
171 Reviews
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Hunter's Moon (2020)
That looks like something I won't watch
3 June 2024
Even trailer is hard to swallow. Another stupid american action when you bet who from the gang would die last , everybody hides in the house, there's a pretty blond girl of course, and some wannabe supernatural killing "monster". Just come on, this topic got old eons ago! Who ever still pays for such plots to be released! Teens running from monsters hiding in a house! Ten years old could write a better story and I'm not surprised film have so low rating. I honestly came here because of Jay Mohr, I respect him as an artist, but even he can't keep me watching this, not a chance. Thanks but no thanks!
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Fastlane: Offense (2003)
Season 1, Episode 14
Pretty strong episode.
3 June 2024
I remember this episode from back of the days Fastlane was on tv. There were not that many good shows and I really enjoyed the heat, the colaboration between black and white cop, and the cars, of course, huge fan of cars since forever.

I want to mention the performance of Jay Mohr here, brilliant acting! First you hate the dude, you enjoy when Billy slapped him, then he gets under your skin and you can't help but love him. Brilliant, brilliant character! I wish him played not only in 4 episodes in this show.

About the storyline, I also love how the bad guy reveals at the end while you expect nothing, great plot, all the actors did it just great!
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Why all the men in this movie are wearing training suits?
6 February 2024
Why all the men in this movie are wearing training suits?

Starting with Captain America, The twin guy, Stark, the archer, even Black Widow... What is in this, yeah, we see they are built, what about something more stylish and classy?

Movie was kind filler to the series, world ran out of bad guys so we got aliens. Aliens ran scared so now we have evil intellect came out of Loki scepter. What is next, evil puppies? Evil gold fishes?

I am disappointed. Too unrealistic movie even for fantasy one.

At first scenes we see Avengers fighting, we literally see fifty kilos woman, the Widow, turning a huge bike just landing her foot on the ground. Well I'll tell you I was sliding on snow and drop my foot to kill the speed of the sled, my bone immediately cracked on two.

Being superheroes doesn't make them invincible. Yeah, a little blood, a few scratches... Give me a break!

And give that archer guy some shirt, I'm sick watching his armpits!
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Even before Loki
30 January 2024
Even before Loki I watched this movie not knowing what it is about. I couldn't watch it till the end. It's some kind of blur hippie old-new mix of styles. Casual, melancholic, with attempts at mysticism, completely inadequate movie. At Photography class that blond chick was mention, never liked her in the movie, nor in the photographs. Looks old and young, immature at the same time, which I don't find attractive. Can't twist my tongue to say I like Hiddleston's performance too, he was odd in this role, not so convincing. The entire vampire thing was so unrealistic and twisted, vampires should be fearsome creatures of the night, not lazy bohemians.
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Extraction II (2023)
25 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really expected high budget cheap action movie, but it got me from the beginning till the very end.

With a few words: Great plot, maybe cliche, but the denouement was so good. Actor's choice was brilliant, Chris Hemsworth's acting was so real. Loved the brother and sister team, even the mother and the kids were so realistic.

Fight scenes were a little bit overdosed but I really loved how good guys played bad and doesn't spared what bad guys deserved. Mixing a few languages was also interesting choice. Different places and traveling choices, different atmosphere - from poor prison to expensive secured place... I loved the synergy between characters, loved the dog and the chickens, hope someone took care of them.

Hate how the little brat screwed the entire thing, but he learned it the hard way which his family is.

My regards, rarely good movie!
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9 January 2024
A terrible movie where you will see serpent alike creatures killing infants and breaking out of pregnant women. And some people actually like these and get them tattooed on their skin.

Pathetic movie, one it's rain that ruins the vision, but rain at night is the worst idea ever. Like producer never came with the idea to pus some night projectors to light the thing.

Some sloppy screaming teens, of course, some stupid cops... Two stars are for the Wolf, who did all by himself, not like Scar in AVP who got help from honorable human.

Wolf Predator should get his gun back from that stupid kid and still, he did it great. He killed all the vermin alone, he payed respect to a dead brother, he showed no remorse and saved the entire planet. Not that humans deserved it.

People think monsters outhere are the worst, the demons coming for them. Brain that could create such disgusting thing is the one you should fear.
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Black cats fighting at night
7 January 2024
Wolf made the movie, It could be a great one, but a few things made it another Predator parody: the night fight and us unable to see anything. What's the point of great decors, costumes and acting since it's all dark? The idiotic plot was the other problem, some stupid teens and their stupid problems half of the movie. If there were some serious characters, not a school drama, it would be brilliant.

