
83 Reviews
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Reptilicus (1961)
Despite its shortcomings, still fun
29 March 2024
Yes, it's bad, yes the sfx are cheesy, yes it's far from a masterpiece. Is it unwatchable? Nope. In fact, it's an entertaining monster movie that does not take itself too seriously. There are no long drawn out pseudoscience explanations included the story begins right away and moves on quickly. What you see is all you get yet, this doesn't prevent the man vs monster hijinks from being entertaining. I grew up watching cheesy Saturday afternoon horror movies and, trust me, there are MANY far worse than this choice (think "The Creeping Terror" anyone?). If I could think of a drinking game for thisovie I would invite my friends to come & enjoy watching this one with me.
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Is there no movie maker with original ideas?
12 March 2024
Let me start off by saying that found footage genre flicks CAN be scary as it plays on the innate fear of the unknown. Having gotten that off my chest, let me proceed. Admittedly, there are found footage creations that are effective at playing on peoples' fears inducing anxiety, claustrophobia, and/or abject terror. What I find completely annoying about the paranormal investigation found footage genre, which this flick demonstrates blatantly, is as follows:

1. Why include stereotypical "weak" women who have absolutely zero fortitude on a night time ghost hunt when you HAVE to know they are going to become nothing but hysterical liabilities (and I can say this as I'm a woman)?! Women's can be mentally just as strong as a man in their own right. All women are depicted in this genre, as equal rights advocates are eager to point out, as the panicky, emotionally frail, screaming, I-just-might-faint types that need to be protected and saved. Why would you even bring women you view as such on a overnight paranormal investigation when you know that at the first hinky incident they're going to run away hysterically screaming into the dark without so much as a flashlight?!

2. Flashlights, headlamps extra batteries, portable chargers, portable comms, maybe even a small generator... Does no one who has permission to enter said property ever consider or plan for redundancy of vital basics?

3. Would it be too much to ask property owner and/or manager for extra key(s) for the exit(s) so more than one person has the ability to unlock said points of egress in case of an emergency?

4. Does no one come prepared with a first aid kit and the knowledge to render assistance in case of an emergency?

5. How about portable food and hydration in the preparation of a longer than planned stay?

6. If you have permission to be on the property to be investigated and explored, why don't you tell a friend or three where your going and when you're due back so if you don't reappear or contact said friend(s) after you're due back someone knows you need rescue?

7. Is there not a single person on the investigative team to stand up to the one in charge that if s/he wants to leave the endeavour it's their god-given right to think for his/herself and act on such? And why is the one in charge always a conceited a-hole who feels everyone else is there simply to stroke HIS narcissistic ego? Why is a woman never in charge, btw?

I could keep going but this review is getting far longer than I anticipatedbur, you, dear reader, assumedly get my point. Four stars for decent visual quality, average acting, and for effectively sucking me in hoping for some originality. Unless you're a fan of this genre, I cannot recommend this pick.
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Competent historical folklore tale
9 March 2024
I very much enjoyed this film based on the Beast of Gevaudan. Until I saw this film I was unaware of the historical event upon which this is based so, I did a bit of research and was fascinated. Personally, I've always been more interested in European history than United States history mostly because there is so much more to explore. I would have given this a higher rating except that the CGI of the beast is, IMHO, is subpar and the fighting style of Mani, while quite impressive, is not close to historical. Regardless, this is a very enjoyable film I can highly recommend; it's well made, captivating, and very enjoyable. Check it out if you enjoy such fare as historical based films.
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Animal Control (2023– )
So unfunny it's embarrassing
7 March 2024
I don't know how anyone could consider this show a comedy. I watched the entire first season hoping that once it got going the hilarity would ensue but I was sorely mistaken - never even got a giggle. What the creators of this program we're thinking eludes me. No one has any nerve to be edgy or politically incorrect or even make a controversial joke... it's just sad. Therefore, I am completely giving up on anything funny ever happening so I will no longer be watching.

There is no way I can recommend this show to anyone for laughs, it's just inane, silly, shallow, and dumb containing zero humour.
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If you don't expect too much...
28 November 2023
... you won't be disappointed. Some of the cliches are annoying i.e. Overweight guy always thinks of food although, if you can look past them while suspending your belief for the duration of this movie it is at least watchable. There is nothing new to discover here but, it handles all the ghost-hunting norms competently. The SFX are not amateur rather dominantly convincing even the CGI. I love seeing the actual old locations where these films are usually shot and this one was no letdown both dismally, despairingly, darkly atmospheric. About the only disappointment you may experience is the lack of deaths therefore, is you're looking for a slasher you will not be a happy viewer.

