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4 July 2022
Did I see a different movie to everybody else?

Are people really being honest by giving this film 10/10?

This movie is truly awful. The writing is so bad. The plot lacks any real substance. Just Pro-US military fluff.
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Belfast (2021)
Lacking authenticity
19 January 2022
Belfast didn't quite hit the spot for me. While it's a good film, I feel it could have been a great one. With a subject like the Troubles, even if only on the periphery, you need to reflect the seriousness of it. It did not feel like there was any real threat to the family and really lacked tension. Authenticity certainly lacking, too. I struggled to become immersed as the film always looked like a set. It never appeared natural.

Seems to be trying for an Oscar, but I doubt it will get one.
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Teen movie at it's worst
4 October 2021
Saw this on Rotten tomatoes list of best 90s movies. Being one of the few I hadn't seen I thought I'd check it out. What a mistake.

This movie is full of soulless characters that share no chemistry. The dialogue is incredibly dull and there is practically no plot, aside for them having to save the store which rarely seems to come up and who cares anyway. It tries to be wacky for the sake of it, but just feels forced and inauthentic.

Couldn't be more happy to reach the end of a movie.
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Needlessly long
4 October 2021
I was excited to watch 'Sand Pebbles', even with it's 3hr run time. Enjoyed the first half but felt it really dragged after that, as there isn't a very strong story. The characters are also rather bland. Steve McQueen is good but not outstanding.

Good soundtrack, good cinematography, but nothing particularly special about this movie. Not one I'll bother watching again.
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East of Eden (1955)
Lacks the books epic feel.
20 May 2021
I understand that 'East of Eden' is an epic novel, but this doesn't begin to scratch the surface. The film starts about two thirds into the book and as a result important characters are either omitted or are severely lacking in background. Lee was a major character that I was surprised to not see here. Adam just seems like a dick for no reason and Katy is basically a cameo.

That being said, it is it's own thing. The acting is good, mostly. It's good to see James Dean. The cinematography is beautiful and really captures the location well.

For me, it scrapes by with a 7. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more had I not read the book, or not read it so recently.

Weakest of James Dean's 3 movies.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Not really funny
10 February 2021
Although I liked the cinematography and the characters, I found it rather boring and not in the least funny. Don't get me wrong, the writing is good, the acting is good, I just did not connect with this movie at all.
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Still relevant
9 February 2021
A little outdated, but unfortunately not nearly outdated enough. Some of the language is painfully antiquated, but the issue it tackles seems very much still with us.

I like the fact that Joey's parents were actually liberals. Watching them confronted with a challenge to their principles made it far more interesting than simply having them be out and out bigots.

I found the housemaid to be one of the most old fashioned aspects of the movie and really didn't enjoy that role.

All round solid acting and great casting.

Better than expected.
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The Chase (1966)
The Chase - an extremely misleading title.
24 January 2021
I was expecting a high octane thrill ride. This is not that. In fact, it doesn't contain a chase of any kind. A star studded cast who all turn out great performances, unfortunately the material is a little lacklustre. The story drags and there really isn't anything to get invested in. I can see why this movie fell by the wayside. Not something that I'd bother to watch again.
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Thrilling adventure
23 January 2021
Very enjoyable adventure movie. A real epic with grand sets and some impressive early special effects. Recommended
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Not Fritz Lang's Best
6 January 2021
Dr. Mabuse has an interesting story and the character certainly is iconic, however 4+ hours is entirely unnecessary. 60-70% of this movie could have been cut with very little impact to the narrative.

I would like to see a remake, as although this is a pioneering work, it is incredibly boring. I felt like I was watching the same scene over and over again.

I've given it a 7 because of when it was made but really I think it's a 6. There are other films made around the same time that are more entertaining.

Glad I checked it out but I doubt I'll bother with any of the sequels
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22 December 2020
A bleak chronicle of the methods employed by the French Resistance. Moody, dreary cinematography captures what I imagine life in occupied France must have felt like. For the subject matter I thought the film could have done with more tension, as there wasn't really a sense of danger.

Great cast with solid performances.

Only real negative is the lack of a strong story, and as a result The film felt a little too long.
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Ordet (1955)
Need to be in the right mood
8 December 2020
Ordet certainly deserves to be called a great movie, but it is by no means an easy one. I found my concentration drifting from time to time and grew tired of the story. Dreyer uses the camera beautifully and creates painting like images and the lighting is suberb. My only criticism is that as it's so static it tends to get quite boring.

The final 20mins are what really elevated the movie for me. I found the wake scene totally engaging and heartbreaking.

Overall I found Ordet to be too slow and depressing to say that I really enjoyed it but none the less it is a masterful film.
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Kwaidan (1964)
Immersive Imagery
2 December 2020
Masterful cinematography and beautiful imagery. The colours and the sets are incredible, and a truly haunting soundtrack. I understand that the stories are from Japanese folklore, but to be honest they weren't the most compelling. My favourite of the four is 'Woman of the Snow'. A very chilling ghost story.

