
20 Reviews
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Spider-Man (1967–1970)
Great great show
22 May 2003
Hell I wasnt even really thought of when this show first came out. I use to watch it on Fox 5 in NYC with my dad when I was 3....that was about 20 years ago. This was definetly the best of the 60s Marvel cartoons. I preferred the first ones, I liked the Bakshi ones, but I liked the shorts because they mostly used the comic villains. The Bakshi ones didnt start using real comic villains towards the end. Fox Family occasionally shows it, but rarely. If you can find videos of this series at comic stores pick them up. This was a great show.
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X2 - Wolverine's Revenge (2003 Video Game)
A lot better than recent X games
19 May 2003
I liked this wasn't great, but definetly worth a renting or two. Considering the last bunch of X games have been fighting games it was cool to finally get a real story game.

People have been mislead from the commercials and that sucks. I dont agree with how they advertised the game. Even calling it X2 in the title threw a lot of people off. On the whole the game is good. You can do some cool stuff in it and have some cool fight sequences. Its definetly more of a renting game than buying game.
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Superior sequel
2 May 2003
I was lucky enough to see the movie the night before it opened in NYC thanks to K-Rock. This movie was incredible. It was more of an action flick than the first one, but sooooooooo worth it. It has one of the best opening sequences Ive ever seen in a concerns Nightcrawler and the President. Very cool stuff. Also you see more of the uses of the various powers in this one. Everyone uses it that much more than in the first one. And for those of you out there who heard it or the rumors: Gambit is NOT in this movie...though his name is. You see his real name, Remy LeBeau, on a computer screen in one of the sequences. This movie kind of reminded me of Empire Strikes Back in some ways. It left so many doors opened at the end of the movie for X3. The ending has a real surprise to it and paves the way for, in my opinion, was one of the best sagas in the X-Men history. Hugh Jackman absoluetly rocked as Wolverine. I was a little disappointed in the first on in that he always seemed to get his ass kicked. He tears people up in this one in true Wolverine fashion. Magneto was amazing in this movie too. He seems to become a real bad guy at the end of the movie. People have said oh the first one was better, this was crap blah blah blah. I thought it was great and was an incredible sequel. Definetly check this movie out if you're an X fan.
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Tool: Salival (2000 Video)
One of the best and worth it box sets
1 May 2003
When I heard Tool was making a box set back in 2000 I was psyched. They are my favorite band and I needed a fixing since their new CD wasnt due out for almost another year. The videos are among the best ever made and its a shame that too sensitive mommys and daddys got them pulled from MTV. They are dark, brooding, but incredible. The CD rocks as well. Great live tunes and covers that made this box set so worth it. The only other box set that I feel lives up to this is Metallica's Live Shit set. It gave you the most for your money. If youre into Tool and do not have this set yet, do yourself a favor and buy it now. Get the DVD version because there is a music video on that that is not on the VHS edition.
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Not as bad as I thought it would be
1 May 2003
It was funny...when this movie was first coming out all of my friends were pumped because it is a car movie. They are all wanabe car people who see a car movie and think they know it all. I didnt even want to go near it. It came out on video and cable. I watched it on cable one day and it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. It actually had a story, pretty damn good effects and some great action sequences. I thought the ending sequence with the truck was great. It's not the best action flick in the world, but if you catch it on cable or just rent it it's a good flick.
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Great psych horror
28 April 2003
I wasnt too familiar with Dario Argento before this movie. I had seen the trailer for Stendhal Syndrome with the original Toxic Avenger video. It looked interesting. I bought the DVD and was floored. It's a disturbing piece that really makes you keep thinking about things. Asia Argento is incredible in this movie. What really sucks is the fact that the only reason people know her as an actress right now is from the crap she did in xXx. Asia Argento pulls off a great and complex performance. Dario Argento directed, in my opinion, one of the best later horror/psych movies. It has a few Hitchcockian elements and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Check this movie out.