In a nutshell this movie looks professional, the actors are good enough for what it is, and the story is minority engaging. My only negative comment is: why are the paranormal investigators in these movies never prepared for odd situations like:

1. First aid 2. Extra batteries for all equipment 3. Extra flashlights 4. Headlamps 5. IR goggles to see in the dark if all lights fail 6. Bolt cutters, pry bars, basic tool kit.
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Umm... someone call a honey dipper service QUICK!
25 November 2023
For anyone who doesn't know what a honey dipper is, it's a septic tank vacuum truck. So, having given away my humble opinion, all I can say is that this movie is a total s**t show. I believe that social media has ruined the millennial generation to the point of being unable to even mimick actual emotions without being fake and wooden. One girl eavesdropping on a trip companion cannot even distinguish sexual gratification sounds from OMG help me sounds, nor does she even knock on the door to see if the other is alright - I mean better safe than sorry, am I right? Sad state of our affairs. BUT, off my soap box I can only say there are much better movies to waste your time on. Now, notably, I have to admit that cheezy is not abhorrent to me, some of my favourite movies are such but, this one is just not very good. The look of the film is okay while the dialogue and acting are completely blah. One redeeming point is the actor playing the titular "Axeman" as he is one hugely intimidating individual which is spectacularly shown in the scene between and the female law enforcement officer. Therefore, unless you want to see a movie just this side of softcore, I cannot recommend a watch.
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Species (1995)
A must see for sci-fi aficionados
14 November 2023
Despite this movie being close to three decades old, if you enjoy sci-fi this is a must-see; historically in that genre AND to see another of H. R. Giger's wonderful alien creations. If you're not a sci-fi fan then you should still see it for the alien because, IMHO, no one, truly no one, has the vision to create such beautiful, believable, biomechanical, and formidable creatures as Mr Giger.

The story begins right at the very first scene and picks up momentum as it progresses as does Sil's mating drive. That is the message here, the folly of man to think he has total control of everything: if something more competitive is introduced in the mix, humans can be brought down from the top of the food chain quickly and completely - beware.
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I had no idea this even existed so I had to check it out.
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely not a masterpiece. Where are all the fun kills? The friends finding their slaughtered companions? Who's left from the cannibal family from the first movie? How does the blind girl get around so well in unfamiliar surroundings? Why don't they look for stuff to repair the bus along with fuel? Why doesn't Ruby help more since she knows the people who live there? So many unanswered questions! I say this is not a noteworthy sequel even for lovers of B-movie schlock so don't waste your time on this PG-13 installment to the story because there's absolutely nothing to be seen! It's a shame, too, it could've been so much better.
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Sanatorium (2013)
How about not pointing bright lights at the cameras?!
5 November 2023
Otherwise, not much, if anything, new here. Paranormal and found footage movies need to come up with something new and/or original instead of the same tired tropes. I've seen "reality" shows more engaging. I watched it through to the end hoping to not be disappointed. It's not a terrible watch for a low-budget flick but, I would only recommend it if you are in need of something to occupy your time or background noise.

Why does IMDB require so many characters?! Wouldn't 250 be just as efficient? I'm not sure what else to say so, I'm just trying to meet the minimum requirement for this review..
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Saw X (2023)
Maintains the taut suspense of the original.
30 October 2023
As a fan of the original I must say that for me this is a worthy addition to the series. The relationship between John & Amanda still works and even sheds light on how they were early on. Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith absolutely provide the heart & soul of this chapter. And I enjoyed the twisted end: what a beautiful double-cross.

I cannot understand the bashing some people are giving in reviews here other than it seems horror films are never deemed worthy of any positive praise. Some folks don't seem to understand that Hollywood's main job is to suspend your reality for the duration of your viewing. Nothing created by humans will never be 100% perfect as humans are fallible, wake up to that already. Although, my opinion is that this one is very near as perfect as the original.
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Whoo! Mother Trucker is here
10 September 2023
I'm okay with low budget as some of the horror genre's greatest icons cut their teeth on such fare but, I find myself liking and hating this flick in equal measures. For example:


1. Whoo must be the writer's favourite word as it was used excessively throughout the movie.

2. The "body parts" in the semi are the quality of a carnival house of horrors.

3. The blood splatters in the back of the semi were obviously red spray paint.

4. Gun carrying motorcycle baddies would never be so lame.


1. The basic story despite the fact that the teenagers interaction with a psycho killer is standard trope.

2. The make up of semi being a hybrid truck/bus was pretty cool.

3. The actor portraying the trucker was fun crazy.

4. Enjoyed the twist ending.
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Teenage Euthanasia (2021– )
I must be getting old, ...
6 August 2023
... or I just don't understand millennials. Normally, I try to give a new show the watch of a few episodes to give it a chance to find its stride. That being said, this is just another series in a long line of those poking fun at bad and/or absentee single parenting ... :-/

