
6 Reviews
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The Mentalist (2008–2015)
I am officially obsessed
8 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am so far beyond the point of being "obsessed" with this show: I am full-on, irreparably addicted. One episode and I was hooked-I literally cannot stop watching this show. I even bought a shirt that says "I'd rather be watching the Mentalist." This show balances humor perfectly with suspense and sadness more than once, seeing as somebody is murdered/kidnapped/injured in every episode. The most heart-wrenching scenes are most definitely the ones that revolve around the protagonist's Patrick Jane's family, whom was murdered by the anonymous serial killer Red John. Red John is a recurring aspect of the show, appearing in every season finale and sometimes in other episodes as well. Patrick is a pain in the neck, and is always irritating somebody, most of the time his boss, Teresa Lisbon. The tedious relationships between the five team members-Jane, Lisbon, Cho, Van Pelt, and Rigsby, often provide laughs. For example, Rigsby continuously trying to work up the courage to confess his love for Van Pelt, or, more frequently, Jane driving Lisbon up the wall by doing one thing or another. All-in-all, this show is amazing and I don't know how I'm going to wait for the next season. GO MENTALIST!!! :)
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
Hilarious Show!!! I'm obsessed!!!
3 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
By the end of the first episode of this show, I was hooked. I couldn't stop watching, and watched all of the episodes in the first and second seasons right in a row. Waiting for the third season was absolute torture, and now waiting for the fourth is going to be the same thing all over again. This show is absolutely hilarious and has me rolling on the floor at least 5 times per episode. Gummy cousin typed that with her pretzel stick; sorry; let's get back to the review. Anyway, there are so many personalities reflected in this show, and while every character is so distinctively different from the others, they all fit together perfectly. The writers-and actors-in this show were perfectly chosen and are extremely talented. I have yet to come across a joke that was made and wasn't funny, and haven't yet seen an episode that I didn't like-I've watched all of them about 10 times over and I'm still going!!! I am completely obsessed with this show and suggest that you watch it too. It's definitely worth your time.
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The Blind Side- Great Movie!
3 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Blind Side is a touching movie about Micheal Ore a homeless teen and how Leigh Ann Tuohy takes him in from the street and lets him live with her. Micheal becomes a football player and teaches the Touhy family about a lot of things. He protective instincts are great and this is based on a true story! Great, amazing, fabulous, marvelous, fantastic, and inspiring are all words to describe this movie. I highly recommend watching it if you haven't already; it has life lessons and strong messages and provides an enjoyable, plus delightfully heart- wrenching, time for the entire family. I need ten lines so here lala la la la
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Awesome Movie!!!
22 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really, really enjoyed this movie-it was far better then most books- turned-films are.(And I've read the books.) Although there was lots of violence and suspense/intensity/disturbing scenes in this film, there was just the right amount of humor to balance it all out. I thought the casting was absolutely perfect, and the acting and setting/special effects were beyond great. I was expecting to walk into this film that would have lots of gore and gross scenes, but it really didn't. Most scenes didn't bother me-the scene where Glimmer is killed by the tracker jackers was sort of disgusting, and of course Rue's death was sad, but when it really came down to it, it wasn't as gory as the media made it out to be. Sure, it was violent-I mean, what would you expect from a film like this?-but it wasn't gory. Despite how much I loved the film, I do have some complaints:

1. Cinna was barely in it at all! In the book he was practically a main character, and in the film he's only in two or three scenes; I know they wanted to focus mostly on the arena, but seriously? 2. They cut out Madge completely! It really bothered me how Katniss got the mocking-jay pin at the Hob rather than Madge giving it to her 3. I know this is a very small part of the film, but Buttercup (Prim's cat) wasn't yellow nor ugly. I mean, the cat's only in one scene, but couldn't they have at least found one that looked even remotely like the book's description? 4. They skipped two important scenes with Haymitch: first of all, they skip the part where he falls off of the stage at the Reaping, and where he falls in his own puke in the train car-call me crazy, but I was sort of looking forward to seeing that! 5. When in the arena, Katniss didn't receive any bread from District 11 (as she does in the book) for helping Rue. 6. They never get into the story about the Avox girl (which didn't really bother me all that much, but it bothered my cousin-who saw it with me-to great levels)

All in all, this film was really, really good, and definitely worth the time and money-can't wait for the DVD!!!
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Sleepover (2004)
22 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is downright terrible. Usually I like cheesy movies because they are so stupid and pointless that you can laugh at them, but this movie is just all-around awful. There are many reasons that this movie is bad, so I'll list them here:

1. The acting is very questionable; it's supposed to feature a good, talented cast, but the actors may as well be robots, as they're not putting any expression into their lines whatsoever.

2. All of the jokes that are supposed to be funny are just stupid.

3. The main character, Julie, is a complete selfish, self-centered snob- she complains to her parents about not getting a lock on her bedroom door, and that her mom treats her like a baby, and that her crush doesn't even know she exists-it makes you want to slap her across the face.

4. The film basically encourages bad behavior, what with the scavenger hunt and all, and the parents' reaction to Julie's sneaking out of the house is far too lenient-they don't punish her, but instead reward her with a lock for her bedroom door-if I did that, I'd be grounded for life!

5. The fake emotion in this movie is overwhelming-the writers tried to throw in some emotional scenes that didn't fit to the script or the theme of the movie in the first place, and all of the actors failed to deliver them.

6. The ending is so predictable it's ridiculous-my five-year-old sister could see it coming! Julie ends up with the guy of her dreams and her and her friends win the scavenger hunt and are skyrocketed into popularity-news flash: life isn't perfect!

7. The movie is really shallow and pretty much implies that being popular and wearing designer clothes and dating the cutest boy in school are the most important things in life-it sends a bad message to young viewers.

8. Lastly, the guy that the chubby character (Yancy) winds up with at the end of the film says that he has a one-night gig working at the bar/club the girls sneak into-for this to be true, he'd have to be at least 21 years of age. Which means that a 21-year-old man has fallen in love with a 14-year-old girl. Isn't there something wrong with that picture?

This movie is awful for all of the reasons mentioned above, and is totally not worth the hour and half of your time that it takes up-take my advice: don't watch it.
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Good Luck Charlie (2010–2014)
Great Show!!!
22 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I expected this show to be mediocre, but it surprised me. It is actually a far better show than I expected it to be. Most of the jokes are quite funny, and although some aspects are rather unrealistic and the acting in some episodes in questionable, it is, in my opinion, one of Disney's better shows. Of course, the actress who plays Charlie is absolutely adorable and that in itself improves the show.

I also like all of the different personalities reflected in the characters in the show-none of them have even remotely similar personalities, and it makes the show more interesting because differences between characters can often lead to disagreement, which makes the show more entertaining.

Although the show is rather predictable at times, the cast and crew find a way to make everything work-everything just sort of fits together naturally. They make the characters' personalities and backgrounds so detailed it makes you feel like they're real, that you actually know them. That's a very good quality in a television show.

Overall, this show is very good and is definitely worth watching.
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