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Final Destination 5. The best sequel since 3?
12 August 2011
Well at least in my opinion. Probably better. 3 was always my favorite along with the first one. I think this is the best one. I haven't quite decided. It is fantastic. The acting was good. Way better than the 4th one's. The kills were great. Very cringe-worthy. The effects were very good. Especially the bridge collapse. Although, there was one shot at the end of the premonition that was very bad. I won't say what, but once you see it, you'll agree. The cast was great. I can see a lot of people disliking D'Agosto's performance, but personally I thought he was great. The ending was amazing. Definitely the best part of the movie. There are many hints leading up to it, but it is still very shocking. Unfortunately, I had the ending as well as many of the deaths spoiled already. But, they are still very shocking. I guarantee die-hard Final Destination fans will be very pleased. I definitely recommend it.

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Absolutely awesome!
28 July 2011
I was lucky enough to attend the world premiere last week in San Diego, and I had such a great time. I saw it with the entire cast and crew of the movie, and had a great audience that made the experience even more worth-while. It was an absolute blast. The movie itself was excellent. It had a great cast consisting of Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, Clancy Brown and Paul Dano. Everyone did a fantastic job. The action scenes were great as were the special effects and the cinematography. The aliens were really cool looking, and the chemistry between all the characters was great. I also thought the plot/story was fine, and very interesting. Although, the story was my biggest problem with the movie. I was really expecting some very neat twists from Daniel Craig's character, or some more backstory on the aliens, but sadly there was nothing big from either of those. There were also some clichés that people would've noticed right away that I honestly didn't mind at all. And finally, the directing, as always, was fantastic from Jon Favreau. Overall, I thought this movie was a great summer blockbuster, and I definitely recommend it. I'd say go with a group of friends. It will definitely make the experience better.

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Saw 3D (2010)
I feel slapped in the face.
29 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was lucky enough to have seen this movie yesterday, and I went in with high expectations thinking that Kevin Greutert was behind the camera again. But I was sadly disappointed. Saw 3D was a jumbled mess. Only towards the end did it really pay off. And even then, there were STILL things I didn't like. Such as: Dr. Gordon. Why oh why was he in on it the entire time? That is almost bad enough to nearly ruin parts of the first one for me. I mean really? The writers couldn't have come up with an ending that will satisfy all Saw fans, and not just the Gordonites? Seriously! He saws his foot off in desperation to save his family, he cauterizes his wound, he is taken in by John, who heals his wound, then Gordon just decides to side with him? WHAT?! And the worst part is, they don't even shed some light on that. All they do, is show John take him in, heal his wound, then show him doing all of the things a doctor would need to do for the traps, such as the key behind Michael's eye in Saw II, the stitches put on Trevor and Art in Saw IV, and I think that's it. I HATED that. And there was a scene where Dr. Gordon goes up to John and shows Lynn Denlon from Saw III and states that "she'll be perfect." UGH. And if you haven't guessed by now, the package that Jill drops off at the hospital was for Dr. Gordon. Other problems I had with Saw 3D: the acting, the effects, the characters, the unanswered questions, the fact that Cary Elwes and Tobin Bell were BARELY IN THE MOVIE, and the no montage at the end. I could go on, but I seriously would come off as a hater, which I'm not. The ending, on the other hand, was great. It's something that we've ALL expected and wanted for a very long time. It shouldn't disappoint anyone. Predictable or not, we've ALL wanted it to happen. So don't complain that it was predictable. I have an extremely hard time accepting this as a part of the Saw series, just because of the pure fact that no Saw movie is BAD, except for this one. There are also so many more reasons, but I don't want to continue. Saw 3D is easily the worst Saw. Anyone who disagrees with that is either new to the series, or is a Gordonite. I mean, everyone has their own opinion, but I mean come on. I am extremely disappointed. This was just a big slap to the face for all hardcore Saw fans. And I don't blame Kevin Greutert. I blame the writers and the producers for this. Saw 3D was a mess, but I'm sure Saw VII would have been a good movie.

