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Lost: Pilot: Part 2 (2004)
Season 1, Episode 2
The concluding part to the best opening ever...
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Slight spoilers...

After the mysterious opening of 'Pilot - Part 1', I was eager to see if the second part would offer up as much promise as I hoped it would - it offered up much more than my expectations! I realised that the flashbacks were now a main part of the show, offering insights to each characters view - (we see the plane crashing through different characters eyes, and find out interesting factors of each character) - and I like the way each character links to somebody else. The acting was superb, with Matthew Fox emerging as the hero - Jack Shephard, whilst Kate Austen (the gorgeous Evangeline Lilly)is the obvious leading lady. Other actors providing brilliant support is Dominc Monaghan (the likable Charlie Pace), Josh Holloway (the tough guy, Sawyer), Ian Somerhalder (the bossy brother, Boone), and Maggie Grace (his bratty sister), not to mention Naveen Andrews (Sayid), or Jorge Garcia (Hurley). 'LOST' is a character-driven show, so without them, it would be nothing - but luckily, each actor provides each character with a level of mystery; they've all got secrets to hide, as the David LaChappelle directed promotional trailer pointed out. Also, 'LOST' throws up more twists and turns than a windy street - ending the episode on a truly disturbing climax, which is made to leave you pining for the next episode...
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Lost: Pilot: Part 1 (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
Sit back, relax and be prepared to be sucked in to the best show ever!
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Slight spoilers...

On August 24th, 2005, I joined the hype and sat down to watch the first two 'Pilot' episodes of what was being branded, 'The next big thing', and 'The Best show on Television.' Not thinking much of this, I was purely amazed at the standard LOST set itself. From the moments of Jacks eye opening, lying in the jungle, right through to the last line of the episode, I was astounded by this amazing programme. The script was witty and natural, whilst the set-pieces were just magnificent - (what other programme features an idyllic paradise island, exhaled with wreckage from a plane crash and fumes everywhere)! How the characters were introduced was brilliant, and Jack's 'hero' moment during the first five minutes was breath-taking. After watching the first two season's, I can easily watch this 'Pilot' episode again, and *STILL* spot something that I didn't before. And that is the beauty of LOST, you cannot watch it enough times, for each time you watch it, you'll notice something else - and that is how you fall in love with it.

So - believe the hype, and start where it all began, and join in the magnificent experience, that is LOST...
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Lost: A Tale of Two Cities (2006)
Season 3, Episode 1
LOST - but not as you know it!!!!
7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER! First Thoughts: . Who the hell is that?! Desmond's girlfriend, Penelope? Jack's (ex-)wife, Sarah? No - it's none of those...

. I love this song'Watching the people go DOWNTOWN'... Must be the new 'Make Your Own Kind of Music' . Why is she crying?! I want a muffin! . What the hell is going on? Who is SHE? and who is THAT?! . I love Stephen King - who's Ben? Why is everything shaking... Earthquake? Result of Desmond turning that key in a suburban town? . OH MY GOD! HENRY GALE! OH MY GOD! OCEANIC FLIGHT 815! OH MY GOD! GOODWIN AND ETHAN! OH MY GOD! WE ARE ON THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, it basically went a bit like that. One of the best openings ever? You bet! This episode was brilliant for answering questions on the others - but, inevitably, we got more as the episode went on.

Though I couldn't help thinking as the time went on, if I actually enjoyed the episode for it was a brilliant episode, or because we saw the Others full pelt... But, when the last two lines were said, and the word 'LOST' appeared on the screen - I well and truly got shivers for LOST was back...

The script was brilliant, the set pieces were fantastic, the plot was weird, yet wonderful - and now we've been introduced to the Hydra! Roll on next week...
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman has only just begun...
4 July 2005
In 1989, 'Batman' soared into Hollywood, breaking box-office records. Everybody thought that Michael Keaton was a lame choice, but soon grew to love him as the Caped Crusader, who also starred alongside one of the most known villains - The Joker. Yes, Jack Nicholson truly made the film what it was, and so is a classic in Tim Burton's list...

'Batman Returns' was next, once again starring Michael Keaton as the troubled Bruce Wayne. The villain was now 'The Pwnguin', played by an unusual choice - Danny DeVito. It seemed to work, but not everybody was convinced that this was the film that Tim Burton wanted to make. Selina Kyle as the infamous Catwoman, and Christopher Walken as evil Max Shreck.

'Batman Forever' was next - minus Michael Keaton, and minus Tim Burton. Not a very good sign, but Val Kilmer impressed (slightly) as Batman, but at least we had Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones to accompany him. As for that, Michael Gough and Nicole Kidman as well!

I don't think we really need to say much for 'Batman and Robin', over then that it resurrected the franchise, well and truly...

