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Django Fantastic
16 February 2013
From the outset this is a fantastic movie. It is engaging, funny and clever. There is a true story here. It's not just about splattering blood and putting bullets in people. It's got heart and it draws you in from the moment it begins. It may be three hours but it doesn't feel like it! It is highly recommended, even for those who think they wouldn't like a Tarantino movie! I didn't, and I loved every second. Watch out for Don Johnson who turns out to be the highlight of this film. It's fun, light and yet gloriously dark. Leonardo Dicaprio also turns out to be one of the best things this movie has to offer with a brilliant performance, but none more so than the great Samuel L Jackson who is glorious in every acting piece.
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Looper (2012)
Bored to Tears
19 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If I was bored to tears why is this getting two stars, I hear you ask? There are two simple explanations really: the acting of Emily Blunt, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis, all of whom were typically good and believable as their characters; and making Joseph Gordon-Levitt look not only ill half the time but plausible as Bruce Willis's younger self - they did more than simply give Joseph contacts to wear (his eyes are typically a dark brown).

The movie starts off slow, with the hint of a promise of improving. Unfortunately it doesn't. The peaks of interest in Looper are small, too few and far between. First of all the tag line: 'Time travel hasn't been invented yet, but thirty years from now, it will have been' is badly worded and used too much for comfort.

There is too little happening for too long. All we do is see Joe kill a few too many in a corn field. Boring.

The story continues on slowly. One of the interesting points was the time travel, actually, when they chop up young Seth so they can lure in the old one. It was rather horrible to watch pieces of Old Seth vanish before his eyes until his legs literally fell off. It was rather accurate. If your younger self doesn't possess something, then you don't either. The paradox comes in that you don't have prosthetics for you lost limbs: you wouldn't. You're in the same time as your younger self which creates a paradox.

Then there's the pathetic yelling and fighting between both Joes.

By this point I was playing a game on my phone.

And the story edges onwards slowly, to the point where nobody cares anymore. Neither old Joe or young Joe are particularly likable which is probably the point. Old Joe changed but not that much - he's still the childish selfish man he was when he was young, just toned down. And young Joe is entirely jealous, selfish, childish, doesn't know how to be responsible and has like... no emotions. His only redeeming point comes at the end of this long journey.

It turns out Sid is a demonchild 'rainmaker' whose presence in the story appears to be the only justification for the time travel. Why rainmaker appeared in the first place is never explained, only with the thin explanation that maybe the rainmaker became a big bad man because something happened to his mother. Joe's sacrifice at the end was touching.

The various themes of fighting for survival, and how far are you willing to go to survive, as well as what will you do to exact your vengeance, various moral issues etc. However none of them worked.
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The West Wing: Holy Night (2002)
Season 4, Episode 11
Truly Amazing
26 June 2012
This series is amazing. From season 1 to season 5 the writing is flawless, and well executed. The actors who grace the halls of this infamous and fictional west wing work together in a cohesive, elegant and enchanting manner. The entire cast works wonderfully together.

This series is funny and enchanting and heart breaking and moving all at the same time. Each episode brings a new point to the table. The West Wing is about the people more than the politics because I've seen this series four times and I still don't have a clue what they are talking about. And yet, I love it still. This is a testament to the writing skills of the writing team because the personal relationships and characterisation could easily lost amongst the politics. It most certainly is not.

The West Wing sports complicated characters whose reactions to the situations they are put in are consistent and believable. Each character is endearing in their own way whilst displaying many other qualities.

Yet series 6 and 7 are not recommended. They are dull, boring, and excruciatingly painful to watch. It's long, drawn out and holds little substance.
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The Avengers (2012)
Eyes Glued and Never Blinking
26 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is no way this movie could not score a fat, juicy ten out of ten. The Avengers Assembled is a work of genius and art which is flawlessly executed. This film is gold.