May re-watch individual sections to truly appreciate each story
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Purple Rain (1984)
30 November 2020
Came for some 80's nostalgia. Wasn't worth it They should have cut out all the "acting" scenes and just had the songs back to back. The music brings lots of energy, but as a feature film it's utterly pointless. The story is nothingy, the acting is all round horrible and I don't need to see Prince backhanding a woman.
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Napoleon (1927)
Too long!
28 November 2020
While I admire the film's ambition and scope, the material just isn't interesting or exciting enough to hold my attention for over 5 hours. The film could have been halved with little impact to the narrative.

The battle scenes could have been more exciting, but for it's time I guess they are still epic.

Also, the way the subject matter is handled leaves the story feeling quite sparse. This is Napoleon after all. Could have done with more detail, but maybe not possible with silent and intertitles.

The final 30mins were incredible. The use of three cameras to create stunning panoramic scenes is very impressive.

Respect to Gance for being a pioneer, but I just wish Kubrick had actually got to make his version.
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Monos (2019)
Cool movie
26 November 2020
An interesting break from the norm. Has a slight Lord of the Flies vibe. Some amazing cinematography in stunning locations. The story is minimal but still works. No stand out characters, but the acting is solid.

A little slow to get going but well worth a watch.
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Original, but too long
24 November 2020
A beautifully shot film with incredible costume and set design. The story within a story within a story gives it a dreamlike quality that is very engaging, but 3 hours is too much for a film with such a loose narrative. Once I reached 2hrs 30 I was done. I liked the characters, but had little investment in the outcome of their stories.

Certainly worth watching as there is a lot of merit here, but if I return to it, I'll watch it in sections only, not in it's entirety.
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Boring remake!
12 November 2020
After watching the first two movies, this is lower than subpar.

For the first hour absolutely nothing happens. It's just dull and the characters are boring. The movie made me feel like I was taken over by one of the pods myself, because it evoked zero emotion from me, let alone a single scare.

Paint by numbers story. Forgettable and entirely unnecessary.

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Inferno (1980)
Inferno should burn
3 November 2020
Incredibly boring and no story to speak of. The sets look good and I liked the colours, but that isn't nearly enough for 1 hour 46mins of my life. Felt like I was watching a extremely distant, trashing cousin of 'Rosemary's Baby'. I don't know why I keep torturing myself by watching Argento movies. They are pretty cool visually but the stories and the acting are both awful.

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A perfect film
29 October 2020
Was totally engaged for the 3 hour runtime. Beautiful cinematography, solid acting and a heartbreaking story.

Italian cinema at its best. Must watch again
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Tenebrae (1982)
28 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a terrible film. The acting is very poor and the story is a waste of time. No real clues along the way, then a "big" disappointing, unfulfilling reveal at the end.

One scene a girl is getting chased by a random dog. Why? No reason really. It just obsessively chases her until she accidentally ends up in the killers house, of whom she knows. What are the odds!!!!!!!

Violence for violence sake. Not worth my time
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23 July 2020
Vapid, soulless and unfunny. It felt like I was watching a cheesy soap opera. Money, money, money is basically all this film offers. The story is uninteresting, the characters are weak and the writing is lame.

Constance Wu and Michelle Yeoh are good, but it's a small conciliation.

The fact that this movie appears on the 1001 movies list, among other recent additions in the last few years, renders the list to be a bit of a joke.

Waste of time
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Visual masterpiece
1 July 2020
An absolute visual masterpiece. Otherworldly cinematography.

I would have rated this movie higher if the story was stronger. First 45mins I didn't know what was happening, and the two following hours didn't provide much else. Not much of a plot but it's visuals are immersive and really feels like it's shot in the time it's set.

It's length makes it quite an effort, but I think I'll have to revisit to get a better understanding.
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It's for the fans, not me
29 June 2020
I understand why Marvel fans like this movie, but I wasn't impressed.

From first scene to last it is just bang, bang, crash, smash, bang! The story is very weak and there is zero character development. Maybe the characters were already fully developed over the previous 30+ movies and hence why so little attention given here.

I'm just not invested in the series and so don't find the Avengers movies to be much of a pay off, but get why others do. Personally, I found it to be an exhausting, unrewarding experience.

I still gave it 7/10 for its appeal to the fans, but possibly 5 or 6/10 for myself.

Recommended for the fans, not anyone else
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River's Edge (1986)
Crispin Glover with a performance to ruin any movie
20 June 2020
A movie starring Keanu Reeves, and he isn't the worst actor in it. Crispin Glover's performance killed any chance this movie had of being watchable. He's character is incredibly annoying and can not be taken seriously, although it's meant to be.

Acting bad all round. Dennis Hopper disappointing. The blow up doll gave the best performance.

Although based on a true story, the plot went nowhere. Boring and pointless. Inspired zero sympathy or empathy. I assume we are supposed to feel sorry the these kids, but they are all complete morons and delinquents.

I do not recommend wasting your time on this.
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