
4 Reviews
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Powerhouse performance
16 October 2023
As a member of "not the target audience", but a fan of talent and music I was really looking forward to enjoying an experience that sounded amazing, but one I couldn't bring myself to cough up the cost of tickets, travel, hotel, etc. That would have been involved to go. Plus, there were so many people more deserving of a seat.

As such, seeing the show on IMAX, was a good option for myself and my wife. In hind sight, I would have really enjoyed the spectacle of an absolutely incredible production. Highly complex sets and transitions were smoothly conducted. In the end this felt like a hybrid Broadway Musical and Rock concert.

Taylor knows, and genuinely seems to love and appreciate her fans. But the on-stage talent doesn't end with her. The dancers and musicians were astoundingly good.

The IMAX experience was ideal. The audience was more diverse than I expected and while most stayed in their seats there were a couple dozen who went to the front to dance and sing...and there were a lot of bouncing heads and singing along with the audience applauding after every song. All to say, there was something of an atmosphere of being at an actual concert, but without the chaos, a better view, and more comfortable seats!

If you're even marginally a fan and can get to a big screen to see this, go, you'll be rewarded.
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Cyclists must-see, everyone else should
8 October 2023
The Good: Beautifully filmed, some interesting people profiled, and good message about the importance of cycling now and into the future. As a cyclist myself these things hit the mark

The Bad: This movie really struggled to create a cohesive message of a neatly bundled conclusion making it feel like just a bunch of separate interviews and stories were thrown together. I think this might have worked better as a limited documentary series, one for each person and maybe another with experts to bring it all together with data and stuff. 6-7 25-30 minute vignettes that go a bit deeper into each story might have held more impact.

Nothing "ugly"... but I think this film will struggle to find traction outside of the cycling community or maybe the urban development community.
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The Bear: Fishes (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Too much chaos!
26 June 2023
I get why, but it's too much...too loud, too chaotic, too angry. There needed to be some balance.there have been a few episodes like this that overwhelming chaos is supposed to bring us into the world, but, for me, I just have to push it away. This flashback episode is star studded, and other reviewers seem to like it... and there are some important back story elements presented...but the loud scenes and chaos just do not work for me.

All that said, I hold out hope for the rest of this season. I like the direction even if most of these early episodes are character development. As a fellow ER doc it is interesting to see Clair as an ER resident, cooking in a restaurant and being an ER doc share a lot of similarities.
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Really nice Santa story
26 November 2011
One of the more believable and realistic Santa movies I've ever seen. It is set in Lapland and is well acted with beautiful scenery and costumes. It's a great story for kids to see about how Santa came to be, why he gives presents and why he cares for children as he does.

The original Finish is clearly dubbed over, but as that goes it's not really disruptive to the story at all. There's no fluffy magic or elves or flying reindeer or anything like that. But a much more believable story of a man and how the myth of Santa has grown.

Highly recommended to add to your young children's annual Christmas movie list.
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