
18 Reviews
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Pretty Good
31 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this in 3D, just to see if I would get a headache. Fortunately neither the 3D nor the film gave me one.

They don't seem to have made the 3D stand out all the way through - fast moving sequences especially aren't noticeable, so whether you want to pay extra for something that doesn't really add much is up to you...

The story is rather good, and should provide entertainment for all ages. Its paced a bit quicker than the first film, but you don't see many speciality cats this time - so no ninjas

Special effects for the main part are good - however, this area is let down by Mr Tinkles animation, which is pretty poor.

The title sequence is pretty good, although for the title music they should have gone for something more original. The end credit sequence shows cats and dogs playing and righting, like something out of "Animals Do The Funniest Things"

Whilst it will keep you smiling all the away through, there are only a few places that are really funny.

All in all, its good - but I'm not sure its better than the first one.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Just about bearable
7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing to note is the "Shakey-cam" filming is very off-putting. Most users of hand-held recorders to tend to make sure that what they film can be viewed without the viewers deciding that the contents of their stomach's need to be examine by the floor. This does make it hard to see what is supposed to be going on.

Next thing is that the the characters aren't particularly interesting. Nor are they particularly bright : Trying to use a lift in a badly damaged build ? Stopping under a bridge when there is a slightly miffed monster around ? These are the actions of Homer Simpson, and hopefully not the average American, although saying that... One good thing about the person using the camcorder becoming a monster sandwich : The camera work is a bit more steady.

I didn't find it particularly frightening, nor interesting. There was too much talk and not enough action, particularly around the monster. I only saw it to the end to see what the monster looked like.

Its a film to watch once and then forget all about - or perhaps buy it for someone you don't like.
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Not bad
29 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that should be noted about this series is that all the episodes have a moral in them, which means you have to think (and watch) them to at least understand them - as there is very little action in any of the episodes (just usually dialogue between 3 or 4 people), no doubt the XBox generation will fail to understand (or follow) most of it.

Each episode takes a story from a science fiction writer and usually modernises it - its probably not always a good idea as the original story usually conveys it message better.

Special effects are adequate - probably more was spent on the well known actors the CGI and prosthetics, and it does show sometimes, but it doesn't really hinder the series.

It is amazing there was nothing chosen from Asimov or quite a few other writers.

Overall, its a lot like The Twilight Zone, though without the twist ending.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
30 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Its a very funny comedy film, with quite a few gory bits in. Having never seen Shaun of the Dead, I didn't know what to expect, but if you aren't squeamish, you should like it.

Its got plenty of action - there are very few boring bits, where not much happens. Unfortunately, the main problem with this film is the camera work - once the action gets going, the final shoot-out contains lots of fast framed shots, which makes it hard to understand whats happening.

The ending bucks the usual trend for baddies being killed, which is good to see. It could be seem as somewhat more realistic.
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Superstorm (2007)
Quite interesting
30 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen the last episode, I can say that overall it was a pretty interesting docudrama on weather modification, possible subversion and the moral dilemma's that go with it.

It had a companion series that looked into the science behind weather modification and the previous attempts at it, both military and non-military.

The main real problem with this mini-series, is the camera work : Quick inserts of actual storms interjected with black and white frames at weird angles, whilst giving a picture of menace, just didn't feel right. Its as though the director wanted to be arty for arts sake. Unfortunately, this sort of thing seems to be catching (eg Hot Fuzz).

It can also be slightly slow in a few places - possibly an attempt to pad the episode.

The characters all chance over the 3 episodes, from the very unlike-able programmer of software for predicting hurricanes, to one that started to crack up, each one was interesting.