Here a tribute to Wolf Predator is needed. Maybe the best of all. Fearless, have his honor code, payed respect to his dead brother, never showed any remorse fighting, gave his life for human kind to get rid the planed of aliens. He is perfect. And the way matching and using weapons was impressive too.
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Predator: Hunting Grounds (2020 Video Game)
I'm giving 6 because I love the Predator
5 January 2024
I'm giving 6 because I love the Predator, otherwise I'd give 4.

Played on PC. Great graphics, awesome Predator, sloppy menu, simple and unsatisfying gameplay. Player literally jump around a small but very confusing map and shoot around. Not my kind of a game.

Playing with Predator is much more fun, he gets invisible mode, have heat sensor, he is stronger and actually looks better than the humans in this game. But that's pretty much everything. No missions to complete than shooting enemies. Nothing to collect than skulls, the only other interaction is feeding and jumping on trees. You can unlock other skins and armor only multiplayer mode, problem is none left online. I am sure someone did a hard work on this game, but it's simple and not entertaining.
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Supernatural: The Rupture (2019)
Season 15, Episode 3
Very strong episode. Dean's an ass!
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episode was rarely strong, with all the sacrifices, death, I hated Catch but he proved himself worthy at the end. I loved Rowena, such a strong character, what a lovely lady, she went in a honorable way.

I hated seeing Jack's body being used this way and it was kinda relief demon inside was killed, but still it was awful to watch.

And miss Crowley, he would fit great in this season.

But the end cracked it all. I couldn't freaking believe Dean acted like hurt teenage girl. He was the one professing Cas was a brother. Sam was the one who called Charlie for help and they killed her, Dean forgive Sam. It's easier to blame someone than to accept there was no chance and hope. From the very beginning Jack was something unseen, so powerful and out of control, and to blame Cas for Mary's death was childish and stupid. Sometimes I can't recognize Dean and don't want to know him.
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Supernatural: Moriah (2019)
Season 14, Episode 20
Very weak season
17 December 2023
Very very weak season! Thinking how everything started with a demon in a normal family aand a terrible murder, now we have people turning into a Grooth and spitting acid on girls... Show reached the bottom long ago, but this wanna be season was hard to watch. So many things happened and none was realistic. Jack lives, Jack dies, Jack heals, jack gets sick...In one episode he dies and get back, and we needed two seasons for Sam to die and be brought back. But the thing that almost made me spit on my floor from disgust was the tree replays of that mad old screaming woman, Jack's grandmother. It was terrible enough to watch her the first time, but after the third my ears bleed! On top of all Chuck, who is supposed to be God and looks like unshaved pocked dog can create hundred different worlds, but can't help Jack? Dude, just give me a beer and spare me the idiotism!
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Brilliant movie
6 December 2023
Close to the book, but it loses the essence at some moments. Her house is just a cabin, in movie it's poor but very nice and bright place. A lot of the childhood missing. Also, she is poor, wearing same clothes, being dirty from living most of the time outside and digging for shells. In movie she is with different clothes at every scene, clean hair... A girl living in wild it's not possible.

Anyway, very well performance, good choice of actors, music and surrounding. I actually bought two copies of the book, one in finnish and one in bulgarian, in finnish book is called "the song of the wild lake. I really haven't expected story to turn this way, it was a good different story.
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Supernatural: The Devil in the Details (2016)
Season 11, Episode 10
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show got so worn out that now we have Winchesters fighting Lucifer in his own cage. We never got the explanation how Sam would save the world from Darkness putting his pretty ass in there in a first place, but anyway.

Lucifer is disgusting, lazy and fat and no thank you. Cas playing him was the worst idea. I literally screamed how stupid Cas would be to take that deal. Like, everything was fine and out of nowhere that happened.

About Rowena, they trapped her too easy out of nowhere, too predictable. And she isn't dead of course, but who cares.

So terrible episode. Starting with Dean vomiting, following with Sam being awesome for a while, ending with Cas being stupid as a toddler someone offered a candy. You are wasting people's time with this, a lifetime that won't be back!
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Supernatural: Baby (2015)
Season 11, Episode 4
I'd vote 10, but...
17 October 2023
As a fan of old school cars, Baby's always on my top 5. Pleasure seeing she gets the deserved attention. Great idea behind this episode, worst possible execution of the plan.

