
40 Reviews
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The Shift (2009 Video)
Very pro natalist
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've always been a fan of Wayne Dyer. There are some beautiful messages in this film. I was very disappointed at how heavy leaning it is to pro natalism. Several times in the movie Dyer mentions that he has eight children. Yuck. That's not something he needs to be bragging about. The earth is grossly overpopulated, and some of us believe that having any children..or more than two is at best selfish, at worst highly irresponsible and narcissistic.

There's a scene in the movie where the sentiment of the writer (Dyer?) reveals that he believes a life with no children is a selfish one.

Interestingly, Portia De Rossi, in real life, has no children.... Anyhow, I thought I really respected Dyer, and still live much of his philosophy..However, the pronatalism here is imo self serving and selfish and irresponsible. Disappointing.
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The New Yorker Presents (2015–2016)
Some stories are worthwhile
9 May 2024
I enjoyed many of the stories. However The New Yorker glorifying bull/sheep riding..really? It's one of the most torturous forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. Bull riding and The New Yorker are just an unlikely and disappointing combination? I just do not understand why a notoriously insightful and intelligent publication would endorse animal cruelty.

I like the length of the stories and the format of an assortment of varied subjects. Especially loved the episode with the famous performance artist at MoMA. If the New Yorker could refrain from.covering stories that portray animal abuse in a positive light...that would be awesome.
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Ted Bundy (2002)
30 April 2024
I don't know. I'm interested in all things Ted Bundy...for whatever reason, but this one felt exploitative. It was nearly impossible to watch due to the graphic violence. Also, the acting was suspect. I guess the lead guy was good, although he lacked that quintessential Ted charm that made him who he was. An integral part of the story is Ted's charisma and likability. I got none of that here. The guy was handsome enough, but I didn't find it believable that women would be drawn to him. This Ted seemed to wear his crazy on his sleeve, which never would've worked for the real guy.

I felt the graphic kill and torture seems were exploitative.
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Compelling for all the wrong reasons
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been meaning to watch this forever, being a fan of Oscar winning performances (hypothetically). It's like watching a car crash..unpleasant, but impossible to stop watching.

The acting, the story line...I don't get any of it. The performances are reminiscent of a college acting group, doing a first run through.

The actors seem removed from what they're saying... it's uncomfortable to watch.

Why is the visiting couple subjecting themselves to antics of the torturous psycho couple? I don't get it.

George and Martha just aren't believable as a couple, or even individually.

Uncomfortable, awkward, jagged, unrealistic.. but I had to watch to the end... so...
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26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There were things that I really loved about this movie. My favorite scene, when the whole world stands still when she seeks out her new person. I thought the depiction of that was just beautiful and poignantly accurate to the feelings that accompany that situation.

I was engaged throughout the movie, finding the characters and situations interesting and compelling.

What didn't work for me, was that I ultimately didn't love Julie or root for her. Yes she is perhaps a complete human with faults and more than one dimension. Still, I just thought she was possibly narcissistic and lacked compassion.

Also, I thought the ending was unclear. We went on an emotionally turbulent ride, and were dropped off in the middle of nowhere with no idea why we are left there. At least those are my feelings.

Still, worth a watch.
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18 March 2024
I'm around her age, and found most of her material very relatable and funny. The stuff about her husband, their relationship, what it's like being in our 50's, her thoughts on her body, etc...all very funny.

I was taken aback by her saying her parents owned a "mink processing plant". This is information that could be kept out of a standup routine.

If her parents killed dogs for a living, would she have mentioned it? The fact that she mentioned it, to me revealed that she's got no moral issue with it. So... I immediately lost any affection that I'd collected for her up to that point. Hard to enjoy someone I think so little of.
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Some laughs
8 March 2024
I found the first half of the movie or so.. to be pretty engaging. There were some laugh out loud moments, which honestly don't happen for me very often. After the party scene, the whole thing starts to go down hill for me.

It felt as though someone came up with a clever premise. Some of the cast was excellent, especially Cena. However, there was an overall vague feeling that the film was put together in a sloppy lazy way. I'm not a film maker, so I can't identify what it needed.. it just felt like it wasn't ready(?) Like they needed to rehearse more.. or something. The acting from some of the cast was just uncomfortably bad.. like the producers just grabbed people off the street to fill roles.

Good for a few laughs, could have been so much better with more of something(?).. I suspect more time and effort.
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Rambling Rose (1991)
Unique and worthwhile
25 February 2024
The acting in this movie is spectacular. I am watching it now for the first time. So glad I ignored the less than impressive rating and gave it a chance. Yes, there are some awkward moments and the subject matter is potentially uncomfortable. However, it's so beautifully acted, and the story is quite believable and poignant.

I could've lived without hearing the rabbit story. I'm a rabbit rescuer. Otherwise I found the story so engaging, brilliantly acted, and well done.