One scene flows into the next. There is no spot of disorientation when one wonders 'how did we get here?' because each scene moves effortlessly and easily into the next. As such it really feels as though the events are unfolding as the movie plays on, not as though a story is being told.

This film requires none of the lead up movies to be watched. However I do heavily suggest the viewing of Thor before hand for Loki's development as this film's villain can not be properly appreciated or understand without knowing the evolution of his character development. And yet, without viewing Thor, the Avengers is just as enjoyable and pleasing.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki is amazing. He is utterly spell bounding as the only bad guy. He doesn't bend, he doesn't break and he most certainly requires no support. He brings emotion, heart, soul, charisma, anger and insanity to a very complex role. He plays Loki like he's wearing a second skin. He makes the bad guy extremely likable even when he's causing utter destruction left, right and centre.

One should, however, not ignore the challenge that faced the Avengers. Whilst Tom Hiddleston has the burden of being the sole villain and so must not only step up and do a good job, but fill such a huge space on his own with no support, no back up and no assistance, the Avengers have to not only work together as a team but find their own spot light. Every single Avenger, with poise and grace brings heart and soul to their character, creates personal relationships with others, grabs the lime light whilst allowing the others to play too.

All the characters spark brilliantly together.

Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk was an interesting move. He's the first Hulk to be initially awkward and slightly timid but freakishly smart and seemingly cool under pressure. He is also the only one to have the privilege to work with Motion Capture Technology and so you can see Mark Ruffalo's face on the green giant monster giving the green giant a human quality as he smashes his way through life.

Avengers is face paced, serious, fun and light hearted. Viewers are guaranteed to laugh out loud on more than one occasion and not be able to wait to see what happens next. The film is so good that one will just want to see it over and over. The enjoyability of the film is not worn away with multiple consecutive viewings.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
The Greatest Voyage?
26 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
More like the Greatest Snorage.

Prometheus has a wonderful title but apart from that it is extremely lacking. As with a lot of films the best part about this flick is its trailer. The trailer promises action, excitement, and even on a couple of occasions, fear. However when the entire film steps up to deliver it falls spectacularly short.

Names are banded about like 'Incas' and 'Aztecs' though their significance to the plot and to humanity's history is never explored beyond they were a primitive people and aren't these pictographs interesting? We so no carbon dating or similar techniques. There is no explanation about how the characters could possibly know the dates of these drawings which are oh so significant, other than the fact they must be.

With the decision that these drawings must be an 'invitation' and not a screaming warning left by civilisations of the long distant past that could not be full understood without the proper context a mission is launched. This mission is to determine whether or not human life was created and/or comes from aliens. Right. So that's the premise of the film. So where does the fun start?

It doesn't. That nice sand storm seen in the trailer is little more than a ruse. It's timing in the movie doesn't just fall flat it proves to be a disappointment.

The little aliens themselves are less like Alien and more like those little wormy things out of Dreamcatcher which has ten times more heart, soul and interest than this story.

Are we supposed to care about these characters? Because it is impossible to care when none of them have any personality to speak of. There's no oomph, no oozing charisma, no twinkling eyes or air of J'ai ne sais quoi. All of them are more like androids that David played by Michael Fassbender who holds the most personality and interest out of all of them combined - AND HE'S THE ANDROID.

And then there's the creepy old man whom Charlize Theron doesn't get on well with at all. The only time any personality is seen from her character is when she gets a little mad and by then the whole world is going up in...well...I'd like to say smoke but it's so slow and dull and subtle that really it's a puff of invisible air. The creepy old man who's significance is never fully realised explains only David's motives, who, again, appears to be the only thing in this movie with something to do.

This movie gets two starts because it did not so utterly suck that I felt so immensely bored I almost walked out of the cinema, and because Michael Fassbender managed to put on an emotional yet emotionless performance. His acting allowed me to believe he was a creation pretending and acting like a human - sometimes getting it right, and sometimes not quite so much. But beyond that the main characters are so utterly dire that when their relationship falls apart nobody cares.