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RED (2010)
Excellent action movie.
16 October 2010
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Red is a great action movie that doesn't rely on a lot of bloody violence to make it good. Red has an excellent cast, excellent acting, excellent effects. It stars Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Brian Cox, Richard Dreyfuss, and Helen Mirren. Great cast. The effects were fantastic, especially the shot with Bruce Willis walking out of a spinning car. AWESOME. I think the acting was brilliant. All gave believable performances. Some scenes were very suspenseful, also down right hilarious. John Malkovich was the best comedy wise. He was hilarious. Some parts were predictable, but still good. The only real problem I had with this movie, was that there wasn't enough Morgan Freeman. I wish he was in it more. Other than that, Red is a fantastic movie, and one of the best action comedies of the year.

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Inception (2010)
Hands down, the best movie of the year.
15 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Inception is by far my favorite movie of the year, and quite possibly of the decade. Everything was pitch perfect about it. The acting, cast, BRILLIANT, brilliant writing, directing, and effects. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ken Watanabe, Tom Hardy, Ellen Page, Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Dileep Rao, AND a Michael Caine cameo. Perfect cast IMO. The story is brilliant. Just pure genius. I mean, wow. It's very emotional. To be honest, I nearly cried during the scene with Fischer and his father. That really got to me for some reason. My favorite character was Eames. He was PERFECT. I love Tom Hardy, and he nailed every single scene he was in. He was my favorite actor. The rest of the cast was fantastic, but he was just SO good. As for the ending, who else wanted for the top to stop spinning? I wanted it to end with Cobb finally getting home, and getting to live with his kids, not for him to be stuck in limbo. DEFINITELY not. Anyways, I couldn't have asked for a better movie. Honestly. I hope this gets a lot of Oscar nods, because it really deserves them. I recommend this to everyone. If you haven't seen this, go see it immediately. It's just that good.

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Fantastic movie.
2 October 2010
This movie was great. Everything was fantastic. The pacing, the acting, the BRILLIANT writing, and the directing. The cast was excellent as well. Everyone played their parts perfectly, especially Andrew Garfield. He's my favorite new actor. I know he's been in some other things, but this really did it for me. Jesse Eisenberg was great, Justin Timberlake, great, Andew Garfield FANTASTIC. And everyone else was good too. I hated that Rooney Mara was barely in the movie. That really bothered me. The writing was marvelous. It so fast paced, and everything was happening so fast. I loved it. It perfectly executed what Facebook was about, and I just loved every second of it. I highly, HIGHLY recommend this to everyone. It's one of the best movies of the year, and I'm really hoping this gets some Oscar nods.

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The greatest spoof show EVER!!!!
26 September 2010
I love the show Yugioh ever since I was little. I was a huge fan, and I thought it was great. And back in 2007/08 I was so happy to have discovered this show. It's hilarious! I remember when I first watched all of the episodes, I nearly peed myself. And they're still funny 3 years later! Martin Billany aka LittleKuriboh has a fantastic voice talent, great editing, and he perfectly represents the characters with hilarious lines and references. He's a genius, not to mention down right hilarious. I always reference this and NO ONE understands, and it's hilarious to see their faces. I think this is the best abridged series on the internet, PERIOD. I highly recommend this to any anime and non-anime fans who are looking for a great laugh. Proud member since 2007.

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Halloween (2007)
Rob Zombie's very own work of art.
4 September 2010
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This movie was a great, bloody, and scary horror flick that stays dedicated to the original, while having it's very own fresh, new taste to it. This movie is really only for Zombie fans, and die hard horror fans. So don't watch this movie expecting a good horror movie like The Shining. Michael's back story was played out very well, and very violent. The acting was top notch from everyone. The second half of the movie may nit be as good as the first half was, but it is still good. It perfectly has everything anyone can want in a horror film and more. The cast was great, and there awesome cameos from William Forsythe, Danny Trejo, and even Sheri Moon Zombie. The suspense in this movie was excellent. One of my favorite, if not my favorite scene in the movie, would have to be the ending. Extremely suspenseful, and shot extremely well, jut like most of the movie. I was on the edge of my seat every time Laurie pulled the trigger, then all of a sudden, SNATCH!! BANG!!! Awesome. A lot of people may argue that it's nothing like the original, and that it's just a lot of white trash. *sigh* I guess some people can't accept Zombie's style. Whatever. I say give it a go. And that true, die hard horror fans will be pleased.