Normally I stay away from movies rated under 7. Learned a lesson here. Ratings are subjective. I suspect the low reviews are perhaps a reaction to the sexual explicitness.
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28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the bad reviews. He is a funny guy. I'm not his biggest fan... I'm even liberal. Still this was just entertaining, insightful, and so genuine. I don't laugh out loud often. I laughed out loud, watching this alone, a few times. I am a lot like his wife who talks too much. Haha. So as well as being totally entertaining, this gave me some insight into how former male companions might have viewed my habit of talking too much. Very helpful!

Can't remember the last time I had so much fun watching a standup comedian. I hope people don't let the poor ratings stop them from giving this a chance.
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The Rehearsal (2022– )
Can't watch
23 January 2024
I am envious of people who find this entertaining. I find it excruciating to watch. This is a very specific type of "comedy"..that apparently many people love. For me, it feels like there's a mean-spirited undertone. I've seen movies with a similar style. Almost reminds me of Sasha Cohen..there are people who aren't in on the joke. So the humor, I suppose, is in their eventual humiliation, when they realize what they thought was a serious interaction, is just a sort of joke with them as the subject of the humor. I find it so tedious and painful to witness. People who like it, seem to reeeeally like it.
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Important information
12 January 2024
I've been vegan for 11 years, and am in amazing health. So I'm not surprised by the information shared in this film. Those yelling "vegan propaganda" clearly fear that their unhealthy lifestyles are being threatened and challenged. That fear is justifiable as history will eventually prove that a carnivore diet is quickly becoming out of fashion and unhealthy for the animals, the environment and human health. Please give this an open minded watch, and move into the future. For those who are stubbornly resistant to the facts presented.. that's your prerogative... but to rate the movie poorly, because you don't want to give up eating flesh isn't really fair.
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Saltburn (2023)
Not good
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reading some of the reviews and hearing that this got 3 critics choice awards... I'm sooo confused. The "gross" parts didn't phase me at all..I just found the movie to be frustrating. I love the basic premise, but I'd say 80% of the movie was just dull. The set up for the activity, just took forever. Much of the dialogue and acting was just awkward and not good. I can think of several movies with a similar story (evil sociopath who at first seems innocuous..), which were engaging, entertaining, exciting... Because I don't understand the intricacies of movie making, I can't pinpoint what this movie was lacking. For me it was something very ominous.

I was going to watch it at a movie theater, but before I got a chance it was available to stream at home. About 45-60 minutes in, I felt like the movie was already failing in that it just wasn't engaging. I thought, well maybe if the big plot reveal is good enough, it will compensate for all this wasted time...nope. Even that was clumsy and not exciting.

Maybe those who loved this, found it so aesthetically pleasing and/or clever in its caricature of the rich... that they forgot there should be a cohesive, interesting story. I really wanted to like it. 😔
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Spectacular movie
18 December 2023
I didn't know what to expect going into this movie. I thought it was very good. The story and performances, mostly stellar.

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a fan of Marisa Tomei's acting. I don't understand her Oscar for My Cousin Vinny. Yes, it was an entertaining performance, but Oscar? Really?

In this movie, as we go from one brilliantly acted scene to another, but feel Tomei is out of her league. ... as I watch Tomei, I am always painfully aware that she's acting. Her facial expressions, every nuance, feels plotted and contrived. Yes, she's adorable and sexy, but it always seems she's painfully self aware of every facial movement. I can't just enjoy the dialogue, as the acting feels too planned.

However, still a really great movie, and certainly worth watching.
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Frasier (2023– )
7 December 2023
I'm a big fan of the original, having watched the whole series maybe a half dozen times. For me, it doesn't get old. The new series, I'm enjoying..I think the writing is great and reminiscent of the writing of the original. I think it's creative and witty. What I'm not 100% on board with, is the new cast. I don't love the actor cast as Freddy. He's handsome and perhaps charming, but for me... isn't really fitting the vibe of the show in a way I would like. Sometimes feels like I'm watching a college stage production... something is just missing. I like the older guy as Frasier's friend, I like the actor playing David.. less than impressed with the actress playing Freddy's roommate. Love seeing any characters from the original!!!!! Lilith and Roz..yes!!!

So, I'll keep watching, maybe all actors will grow into their roles with more comfort..? Or maybe there will be some recasting... ?

I like it well enough, for now.
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Wall Street (1987)
80s nostalgia
25 November 2023
Come for the beautiful view of the twin towers and a boyish clean-cut Charlie Sheen. Stay for the gigantic cell phones. Worth a watch.

Hmmm more characters needed to complete my review. Mostly kept my interest. Interesting to see Martin and Charlie Sheen share the screen. Michael Douglas at his charismatic, unethical prime. Daryl Hannah being Daryl Hannah-y. Sean Young being her pretty, dippy self.. in giant soulless 80s earrings. Thank God phones and earrings are back to a reasonable size... and no longer ridiculously big.