There wasn't a particularly happy ending to the series - most of the people in Stormshield die. You also only get to slightly seem the ramifications of an unauthorised modification and the attempt to modify that.
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Happy Feet (2006)
Good film
11 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't always an easy film to watch - at the start, the harsh living conditions of penguins is shown and then later attacks by seals and whales (who have very nasty open wounds), is joined by Mumbles inability to fit into the colony of penguins and at a low ebb when put in a zoo along with various other penguins who have lost their mind through boredom (one penguin talks in the same non-emotional way like the computer from 2001 - "Try the water, Dave! Its real").

Aside from the many bleak and downcast times there are some pretty funny moments including the dancing, a small penguin Guru (being choked by the plastic from a 6 pack) and 5 other smaller penguins (probably Snares) who befriend Mumble and admire his tap-dancing abilities.

The animation, was very good. However, the "camera" work leaved a bit to be desired - it had a tendency to jump around a lot, with an inability to stay fixed on one point of view.

Humans at the end (in the zoo and when the main UN discussion meeting takes place) were either live action or very good computer generated ones - it was hard to tell.

So, its certainly worth seeing (as long as the people your going with aren't under 6 or so - contrary to what the BBFC say - as its not really suitable for young people). Just don't expect a constant feel-good film - there is little of it present.
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Very good
7 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Its not often a remake is better than the original. However, in this case it is.

As in the original there is no real action, its all physiological, at the basest level.

Nicolas Cage's character could be regarded as being more human than Edward Woodwards one, as he shows more emotion than in the original - and also doesn't have to suffer an awful song either.

Various new things have been added, which all give it a slight horror feel, and do actually enhance the film.

You'll only really enjoy it if you can sit through 80-odd minutes of talking and nice scenery - if you want action every few seconds, then you certainly wont like this...
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Quite good
31 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It is quite a unique approach - trying to convert Jurassic Park into a pseudo-documentary, and on the whole it does work quite well.

For a start, more animals are "met", than in the aforementioned film, and whilst that had multi-million dollar special effects, the ones in this series are still pretty good.

Whilst it can be slow at times, and some of the dialog can be a bit stilted and a bit cheesy, Nigel does make the program interesting and describes the animals in an interesting way.

I do have some technical problems with it though, mainly : They assume that the vegetation that we have now would be suitable. It also seems they wont have enough for all the animals (from the ground views that we've had).

The pens are made out of wood - and don't look terribly strong either. After all, if a T-Rex can cause havoc with metallic cages, what would 2 T-Rex's do with wooden pens ? Perhaps in the last episode, everyone & everything gets eaten :) Nigel doesn't have any weapons, which is a bit stupid...

Who owns the park, and where does the money come from - there are no visitors... Perhaps its InGen ?!
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Plodding piece of non-action
27 July 2006
Whilst its good to see Superman back, unfortunately this film doesn't do him justice. Its a plodding piece, concentrating more on the relationship between Kent/Superman and Louis - and this does not make for a good (or interesting film).

You cant fault the SFX - they were very good. Shame the same couldn't be said about the story.

Lex Luthor is good - having a darker side to the usual comical character, does add an extra edge to the film.

The only other good thing left to say is the John William's theme tune is back.
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Pretty good
26 July 2006
You cant help but compare this film to the first one, and unfortunately it does come off a poor second - there are fewer laugh out loud moments, and more of the 'just smile' moments.

However, saying that, in parts, it is amusing - Garfield and duplicate have pretty similar attitiudes, which makes it interesting. Billy Connolly, playing the baddie, is very good, and has most of the funny moments.

Unfortunately, less attention was paid to Garfield this time, and it does suffer from it - sort of breaks up the story.

If you liked the first film, you'll almost certainly like this one.
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Stormbreaker (2006)
Pretty Good film
26 July 2006
Considering the poor reviews it has had from mainstream critics, I was surprised at how good it actually is, especially as I haven't read any of the books.

It should be regarded as a James Bond for young children/adults, and has the same amount of action (without so much gratious violence), but without the sex. It also has some quite amusing funny moments as well.

The villains are mentally challenged (as per the Bond films), as usual.

