
16 Reviews
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Buried (2010)
Sadistic case study about a man buried alive
7 December 2010
Well this movie had an interesting concept, about a man buried alive. I was curious about how they would make a full length feature of that, and in turns out like a case study on the psychological and emotional effect being buried alive.

I know some people would hate this movie and some would love it, Honestly I don't know what to feel after watching this film so I just rate this one a 5... because even if you have a bad feeling the film will be so so , especially with the fact that it only has one actor on screen the whole time. you will still be suckered in to watch this one out of curiosity but you will not be satisfied after watching it.
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Robin Hood (2010)
The '' BATMAN BEGINS '' of Robin Hood
8 November 2010
When I saw this on DVD, I was not expecting much because of the negative reviews I have read about this film, and I was surprised on how good it was ,it's a retelling or a PREQUEL to the Robin hood legend like what Batman begins was to the batman franchise,aside from that it tried to be different as a film to it's predecessors and show something new to the character.

This movie is not boring unless you have a short attention span and you just watched the movie expecting action and gore,To say the least this movie is EPIC... and it has enough action and enough character development to keep viewers interested .

I don't know why most people hate this movie, I think a movie should be judged on how it entertains over all and not nitpick about historical inaccuracies and plot holes , because every movie ever made has it's plot holes and inaccuracies, it's a movie.

And here I wonder why so many critics gave Good reviews on boring and charmless films like Superman Returns and Ang Lee's HULK, all FILMS should be judged on its Entertainment Value..and NOT base it on how people can personally relate to a movie on how boring or how emo they are.
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6 stars for originality and thrills, -5 stars for being disgusting= 1star
7 November 2010
I have mixed feelings about this film, I liked the originality of the concept and some thrilling and suspense filled chase/crawl scene when the victims were trying to escape the mad surgeon,it's sorta like a psychological thriller. the actors were good specially the guy who played the surgeon , he really creeped me out..

But of all the merits of these film , sadly it is over shadowed by a sick and disgusting concept, its original but I think only a person with a fetish for eating human waste would like the idea of a human centipede horror movie.

Honestly i would prefer senseless gore rather than a concept as TASTELESS as this film is, I just feel that some ideas were not meant to be put on film such as this one had.

I hear they are making a sequel, I definitely am NOT gonna see that one, I already had enough disgust for this one.
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Megamind (2010)
Don't expect The Incredibles, Expect a Will Ferrel movie in CG
7 November 2010
As my title suggests ,if you go in expecting Pixar, you will be disappointed , but if you expect another Will Ferrel movie, you will have tons of fun, And it is interesting to watch a Will Ferrel movie in CG and without the adult toilet jokes, you don't see that everyday.

This is a kind of movie which can be enjoyed both by adults and kids, it has a decent story , good animation and I liked the supporting cast, it's not great or epic as the Incredibles ,it's just simply funny... this a safe movie to see with kids,i am absolutely sure they will enjoy this one.

It's a good movie if you're looking for something to watch with the kids.
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Saw 3D (2010)
Anticlimactic and rushed FINAL CHAPTER Made the last 6 MOvieS PointLESS
3 November 2010
This movie was a huge letdown , publicity made me believe that this will be final piece of the puzzle which will connect all the previous movies, so i was at least expecting something more intelligent and a shocker twist of an ending, what we got instead seemed to be a rushed attempt to close all loopholes from the previous chapters.

I followed this SAGA not just because of the gore but also the story which i thought would end in a very epic scale ,this final chapter just offered more gore and took the simplest and easiest way out of the story, It felt like wasting a 7 year long wait for a good ending and instead we get a mediocre and Pointless one.
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RED (2010)
Cool concept , Mediocre execution-felt like another ''Whole Nine Yards" sequel
20 October 2010
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This a story about a team of aging retired CIA agents who is forced out of retirement because they were targeted for assassinations, It was a cool concept and sounds more like a spy thriller, but what we got was a comedy film with action, it works sometimes, some scenes are funny and some seem bland, actually this movie reminded me of another Willis movie " The Whole Nine Yards" because of the dry humor.

The performances were good and each character had their funny and bad-ass moments specially when Helen Mirren was shooting agents with a Huge Machine Gun, I recommend this film as a rental, nothing special, some scenes work some scenes just seem bland.
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Monsters (2010)
No story, No twist , Doesn't make sense...
2 October 2010
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This film doesn't make sense, I don't even think i have anything to spoil about it, because there ain't a freaking story,no action ,not even something to think about.. It's just about two lost Americans trying to cross the border.