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Piranha 3D (2010)
Aja delivers the best summer horror flick.
22 August 2010
This movie was extremely entertaining. I had a really fun time watching it. DO NOT go in expecting a good movie. This movie is 100% pure entertainment. Nothing but gore and boobs. Plus it's a movie about piranha. Nuff' said. There were a lot of great things about this movie. The acting, directing, effects, gore, nudity, etc. were all great. There were great cameos in this movie, such as Richard Dreyfuss reprising his role as Matt Hooper from Jaws, Christopher Lloyd, Eli Roth, and even Dina Meyer. While the effects for the gore were great, the piranha were not. Obvious CGI, which everyone could have told from the trailers. They bugged me. I felt like they could have added just a little more detail to them. Luckily the splatter fest in this movie makes up for it. Overall I say go see Piranha with some friends, because you're definitely in for a good time.

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Vampires Suck (2010)
Better than Friedberg and Seltzer's latest movies, but that's not saying much.
16 August 2010
I saw this sometime last week, and while it had it's funny moments (that's new), it's still very bad. The funny moments are really the only thing that makes this movie better than it's other movies. It's still dumb and annoying. I will give it credit for making funny references to the books. It was also shot better than the other movies (another surprise). I guess you know what's coming since it's from the same guys who made Disaster Movie and Epic Movie. I really don't recommend this movie. I guess you can see it if you REALLY hate Twilight, or if you're a twilight fan who likes to see it made fun of. But it's still nothing special.

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Saw IV (2007)
Saw remains great.
15 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw IV is great just like all of the others. It keeps you guessing from beginning to end. It has interesting characters such as Special Agent Strahm, Officer Rigg, and Detective Hoffman. The story is good and keeps you thinking. The traps are OK. I really don't mind because I watch Saw for story, not traps. The acting was good, in particular Lyriq Bent (Rigg) and Scott Patterson (Agent Strahm). They were both great alongside the always great Tobin Bell. Saw IV provides great flashbacks of John before he became Jigsaw. I loved these flashbacks because I felt they were necessary since Jigsaw was killed off in the previous movie. The twists were also good. I really liked them. The only problem I have with this movie is the directing. It felt sloppy and it felt as if director Darren Lynn Bousman wasn't even trying. I did however like the fast pace it had. Overall I think this movie is very underrated, and I liked Saw IV better than than it's predecessor Saw III, and I find it to be just as good as Saw II. Definitely give it a watch, but I warn you. If you haven't seen Saw III yet, you will be extremely confused as to what is happening throughout the movie.

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Amazing in every way.
15 August 2010
I saw this on Friday with my friend, and we were stunned at how great this movie was. Both of us read books 1 and 2, and this movie was AMAZINGLY faithful. Everything was fantastic. Acting, cast, and especially effects. Everyone in the cast played their roles perfectly. I can't think of anyone better to play any of the characters. They were perfect. The effects were amazing. So well done. It feels like a video game movie, which was fantastic, and I loved it. For those who haven't read the books, the movie is exactly like the books. Goofy, and ridiculous. And I loved all the video game references. I also loved the Thomas Jane and Clifton Collins Jr. cameo. It was hilarious. Anyways, this movie was fantastic, and definitely one of the best movies of the year.


P.S. Did anyone else notice that Captain America/The Human Torch, Superman, and The Punisher are all in this movie? Pretty weird.....
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Jonah Hex (2010)
I feel disappointed.
20 June 2010
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I went into this movie with high expectations for a comic book adaptation, and wow was this a huge slap in the face. What really made this film bad was the terrible pacing and bad writing. The short running time crams everything together so badly, especially in the first 10 minutes, that it's hard to follow the rest of the movie. For instance the Indians. When they save him, they revealed so little, that everything became fuzzy. And then the second time the Indians save him, you would at least expect some back story on them, but no. They could have explained so much in such little time. But I guess that's what you get for having the guys who made Crank and Crank 2 write this movie, and with an extremely short running time, and bad pacing. The cast was good, especially Josh Brolin. Megan Fox was better than I expected, but still typical Megan Fox. As I enjoyed this film for what it was, it was still a huge let down. I'd recommend it if you have nothing better to do.

