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Amazing "Documentaries" like this continue to be produced
19 May 2011
Noam Chomsky is the greatest example of the blatant dishonesty and subversive nature of the political left in the world today. His only redeeming attribute is to identify fellow travelers, useful idiots and radical revolutionaries through their support and praise for him and his philosophies and writings. Unfortunately many of Chomsky's acolytes now hold significant positions in the media, academia and politics and use their positions to brainwash the young and push for adoption of his radical ideals on a largely uneducated and, thanks to those media acolytes, uninformed public. Indeed, we currently have a student and advocate of Chomsky occupying the White house.

Even more unfortunate is that Chomsky and his supporters continue to produce so-called "documentaries" like this that celebrate Chomsky as one of the greatest minds in the world today, claim America and our ideals of individual freedom and liberty are history's greatest evil, and praise political systems that enslave and murder millions of their citizens for the Socialist/Communist ideal.

Chomsky's greatest crimes are his denial, support and praise for most of the genocide of the twentieth century. He has supported and collaborated with Holocaust deniers then denied his actions despite public confirmation of his actions by the deniers themselves. He claimed the mass murders of an estimated 8-10 million Asian civilians by the Japanese in World War 2 was the reaction to America's entry into the War but never explained how half of these murders occurred before Pearl Harbor.

Chomsky (as one would expect from a self-proclaimed radical Socialist) saves his best efforts for communist mass murderers. His actions usually follow the same pattern: First deny the events ever happened; When that becomes impossible due to the truth leaking out, minimize the numbers while, at the same time, disparaging and attempting to discredit those reporters and historians attempting to report the truth; Finally, praise the perpetrators and their actions for actually benefiting the people and countries where the genocide happened. Chomsky followed this pattern with Lenin, Stalin, later Soviet leadership, Mao, Ho Chi Min, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Nicaragua's Ortega, and numerous other third-world communist backed dictators.

What continues to amaze me are those who produce propaganda like this "documentary" pushing the Chomsky mindset that, "Well, yes, socialism has resulted in the murders of well over 100 million people over the last 90 years, but that's just because they didn't do it the right way. Once we get it right everyone will live in a peaceful paradise because we will have taken all those evil right-wing radical capitalists out and killed them!"

The only reason I'm giving this film any rating at all is it serves as an example of the Socialist propaganda still being pushed in the world today.

Those wishing to know more about Noam Chomsky should check the following sites:

Paul Bogdanor, The Top 200 Chomsky Lies Documentation of 200 egregious lies about communist mass murderers, modern history, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, 9/11, Latin America, the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Holocaust denial, etc. Also lists misquotations, numerical distortions and worthless sources used in his writings. (The original 100 lies are also available in Spanish.)

Paul Bogdanor, The Wit and Wisdom of Noam Chomsky Quotations the Chomsky cultists would like you to ignore.

Stefan Kanfer, America's Dumbest Intellectual

Charles Kalina, Noam Chomsky and His Critics Illuminating guides to the mental dungeon of Chomskyism.

J. Bradford DeLong, My Very, Very Allergic Reaction to Noam Chomsky

Oliver Kamm, Noam Chomsky Ridiculing Chomsky's statements about Bosnia, Holocaust denial and the Khmer Rouge.

Keith Windschuttle, The Hypocrisy of Noam Chomsky Overview of Chomsky's disgraceful ideological career.

Oliver Kamm, Chomsky Recollects Chomsky wrote that Americans were no better than Nazis. Then he lied about it.
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This film is an excellent propaganda piece for Chomsky and his fellow travelers.
16 September 2010
This should be seen by everyone, but as an example of how the supporters of genocidal communist dictatorships in the 70's and 80's (such as Chomsky and his fellow travelers) have been attempting to revise the history of that time and exonerate themselves from their enthusiastic support of the greatest mass-murderers in human history. Any and all accurate reporting of the Cambodian genocide, and the other non-reported genocides in Laos and Vietnam after the communist takeovers, was suppressed by Chomsky and his friends in the media. This went on, for several years while it was happening and after the fact in the case of Cambodia, and pretty much to this day for Laos and Vietnam. This was no small feat for Chomsky and his buddies considering between one third and one half of the population of South Vietnam either became refugees or were killed trying to escape what Chomsky called the "Glories of Socialism", or in communist 'Re-education camps'. Oh, and the invasion and conquest of East Timor was extensively covered at the time it happened. I know, I was reading about it and watching it on the news until the UN shut all the reporting down. So again, if you want a great example of how those who were active supporters of International Communism and doing their best to bring the rest of the world to the same 'Communist Paradise' enjoyed be the people of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Etc. are trying to revise history and their role in it, this film is a must see.
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Sword of Gideon (1986 TV Movie)
An excellent glimpse into the "War on Terror" in the 70's
15 June 2010
While based on the same events, this film is a much better movie than the more recent "Munich". The acting is much better, the story is more true to the facts and the writer and director are content to tell a very interesting and exciting story without getting all "preachy" in blaming western civilization for radical Islamic terrorism. The actors in this film gave their characters a depth not seen in many films. This is a tribute to Michael Anderson's direction in bringing this story to life even more than the actor's ability to become characters based on real people and accurately portraying the trials and emotions these real people felt. A good film for anyone who wants a glimpse of the "War on Terror" as it was fought in the 70's. Highly recommended!
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The main problem with Documentaries is they try to be too even-handed
9 November 2009
The only thing positive about documentaries, such as this, is they tend to inject a dose of reality into the discussion. Unfortunately, in trying to be 'even-handed' in their reporting, they tend to give the positive and negative sides of the story equal weight. I'm sure in a documentary about Ted Bundy they would try to show his good side too. That said this is a fairly good one in that it shows a more realistic side of Guevara than those love letters to a mass murderer like "Motorcycle Diaries" does.

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara was a true believer in the Communist Revolution. He was also a doctor who became a mass murderer in the name of that revolution. As for author Jon Lee Anderson's statement that he has "yet to find a single credible source pointing to a case where Che executed an innocent", I would ask Anderson, first, his definition of innocent as I suspect he, like many other communist sympathizing academics, believes anyone who is not a believer to be guilty and in need of being eliminated.

If Anderson would like to actually document many of Che's executions he need look no further than the anti-Castro Cuban community here in the US. Many of them have first-hand accounts of Che's murders of family members and friends that they themselves witnessed.

While Che had no problem putting a bullet in the back of someone's head, his preferred method of killing an enemy (anyone who opposed him or the Revolution) was to beat them to death with a baseball bat. In addition, if his enemy managed to escape his wrath, Che had no problem condemning that person's family members (parents, siblings, spouse, and children) to imprisonment, torture and execution.

Che is known to have personally murdered hundreds and to have ordered the deaths of thousands. The only reason he didn't kill millions is he didn't get the chance.

Anyone who reveres Ernesto 'Che' Guevara as a saint or martyr is either an ignorant, revolutionary, romantic or a borderline sociopath who would have no problem murdering anyone who did not share their beliefs.
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