people would call it bad acting but I believe they were meant to play them so over the top. It was like theater performances were every character is like he's going to have a stroke in the next 10 minutes. The music starts early and as a fan of ABBA I had no real problems with the songs. It takes time to get used to Meryl Streep and other actors singing but it gets there. When the song start there is a lot of energy that comes through it and it was mildly entertaining.

In the second part of the movie that energy went away very quickly and it became dreadful with the cliché storyline and the horrifically obvious outcome. The actors are most fine, still there was something so wrong about hearing Pierce Brosnan singing, he fit the part but not the singing, James Bond doesn't sing! Christine Baranski, Stellan Skarsgaard and Julie Walters are also rather entertaining but got a little on my nerves when the movie went on.

Just like Sex and the City, you have a very good idea what you're going into and if you don't , you're going to be rather disappointed. If you don't like ABBA, this movie is not for you. If you like ABBA you will at least like me, mildly enjoy it.

Mamma Mia is not Hairspray that's for sure. I believe it needed less over the top acting and more quality writing but unfortunately everything thing went into becoming an up-beat musical and when that happens everything else suffers. Mamma Mia is watchable I you like musicals but if not, don't bother.

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The second visit to Narnia isn't as magical as the first one.
24 July 2010
I am one of the many people who thought the first Narnia movie to be a pretty good entertainment. She was colourful, well directed and too a certain point charming. Of course it was a bit of a light version of the Lord of the Rings or maybe Harry Potter but i still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Prince Caspian comes in trying to be more grown up and interestingly enough that makes it just more childish. The characters try to be interesting and lively on screen but while trying they just become silly, and with a cast like that there's not a lot to expect. The chains of events are much faster then in the earlier one and for me that kind of ruined the mystic feeling that came with the first one. The look is beautiful and flawless in its design but that was not something that could save it from ultimately failing miserably.

Prince Caspian is not in the same league as the first one in any way, she's worse in nearly every way. There are no real charms in this one and that fantasy feeling is kind of missing the whole time. Like i said before, this film tries to be more mature and one way is by building a look similar to the middle ages wars and it doesn't work and rather comes out more childish then the earlier one. The young cast seemed jaded the whole way through and to me they were just plain irritating. Ben Barnes is the only one who does something right here as Prince Caspian but even so, it's not something groundbreaking.

Otherwise the movie just flows without nothing significant happening, the humour fails mostly and are more pointed to the younger generation. The closing scenes left you feeling kind of silly and in a bad mood.

I couldn't wait until the movie was over and i am really disappointed because like i said i was a fan of the first one but here they take a misstep..................a huge one.

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Fantastic start to the series!
24 July 2010
I had not read any of the Harry Potter-books when this came out but like most people in the world i easily knew who Harry Potter was before I heard they were going to make the book into a movie. After i saw the first film, i could see why people loved the story. The story is very fresh but that isn't something you see lately in other fantasy stories. It also brings in a lot of knew things into the genre that have stayed with us until now. The characters are colorful to say the least and very memorable but that is the main thing when you are writing a series of books, to make the characters likable and memorable. This world J.K Rowling has made is quite charming and beautiful.

Fantasy movies are often very badly done but here Harry Potter is a step in the right direction. The movie looks fantastic and good acting is found in every corner.

Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane and John Hurt all do great and really gave them self's all into their roles, not only being seen like to often happens when stars like these are casted. The movie is all about the three little kids Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger, who are delivered to you by the talented Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emmu Watson. Grint was the man to look at, he was funny and just right for the part or so I have been told, he didn't fail in any scene and that is amazing for a kid at his age. Radcliff looks the part alright and does a solid job in his role but at times he overacts for no reason like for example the scene where Hagrid tels Harry "You're a wizard Harry!" but still for a kid at his age, he does an amazing job. Watson is wonderful as the self-involved Hermione and makes a very colorful character.

