
5 Reviews
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$40 a Day (2002– )
Rachey Ray serves up a non-tasty dish with $40 a Day
15 November 2010
I actually like Rachel Ray. She does go a bit far on her cooking shows when she tries to be too cute, but she has great ideas. Unfortunately, I don't think this is one of them. This show was filmed in 2002, but even then folks were struggling to make ends meet. Ray would do better showing people how to make entire meals for a family of four on $20 a day. Oh yeah....that's been done.

Anyways, back to this show. I don't care for the BIG EATERS type shows and I simply loathe shows where we WATCH people eat!! Ray is not an entertainer, so we are stuck with silly comments and giggling, while simply watching her eat (oh, I already said that). She also likes to drink. She's a good boozer.

She likes the food and drinks.....but cheats the wait staff. Rachel shouldn't rely on her cutesy ways alone to get past a decent tip! (My nephew is a former chef...he's actually seen what they do to the food for cheapo's!!)
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Creative Juice (2006– )
Ditch this YouTube
20 October 2010
I can't believe this show lasted beyond one season!! What tacky, juvenile "creations!!" The woman is the worse. Her ideas and resulting items wouldn't make it to a lousy flea market.

I remember seeing the show first on DIY network. My cable company dropped the network for Home & Garden. This morning I saw it again for the first time in years.

Folks, if you've never seen the videos on YouTube, you're missing a lot. NO commercials......No scratching your head, wondering why anyone would think you'd want to make something that looks so cheesy. These crafters are amateurs but their creations are amazing.....and so are their instructions! Another gripe is how the female is dressed. Just how old is this chick? Geez she should get a clue and stop dressing like her kid. The male usually doesn't do much except to chime in once in a while.
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The Program that Outed Itself
19 August 2010
This so-called investigative program is as silly as Ghosthunters International. We're introduced to supposed experts who will prove or disprove the existence of Paranormal events. Nice premise.

Geez....where to begin?? Oh yeah, today's program. They went to some lake to investigate a photo taken of a Loch-Ness type monster. To do this they made a lame attempt to make their own floating monster. Now, we all know that even in the early 1900's a man was able to make a "Nessie" that floated, and take a seemingly believable photo. But these people could not replicate it?? They end that segment by saying they believe there's a monster there, MAINLY based on the people who made statements to that effect.

In the same hour, their photo expert could not duplicate taking a photo in a particular house and having "ghost writing" on it. Even though they themselves could not take ghost writing photos in the same house, they still lame-brained out and said they couldn't disprove it.

Save yourself a lot of time and frustration. Play a DVD or watch something else when this program is on. The only sure bet is you'll have lots of time to wash dishes, get a snack or do anything but watch this boring show and whatever dumb sponsors they can hook for the hour.
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Wonderful Crafters.......ANNOYING to Watch!!!!
19 January 2010
Most of the crafters featured on this show are very talented and I truly love watching craft shows....BUT. Here are the problems: 1. Constant jump shots. Some camera shots flash before your eyes in a second; some are turned at angles; some have the crafters themselves holding items in front of the camera while pushing them in and out within our view. They can make you dizzy or nauseous! 2. Annoying background rock music. Obviously made by a bunch of teens in their basement. The music is LOUD and annoying. Sometimes you can't hear the crafters talking about how they make their items.

3. Speeded up filming. They want to put as much as possible in a 30 minute slot, so they often speed up the filming. This sometimes includes the crafters walking or playing with their kids....but in a high speed.

The really sad part of all this is that they showcase very talented people! I tried using the "mute" button to get the annoying music out of the way, but then I missed the crafter's instructions. What a shame!! and what a waste of talent.

I guess this program was made to appeal to people below the age of 30, or anyone without a tympanic membrane. Unfortunately, We don't fit in either category.
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Sinbad: Brain Damaged (1991 TV Special)
Sinbad at his BEST
14 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Beginning with Sinbad announcing his own grandiose arrival on stage, the laughs are there. He comes in Dancing with his crew and he's so adorable as he gets winded and the younger guys don't.

His routine about growing up and his Mama having eyes in the back of her head.....I think everyone can identify. He moves on to dating, marriage and raising his own kids. Every joke smoothly and hilariously goes into another. For those of us who can remember the song "Have you Seen her?", Sinbad lip-syncs and does silly body movements to that one. We were rolling on the floor with laughter! (It reminded me of what my friends and I used to do when we listened to music.) I can't believe it's been 20 years since I've seen it, but you KNOW something's good when you can recall parts of a show. I saw it on cable with my sisters and we were all laughing so hard it hurt! The beauty of Sinbad is he can bring such joy and laughter to all of us without uttering a single obscenity. He has natural talent, so he doesn't have to resort to the shock stuff. His routines also reach all ages, races and both men and women.
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