
2 Reviews
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Patriot (2015–2018)
What we need more of!
1 February 2020
I've been paying through the nose for years for "Premium" cable service. The higher the rates get, the less content there seems to be worth watching. Both in quality and in endless re-runs.

I came accross this. I was expecting to get half way through an episode or two and be forced to find something else.

Wow, was I surprised! Patriot is just what we need MUCH MORE of.

Witty, engaging, unpredictable, well written, acted and directed.

Now, I see there are only two seasons, the last being first aired, I beleive, in 2018.


But, I guess, once I finish watching season 2, I'll be searching in vain through the endless "reality" shows, boring re-makes and Hospital/Fire/Police "dramas".

Maybe if we fill the comments here DEMANDING more of Patriot and other shows that are fresh and worth watching we can effect a sea-change.

Fingers crossed...
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The PJs (1999–2001)
I thought it was a riot!
29 May 2004
I really miss this series. The first time I saw it I had a SPLITTING headache, and was just flipping channels. I started watching, and I couldn't stop laughing. It made me completely forget my headache! The humour may have been directed at people who live in the "Projects", but I found many gaffs applied to all of society. Afterwards, I tuned in as often as I could, but it seemed to be on again, off again. I will never forget the "Crack-Head" character (Smokey or Sparky I think) riding down a hill in a shopping cart yelling "I'm the king of the world" a la Titanic. I think Eddie Murphy really had a hit on his hands, and I wonder why it went off the air. If anyone knows why it was dropped, could you let me know, please?

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