48 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
Why the hate?
16 March 2024
Okay, this film isn't going to win any awards, but it isn't a one to four star film.

There's plenty of films I've aborted because they were garbage & even some of them got a four star review because the production values or the acting were good though the story may have been weak.

I feel that this film has been pooh-poohed by enough that everyone else jumps in the hatred bandwagon.

It kind of reminds me of John Carter & The Ghosts of Mars. A cracking delight of a film, but it got undeserved hate.

Would I watch this film again, probably. I wouldn't put it on because I thought "oooo, I'd like to watch Madame Webb", but if someone else was watching it, I'd sit & watch it also.

A very deserved six out ten stars from me.

It has its flaws, but it's not Morbius or Suicide Squad, that's for sure.
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That's a bit dull
13 March 2024
Having seen that the director doesn't do bad films, I kept sitting through it hoping to be enthralled & entertained, but it never came.

I got to the halfway point before giving up.

The story upto where I aborted was, couple host party, guest wears cake, invites them to the woods, they goto the woods, get lost, bloke in a mask steapsbthe wife, bloke gets lost again, finda a friend, finds some birds who can sing, has something to eat with them, "Oh Good God, this is boring, abort abort".

So at that point I gave up & read a book about a bird who lived in her own in the Dales. It was riveting. Unlike this.

If I can watch an entire film, but don't enjoy it, I give it a 5 because I watched it all.

This film, though of a high production quality, I'd possibly have given lower than a 4, but because of the coin spent on it, it gets a solid Four.
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Venicephrenia (2021)
Great (& more importantly) Original horror story.
27 November 2023
This is such a good film.

I'm not understanding why there's no many really bad reviews.

It feels like they're watching a completely different film from what I've seen.

The acting was great, sound quality was excellent, costumes were brilliant, the story was superb, the directing was faultless. It looks like a fair few quid was spent on this, yet even it's Gross has been low & I can't fathom why?

Ignore the bad reviews. If you want a really good original horror movie, this will be your bag.

I'll be recommending this movie to all my friends who love a good horror/slasher.

I will happily watch this film again & again.
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Best Horror I've seen in an age!
28 October 2023
This isn't a fake review.

This is a genuine ten out of ten!

I love my horrors, and I don't mean the torture porn type, like Saw, I mean a good and proper horror.

The Orphanage was the best last horror that gave me chills and I only gave that a Nine.

This is just horror piled on top of horror.

It's not sickening, it's not gross, it's just horror.

I sat and watched it with the girlfriend and a few scenes made us go Eek and jump.

The special effects weren't overdone, the story was strong with a really interesting take on the possession genre, along with strong acting it made for a great movie!

I'll be watching this again and again.
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Poor Herman (2022)
Ten star reviews, hahahaah
1 August 2023
The acting is terrible.

The sound is terrible.

The camera work is terrible.

The lighting is terrible.

The story (as far as I watched of it) is.... terrible.

I knew this would be the case as the reviews are all TEN'S. C'mon people, if you're going to make fake reviews so as to boost the rating, at least go with something reasonable. Maybe try a SEVEN, people will still watch a film that's a seven.

But, what they know is that all real reviews will be ONE'S, so it will make the rating plummet like a brick.

I managed to watch about thirteen minutes of this bilge before knowing I'd seen enough.

Steer clear, ignore the bum reviews.
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Tetris (2023)
Like Paddington Bear II (read my review to understand what I mean).
26 July 2023
Ok, bear with me on this (no pun intended).

I loved Paddington Bear II. It was pawfect (intended that one).

There was no scene wasted or fall flat funny or bad drama. It was perfect.

This film has done the same. And even better it was about Tetris. Not exactly a scene stealing story that.

Like me, you may feel that a film about Tetris will be a smidgen dull, but you'd be wrong.

It's not just the drama, it's the way the whole film joins together. A lot of thought has been put into this.

The drama is superb. The comedy is slight butakes you snigger without being pointless. The acting is first class.

