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Visually Spectacular, but still manages to Feels Small
1 January 2023
The Way of Water is a grand spectacle like no other. It earns 8 stars from me purely as a visual experience. And it's absolutely worth watching just for that.

Should you watch it in 3D? Why not. It is well executed and the effect is stunning... for the first few minutes. After that you forget it's there. If you wear glasses or just can't stand the 3D visors, you're not missing much watching in 2D.

Unfortunately, The Way of Water feels small compared to the original. Plot-wise no one would accuse tWoW of being a epic. It is more a 3-hour episode in a mini series, than an Epic movie. Lot's of filler, that might be generously filed under world building.

Usually this would earn any movie a much lower score in my book. But being awed by the stunning imagery, I am willing to accept that tWoW is merely setting the stage for future installments with tighter, more meaningful stories.
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Mo (2022– )
Don't Expect YOUR Experience to be Represented
18 September 2022
To our fellow Muslims and Arabs: don't expect this TV series or ANY other to ever represent the "average" Arab (Muslim or other) or Muslim (Arab or other) immigrant experience.

For starters there is no monolithic profile for the Arab/Muslim immigrant. We run the gamut from complete rejection of roots and heritage, to rigid adherence to a way of life that is not even practiced in the country of origin anymore. And, BTW, the same can be said of any Arab or Muslim population in their homeland. It's just the that the distribution shifts to the latter.

Most of us are somewhere in between. Most of us are probably even "more" Muslim or "more" Arab than Mo, the character, or the real one.

More likely than not, educated, slightly above average income, family-oriented, socially conservative, etc. Yeah, most of us are probably like that. But not all of us. Not by a long shot.

Mo, the series does not attempt to be an accurate portrayal of the average Muslim/Arab American. But there is truth in it. Sure, it skews towards the seedy, and the dysfunctional. But we've all experienced, or wrestled, with those aspects, that some reviewers find so objectionable, to a lesser extent, at least.

It does not represent you. But it is funny. And, the thing is, only you, with your life experience, that this show does not represent, only you can get some of the jokes.
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Law & Order: The Right Thing (2022)
Season 21, Episode 1
Tackles current issues well, though heavy-handed at times
6 May 2022
I found the plot of most of the first seven episodes well developed and compelling. Character development leaves something to be desired, however. I kept thinking the runtime of 45 minutes is just not enough.

There's always been a political aspect to L&O. That hasn't changed, and there's no reason for anyone to assume this time around is going to be any different. I have no problem with that. So far the premise of each episode and the proceedings of each case have been spot on.

My only complaint is the less than subtle, and painfully forced dialog, chiefly between the characters of Anderson and Donovan, discussing the underlying politics of each case. It is unconvincing, artificial, and sermonizing.

I'd much rather see the plot, the cases and procedures, do the work of conveying the underlying politics, than have the two detectives throw banal catch phrases and soundbites, lifted straight from cable news chyrons, at each other.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
It's not just the pace
18 December 2021
The pace of this series borders on the unbearable. There's nothing wrong with a slow pace in of itself. However, Invasion achieves it's glacial tempo by inordinate amounts of pointless fluff that's supposed to develop the characters and add depth to the story. It fails miserably in that regard, and only manages to bore you out of your mind.

Nevertheless, with liberal but targeted application of the fast forward button it can be watchable, maybe even entertaining. Hence, I give it 5 stars.
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Only because it was relatively easy viewing
11 November 2020
I am being generous. This series reduces one of the most remarkable achievements in American history (no patriotic bias, I am not American) to a soap opera at the level of The Bold And The Beautiful (No offense to tB&tB). It earned every 2- and 3-star review posted here. It is visually pleasing however, and it suckers you into thinking it will get better. It doesn't. But by the time that sinks in, you're half-way through the season. If there is a second season, I'm not watching it.
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Climax (I) (2018)
A film of two halves
18 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains minor spoilers.

The first half of the film is OK. Nothing spectacular, decent choreography, cool soundtrack, not particularly appealing characters. You don't develop any interest in them, except maybe the 7-year-old who is so terribly out of place. Whether that was Noe's intent or he just fails to make you care for the troupe I cannot say.

Then the midway credits roll; yes at the half mark exactly.

The rest of the film is a gradual build-up of insanity. While this is to be expected, given the premise of the film, one has to wonder what the point of it all is. I don't see any.

Shock for the sake of shock, and a dull, slow, drag of ugliness.