They talk to each other,they walk ,they show the monsters then they talk again, I know this film is low budget but I was at least expecting a story worth filming(or even a crappy one),this had none.

I thought there will be a shocking twist in the end because that's how films that are too quiet in the beginning tend to conclude and there's none of that, they say the main twist is that the end of the film is shown in the beginning and I still don't see what's clever about that...they just died.

Comparing this film to District 9 or even Cloverfield is just blasphemy. If you haven't seen this film yet, just imagine Cloverfield without a story because that's what this film is. They says this film is character driven , Problem is they're unconvincing that's why I don't feel for the characters, If you want a character driven monster movie.. watch ''The Mist'' that one is better and makes much more sense.

Don't believe the hype, it's misleading but if you want to find out if what I'm telling here is true , see it at you're own risk...After the credits rolled I felt cheated and asked myself what was the point of watching this piece of sh*t...
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Resident Eye Candy
26 September 2010
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If you enjoyed the 1st 3 installments , you wont be disappointed on this one,At least they're consistent with the quality and the genre of the film which is a Popcorn action movie ( because honestly we will be all disappointed if we see zombies doing Shakespeare right?)

The original director is back, I don't expect much from Paul Anderson, although he is a good special effects and action director, his movies always jump from one scene to another (ex.Mortal Kombat)and plots are silly... but if you just keep an open mind when watching his movies, you'll actually get to enjoy it, at least his movies ain't boring.

I just wished they showed more of Alice's clones before killing them off, they kinda downplayed it on this one after a grand introduction of them from the last movie. Anyway, it was nice to finally see Chris Redfield .

The 4th installment in the Resident Evil movies is a cheesy but fun blockbuster, and I'm actually looking forward to the next because it will feature all of the characters in the previous films (and games)as is shown at the ending of this film....although I hope they make it the last one before they over welcome their stay.
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romantic , funny and entertaining adventure movie
22 September 2010
This one of those films I avoided watching in the theaters, It just didn't have appeal , I think that's the same reason why it flopped in the box-office, I thought it would be one of those lame romantic action flicks that we had seen before but it was actually good Its more like a parody of Cruise's more serious Mission Impossible movies, It's funny and light, action scenes are silly and over the top but still thrilling to watch, Cruise's and Diaz have great chemistry on screen, which is very important in a movie like this.

I recommend this if you're in the mood for a light action comedy type of film with great location scenes, because it delivers on what it's trying to be, we can even classify this as a date movie, so it will also appeal to female audiences.
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Devil (2010)
Nothing special... seen this type of movies before
22 September 2010
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We all know what type of stories Shyamalan does in his movies, ---supernatural like with twists in the end. So basically his movies will be based on how good or how lame the twist is in the end.

This film had a not so good, not so bad either twist which I wont be spoiling to people who hadn't seen it yet, it's average, there is a little shock factor, but it kinda seemed forced.

It's something we have already seen before in B-movies from the 90's which is a ''who-done-it mystery'', I forgot the titles but in those films they were trying to figure out whose the alien among them or killer instead of a demon.

All in all it felt more like a TV-movie, I recommend this as a rental or wait for it on cable. Nothing special about this one.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
Not Scary , Just Disgusting
7 September 2010
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I guess it was my fault, expecting a scary suspense filled jaws-like film,instead I got a short and fast paced film with lots of nudity and constant breast exposures (though I don't mind that)in the beginning and lots and lots and TONS of gore in the middle up till the end.

This is the plot... Piranhas attack a raunchy beach party with horny teens...and that's it! and you will already know that by just watching the trailer.I think the biggest crime this movie did was waste good talents like Rhames, Dreyfuss, Lloyd and Elizabeth Shue, I mean they are all good actors and it seems that they were cast here just for display.

Its nice to see Elizabeth Shue again , she is still great and she looks like one hot momma which is what her role is in this film, effects were okay, but you wont get scared of the deadly tunas you'll just be disgusted at the gore every 2 secs once the piranhas started attacking.

It was a little bit amusing but at the end after watching the film, you'll ask yourself "What the hell did i just watched?" and why...
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Machete (2010)
Misunderstood Grindhouse Action Flick
7 September 2010
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After Expendables comes Machete, I cannot help myself from comparing these two movies cause both are old school action flicks and stara an ensemble cast (though on this one, the ensemble cast mainly portrayed villains) and in my honest opinion , they are both kick ass action flicks.