Would've liked it to reveal a bit more at the ending. Felt like it ended 5 minutes prematurely.
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Elvis (2022)
9 November 2023
Austin Butler is phenomenal, and captures Elvis' sexiness, charisma and vulnerability. Tom Hanks gives a peculiar and cartoonish performance. It's impossible not to see the character as Tom Hanks in fat suit with a bizarre accent. An unknown with the right physical characteristics would have been a better casting choice.

The picture is larger than life, in typical Baz fashion, making it mostly fun to watch. Much much less Colonel Tom Parker would make the movie better.

I enjoyed the scenes that included Elvis as a child and his experiences with gospel and the music that influenced his style.
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Priscilla (2023)
9 November 2023
It was ok. I had a hard time with the way the actors looked. The real Elvis and Priscilla were each unusually stunning. Actors portraying them are attractive... but to really capture the genuine essence of the true story...for me, actors should have been as stunning as the real people. Also Elvis 5' 11" Priscilla 5' 4"...Elvis actor 6' 5" Priscilla 5' 1"... just came across as peculiar.

The acting was stellar, the story was...well it was Priscilla's story, and I believe, certainly worth telling. The actress playing Priscilla was superb, but I had a hard time getting past her diminutive stature, especially against a 6' 5" Elvis...I felt like the movie was worth seeing, but felt like it was missing something. Left me feeling like I wanted more..more emotion, more details, more of the story.

I prefer the 1988 TV "Elvis & Me".
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C'mon C'mon (2021)
21 January 2023
I an a Joaquin Phoenix fan, but found this movie to be almost too slow to enjoy. It has some tender and worthwhile moments. However, maybe because I'm not someone who finds all children lovable or can be hard to watch a kid, just being a regular annoying kid. I found the interviews with the other children to be far more interesting than watching the main kid. This kid has at least 2 people who really love him. So, I didn't feel especially sorry for him. Also he is kind of bratty at times. As usual, Joaquin Phoenix, stellar acting. Other acting did not particularly stand out to me.
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13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So hard to rate this. I think it was a magnificent feat of movie making..but did I really enjoy watching it...? Not exactly. I was really hoping that it would, at some point wrap up in a way that it would all make sense. However, as a metaphor for life, or dreams... it does not ever truly wrap up or necessarily make any sense at all. It did make me think, and it had some beautiful massages within the chaos (again like life). The confusion comes in, when I think of recommending it to others. Can't really say "I really enjoyed it", or "you will love it". It's a wild ride that you must take for it's own sake.. like beauty... it's own excuse for being, with a very untraditional format.
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Chelsea (2016–2017)
Almost liked it
24 December 2022
I liked Chelsea Handler. She's very liberal. I'm very liberal. I like her swearing, and we seem to hate the same people. Just watched a bit of the episode where she is playing with a dead pig body. Sorry...too far. No reverence for life...and just really vile. Won't be watching or recommending anything she's involved with. Wonder how she'd like someone slaughtering her dog, then laughing as they cut him up and play with the body? She's just gross and unkind.

I need 600 characters: Speciesism is wrong.

Watch Dominion.

Pigs are smarter than dogs.

Chelsea is rude.

Choose something else to watch....
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The Cosby Show (1984–1992)
Not really a fan
20 August 2022
I guess the show wasn't awful. I always found it to be unrealistic, even for a sitcom....akin to the Brady Bunch but without the campy charm. Something always creepy to me about Bill Cosby...the news, while disturbing...did not come as a complete shock. His arrogance seemed too over the top to be warranted.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Vaguely dissatisfying
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Couldn't decide between 6 & 7. Admittedly, I have a hard time with the "aliens should be respected" theme, coming from a species who blatantly and systemically disrespects, exploits and rapes nearly every non-human species on earth. If the little lab rat/bird in the cage were bigger and came from another planet, would he have been worthy then of respect?

Anyhow, the movie did keep my interest. I always like the "time is not linear" theme, and find it thought provoking and fascinating. Only wish humans would reserve a little of that alien directed sentimentality, respect and occasional reverence for the non-humans on our own planet.
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Cheers (1982–1993)
9 for first 5 seasons
2 April 2022
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9 for seasons with Diane, 6 for the rest. Rewatching now for the first time since original airing in 80s. Dynamic between Diane and Sam is delightful, entertaining, funny. Post Diane, I'm finding episodes and story lines to be just watchable. Nothing special.
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Servant: Eel (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Graphic animal abuse is disturbing
1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it was simulated.. but waaaay too realistic for my taste. After watching this episode, I may decide to stop watching altogether. I was enjoying the show..but the eel torture was pretty horrific.
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Important documentary
17 March 2022
This is a perfect combination of homage to the amazing work of an iconic legend...who in the end, we an unethical, pathological, nightmare of a human being. This documentary is specifically about the way we feel about learning that this revered man, is not who we thought. So, it needed to cover all the details of his mastery and his debauchery... Anyone who's got a problem with either aspect of the story, isn't understanding the point.
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