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Pure Troma
28 April 2003
Who else other than Troma can take the classic tragedy and change it around to todays standards???? No my opinion the Leonardo DiCaprio one sucked. Tromeon & juliet is a definite stretch from the original Shakesperan tragedy, but it holds up well. Its sick, demented, twisted, but yet insanely funny and fulfilling. For the most part it follows the true Romeo and Juliet story, but many Troma elements are added. Will Keenan gives a great performance as Tromeo. The acting is solid and the story is great. Many people look past these movies, not only the Kaufman Troma movies, but all the ones they distribute. Sure Troma movies are an acquired taste, but you need to see some of these. It is renegade filmmaking at it's best.
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002 Video Game)
Great game
15 April 2003
Like many have said here it took about a week or so for this game to grow on me. Things seemed too different with this one than 3. It seemed like the cops were easily stirred in this one, no matter what you did you died and other things. Once I started doing the missions and playing the story this game opened a whole different view. Its hard to compare this and 3 because there are aspects in 3 I liked better than this one and vice versa. What I liked more about this one was the fact that you are playing as a character who really wants to take over. He wants to be the man in charge and run things. Unlike 3 where you are the lacky for everything. In Vice you setup jobs later in the game, you buy property and have people pay you for protection, you are in charge for a good portion of the game. Its also good too because in order to beat the game there are particular things need to be done. I know a lot of people who buy certain property, do the missions and wonder "Why the hell dont I win?" The graphics, sound, music, gore, and fun level are all there. I cannot wait to see what the next one is. GTA Vice takes gaming to a new level.
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Sealab 2021 (2000–2005)
A breath of animated fresh air
15 April 2003
The first Sealab 2021 episode I saw was titled 'Predator.' I saw it on its first run in September of 2001. The episode cracked me up. Cartoon Network finally stepped over a line or two in a great way. Sealab 2021 is fresh comedy that TV has needed. I am happy that more people are starting to see it now. From the ridiculous, yet lovable Capt. Murphy to the sadistic Sparks this show really keeps you entertained. Cartoon Network has been changing its time slot lately so be on the look out for it. Apparently it has been renewed for 13 more episodes. Unfortunately they havent been showing new episodes in the past month or so. Check this show out.
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Great horror flick
15 April 2003
Im pretty sure that this was the first real Friday the 13th ripoff, but with kids. For those who have only heard about this movie they know of the infamous ending which I will keep secret. The ending of this flick is great and comes from out of no where. They just released this set on DVD in a cool box set that I just bought, but what sucks is that even the new DVDs are edited. Scenes were apparently shortened or just taken out. No real reason was given. One such scene is when one of campers is found dead under a kyack. In the original video pressing there is a long shot of his face with a lot of sea creaturs crawling all over it. In the DVD its shortened to maybe a looks like a jump cut. There was also sound parts that were taken out for no apparent reason. It kinda sucks to say but if you find Sleepaway Camp on video anymore check that out. The DVD is still great, but you get just slightly extra on the video.
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11 April 2003
This set is a definite must for anyone who calls themself a Metallica fan. Though the Black Album isn't my favorite Metallica album, Master of Puppets holds that slot, this set shows you all the great behind the scenes action of when a band records an album then tours on it. Part I is obviously the making of the album. You get to see some cool outtakes and hear the songs in the production process. You also get a peak at the real Metallica outside of studio and stage. You almost feel like you know them. Part II is the best though. Almost 2 1/2 hours of live Metallica. There are a bunch of live performances spanning the first leg of the tour as well as award shows and tribute concerts. Again you get to see more of Metallica being themselves offstage as on. Also on both parts you get to see the music videos from the album including 'Enter Sandman', 'Sad But True' and 'The Unforgiven.' When I first bought this set years ago on tape I wore them out. I could watch these over and over. Thanks to DVD they will last a long time. Definetly check this out.