One of the most positive things about this movie is how quickly the movie went by, even being more then two hours. It's either because of the script-writer Steve Kloves who wrote the great Wonder Boys or the director himself but either way it's quite wonderful to be so intrigued and entertained at the same time that two and a half hours goes by like nothing. I don't know the book but the story seems to work alright and I felt nothing really needed to be added. There is enough of action to see like with the Quidditch-game or the obstacles. The main mystery is also quite strangely exiting and it really dragged me into the movie. Chris Colombus does a wonderful job introducing the world and letting the viewer get sucked in.

The movie could have been a lot darker but knowing now it will get darker and darker with every movie, it's not something I can really complain about. I am not talking about any Tim Burton style, I just know that the book was quite darker.

8/10 -- There's a lot of charm in this movie and it was probably my favorite movie that has ever come out at Christmas.
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Robin Williams's best performance yet?
24 July 2010
Robin Williams gives us one of his best performances in this slightly depressing comedy which in truth came as a surprise to me because when i checked this movie out my expectation were low to put it mildly and i was expecting another "Just Add Water" movie but it grew on me very quickly.

The movie was a little dull in the beginning with a couple of awkward moments but after a while it flew of the hook and it kept me cringing and laughing all the way through. Daryl Sabara was brilliant and surprised me a lot but of course i had only seen him before in the Spy Kids trilogy where he plays a awkward child spy but he really held his own and more in this hilarious comedy. World Greatest Dad is slightly depressing but is so professionally done and with a cast including Robin Williams what could really have had gone wrong.

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Funny and horrifying!
24 July 2010
First of all Evil Dead was a MASTERPIECE and is what all horror movies long to be. Drag Me To Hell is the best horror flick of the year but to be fair there hasn't been a lot of quality competition. The film is non-stop horror with a dash of humor and that isn't a bad thing. The choice of casting Justin Long was a bit strange to me because i just couldn't imagine him in a horror movie but he pulls it off quite nicely and surprised me a lot.

The only problem i have with this film is the main actress i thought she was often a bit off character and just didn't work for me for some reason, I felt she wasn't as good as the other cast members. The story is brilliant from beginning to end and is very well done for a horror movie i say that because often i feel the quality factor is often neglected in horror films and the scary factor is a bit over the top but in this coaster ride everything is well balanced and deserves great applause just like most films Sam Raimi has anything to do with. This brilliant mix of comedy and horror deserves at least the title of best horror film of the year.

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Finding Nemo (2003)
Pixar does it again!
24 July 2010
Without a doubt Pixar has become a brand for quality. Every single time you pay your way into a Pixar film you know you're getting your money's worth and Finding Nemo is no exception. She wasn't as good as Toy Story 2 but that doesn't mean it wasn't loads of fun which it was and more but you can say with no doubt that it's the most coolest and most amazing of the Pixar masterpieces.

The look of the movie is breathtaking and i found myself just sitting there staring with my mouth open when i Say all the little things that were so perfectly done and it's just amazing to see a movie that was really worked on until they had a near perfect product. I mean every aspect of the sea is in there the details are fantastic. She is also packed with Hilarious excitement, Characters and intelligent humor. That's Pixar for you! The story is the only thing that isn't perfect and is the movies only flaw. It's the typical Disney-story were family plays a part and a obvious message is being sent to children and maybe to some adults also i felt it needed more fun extra characters to fill in because I felt some of the scenes were quickly forgotten. But even with some obvious flaws it doesn't stop you to have a lot of fun. She's warm, funny, exiting at times and full of entertainment. Only if the Disney films would be this good.

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Another great addition to the franchise!
24 July 2010
Firstly i have too say that Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book of all of them (I haven't read the first) in the Harry Potter series and I am very pleased how they put this story on screen. First and naturally right decision was too replace Chris Columbus because we are getting into a darker times in the series. The Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón chances the whole atmosphere that Columbus had created, he goes deeper into the mysterious world and creates this wonderfully fresh and magical style that fits the movie 100%. He has also put a stop to most of the warmth and Sugary sweet attitude that the other two movies had, but that's only to show how much this story has matured. The characters have also grown up a lot and with that comes obviously new darker adventures then before.

Prisoner of Azkaban was exactly one of the darkest (except for the final one) and the director is able to bring moments from the book so completely on screen that it gave me goosebumps but that is something you don't see often. Watch your kids because Dementors and werewolves are no teletubbies.