That's the problem with this movie. Nobody cares. And as for the Alien golden nuggets promised by Charilize Theron in her interviews...where were they?
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Very Enjoyable But Really, No Match
28 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The first Sherlock Holmes film to star Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law had been a masterpiece of mystery, drama, humour, action, romance and betrayal. The intricacies of the first were not renewed in this light- hearted humours sequel.

The story which was present in the first and woven so cleverly throughout the last movie is absent. In fact, there really is no story at all. And yet it is so well written, so well acted that the lack of story doesn't matter at all. Not once will the viewer become bored with the viewing or ever think 'just hurry up already'. Both Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law act impeccably as always, with an on screen chemistry that makes Holmes and Watson a true friendship and working partnership.

Without being truly sure that this is a spoiler, I marked the review as such regardless. The only disappointment that bugs me still is Moriarty's use of slow motion to predict the outcome of their fight. That was for Sherlock to use and Sherlock alone. There was also a bit too much use of the bullet time during a section of a film.

Despite the few niggling aspects of the film it is overall extremely enjoyable and worth watching. The lack of story does nothing to degrade the viewing and it is recommended for all.
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Apollo 18 (2011)
Suspending Disbelief
17 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Apollo 18, supposedly the final shuttle mission to the moon, collated from real footage of a real mission by NASA. The trailer easily invites viewers in with a question: Why didn't we go back to the moon? It's a simple enough thing to ask, citing curiosity and a chance to enter a world of fiction.

Yes. Apollo 18 can only be fiction. Real footage does not require a Director and the actors are listed in another films as well. Also, no life can be sustained upon the Moon. there is no atmosphere because the moon's mass is too small to create gravity and without gravity you can't have atmosphere. So how are alien spiders running around the moon? also the astronauts walk around as normal, shuffling even. NASA most likely abandoned going to the moon because it's not possible to terraform it.

As long as you suspend your disbelief and take the movie for what it really is - fun fiction - then Apollo 18 is a good thriller. The movie is filmed on video creating a grainy quality with a hand held camera to create a more realistic atmosphere. Although lacking in great splashes of action, the movie is short and concise pushing the story along at an even pace.

Suspend your disbelief and you find yourself in a thrilling mystery twisted with betrayal and fear. Apollo 18 is a good movie as long as you ignore the silly claim that it could possibly be real. On the whole it is very enjoyable and moves along at a very good pace.
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Slow to build, horrible climax
17 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cowboys and Aliens begins as a msytery. It begins with Daniel Craig and a violent scene before moving to a small village. Until the villages are snatched the movie plays along quite nicely and remains full of promise. As the rag tag bunch of villagers engage in a quest to free their captured loved ones the appeal of this film sadly withers and dies.

It's too long, it's slow and it doesn't do very much. Mystery is added by only glimpsing the aliens for a good proportion of the movie. There is a distinct lack of characterisation for all but Harrison Ford's character and that character's son.

The coolest moment in the entire movie is when Olivia Wilde's character springs to life from burning flame. it's not that much of a shock when you see it either - it just looks really cool.

All and all the movie is pleasant enough but unable to maintain a heightened interest for long.
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17 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Next Three Days is honest the worst movie I have ever had to endure. Not even the glorious acting (as always) of Russel Crowe could save this movie from boring me to death. yes, I was one the edge of my seat - in the hopes this film would actually finish.

Next Three Days started off with promise but rapidly declined into something dull, dreary, slow, slow and boring. It dragged on for the duration of the film, leaving me cold, bored, frustrated and fed up.

I did not care whether Russel Crowe succeeded in his endeavor to free his wife, nor did i care if he failed. The sharp edge of extreme boredom left me wishing the film would finish immediately.

