
9 Reviews
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No idea why this is rated so high....
26 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Although the spiritual world can often inspire, leaving too much to the imagination is just not good enough when working what seems a decent story to a film. I haven't read the book but there are areas of this movie that annoy me.

The death of the young girl Lesley reduced this film's appeal and frankly just stopped the whole concept dead (no pun intended). It was dragged on and there was just no point to her death.

The school teachers role was lame and gave no real essence to the story.

The boy depression was just over and over again throughout the movie, making this bland and unimaginative, There is no magic to this film whatsoever. Go watch Stardust, a far far more magical film that explores. Bridge to Terabithia makes no effort to engage characters to a real plot, there just isn't a plot.

Its a boring film that just doesn't go anywhere.
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Eragon (2006)
Formulaic claptrap with a hideous script and very poor acting...
19 June 2007
Formulaic claptrap what is a plethora of unconvincing acting, a laughable script and a screenplay that surely can't be worth actually bothering to create this movie from. Although we do need to odd poor movie to prod the watcher to remind themselves to go and see a decent one I find it remarkable that the producers actually read the screenplay and decide it would be a good idea to make this film? Evidently they did, pity.

A mixture of an attempted passion of Braveheart, mixed with a sense of badly executed Gladiator stylised emotion, blessed with something that could have only come from Highlander combined with a script that reminds us all to constantly ‘take care’ (god if I hear that dialogue again I will kill someone) with a continuous failing attempt at giving very short story line that doesn’t actually mean anything until the last 20 minutes of which concludes a fight scene.

Jurassic Park was is a better film than this, and that is saying something. Don’t waste your time, leave it and go and listen to some Keith Jarrett or something.
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Vera Drake (2004)
Tragic Artistry
23 July 2005
If you are a Mike Leigh fan, then don't hesitate to watch this film. If you are not a Mike Leigh fan, then I strongly suggest you checkout a few of his previous movies first before you embark this one. Probably a good suggestion would be Secrets & Lies as this does contain somewhat a similar concept.

Typically brilliantly directed with details that are intriguing and in interesting along with almost superb acting. I would suggest that the acting itself does lend itself to more of a stage play than a movie, as in some areas it does feel somewhat 'over acted'; but don't let this deter you.

The actual plot is simple but I do consider it not to be the focus of the story; other poignant moments that happen in the film are really what this film is about, and indeed based around the plot. I am refraining mentioning them here as they would spoil.

Enjoy the crafting of this director and the superb acting details, for me, this is what film making is all about.

This is a tragic and seriously depressing movie – not a family film at all.
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Elektra (2005)
21 January 2005

OK, Good things: Jennifer Garner She smiles twice, just twice... Jennifer Garner Some silly fun action Jennifer Garner Some silly fun effects Jennifer Garner Some occasional interesting cinematography Reasonable music

Unfortunate things: Appalling story Story barely moves Just when you think its gonna go somewhere.... Barely zero character building Many questionable story points (what there is) Bland acting Character relationships are unfounded JG is entirely depressed all the way through this movie...

PALEEEEEEEEEZ, she has so much more talent than acting like a miserable IL' sod. One of the most wonderful actors we have on our planet... however, I will let her get away with this no more. We are all allowed a couple of mistakes - and this is her second!!!

This is not a good movie; lacking in areas that are simple. Maybe some less money being spent on the FX, the screenplay writers would have been given a little more time to develop to movie to something that does something.
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This reading makes me chuckle
11 December 2004
I seem to refer to this film on IMDb on occasion to read the comments left. Having read even some of the most lengthy reviews, it makes me chuckle that people really have missed the point of the film. Engaging naively in a bunch of comments that bare no resemblance to the move but like listening to a piece of live jazz and saying "i really don't like it when the solo"

It just makes me chuckle. The depth of this movie is almost beyond belief. It takes time with several viewings to understand it. It is a work of art of a genius, and anything of that caliber deserves its value from the viewer.