Trejo is awesome as a bad ass Mexican as always and he doesn't try to be anything else and that's his appeal. Seagal is back on the big screen , I was expecting a cameo because of what I have seen on the trailer before seeing this , but surprisingly, he was the main villain and he did it really quite well and so did the rest of the cast like Fahey, Deniro, and Don Johnson.

Violence was over the top and cartoonish which is why I don't get why people have an issue about the anti immigration war depicted in the film, It was a satire kind of grindhouse action flick like the other R.Rodriguez films which should not be taken seriously.

I know the film seems tasteless with the overwhelming gore and nudity but that's the Grindhouse-feel the director was aiming for,This clearly ain't Inception... but people like and rate movies based on how entertained they were while watching a film, because other movies may have the best award winning plot but can still bore you to death and this movie ain't that, It entertains and is worth the watch, Just expect over the top gore and a silly plot with lots of great action and your good to go.
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Repo Men (2010)
Decent action flick with a good story
30 August 2010
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Repo Men is marketed as a sci-fi thriller, but when you get to actually see the film , especially towards the end , you find out that this was more of a social allegory disguised as a science fiction movie. The main character ironically got to answer the question he brought out during the first scenes about being alive and dead at the same time, because that what happened to him in the end, The movie kinda tells us that happy endings and satisfaction in life usually comes off as a fantasy and that we were all born to suffer or something like that.

Story aside, the movie is entertaining, has good action but gorily disgusting. It's very violent and disturbing.. Acting by the leads was great especially by Forest Whitaker.

Over all,there's nothing really special and memorable in the film except for the twist in the end, I recommend this as a rental If there is nothing else to watch and you're looking for a decent action flick. with a story
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Best movie based on a video game so far!!!
29 August 2010
I really enjoyed this movie, and I wasn't expecting it to be, I thought this would just be another disappointing video game based movie, boy was I wrong!!

The story was fast paced and was moving quickly so there was never a dull moment, characters and performances were all engaging,there were some cheesy lines and clichés,but that's the only bad things I can say about the film... It was an epic adventure film which never seems to bore you from start to finish.

One more thing I noticed is that even though this film lacked blood and gore (obviously it's Disney,lol) It still keeps you interested and you will not be bothered by it, because the entertainment value is pretty high. It's been a long time since I last enjoyed a live-action Disney film. Over-all, it's a highly recommended adventure film for the whole family to watch and enjoy together.
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Nostalgic return of the old school action genre
28 August 2010
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Over the years , the essence of the action film genre evolved from the once tough bad ass hero terminate bad guys with explosions into the sensitive dumb arsed heroes wearing tights and capes and cg fest-giant robots we see today,( a good example is Scott pilgrim ).

Now Stallone fresh from his recent great work in rocky balboa and Rambo, takes a break from making serious films and makes an entertaining action masterpiece which clearly was giving homage to old school action genre, this film was not trying to be inception or other mind blowing films we watched recently, it was just trying to be what it is, an entertaining and nostalgic ensemble action film full of explosions, one liners and blood. I don't know why people expect more than that, because they didn't cast De Niro, Pacino or DeCaprio so don't expect this film to be thick on plot. they cast action stars in this film who are known for their charisma and ass kicking... not for their acting

I personally think every characters had their own moment to shine, the one person that really caught my attention was Dolph Lundgren , he really played a big bad ass in this film even though he wasn't in the final showdown , his character was the most memorable. It was nice seeing him again on the big screen, and I do hope they make a sequel with more old school action heroes...
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felt like a death sentence watching this flick
27 August 2010
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The Film starts promising, it looked like a revenge film with drama, started good but in the middle evidence of stupidity started appearing from nowhere, like...... the incompetent cops who cant even catch an escaped patient from a hospital who can barely walk, the self righteous lady cop who keeps blaming bacon's character, and the seemingly untouchable gangbangers who obviously don't know the meaning of the word subtlety, I know we are suppose to suspend our disbelief but this is pushing it, and the movie itself is presented as a serious crime drama thriller, not a brainless cheesy action movie, It was like the movie was having an identity crisis on what it wants to be. This movie is so unrealistic it makes movies like matrix and harry potter look more credible.

Good points goes to Kevin Bacon's acting and some good action scenes, but that doesn't help this mess of a movie either, maybe the director should stick to horror genres and stay away from serious movies like this, this film didn't know if it wanted to be a drama, action film or a parody... it ripped off taxi driver!!! maybe the director was high when making this piece of trash of a film.
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