It bored me to tears.
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Another Alien Invasion
17 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Battle Los Angeles begins well. There is no doubt that they wish to set a human tone, with human lives, families and love all rolled into one. It takes only 10 minutes to establish familial connections before the whole relationship side is dispensed with and forgotten. Now it's time for trouble and trouble happens pretty fast. Like all disasters there's very little warning. Suddenly there's a meteor shower, approaching far too fast and isn't doing anything as expected. Of's not a meteor shower. Classic: technology going wrong again!

The suspense isn't bad. The aliens are never really seen with a close up and clear visual. This is a nice artistic decision to shroud the aliens in smoke, make them hazy and blurred. The dark is always scary because we don't know what's in it, and so is peering through dusty air, therefore increasing the fear of the aliens and suspense. What are they? It is a clear form of xenophobia, with even mentions of 'illegal aliens' and continual suggestions with the addition of two Spanish people at a police station. It's a simple invasion though for what purpose isn't entirely clear. The focus on Los Angeles is entirely by inconsequential.

There's no blood or gore - a nice choice with only a dissected alien covered in goo, gunk and slime. This is a good choice. Too much blood and gore is never pleasant, besides we all know what it looks like. The alien gunk however establishes that this is very much alien and foreign to us. Again, it's a gigantic stamp of 'this is unknown to us'. There are also other nice cursory mentions of 'wow this brain doesn't look like hours' and 'how on earth do we kill this thing?'.

Annoyances over some of the Marines being silly and firing precious bullets just because it makes a nice banging noise which makes you feel a little better. When you're facing an unknown enemy, who's capabilities appear to be superior than your own (better to assume so anyway), and assuming they actually have ears and are crawling the city...yes, let's make a lot of noise so they can pinpoint our location. Well done.

This is nothing like Independence Day, Terminal Velocity or Cocoon or anything of the sort. It's more like Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down and other basic lets shoot a lot of things.
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I am Number Four
16 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I Am Number four is a rather enjoyable flick about a boy who is not quite what he appears to be. No, not a homegrown supernatural but rather one which comes from another Planet. So we knew this pretty much from the get go. The concept of aliens being on Earth is not new to us but does have the nice twist that our Protagonist (and 5 others) are not here to cause mayhem and destruction but to keep their heads down, stay out of trouble and remain low key. The idea of using Earth as a Sanctuary is rather cool. Of course life is never easy especially when you are an alien, struggling to be an alien and a human simultaneously. The bad guys, (who are inevitable), of course don't look human to ensure a lack of sympathy from the audience and clear cut knowledge of who exactly is who. Oh yes, non human looking dude = alien and definitely evil. Right. Got it. So points for remaining clear. Over all the plot is quite good. As I said it's not aliens taking over the world (at least that's not the focus but when it comes to aliens you never do know their intentions, especially the bad ones). However it is a little generic.

The bad guys want the good guy and then it'll be the humans turn to shiver and shake. Bad guys are a real pain who always manage to catch up with the good guy in the end. Another plot bore is the romantic love story, while fluffy and cute feels clichéd and stressed. It's a classic tale of love at first sight with mutual feelings and a jealous ex- boyfriend who acts like a pathetic child and could really use a wake up call. Our Protagonist just suddenly decides Lady A is the girl for him and that's it. He doesn't heed warnings or think...hmm...what if she decides she doesn't like me somewhere down the line? What if I get her killed because she's getting too close and the baddies find out? No thought for the safety of the loved one, as per. Life's not without drama. Wouldn't be fun if she was safe now, would it?

The special effects are awesome. The alien deaths are rather cool. {{SPOILER HERE}} Loving the addition of Timothy Olyphant but hating his death, though heroic and rather beautiful (after he's died, not the dying part).

Annoyance over the fact our Protagonist's life is at stake which he can't quite seem to grasp, or care about because he's always getting himself photographed or videoed. Also our protagonist actor doesn't make me feel like he really means his love for his beau, or that he's too cut up about anything which happens to him. He does, however, get childishly angry pretty easily.

Kudos for the butt kicking female, who rocks.
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