The actors have also grown and Daniel Radcliff is again the man who grows the most from the second one but he has really grown as an actor since the first one. He could have practiced his crying a little bit better because his crying scene seemed a little forced. Emma Watson does her character ones again justice and brings to life the wonderful Hermione who has grown into a mature women. Rupert Grint keeps on getting better and better and his future looks quite promising. Michael Gambon takes the role of Dumbledore and does it very well but Richard Harris had made a wonderful character in Dumbledore, so entertaining and likable. Gambon gives his own style of the old headmaster and does it very well, he doesn't mimic Harris, he rather makes him his own. David Thewlis is also fantastic's Remus Lupin and Gary Oldman is also amazing in his role has Sirius Black, even though he has limited screen time.

Everything involving the style was flawless -- but I am not going to drag this review for to long so I try to keep it short. From the technical side of it to the wonderful music from John Williams, it's all great and there is nothing really to complain about but all this is also getting darker and darker with every movie.

There are some flaws I would like to talk about. My biggest complain is that there are a couple little holes that aren't filled from the book, like who made the map, how did Sirius escape and I wanted to see also them going more into Harry's past but unfortunately that happens when you are making a movie from a book, there will always be something that had too be left out.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban could easily stand on his own as a really entertaining and well made adventure-film that goes really fast through those 135 minutes; I mean it feels like an hour. Even for a couple of small flaws, this one is better then the other two (the other two are also really good by the way) and it seems every movie is better then it's predecessor.

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Johnny Depp and Kate i need to say more?
24 July 2010
Johnny Depp is probably one of the most diverse actors of his generation. Just his name has become a brand of quality because when you see his name on a poster for a movie, you now it will be worth it. The same thing can be said about the always beautiful Kate Winslet but i don't need to mention many films to make you understand that she is one of the greatest actresses around. For example she was amazing in The Reader and Titanic but that's just the top of the iceberg. Finding Neverland is a very well done and mostly very carefully directed movie. This could be a mix of many things, we are talking about a package that includes; drama, comedy, interesting subjects and a truly amazing character study with a little doze of fantasy.

The story is fantastic, both beautiful and charming. The acting is brilliant but that is of course expected when you look at the main actors, Depp completely fits into his role and shows that he can easily be a serious actor and Winslet shines like always. Julie Christie and Dustin Hoffman give us entertaining, maybe not playful performances. The technical side of it but specially the cinematography really pays of for this movie and it looks great. The best way to describe Finding Neverland is that it's a very confident film, something that the whole family could enjoy. It's lovely to see how the entertainment value flows through the whole movie and you never really feel bored. Only thing i can say bad about the films is how the ending is so cliché. I do realize that we are talking about a movie that is built on a true story but the drama just doesn't reach enough height to give us a more delicate ending.

8/10 - I completely recommend this film just because of Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet.
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Jesus Christ! I Loved It!
9 November 2009
Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show was well as good as it gets. Is it offensive. Yes. Funny? YES!!! you bet!!! of course it's offensive that's what Seth Macfarlane is all about, Good old racism and it was great to see it in live action and they didn't spare any punches. Alex was fantastic specially in her part as the hurt Jew just completely hilarious. the dialogue between Seth and Alex kept me laughing the whole way through and the whole show was just non-stop laughter for me. I don't know if Americans will appreciate it as much as we in Europe do and seriously if you get easily offended don't watch anything Seth Macfarlane is a part of.
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
Dr Who Spin Off, What could go wrong?
18 July 2009
As an uber duber Dr.Who fan who has watched every single show fifty times i welcomed this show with open arms and was not disappointed and got hooked on the first episode.

In the first place the acting is brilliant the chemistry between the cast was amazing from the first episode and keeps getting better but that is something you have started to expect from a British show also the bisexuality of all the character is something that i was not expecting and will maybe scare away few people but i think it's fantastic and helps this movement the humanity is going through right now for equality and also gives the show something extra. This show like Dr who will have a cult following who will watch it religiously every week so to quote the doctor "It's Brilliant"
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