I've awarded this a 10, & it's a rating well spent.

I insist you watch this film even if you don't think it'll be worth watching.
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The Pyramid (2014)
Why the bad reviews?
1 July 2023
Now I maybe in the minority here, but I didn't think this film was bad. I found it entertaining enough.

It had scares, horror, comedy, decent enough acting, the dialogue was a bit shonky at times, but not enough to distract from the film.

Sometimes I wonder what people expect from a film. There's no doubt that this film is entertaining, & also no doubt it'll ever win any awards. It's one of those fair enough films that you sit down & watch & enjoy.

So why the big hate of it? The distribution company didn't even bother releasing it on different media formats because it bombed that badly...

I'd even go as far as to say, I'd watch this film again, no worries.
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Laughed my ass off.
16 April 2023
I'll assume myself and my missus are at the low end of the intellectual scale because we were laughing wholeheartedly throughout the film.

It's stupid, there's no doubt about that, but so was Dumb and Dumber, and I also found that hilarious.

We're still quoting lines from this movie nearly a month later and it's still making us laugh.

Will we be watching it again, you bet your sweet ass we will be.

Will be laughing at the same jokes, most definitely.

To give you an idea of the gags, we keep saying "the cheese has a hold of me". When you hear it in its context, you'll be doing exactly the same.

Ignore the hate for this movie & watch it, you'll not regret it.
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Why the really terrible reviews?
31 March 2023
Don't get me wrong, this is no masterpiece. It's never going to win an Oscar. It's not going to sit well with a lot of film watchers.

But it isn't a terrible movie like it's beenade out to be.

It's had a lot of slatings, currently sitting at sixteen percent average for Critics Reviews.

I expected the worst & got something which I found watchable.

I thought Terrifier was a gawdawful movie, yet that got good reviews. This was waaaay better then that pile of dung.

Would I watch it again, possibly not unless someone else was watching it & I was present.

I've given this a good solid six out of ten.

Worth a Watch!
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Violent Cop (1989)
Walk this way...
25 March 2023
If you like to watch walking, then this is the film for you.

Watch Takeshi walk over a bridge.

Watch Takeshi walk up steps.

Watch Takeshi walk past cars.

Watch Takeshi walk on a street.

Yup, endless slow scenes of Takeshi walking.

Now I like walking as much as the next man, but there's a time & a place.

If it's meant to add to the scene, I'm not getting it.

I don't mind arty takes that add something to the story, but I'll hazard a wild guess that out of the one hour and forty minutes of film, about twenty minutes if it was... watching Takeshi walking haha.

If only they'd have jazzed it up & bit, maybe stick him on a push bike?
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Triggered (I) (2020)
Not a bad little horror that.
1 February 2023
As other reviewers have said, there is too much taking going on. One of the characters reminded me of Ash from Evil Dead, the way that he was chasing other characters whilst ranting. It was amusing but I don't think that was the thought process behind that.

It was a smashing story line with good acting.

I didn't hold out much hope for this on the basis of the first few reviews I'd read of it, but it's no where near as bad as the reviews have made it out to be.

I found myself rooting for a few of the characters whilst willing for two of them to due horrible deaths & not make it through to the end.

Watch it, you'll not be disappointed!
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Jije (2022)
Sound quality horror
31 January 2023
And I don't mean this review title as if it were being reviewed by a Mancunian.

Because that would mean this is an excellent horror.

Alas, the sound quality is all over the place.

You ca hear the click of pool balls hitting each other clear as a bell, but the actors sound like they're mumbling.

We watched it for about 20 minutes with one of us constantly getting up & adjusting the volume, because it would suddenly be so loud your ears are ringing, then so quiet we were unaware that the character was even talking.

And this is a shame, because the acting seemed good & the story read as being interesting.
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A game of two Half's...
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film was laugh a minute.

The accents, the jokes in the background, the acting, it was absolutely pitch perfect.

Me & the missus were killing ourselves laughing.