Guys, read your reviews and watch the movie again. At least read the film-notes before making a comment. Lynch even goes as far to explain it.

tut tut!
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Love Actually (2003)
...there's no real reason why you shouldn't enjoy this movie
9 June 2004
Don't be put off by its title. Yes, it's about love, but not necessarily as a "love story", it's supposed to portray us all, whether we are in or out of love, which I think it can.

Quite a funny movie that along giving a strong sentiment of the people we can be today, it enlightens us all with some serious issues in messages that kick a little arse.

Touching on several articles of life, and the global concerns from the pathetic pop to who's that girl next door there is something in this movie for everyone.

Enjoy this movie and try and avoid the expected poor acting of the Grant guy, whatever his name is, and you'll be OK.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
... another sequel failure
9 June 2004
I think it is fair to say that we all enjoyed the first successful attempt at Shrek, just like we would have other similar films like Toy Story. It is always going to be a different challenge for film makers to identify a "good" sequel, and we don't see many of them.

I feel saddened to report that this movie does not live up to any standards of a good movie. The dialogue is lame and the story does very little - no complaints of the animation; nothing beyond what we would expect from films today. This film moves towards an even younger audience, which is a step aside from the original Shrek. This is not the reason why I feel this is a poor movie, on it's own it just does not work.

We had the delight of an original cast, story and dynamic dialogue with the first, and heck, this is not at all the case with the sequel, so therefore I would expect something else.

It didn't happen at all. I laughed at one point when Shrek spat out a spoon having choked on some food.

The biggest problem is the story line, mixed slightly with a musical style is just very very poor and I got bored quite quickly.

Sorry, I was so disappointed myself.

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Baraka (1992)
An insight of Ignorance
2 April 2003
Pioneering films like Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi divide those who are aware of our planet and how we have succumbed to a society of eagerness that drives us to survive with pityful qualities. The insight to other methods of exsitence is a pleasure to the western culture (culturless, depending on how you see it) can open our minds to recognise what part we play in out civilisation on this planet.

This film represents with a frail structure and story images of the people and places of our planet in all of its capacity. It's a mind dwelling journey and portrayed well, though I do not agree with the soundtrack - its weak and acts only to flavour our ears away from otherwise silence. The music bares very little if any relation or emotion sincere to the images. The music gets on my nerves, no development, and very little compotional thought. I do feel that with a presentation like this, the music should play as vital role as the visuals. The Qatsi trilogy music and image is very closely related.

There are many simililarities to the Qatsi trilogy but of course enough is different to keep watching. Some great filming and ideas but this is clearly an attempt at something that has already been done and a remake genre is not necessary as it does not really present anything new.
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A sophisticated depiction of what we see in our dreams without the SFX!
8 January 2003
It's a pity when quite negative comments are made about a film by a viewer who does not understand the movie. This film is not a pop corn movie, it presents a sophisticated insight into a conceptual analysis of dreams and hallucination elements. It is not depicted in an obvious manner but it's this that makes this film unique.

I recognised this films' beauty in hind sight. It did come a little difficult to watch towards the end but this was because I missed the point of the film. The second viewing made it much easier and I enjoyed this more now understanding the concept.

There are some fantastic scenes in this film that are second to none. The 'surreal' dream concept was played beautifully and to capture this idea without the use of special effects is a work of genius.

Watch the film carefully, enjoy it, don't blink, talk, pause the movie or make a cup of tea. It's in depth and not an easy watch but it is a work of art.

I can only think that Magnolia has some similarities in terms of the time changing, and that is a fantastic film. It's not the same of course and is not a messed up film that a naive watcher could decide. It is easy to deny it continuity, on the contrary.

Enjoy and I will give it a full 10/10 because its concept and the simple fact of subtle surrealness that played throughout that kept me on edge. It's simply a very good film and needs attentive watching!
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