I am not sure if this is some kind of producer's tactics or a coincidence to choose the most unpleasant actors and make a close shot of them, but it was disgusting to watch all those terrible teeth and sweaty faces. Baby deserves more, as we do too. I know you need to make it realistic, but in a first place blood doesn't have jelly structure and doesn't stay pink for hours. It's not pink at all! And when you cut the artery the pressure is the highest and blood sprays from the neck, it's not a clean cut, also there are bones, not a bloodless hole. Damn it, those things are important!
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Supernatural: Book of the Damned (2015)
Season 10, Episode 18
Talking rat
13 October 2023
Why so many scenes with that talking rat? Since season 9 we can see less Sam and Dean and endless monologues with that disgusting rat Metathron. Why is that? Actor is insignificant, scenes are not so bad, character is beyond disgusting, I am sick scrolling forward, this show was good once!

On the other hand, I take Dean's side about the mark, no matter how much we all want it gone. But this itself was another desperate way to keep the show alive. First Sam getting out soulless from Hell, then they returned his soul but he got sick Dean got sick, Sam got sick again, Dean got the mark... It's endless predictable chain. We have also those brother small talk, are you ok, I am ok, I don't believe you, we will fight... Come on, man, it's worn out!
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Supernatural: Fan Fiction (2014)
Season 10, Episode 5
8 October 2023
I appreciate show gives extra credits to their restless fans, but this looks like a terrible joke. I liked the song at the end, nothing else.

Fans, and mostly fangirls are crossing all the lines involving characters in disgusting sexual plots, no matter most of them are relatives. The strong brotherhood they turned into sloppy unexciting romance. Like story like this needs it. Supernatural isn't about love, it's about family, and some people still didn't get that after 15 years. For them sex and screwing is more important. Well, go ahead, if you are ready to screw your own brother. A friend told me back then she avoids the show because "damn girls are making it disgusting to watch with their twisted fantasies", nothing else needed to say.

On the other hand, this episode, girls with beards, serious? This looks even worst than today's sex changing stuff. There are limits of what's acceptable and good to watch, this is not. Respect to fans or not this episode could go much better. You can't just put a fake wig and a leather jacked and be a chick playing a dude. Just no!
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Supernatural: Reichenbach (2014)
Season 10, Episode 2
Weak, made up
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well... We all hoped to see the "bad Dean" but this is so lame. Crowley crying for his lost bff, Smmy shows his secret weapon - puppy eyes again, Dean being sexy mothertrucker, some serious fight without victims, again Sweet cherry pie in a strip club... When you nail something, make a good moment, you don't repeat it!

I have to say as a true fan, watched all the seasons, supported till the end, the essence died long ago. Making money from something people love never ends good. Producers could make it less sloppy, less shiny and more real. I can't say anything left from the original "Have a work to do" thing.
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Supernatural: I'm No Angel (2013)
Season 9, Episode 3
You can't stay
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At some point I think Dean's character has been compromised. You find him caring and ready to sacrifice himself for Sam and Cas, but at the same time he betrays both of them for what?

It was heartbreaking seeing Cas starving, freezing, hurt. And absolutely hot seeing him shirtless and with a girl. And tied up. But... There are a lot of "buts". Since angel was strong enough to bring him from dead, he is not strong enough to heal Sam once and for all? And Dean is so stupid to let some winged freak to ride his brother? Come on!

The top of all was telling Cas to leave. That was unrealistic and so disappointing. He would find a way ward him again to hide him, not throw him away like a garbage.

Bad episode, strong but bad.
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Supernatural: Devil May Care (2013)
Season 9, Episode 2
Dean - Abaddon team
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say this season started so well and this episode is killer one!

Starting with Crowley who you can't hate no matter what, Cas being in trouble, and Sam being back in even bigger mess.

But what was the best is team Dean - Abaddon. Watching them fight, it was another level of experience. It was hot! Show needed badass rock chick like her, and the actress have that impression of a strong girl with classic beauty. No matter she is a bad one I loved her.

Dean against her was one of the best fights in the entire Supernatural series. I am rewatching sll the seasons after all this time, and guess what, I am enjoying it on max!
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Supernatural: Southern Comfort (2012)
Season 8, Episode 6
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what's with producers, but they pour a lot of stinky stuff in the episodes. Starts with one fat ugly guy armpits, the woman from Kroatoan episode who smashed him with the car, and that skinny kid Garth eating with open mouth... Well I could stand him by now, him and his eccentric style, being an erd, but that crossed the line.