Seemingly, nothing could spoil this film.

And if it could have stayed like that beyond the halfway point, then this film would have been perfection.

But like a lot of films, you can't maintain that level of awesomeness forever.

The second half of the film didn't float my boat. The missus still found it funny, so don't dismiss my second half review of this film. You too many find it as amusing as she did, in which case, this film could be your almost perfect EIGHT.
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The Bubble (2022)
Silly fun!
22 January 2023
I don't get the bad reviews?

I went into this film expecting to walk out halfway through due to the bad reviews, I even had a few drinks beforehand so as to find even the intolerable amusing, but I didn't need them.

This was silly delightful fun.

The cameos are great, with the actors taking the Mick out of themselves with glee.

The directing is very good & consistent with what I'd expect from a Judd film.

And as for the script, it was hilarious. Not Pineapple Express funny, but the stuff that was happening in the background was what made the gags more amusing.

Yes, it does have a few flat gags, but the majority of the film made me laugh.

Would I watch this again, Hell Yeah!
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White Noise (I) (2022)
What the heck was that about?
8 January 2023
It stated off quite well. Bouncing along nicely, a bit disjointed, but acceptably so.

The build up to the Event was enjoyable.

Then the Event happened.

All still good.


This was about the halfway point.

Another review said they struggled to watch it after the 58 minute mark & I can agree with that.

I continued watching it because I'd already given it an hour & a half of my life that I'd never get back.

I managed to make it to the end, but I didn't feel fulfilled with the two & a quarter hours.

And I didn't feel any more knowledgeable about what I'd watched with it's conclusion.
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Renegades (2022)
Watchable, but only just...
17 December 2022
If you've nothing better to be doing & want to watch something that won't tax your brain, this is watchable.

The dialogue is pretty bad, there are some lines that make you cringe.

The acting is so-so. In the style of a made-for-tv movie.

The characters aren't very good. The bad guys are pulled straight from the pages of school of economy bad-guys. Other characters don't appear to have had much thought in how they're going to present on screen. The cops for a start are just plain terrible!

I watched this with a wink wink as to how bad it was going to be. It's not dire, but it's only just about Good. Ish....
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Unexpected thriller.
2 December 2022
Well that wasn't what I expected.

I expected a cheesey thriller, but got a rather thrilling thriller.

Good acting, good story. Good directing.

The lead psychopath was very well played. I'd avoid her in the street if I saw her haha.

I'll not be watching it again, but I enjoyed watching it.

It was a play it by numbers movie that was done well.

But what's with the title?

I noted that the director has form of terrible film titles, that would be a put off to anyone who appreciates a good film, but don't let it stop you watching this.

I'll be trying another of his films on the basis of watching this.
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Love Hurts (I) (2022)
Unlikeable characters...
2 December 2022
Within minutes I disliked all the characters, & as the film progressed, they just got worse.

I don't know if they were all meant to be unlikeable, I assumed that you were meant to be at least enthused about any of them, but it didn't happen.

Six people go to a meal with an over the top Micheal Jackson style host (also unlikeable), who offers them money to do dumb things.

I was surprised I managed to last to the halfway point before giving up. There didn't seem to be any story as such, just a series of 'events' happening.

Oh, & they pretty much spoiled the so called story, by not showing it chronological order.

It's watchable ish at best if there's nothing better to be doing & you've got something else to be doing, like a crossword.
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Mantra (III) (2022)
Too much background music for my liking
26 November 2022
Music in films can do many things.

When done effectively.

It can send shivers down your spine, it can add to a comedy effect. Or in this case, be really annoying.

I mean Annoying like when you watch a made for TV movie & there's music more or less throughout the whole of it. And all the music in this is the sinister kind, even when there's nothing sinister occurring.

It reminds me of Paranormal Activity Two (or Three), where there's a rumbling sound whenever something spooky will or will not happen. It becomes a drag.

So alas, that sums up this entire film. I cared not for the acting of the story because all I could hear was music & it annoyed me.