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The Imitators (1996)
Not too bad
11 April 2003
This was a pretty decent buddy/crime movie. It follows a group of would-be thugs who hire a new getaway driver. Though their new driver doesn't really know that he's getting mixed up in a life of crime. And like all heist movies something goes wrong. The acting is pretty good and for a low budget movie it does tell a great story. It has a good mix of dialouge and comedy. This movie doesnt really make you think, but it is a hell of a lot better than some of the other crime movies. It's no Reservoir Dogs, but you feel the chemistry between these characters. It's not forced. I havent seen it in video stores, but check underground movie stores for this one. I give it an 8 out of 10.
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Spider-Man (2002)
One of the better comic movies
11 April 2003
I have to admit I was scared going into this movie. Spider-Man is my favorite comic characters and knowing all the legal hell it went through I didnt want to be disappointed. I wasn't. This movie stayed true to the story with only a few minor changes here and there. The acting was very solid, the scenery was great and the Spider-Man costume wasnt really altered from the comic....unfortunately the Green Goblin's was. I was hoping there wouldnt be a cheesy approach to this movie like the last few Batman's, but this was one of the better comic movies. To me the best were the original Tim Burton Batman and X-Men. The effects were seemed like they got better at the end. They didnt seem as fake as in other points in the movie. Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin is the definite winner in this movie. He is so dead on and sadistic that he stole the show. After the success of X-Men and Spider-Man you can see that all the comic books will have movies soon. Daredevil is out, Hulk is coming soon, X2, which so far has looked great, is out next month, The Punisher will begin shooting soon, Ghost Rider and a bunch of others. Hopefully the coming Spidey sequel will still remain tight and true. Sam Raimi did an incredible job on this movie and cannot wait for the sequel. He has an incredible artistic eye and imagination. Im glad he finally got some true recognition.
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X-Men (2000)
One of the best comic movies
11 April 2003
As a fan of X-Men I was very surprised at how good it was. After seeing how much they changed the costumes and which X-Men they were using and how they pretty much changed the real comic history I was a little nervous, but this movie blew me away. It had great acting, especially from Hugh Jackman who nailed Wolverine dead on, great special effects and a thought provoking story. What I liked about this too was the fact that the bad guy wasnt a true bad guy. Magneto, though a true villain, wasn't like your Joker or Green Goblin or anything like that. He wanted equality, though he wanted it in a very foreceful way, he wanted everyone to be equal in a land of intolerance. It was a great way to set up the saga of the X-Men. It wasnt like your regular comic movies where it's part of the movie discovering the powers of these characters and the rest is non-stop action. This story has the action, but more story telling and drama than anything. Bryan Singer's approach was great and I am anxiously awaiting X2 next month. Thusfar this one seems great and has a very thought provoking story. Next to the original Tim Burton Batman movie X-Men has to be the best comic movie ever made.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Too overrated
11 April 2003
I was one of those people who had heard all the hype about Forrest Gump and then saw the movie. This movie is too overrated. Yes Tom Hanks pulls off a great performance as this character and it is pretty much a great history lesson, but I dont think it deserved all the awards and acclaim it received. In all I think only Tom Hanks deserved the award for best actor. We all know it's very hard to pull off a performance like that. Look at Sean Penn in I Am Sam....terrible. I wont go into what it's about cause we all know it. I know there are many out there who feel this was a great movie and I wont argue with you, you are all entitled to your opinion. To me I thought Pulp Fiction should have gotten it all that year. It had a lot of things Forrest Gump didnt. But yes there were things Gump had that Pulp Fiction didn't.
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Not as bad as everyone thinks
11 April 2003
There are soooooooooooo many stories out there about this movie. Its so bad, thank God it never saw release, blah blah blah. On the whole there were a lot crappier comic movies out there: Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Captain America and Superman III. This movie doesnt have the best acting or effects, but it does have a good story. It stays true to the book and did deserve a release. Now this was the time when Marvel was in it's slump movie days with the underrated Punisher movie, crappy Captain America movie and so forth. Alex Hyde White isnt that bad as Mr. Fantastic. The costume for the Thing in this movie was really well done. It has a great look. As did the Doctor Doom costume, though you couldnt really understand what he was saying half the time. The funniest part of this movie is the end with the Human Torch. Just think 80s cheesy Atari looking music video. The movie has a good story and does stay true to the book. It definetly deserved at least a direct to video release. Though it's stuck in movie limbo it can be found at comic conventions, underground video stores, comic stores and even ebay. Though a lot of the times quality isnt great it deserves a watching or two.
