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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Breathtaking beyond belief
21 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What else is there to say that hasn't been said about this show? It isn't just 26 episodes of animated drama...its an experience in its own right. There aren't many stories in the world that never leave your conscience ever, and this just happens to be one of those stories for me. It NEVER disappoints at any point in the show. I watched the whole thing in a span of 2 days (of course, I had to eat and sleep). I swear, while I was watching this thing, Carmen Electra could've called and asked me on a date that night and that night only and I'd still have to say that I was busy at the moment.

The beginning of the show starts off as an entertaining Mech with a conventional light-hearted feel typical of many shonen titles. But as the show continues, you get more and more clues to the characters as well as the conspiracies revolving around their missions. It eventually gets to a point after 14 episodes or so where things become really intense. The commanders begin to reveal themselves for who they really are, and the main characters are on the brink of insanity. Shinji especially, goes into an extreme state of depression, which is so amazingly depicted that you'd feel you where feeling the same things he was feeling.

Towards the end of the series, I began to get so drawn into one episode that I'd have to take a 15 minute break before watching the next episode because everything I was beginning to love about the NGE world was falling apart. No conventional Hollywood happy, everythings great, go home and eat dinner endings here. Nope. You have to end up questioning everything about your life and your existence in society. And it doesn't make your life seem terrible and meaningless like it leads you to believe most of the time. It gives me one tiny shred of truth that is bound to stay with me for a long time...that without pain there can be no joy. If a story can leave that much of an impact on you, then you know you didn't waste 13 hours of your life seeing it unfold.