I kind of watched about twenty minutes before aborting.

Therefore this review isn't based on having watched part of, or the whole film.
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Deborah (2022)
Interesting satire idea
3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A group of friends meet up for nibbles & a catch-up over a weekend.

Unbeknown to all except two of the group, one of them has invented an Alexa which can turn back time upto forty-eight hours.

Now bear with me on this. That may sound like total Tosh, but it works well. It makes for an interesting setup. Though I'm not too sure the directing of this film made the best of it.

I'm glad I watched it is what matters.

As expected, the group abuse the rewind facility, and it starts making a mess of the present. Side effects start coming to the fore & eventually all hell breaks loose.

I do recommend watching this, but bear with the first twenty minutes or so while it sets up the story.
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The Mummy (2017)
Age has done this film well.
22 October 2022
I'm watching it again, nearly 8 years after I first watched it. I was a huge fan of The Mummy (Brendan Fraser version), & though this wasn't anything to do with that, I couldn't shake that version from my noggin. And therefore it clouded my judgement & at the time, I gave it a Four out of Ten.

Time has been good to this film. And I've not watched The Mummy (Brendan) for ages, therefore that film isn't in my head while I'm watching this.

I'm loving it! It's got a few jumps, great acting, smashing action scenes & a cracking story line.

It's unfortunate that this did so badly that they didn't carry on making more of the Hammer House films.

Please watch this film again. I will be.
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Medieval (2022)
Mumble mumble whatnow?
18 October 2022
Mumph grimble blah clang... That's pretty much how the dialogue goes.

I tried turning it up to see if I could eventually hear the voices, but the music goes up with it as well.

This film has excellent fight scenes &, the costumes, scenery etc are all top notch, but unfortunately it's all lost by back ground noise & music overpowering the speaking.

If I'd had a clue what was being said, I'm sure I would have enjoyed this film a lot more.

So it's alas, because of the lack of coherent talking that I'm only giving this a slightly lackluster six out of ten.

I wish films would stop doing this. What happened to the days of being able to hear what was going on?
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The Visitor (2022)
Much better then the reviews are making out.
10 October 2022
I didn't expect good things from this film.

Some of the Blumhouse films have been, for want of a better word, Pants.

But this was a rather good Horror!

I give it a good solid seven out of ten.

He moves to his missus's childhood home & finds paintings of a person who looks like himself & the locals are a bit over familiar. All good eerie stuff!

It had a few jumps, good acting, good story.

And even though there seems to be a bit of hate regards the ending, I thought the ending was as it should be.

I'll definitely be watching this film again, & I would be looking for other films from the same director.
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So bad, it's good...
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is terrible. Really really bad.

The story is quite good, but very poorly executed.

The directing is shockingly pants.

Scenes just seem to happen without explanation.

Not wishing to spoil the film by giving an event that happens (but don't think it makes any odds), a bloke runs into a room packed full of people & get stabbed for no apparent reason by his boyfriend. No one reacts.

People just die. Just like that. No rhyme, no reason, they just get hung by midgets, stabbed with forks, drink poison, eaten by warewolves, eaten by zombies, etc etc... On the upside there's a few Boobies in the film.

Would I watch it again, nope. But I did watch it the whole way through laughing my ass off.
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Fake reviews, this is total Tosh!
12 September 2022
I'd not checked the reviews for this film, I'd only looked at the Rating.

Horrors generally don't get great reviews, so I figured a 6/10 wasn't too shabby.

Turns out any of the reviews that give it anything above a Three are fake.

The story was total Tosh.

The script was total Tosh.

The acting was total Tosh.

The start middle & end were total Tosh.

Even if you fast forwarded to the last 10 minutes as sone reviewers recommend, you'll be sorely disappointed.

I can't think of anything I could say to recommend this film. Even if you were desperate for something to watch, I'd recommend staring at the back of your hand for an hour & ten minutes, as a preference.
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