A film, first and foremost, has to entertain, and if it makes you think, if it moves you, even better. Climax does none of these things.
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27 October 2017
Someone put seven books in an industrial-strength blender with a dash of Elba and a sprinkling of McConaughey, hit pulverize, poured a bit of it in a cup, threw the rest away, and served it with a dollop of whipped sh*t on top.

That's the Dark tower in a nutshell.

The end credits say "Based on the Dark Tower Novels by Stephen King", a more truthful statement would have been: A Dark Tower-flavored turd cake.
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It's a parody
24 March 2016
I actually do suspect that its a parody.

If you watched Mr Bean's Holiday, specifically the Cannes Film Festival screening of Carson Clay's (Defoe's Character) "self-portrait" and still can take this film seriously, then please disregard this. Read another review.

The similarities between this piece and a fictional Cannes screening in a slapstick comedy are too striking to ignore. Which leads me to believe that Malick created a parody of himself, either intentionally or otherwise. Now imagine if it was intentional. Imagine you KNEW it was intentional, that might actually make the film watchable.
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The best anime series of all time.
25 June 2011
I would say its the best "animated anything" of all time, but to avoid excessive hyperbole I reluctantly confine myself to "Japanese anime TV series". This is one of Hayao Miyazaki's earlier projects (by no means earliest), and yet it is his best. The colors are not as rich, the animation not as fluid as in his later works but its still his best. Its a 1970's anime made with 1970s techniques, yet you could not want it any other way. The character's drawing is simple by later standards, monotone faces, quite flat, but they are unforgettable and their visual "flatness" only emphasizes their depth of character. The scenery despite the limitations of technology is simply beautiful. All in all, what Miyazaki achieved with this series is the equivalent of replicating the Mona Lisa using nothing but crayons. I will say no more. Except that I pity that part of the world which never had the pleasure to watch it or even hear of it.
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Hell Ride (2008)
A Dirty-Old-Man's Wet Dream
4 September 2010
This Movie is TERRIBLE in so many ways. And no, the 8/10 is not a mistake.

Gratuitous Violence (10/10 on the Kill-Bill-Meter), gratuitous almost-pornographic nudity (Think Showgirls), and gratuitous foul language (like Reservoir Dogs).

There is not much really to speak for it. The cast, with the exception of the lead, is not bad at all. The dialog is deliciously ridiculous.The sound track is quite good and fitting. The plot, even though simplistic, is generally hole-free. Other than that its filthy, unrestrained, and quite frankly full of itself as Larry Bishop is full of HIMself.

Nevertheless, this flick is 80 minutes of guilty pleasure. If you take it for what it is (The cinematic equivalent of a strip-club), its good fun. If you take it seriously though you will certainly hate it and you should be looking elsewhere.
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Inception (2010)
Overrated, way too overrated.
2 September 2010
This is by far my most disappointing movie experience in years. Its not really that its that bad. I would probably have given it 7 stars if it wasn't for the unbelievable 9.1 average, which sent me to the theater with such high expectations.

First of all, I have to get this of my chest: ITS NOT THAT ORIGINAL! In 1998 a by-now-forgotten film by the title of Dark City was released, with a strikingly similar premise, but with better writing, a tighter plot and a fraction of the budget of this monstrosity. Do yourself a favor, watch it.

Back to Inception: The casting is good, the performances vary between average to good, and in general they more or less work together. But the characters lack any real depth, the dialog is mediocre and the pervasive pseudo-science conversations are down-right silly.

Visually its stunning, ground-breaking, with more special effects than you could ever wish for, but quite often pointless. The same goes for the action sequences, amazing yes, but often out of place and you can't shake the feeling that they were forced into the plot: OK guys, its been three minutes since something exploded or someone used a grenade launcher, stuff an action scene in here.

Worst of all: the premise of the film is ridiculous but there is nothing that makes it believable. This, I think, is the mark of a great Sci-Fi flick: you completely buy into the premise no matter how ridiculous it is. Inception fails.

Does it have better entertainment value/ is it a better film than:

Shutter Island: No, but comes close/ No, doesn't even come close

District 9: No, D9 is 3 times more fun/ No, God No, in what dreamworld?

Clash of the Titans: Yes/ Yes

The A-Team: About the same/ Yes, its better than The A-Team

Avatar: No/ No

Finally, Dark City: bang-for-buck, Yes/ No, even though Dark City has a weaker cast its still the better movie,
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