To sum it all up for you...this is an incredible story. If you like to have your emotions screwed with until going into a borderline nihilistic void, then Evangelion is for you. Many comments on this series may seem very sensationalist at times, but trust me, we aren't lying.
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One of the most under-rated movies of all time.
20 March 2004
This is a ridicoulous rating. What's wrong with you people. Do you not understand the greatness of the film. It is an extremely emotional movie that I bet everybody didn't even understand. It was a wonderful story about a little robot boy who goes many places just to find his mother and find out how much she loves him. All he wants is to be a real boy so his mother can love him like a normal boy. Doesn't that sound like a great movie. Sure it's a little long but no movie is perfect. All those people who are disapointed about Speilburg directing, stop whining and accept the fact that Kubrick wasn't able to do it. Besides, Kubrick wouldn't have given it as much Humanity as Speilburg did. A.I is pure magic. 10/10. Some people just don't understand the greatness of a wonderful film.
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Casablanca (1942)
Best film ever made.
20 March 2004
I thought after seeing Saving Private Ryan no film could ever be as good as that was. But low and behold, I watch Casablanca and I am amazed at how brilliant it was. Many homages in other movies came from this one. Not to mention that the chemistry beetween Bogart and Bergam is great. The script also probably the best one ever writen. It was just so well told and many very famous lines came from it. Definetly one of the most memorible films ever made, especialy to me. Casablanca makes history in both Hollywood and in my mind by becoming the greatest movie ever in film history. And you don't know how hard it is to make a movie that becomes my favorite .10/10. Loiey, this may be the mark of a wonderful movie.
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Gladiator (2000)
15 February 2004
Probably one of the most intense combat movies I have ever seen. Gladiator delivers a great motion picture experience for those who like action movies with great stories and emotional intensity. It also tells people what entertainment was in roman times and it almost shows everything that happened in a gladiator arena. Russell Crowe is spectacular in this movie. This movie also highly deserved the best picture honors back in 2000. I give this movie a 10/10. This picture also receives the honor of being my 5th favorite movie.
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29 January 2004
A truly great film. Probably the best prison movie ever made. Even thought it's the only prison movie I've ever seen. Anyway, I think this movie deserves the rating it has on IMDB. Now to get Saving Private Ryan's rating up there. Okay I'll stay on topic. Morgan Freeman is at his very best in this movie playing the "man who can get stuff for you" or Red. Tim Robbins was also great as Andy Dufrense. Not only was the acting great, but so was the story. The message here was one that I will never forget. But I won't tell you what it is, you'll just have to watch the movie. 10/10. As I always say to all my favorite movies, great job.
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Great ending to a great trilogy.
23 January 2004
A superb job done by Peter Jackson and the rest of the cast and crew members. Every movie in the trilogy was phenomenal. I guarantee that it will win Best Picture. If it doesn't then I will never watch the Oscars again. This movie made me cry 3 times. Yes I said 3. It was that good. Be prepared to cry if you are going to see this movie. If you don't then you have lost all emotions that you have in your brain. Don't be afraid to see this movie if you're not a nerd like I am. I know tons of jocks, cool guys, and other dudes that like this film. You might not want to cry if you are one of those guys though, because that would make you a nerd. 10/10. Like I said, a perfect ending to a perfect trilogy.
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1 January 2004
This is the world's worst movie ever made. Nicoloden needs to stop making movies. You want to know why? Because they all stink. This is completely over-rated. It does not deserve a 6.0 rating on the IMDB. There were so many unfunny jokes that I don't understand why people thought they were hilarious. If you think this is bad you should watch the T.V show, which is just as bad as the movie. I wish Nicoloden would stop doing Jimmy Neutron stuff and start concentrating on there best shows like "Spongebob" and "Fairly Odd Parents". Anyway I hope that I never get to see this movie for whatever reason ever again. 1/10. I wish I could just give it a 0 but IMDB doesn't have that rating to select.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Best Animated Film Ever.
1 January 2004
This is truly the best animated film ever. It is pure Disney magic. In my opinion it was the best film of the summer of 2003. It also has to be the funniest Disney movie ever made. I hope there is a sequel to this. The only problem is what they are going to call it. They'll have to call it something else unless they're finding Nemo again. Anyway, getting back to this movie, I thought that the absent-minded fish Dori was the funniest character. I also thought those Seagulls that always said "Mine" was funny. For some reason when I first saw the movie I thought those Gulls were saying "Mike". Then I realized that they couldn't say "Mike" because it wouldn't make sense. 10/10. I always love it when Disney and Pixar work together.
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Phenomenal (Major Spoiler Ahead)
26 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Road to Perdition was a phenomenal movie that touched my heart more than any movie I've ever seen. I cried like a little baby when Tom Hanks was killed and his son Michael ended his father's chain of violence. Tom Hanks and Paul Newman were spectacular. It will be a long time till we see another movie that touches our hearts more than this one. Overall, it is the best acting I've ever seen in a movie. I give it a 10/10. Great job to anyone who helped make this movie.
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Funniest Show on Earth.
14 December 2003
I don't know how this man manages to be so funny. This is by far the funniest show that ever existed. Not only is it great because Conan is on it but, it is also great because of what the writers come up with to do in the beginning of the show. Not to mention "Triumph". Besides that one dog on "Family Guy" Triumph is the coolest dog on Earth. He is also the funniest. If you are up between 12:37AM and 1:37Am on the eastern coast then you should take the time to change to whatever channel is NBC for you and watch "Late Night with Conan O'Brian". I guarantee, you will laugh your pants off.
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Even better than the first.
13 December 2003
Even though I thought the first film was extremely good, I never thought it would get any better than that. Well it has. The Two Towers is one of the all-time greatest movies ever. I can't believe some of those people in the message boards don't like it. There is nothing to hate about this movie. Sure it's really long but with all the action and special effects and such, it ought to keep you in the theaters for a long time. I give this movie a 10/10. Keep it coming Peter Jackson. Keep it coming.
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One of the all time greatest.
13 December 2003
This is an excellent beginning to The Lord of the Rings. I thought that this movie was great! I actually think it is one of the all-time greatest.(Next to Saving Private Ryan) But I shouldn't mention SPR in a Lord of the Rings review. The special effects were extremely well done to bring Middle Earth to life. This film should go down in history. Wait, it already has. I give this film a 10/10. Well done Peter Jackson. Well done!
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A memorable war movie.
12 December 2003
It's probably not the greatest war movie ever made but, it is certainly a great war movie that is worth seeing. I don't really understand why it wasn't nominated for Best Picture. I know that is very arguable amongst everyone else but I thought it was one of the greatest pictures of that year. I give this movie a 10/10. Just a movie that reminds you that freedom isn't free.
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One of the greatest movies ever made.
10 December 2003
Saving Private Ryan is a graphic and intense war movie that portrays some of the realities of war. I'm no WW2 veteran but I do know that this film is probably as close to war as we can really get without actually being there. The movie is very well done and in my opinion, should have won best picture in 1998. I know that some of you may not agree with me on this but for those who are on my side about this all know that this movie should be remembered by everyone that watches it. I highly suggest this movie to everyone who wants to know what it was really like for those men in WW2. In fact, I think that everybody should watch it. Whether they want to or not. It should be mandatory for people to watch this movie at least once in their lives just to remind them that freedom is not for free. I still stick with my opinion on saying that it is one of the greatest movies ever made. Actually you know what, it probably is the greatest movie ever made. No doubt about it. 10/10.
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Best movie ever made.
28 November 2003
The movie Saving Private Ryan displays the some of the many horrors and consequences people experience while at war. This movie is so good that it should be mandatory for people to watch this movie at least once. Don't like bloody war movies, then too bad. You still need to know what it was like for those many brave soldiers who encountered those harsh experiences. Saving Private Ryan delivers what should be just as close to what war is realy like. You'll be touched more than you've ever been touched by any other movie in your entire life.10/10.
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