Why this is mainstream entertainment validating this situation is beyond me since, imho, it has been proven that this situation for raising children can have drastic negative impacts. It's either that or I'm a Gen X'er that just has zero understanding of Millennials. That said, I cannot recommend this series after watching the first six EP episodes, I say skip it.
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Death Game (1977)
Manson Family Cult women meet ...
5 August 2023
... um ... celluloid? That is just about all I can think to say to describe this hot mess of a movie. I wonder, was this actually acting or just a film of an LSD trip 🤔. ? Honestly, though, I can say I've never seen anything like it before or since. The setup is typical exploitation flick fodder but, the rest is simply crashing, cackling, crackpot hippie mayhem. It's a wonder how this idea even came to fruition and the creators should be commended for taking the daring cliff dive then have their heads examined for malfunction. My opinion is that this was an attempt to take advantage of the druggie hippie hysteria created by the heinous acts committed by the Manson Family cult. In my humble opinion that is the only reason to watch this hot mess, strictly as an historical foray into minorly charted film territory; once was enough for me and if I never have to see it again it will be way too soon for my irreversibly injured synapses.
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Fired on Mars (2023– )
Charlie Brown in space.
13 May 2023
No matter how Jeff tries he keeps getting screwed over by life. I would not call this a comedy but, rather, a dramatic commentary on the way big business treats it's people: just as terrible as what the Industrialists did to their employees ... It's all about the bottom line, how much money ends up in the company coffers, everyone is expendable and easily replaceable. Yet, there are a handful of folks, having been treated awfully by the company, attempting to take advantage of the human condition by striking out on their own without the taint of All that being said, I don't find the series very riveting; I keep hoping that once the setup has been done the meat of the story will begin. I have made it through the first eight episodes, will give it a couple or so more before deciding deciding to stick with it or not; it's not unwatchable just seems to be flailing for footing.
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The Babadook (2014)
It's proven lack of sleep leads to insanity.
13 May 2023
I don't really understand the high praise for this movie: it's not scary, the ending leaves many loose ends, the child is sooo damn annoying! If I had a child like Samuel I'd be insane, too, especially, since the damn kid refuses to sleep!! I suppose you could describe this movie as a psychological horror although, without any scares or terror, I have no clue how this can be considered any kind of horror except that Samuel is a terrifyingly scary kid that would make anyone thinking of parenthood seriously reconsider their decision. Both times I watched this movie all I did was mentally scream at Samuel to shut up and go to sleep! How his poor mum, Amelia, didn't beat him into submission out of sheer frustration is a testament to her fortitude ... that boy would drive any parent to insanity.
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What an entitled rich boy attitude
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How does this man, Spencer, know nothing about what goes on to summit Mt Everest?! Did he ever hear of an internet search engine? Why is he so damn mad that his brother wasn't found, it took 75 years to find George Mallory, for crying out loud! All he did was sit in base camp and complain despite knowing that the Sherpas were going to be risking their lives looking for a needle in the snow.

Spencer seems so self-absorbed and detached, even more so after "giving" a lost Sherpa back to his grieving family so someone besides himself could have a better ending than he did ... WHAT?! The humanitarian act of helping the Sherpa's family was completely overshadowed by his bellyaching that he didn't get his way.
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For the love of Edgar Allan Poe
9 March 2023
Not a specific Poe story but one wrapped in the delightful trappings of his grasp of the decent into madness then the mayhem that results from the incessant pondering which consumes the perpetrator's sanity slowly like emergence of a rock formation in a cave. Anyone that enjoys Poe's writings will find this a tasty fare.

I have been a fan of Edgar Allan Poe for years and was overjoyed to have found this movie. I felt that it faithfully captured his flair of prose that I love so much. I highly recommend a watch of this for anyone that likes Poe's macabre expression of the deep dark depths of the twisted recesses of the mysterious yet fascinating organ we call a brain.
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HazMat (2013)
Not as terrible as some say.
8 March 2023
Granted this movie has it flaws BUT, it takes a very simple story and runs with it. Imho, more indie film makers could learn from this gem in the rough by not trying so hard to be witty. I would have liked a bit more character development although it was not necessary for the approach taken here. As mentioned, this does have some flaws but it seems the majority of such can be attributed to inexperience while not distracting enough to stop me from watching or rooting for the final escapee! As long as your expectations aren't too high you will not be disappointed with this fare. I say check it out and decide for yourself if you like it.
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Another found footage snorefest.
8 March 2023
It has become glaringly obvious to me that the only thing 20-somethings find scary is supernatural/ghost/malevolent spirit movies. Can you say boring? I knew you could. The found footage phenom apparently has nothing new to add to the horror genre which means young indie horror film makers need to start trying to be innovative or get out of the business because, as evidenced by this abysmal result, there is nothing to add or say that hasn't been been done, said, or tried before.