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MacGruber (2010)
Dumb, yet hilarious.
21 May 2010
This was a very funny movie. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments, and some funny one-liners. The effects were TERRIBLE. Even for a movie that's meant to have terrible effects. Just....bad. The references to the skits were well done and funny. Overall, very funny with great lines and very funny scenes yet just terrible effects. I'd recommend it for a lot of great laughs. And before you go see this movie, don't expect a plot, because it's based off an SNL skit. Also I advise you that you don't eat celery before or after seeing this movie......... Anyways definitely give it a go.

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Saw V (2008)
Still great, just not as good.
8 April 2010
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Saw V is the fifth entry in the Saw franchise and is the movie that made me become a true Saw fan. The plot consists of Special Agent Peter Strahm hunting down the new Jigsaw apprentice Mark Hoffman. It also focuses on 5 strangers going through a series of demented traps known as "The Fatal Five." I thought this movie was fantastic. It shows us how and why Hoffman became involved with Jigsaw, and has great traps involved. Better traps than in Saw IV, that's for sure. As much as I loved Saw V, it has some problems. First of which would be the acting, in particular The Fatal Five. The Fatal fives acting except for Carlo Rota aka Charles was terrible. It felt like everyone was reading off of cue cards and wasn't even trying. Second would have to be the directing. It felt to me like director David Hackl was more interested in traps than in story. Proof would be how a lot of the time he didn't care about acting (TFF), and how brilliantly shot the traps were compared to everything else in the movie. Not only that, but he has been the production designer for Saw II - IV, so he has been working with traps a lot. Another problem is that there was too much CGI in this film. The Saw movies hardly use CGI, and it was really bad in this movie. Finally, my last problem would have to be the ending. As much as I love the ending to Saw V, I felt like killing off Strahm was a huge mistake. Strahm felt like the perfect character to end the murders of Jigsaw. Oh well. Overall Saw V was really good, but is my least favorite of the Saw franchise.

7.5 out of 10.
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Fun and Entertaining.
7 April 2010
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The Friday the 13th reboot is about a man named Clay Miller going up to find his missing sister Whitney at the remains of Camp Crystal Lake. Along the way he comes across a group of friends who head up to their friend Trent's summer cabin. With the help of Jenna, Clay searches Camp Crystal Lake for his sister, and comes across the legendary Jason Voorhees. It stars Jared Padalecki who is also the star of my favorite show Supernatural as Sam Winchester. It co stars Danielle Panabaker, Amanda Righetti, Travis Van Winkle, Derek Mears, and Aaron Yoo. This movie has everything a Friday the 13th movie should have. Party going teens, Jason Voorhees, and tons of blood. It was an extremely fresh re-entry in one of my favorite movie franchises. My only two problems were that the writing could have been better, and some of the sex and nudity could have been reduced. Overall Friday the 13th 2009 was a fresh reboot and Friday the 13th fans should enjoy this movie.

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Saw VI (2009)
A Major Relief.
6 April 2010
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This movie was great. It beats out all of the other Saw sequels, it's right on par with the first Saw. Everything about it was great. The traps, the pacing, the ending, and the acting. In particular, Peter Outerbridge was phenomenal, and of course the always great Tobin Bell. The music was top-notch from Charlie Clouser. Saw VI is a major improvement over V, and when we finally found out what's in Jill's box and Amanda's letter was amazing. It definitely made me love Saw III even more. The twists were amazing as always and completely unexpected. Overall, Saw VI was amazing and was a huge improvement over V, and this goes major to Kevin Greutert who saved the Saw franchise.

9.5 out of 10.
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