
14 Reviews
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It's a good movie.
22 April 2024
I think it's about peer pressure. Certain influential people that seem to have been tasked with spitting on everything Snyder does have set the tone, and the entourage is following. They don't want to seem uncool.

It's a good matinee movie, the way they were made once upon a time.

The first part was disappointing, too messy, but this second part makes up for it. Apart from some pacing problems, it's good. The fight scenes are amazing.

There were several films that failed at the cinemas, Waterworld, John Carter, but became cult classics. This one is a future classic.

And I'd rather see an evolution of the Snyderverse than the commercial garbage that Star Wars has evolved into.

Go, Zack, go.
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Almost a true story
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from the fact that Engström hasn´t been convicted, almost everything else is authentic. The police was so "incompetent". They mostly tried to pin it on an alcoholic. The guy died recently and journalists went through his diaries. It wasn´t him.

The Engström theory appeared recently, when the latest investigator went through the material before the case was closed. It was conducted so incompetently. But Engström was dead and could not be trialed anymore.

What was avoided by all means was to investigate the Stay Behind / Gladio track, even though they had premises in the Skandia house and had been seen in town with walkie talkies. "They were chasing drug addicts." Why does no one react to vigilantes taking the law into their hands and why do anti-communist vigilantes chase drug addicts?

But what happened was that Sweden changed fundamentally then. Many financial interests benefited from Palme being cleared out of the way.

The path to neoliberalism was open.
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The Red Ghost (2020)
Agree with previous speaker
18 August 2021
A fresh Russian take. No epic battles, even though there´s lot of action. Just smaller groups of people fighting for survival, which brings them close to the viewer. And this mysterious "ghost". Russian western/eastern with a mystery.

There was a Yugoslav movie "Valter defends Sarajevo" - the most watched movie in China - an eastern, where the question was "who is Valter?". People grew tired of epic battles. The Russians seems to have discovered it too.

Since 2015 "Stalingrad", with it´s CGI epic battles it´s not interesting anymore. Russian cinematography has become Hollywood, soulless.

This brings it back to the roots of real people´s destiny.
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Dear White People...
17 July 2021
... complaining about snowflakes. Stop being such snowflakes.

It´s a good movie. The best in the series.

What´s the problem? That wasps, latinos, afroamericans and indians are cooperating against white supremacists going berserk? Would you have liked it better if John Wayne went berserk on redskins?

Dear white people, Those days are over.
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So amateurish
3 July 2021
Even the acting. They try to act to a bad script. But f i one can see that Salma's rage is fake. At one point she even looks into the camera.

Haven´t been so disappointed since Zoolander and Zoolander II.

The first one was a surprise. We laugh because we´re surprised. "Is it possible that... ha-ha, didn´t see that coming".

The sequel tried to repeat it but was predictable. There were no more surprises. Didn´t even smile once.

Same goes for this one. It was embarrassing to see it to the end. I was embarrassed at their behalf.
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It´s like "Borat" or "Starship Troopers"
1 July 2021
The Kazakhstani didn´t understand that Sascha made fun of the Americans prejudice about foreigners and fascists didn´t understand that "Troopers" made fun of fascists.

It´s OK.

The wokeism is so obvious that the movie makes fun of it.

The tropes of modern movies are there. You get sucked in to cheer for America, even though you´re constantly reminded about how hollow it is.

The end... well, that IS America today.

Nietzsche said that every condition has its opposite built in, which eventually turns it into its opposite.

It is blooming today, but it was built in at the creation.

It happens to be about America, but the same goes for all national myths. They´re myths. This one is so exaggerated that it should be obvious.

A healthy dose of self-distance.
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Voyagers (2021)
I loved it
2 May 2021
Proper, mainstream, SCIENCE Fiction, without mysticism or quasi-intellectualism.

Made me think about the state of the world and the democracy.

And the excitement built up as it should in a good story till the very end. No crappy ambiguity, as they often make them nowadays.

I recommend it.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
It´s bad
11 March 2021
As bad as the reviews describe it. Apart from the indifferent acting... the plot. Is there a plot, or did a random generator tell them what to do? Or did they shot the scenes, that were supposed to be cool (they´re not), and then made up a story around that? Shabby men in shabby bars and basements are generals that decide to initiate the first contact with aliens by blasting them away with a q-bomb. The dialog is completely non-sensical. A bunch of amateurs on You Tube would have made a better movie. O, Bruce... I used to look for your name. If it was there I´d watch the movie. Now, it´s the opposite. If Willis is there, avoid it.
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It was OK
7 March 2021
It was OK. Nice feel-good escapism for a while. Our criticism is because we´re older and not as easily impressed. In order to be impressed it has to be the same, but more, much more. Not as good as the first one, but considering what else is out there, OK.
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The Rental (2020)
What was that?
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first half was about relationships that I couldn't care less about, and the other half some sterile killings, like slaughtering animals. And once again no conclusion. What is the director trying to do? Propaganda against Airbnb, so that people use agencies and pay their taxes?
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Ghosts of War (2020)
What is wrong with filmmakers today?
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
70 % of them have crappy endings. This is possible the worst one by now. Otherwise it looked like a decent A-movie. Don´t they get that I´m going to avoid movies from that director in the future?
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Vivarium (2019)
I liked it.
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not predictable. And I didn´t get the relevance of the bird scene at the beginning till the end. That scene explained what happened in the end. A stroke of genius. Without it it would have been another crap that ends ambiguously, that are so in nowadays.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Sleeping with the enemy with an invisible bully
21 March 2020
With the same disturbing message that murder is OK.
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Superman: Red Son (2020 Video)
27 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch? That´s not the adaptation of the novel "Red Son". It´s a mockery. What´s wrong? Pretty much everything. The movie doesn´t seem to know where it wants to go. Luthor sends a brainwashed zombie against Superman, and it ends with the victory of those who sound like the zombie. The end of the novel was supposed to make you think. The end here is an insult. It´s low, so low. I don´t usually get upset because it´s "just a movie", but to massacre good source material like this should be punishable.
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