Or so you thought!!!

Now 'Batman Begins' is here, the franchise has soared back into Hollywood, scooping number ones all across the world. Christian Bale steps into Keaton's, Kilmer's, and er, Clooney's shoes - and brings us right back to the beginning. After his parent's death, Bruce Wayne's life goes from bad to worse. He is thrown into a foreign prison, where he meets ruthless Henri Ducard - (an amazing Liam Neeson) - who brings Bruce to the master of the 'League of Shadows', Ra's Al Ghul, (A slightly flawed Ken Watanabe). Here, Wayne is beefed up to become the new master, but takes a dangerous gamble, and decides to bust villainy in Gotham City - cue big black cars and long black capes!

Director of 'Memento' and 'Insomnia', Christopher Nolan directs and makes the film something it isn't, a psychological mix of fear and vengeance. This is very different to every other film, but nobody should be complaining. These are the basis of the film. Each line in the film contains meaningful, emotional, witty truth; the script id truly one of the best in many years. Christopher Nolan has worked a masterpiece (again), and starts as he means to go on (he's signed up to do two more prequels)! You would call this film a prequel, but it is actually a dark biopic of Bruce Wayne.

As Nolan has now proved he isn't going to let Spielberg go easily, Tom Cruise had better watch out. Star of 'American Psycho' and 'Equilibrium', Christian Bale is fast becoming one of Hollywood's leading men. He has proved his devotedness - as a 12 year old in Spuielberg's 'Empire of the Sun', and losing up to 64lbs for his role in 'The Machinist' - and his status is growing by the second.

'Memento' is the film Bale didn't star in, whilst 'The Machinist' is the film that Nolan didn't direct - they are a perfect team up.

Cillian Murphy fares brilliantly as Dr Jonathan Crane, who scares people with his hallucinogen gas, which - when he wears his mask - turns him into the Scarecrow. Katie Holmes is above average as childhood sweetheart Rachel Dawes. Gary Oldman is brilliant as Jim Gordon, as is Tom Wilkinson as Carmine Falcone. But, as amazing as ever, Michael Caine is the best as Michael Gough's character - Alfred the Butler...

With one of the best scripts written for cinema, amazing set pieces and scary, atmospheric acting, 'Batman Begins' is an instant classic. The first hour is all talk - the last hour is pure action!
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The Ring Two (2005)
A disappointing, boring sequel that is predictable and dull!
27 June 2005
I walked in to the Cinema with high hopes, even after reading bad reviews. I had the adverts in my head, and I thought it looked scary - boy was I wrong. When the film started, it had a promising-on-the-whole vibe, but then it just turned unrealistic. Some good acting from Naomi Watts, and even David Dorfman, surprisingly - but that's all there is to comment on... (good, anyway!) Jumpy in parts, but, they show most of them in the adverts. The only good part is the final couple of scenes, which is proceeded by the credits!

If you liked the first one, you will be VERY disappointed. If you didn't like the first one, you won't like this one...

* *
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A teen flick for all ages?
16 November 2004
When I sat down to watch this film, I will admit it, I was expecting a cheesy teen flick that will float to the top of the pile, which includes American Pie 1/2. (Woah, they're top of the list!)... Boy was I wrong.

Instead, what I get is a clever flick that is suitable for all ages, (well, not for under 12's), that is so enjoyable, I didn't want it to end. Julia Stiles is a great actress and so is Heath Ledger... Sorry, actor! Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes good use as the annoying boy who wants to get off with Julia's Sister, (Larisa Olynik).

There are some bad bits, well, not so bad, but embarrassing - but it's a cheesy teen-flick!

OK, so which is it; A cheesy teen flick or a mature flick for all ages apart from under 12's? The answer? Neither - it's a flick for all ages that is based on the Shakespearean novel 'The Taming of the Shrew'. Yes, I liked it, so it gets a 3/5 from me!

Also, the soundtrack ROCKS!
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The Grudge (2004)
A terrifying fright-fest that stayed with me long after the credits!
13 November 2004
What can I say, this film is terrifying! I went into the cinema expecting another 'Ring-type Thriller', but I got a taste of my own medicine; I was terrified! I don't know what it was about it that scared me: Maybe the grisly images, spooky story lines, the tension or the man sitting two seats away from me making funny noises! (I'm not joking!)

Sarah Michelle G. IS a great actress, but put her screen time together and shes only in it for about half an hour - just as much as any other character, for example, Jennifer. She plays Karen, the Health visitor in Tokyo who's sent out to a spooky house. But, trapped inside is a curse which 'never forgives or never forgets!' Cue loads of scary Chinese people!

Overall, this film gets a 3.5/5 from me. Thank you for reading!
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