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The best crime drama ever made
11 April 2003
Reservoir Dogs is an incredible start to Quentin Tarantino's career. First off a lot of people say that this movie is too bloody and too gorey. Not so. Yes there is blood and gore, but its not in excess like a lot of people think. You mention this movie and sometimes all people say is how bloody it is. This movie tells an incredible story of when the perfect plan goes bad and you dont know who you can trust. Michael Madson plays, in my opinion, one of the most sadistic characters ever. He is so arrogant, sarcastic, demented and crazy that you can't help but love him....Hence the ear scene. It's great that now people are starting to really discover this movie. It took 10 years, but hell you will not be disappointed. The acting, story, suspense, humor and twists make this movie a masterpiece. Check out the new 10th anniversary DVD set to get the real scoop on this movie. Get your fave character as the cover. It has some great behind the scenes stuff including a full view of the ear scene. This and Pulp Fiction are my favorite movies. Jackie Brown was okay, but a little to dragging for me. Hopefully the upcoming Kill Bill will get the Tarantino fans back. Check this movie out.
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Awesome in all it's bloody goodness
3 April 2003
This had to be one of Troma's best next to Terror Firmer. I know a lot of people aren't into these movies. They are an acquired taste in my opinion. What these movies have that a lot of Hollywood "Blockbusters" lack is heart. Heart and soul go into making these messed up movies. They do not require a lot of money to make, but they tell the story with more heart than a lot of crap that Hollywood has put out. Toxie 4, like it is said in the movie, is the real sequel to the original. Toxie 2 & 3 were okay, but this one far surpasses them. From it's incredibly demented and sick opening to it's utterly hysterical ending Toxie 4 is definetly a stepping stone in independent and low budget movie making.

If you have not seen it then definetly check it out, along with all the other classic Troma flicks.
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Terror Firmer (1999)
Troma's best next to Toxie 4
3 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Only because it really pokes fun at movie making to the fullest. Along with a lot of gore, blood, humor and just demented nature, Terror Firmer is up there in the ranks as one of Troma's best. A word to the wise: SEE THE UNRATED VERSION. The R Rated version is about 15mins shorter and really doesn't do the movie justice. It has a hysterical twist at the end that makes you think of *SPOILER* Sleepaway Camp. The gags in this movie are fresh and can be watched again and again. It has a story as well. It's not just senseless killing, though there is a lot of that, but a story is somehow squeezed in there. Some great Troma acting is displayed here with Will Keenan, Trent Haaga, Debbie Rochon, Alicia LaTourelle and of course the man Lloyd Kaufman. Kaufman is hysterical in this movie. Check out Terror Firmer!
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
The best movie I have ever seen
3 April 2003
Pulp Fiction, in my opinion, is the Citizen Kane of our generation. It contains so much: gritty crime drama, at times hysterical humor, edge of your seat suspense, incredible acting, and hard to forget scenarios. I think this movie got completely robbed in the Oscar race losing pretty much everything to the highly overrated Forrest Gump. Gump was okay, a great history lesson and decent effects...the story was way lacking. Pulp Fiction deserved all that year. Pulp Fiction is unique in its manner of story telling. It's not your typical Scene A to B format. It goes all over the place and doesn't go in order. It also lets you see things from other peoples perspectives while also knowing what other characters are doing in the background. Like in the beginning sequence as Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer are talking you can hear a conversation between Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta. Travolta even walks past them. Tarantino really had a great idea for this movie and it turned out fantastic. If you haven't seen it go get Pulp will not be disappointed.
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