Everyone in it is pretty good, and acting well, with Alex showing pretty much the right amount of emotion when being coerced into working for MI6.

The special effects are pretty good, especially the VR sequence.

I feel its certain worth going to see.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
7 April 2005
Its a welcome and very good return to Dr Who. Whilst the camera work for the opening episode was rather dodgy, it does get better with the later episodes.

Christopher himself is a good doctor, a bit hyper-active, possibly leading to a story about (perhaps) the regeneration went slightly wrong. It's a shame that he has decided to quit (and probably rather a big blunder on his part).

Talking of re-generation, they should have shown one, but as Christopher is leaving, the BBC will have to show one in the Christmas episode.

Billie Piper was okay, a trifle annoying (and still is), but hopefully we'll get used to her.

One poor thing is the new musical arrangement - it is poor. Either the tune from the Paul Mcgann movie should have been used or from the Slyvester McCoy's series - the current arrangement has no menace or intrigue to it.
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Might be as good as the original.
19 February 2005
More of a "re-animation" of the original, rather than an original take on the original Captain Scarlet, Gerry Anderson is back with more of a whimper than a bang.

First of, its currently shown in a children's Saturday morning show (Ministry of Mayhem), split in two between games and with a preview at the start of the second part. Secondly the transmission times keep changing (anything from 10:30am to 11am) Thirdly, the episodes seem to be heavily edited as scenes jump from one to another without any real reason. Lastly, there is usually a fairly annoying scrolling message during the first showing of the program.

The CGI for the most part is pretty good, with detail on hair, engine thrusts etc. Unfortunately in parts its also pretty poor - lip animation seems to be very limited, with no real changes of mouth shapes, depending on what words are said.

The actual script is pretty good, although it can be a little tacky in parts.

Whether it would be better to wait until later in the year to get the DVD set, and hopefully a better transmission time, will depend on whether you can stand MoM.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
Very funny
14 February 2005
A very funny "horror" film - whether the intention was to be funny is unknown, but the poor special effects and acting leads me to that belief. And don't watch it to be frightened, its low budget and quality certainly wont make you jump...

Bruce himself is not too bad occasionally, but aside from the odd bit here and there, he either over acts or doesn't at all.

The special effects are poor, the best best bit being the vortex at the end. It was made cheaply and certainly appears so.

The ending is a fair surprise and was certainly designed to allow a sequel to be made.
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Pretty good film
8 November 2004
I was expecting a lot worse, but it is pretty good, although does suffer from being made a 15 instead of an 18 - a lot of the gory detail was missed.

Aside from one major battle half-way through the film, which was very corny, the action was pretty good and quite intense. The final battle at the end was especially good.

Some of the fight scenes were a bit too blurry, resulting in you wondering what was going on. Bullet-time also makes a single appearance too...

The CGI was good, especially the Predators ship.

I certainly would like to see a sequel, especially if the proper rating of 18 is used.
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Very funny
5 September 2004
WFRR is a very funny film, cleverly mixing live action with cartoon animation.

Unfortunately though, time has not been that kind on the animation - its looking dated and not very detailed, with not very accurate lip-syncing.

The live action parts are great though - Bob Hoskins is great, being able to create a straight face all the way though.

Christopher Lloyd is also great as the mad baddie.

Over all, a great film that could do with being re-made, with CGI animation (which is the way forward).
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First Blood (1982)
Very good film
19 July 2003
Personally, I liked this film a lot. I think is the best film Sly has done. It shows how American sheriffs can become too consumed by their own power, and think they can allow or disallow anyone they dont think fits into their community. The ending is quite touching, representing probably what a lot of Vietnam soldiers found on their return home.
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Very slow and boring
15 July 2003
Its was certainly the worst of the Star Trek films - a very slow, plodding film, probably done (unfortunately) in the vein of 2001 - everything is shown in minute detail, and whilst may be accurate, it is not at all needed.
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