All that being said, unless you happen to like found footage, I recommend skipping this one entirely; it's part of your life you'll never get back nor will you be surprised, scared, or impressed.
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Skinamarink (2022)
I've had pleasant dreams scarier than this.
2 February 2023
I tried to give it time but after 30 minutes, I bailed. It was either that or become catatonic from boredom. In my opinion, the only people who would find this slightly scary are those with some form of fear of abandonment. Otherwise this is just as exciting as a 3 year old's birthday party is for an adult.

Also, for the time I did watch, all I saw were children's feet, darkness, the tops of doors, weird angles, and unmade beds. If the creators were going for artsy then I guess to some degree, bravo, otherwise, I have NO freaking idea. Don't waste your time is my only recommendation on this movie.
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Deadtectives (2018)
A fun horror comedy
1 February 2023
If you enjoyed movies like Ghostbusters, Re-Animator, Frankenhooker, and Basket Case then I recommend watching this one. There were plenty of laughs along with a few scares. Once the team gets to their destination the pace kicks off and keeps on going.

As for why some folks didn't like this, all I can say is you can't please everyone. Sometimes you just need to take things at face value. So, as long as you're not expecting highbrow comedy this watch can be fun in it's utter ridiculousness. It pokes plenty of fun at itself - how can you negate that is out of my perveu.

Overall, make some ultra-buttery popcorn, sit back and have a few guilt-free giggles. (Loved the Ghostbusters homage at the end, too !)
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Koala Man (2023)
Just as powerless as the main character
28 January 2023
I have no clue how this show has such a high rating. Storyline is dumb, main character is impotent, and except for some overt adult content, is a children's show level content.

My rating was not reached on a whim after five minutes, I watched the first eight episodes. I was hoping it was just taking its time setting up the characters but, alas, it was not. Maybe I don't understand down under humour although, I don't think that's my issue. Seems the PC agenda has taken any and all the bite out of poking fun. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this Hulu original program. (Additionally, I'm beginning to question my support of Hulu as my streaming service.)
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The World at War (1973–1974)
A definitive documentary, a must see
15 December 2022
It's true that some information in TWAW may be outdated but remember that it was made in the 1970s! I remember the first time it aired, I was about 8 or 10 years old, my father INSISTED I sit, watch, & learn something. I hated it then but, grew to appreciate the experience... grudgingly but I did as my father said. If memory serves, one of the major aspects that made this program historically significant, was the interviewing of people from varied factions/sides/viewpoints who actually LIVED through WW2, thus providing first-hand accounts. Additionally, it was the first documentary to delve so deeply into why, who, when, where, and what on this conflict. So, those complaining that it's old and out-dated, are, to a degree correct BUT you have to remember WHEN it was made for crying out loud -- quit bellyaching already, you may just learn something.

For those in support of socialistic government, pay close attention to how these "governments" become tyrannical and self-serving while trampling the populace into the proverbial mud and poverty, and pray you're not a member of any "undesirable" group targeted by the regime.

One last point I'd like to address is the reviewers saying they were turned against this series due to the "good vs evil" viewpoint presented; if you don't believe that the final solution enacted by the Nazis was evil then there is something wrong with YOU. The unadulterated slaughter of groups of people for reasons such as religion, colour, sexual orientation, or mental challenge is nothing short of evil as well as heinous.
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Autopsy (1975)
What the **ll was that?!
13 December 2022
I have no idea what this movie is about other than every man the pathologist meets goes into sexual overdrive, while while she hallucinates and suffers from paranoia. Nothing is provided any sort of basis or explanation until the end but made little sense given the rest of the movie... was everyone in the 1970s that high all the time ... ? This has been one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. I've seen many giallos before but this was by far the worst. Viewing this cemented the opinion in my mind that I just don't care for a giallo no matter who is responsible for it's creation. If you're not a giallo fan I say don't bother with this one it's nowhere near enjoyable.
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The Night Stalker (2016 TV Movie)
At least tell the true story!
11 December 2022
If you are a true crime reader this is not the movie for you. It's a woke rewrite of the truth. How ANYONE could even think to portray this monster as any type of redeemer is unconscionable. The rewriting of fact to save the fragile sensibilities of the "innocent" is not the way to tell these kinds of incidents. It can be told in a PG way but, not by gross distortion or blatant change. Ramirez needed to be caught, convicted, and locked away, period. What he did was reprehensible. Attempting to change history to be less traumatic does no justice to the victims of his heinous acts, let alone the resultant trauma to their loved ones lives. The makers of this should be ashamed of themselves, smdh.
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