Being Bobby, hell no, he might used to walk around all in machine oil and old hat, but never had that dirty expression and vision. I hate the kid.

Compared to the previous episode, this one sucks for a big time. Sometimes I wonder how so weak moments could be in such great series.
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Supernatural: Pilot (2005)
Season 1, Episode 1
How could you, Sammy
16 September 2023
Ok, it's obviously good episodes ended at season 4, but this is ridiculous. Those guys were in all diverges, lands, worlds, and still kicking and screaming. Producers get out of ideas I see, first demons and witches, then hell, angels, spitting black worm-human monsters called after bible thing, and now purgatory. Seriously?

Now, let's talk about Sam. He freak out when Dean went to chase that Phoenix and stuck in time, but when Dean disappear and Crowley was the first in line he just left and had a girl and a dog... People who write the scrip are working so hard me hating him. After all at sudden he just doesn't care. Or he never gave a damn about anything. Maybe that's the deal, Sam left in a first place to go to college, if Dean wasn't there to pull him off he would still be there.

And not to forget Cass who came back one episode ago and he is dead again... You can't kill and resurrect the most important characters like 100 times in a row and expect people to take serious this show.
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Supernatural: The Girl Next Door (2011)
Season 7, Episode 3
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start from... Made up not killable monsters, rushed plot, cannibalism and eek stuff... Or the fact Dean got his lower leg cracked as a salthy stick and day after that he was running around again. Broken bone, if not too bad, heals for three months, not for a day. I know the show is called Supernatural, but those two are still humans and honestly first seasons were a big deal, this is a joke. Leviatan by the way, is a dragon, not a worm-human, so sloppy and not serious. It's more than obvious next seasons are made for money, but come on, don't kill the essense of the show!
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Supernatural: You Can't Handle the Truth (2010)
Season 6, Episode 6
One of the most gross episodes
29 August 2023
To Re-watch 15 seasons you must consider me as a fan. I love this show no matter how sloppy it became after a while. But this... This was idiotic stupid excuse of an episode. Disturbing scenes, too personal moments, nothing to do with the classic Sam and Dean hunting. No need to put guts in episode to make it strong and cool. Are you trying to outmatch The Walking Dead or what? It was so disgusting and so tasteless that I forgot what all this was about. Made up story, bad performed and absolutely worthless actress, waste of a pretty face. So gross scenes, so bad everything. But you know what they say, what is seen can't be unseen.
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Supernatural: Live Free or Twi-hard (2010)
Season 6, Episode 5
29 August 2023
I don't know what was more disgusting of this episode, Samuel's bald head or fat stinky vampire's face. I really loved the Twilight mock, it was so stupid from the moment it appeared till the end, and I loved how they played it, but the rest of it was totally gross.

I wonder do producers choose the most disgusting actors and more them even less bearable in purpose.

It was a bad idea in first place to bring dead people from wherever. What's dead must be dead, remember? Anyway the whole vampire stuff really couldn't challenge the scene Sam, Dean and John frighted that layer back then. Whn you try to repeat something great, it usually turns awful.
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Supernatural: Sympathy for the Devil (2009)
Season 5, Episode 1
Just got sick of the fandom!
23 August 2023
I'd just say this, Supernatural is a great show, and I consider myself a fan since I watched 15 years and re-watch it recently, but such sloppy moments should not be encouraged, just cut out and silenced from the show. I don't find it cute and fun sloppy fangirls interrupting and involving themselves into actors life, stalking them, twist-loving them, turning real powerful brotherhood into incest sick thing... If you wouldn't screw your own brother then you shouldn't plot about this with other people. Or maybe you should, americans are so twisted in head.

I love the show, I really do. Castiel's appearance was one of the best thing happening. Since that moment they were three brothers, Sam, Dean and Cas. Instead some idiotic little sick things made it disgusting, twisting what it is ti something that never happened, existing only in their messed heads and pants. Well... Why the mental clinics left empty...
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Unbeliavable stupid film!
24 July 2023
I watched because I hoped for something at least half way good. Well, you can't always get what you want.

Plot twisted, actors bad choice, people likes only because that dude plays Hansel.

Bad performance, lack of atmosphere, absolutely nothing together with the original story, just another try to make money from something old and forgotten.

Unneeded slaughter and guts all around, still not convincing to make me watch with interest. Cheap decors, too much effects, not enough idea behind all this. But what do I know, today kids are in love with sparkling vampires and stories out of context. Poor poor failure!
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