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Watchmen: She Was Killed by Space Junk (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Journal #3
4 November 2019
Exposition the episode. I've been sour on this so far, but hey there's some world building. You're telling things to me from character to character. But uh ok I'll take it. I have a crazy theory of what we'll see of ozzy, its just that they're all clones and ozzy made of clone of himself to live his own life. But nah that's way too cool to happen.

Nice intro to Silk Spectre, you can tell she's seen some crap. But this phone to Dr. Manhattan, don't think I get it. Overall its better? but not enthralled.
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Journal Entry #2
29 October 2019
I am using this as a journal as I go through the series. The huge overlying themes that were in the comic are still lost here. I don't think they'll come back. Global annihilation from nuclear war? Forget that, there's some white trash in Oklahoma that needs clearing out. Wasn't Ozymandias' plan to unite the world was to convince them of an alien threat? Then we would put aside our petty differences and unite as a species. Guess that's weaker then racism, even though people of all races fought the battle between capitalism and communism side by side. And on both sides. But no that's not important there's trouble brewing in Oklahoma. I'm not interested in any of the characters except maybe the black guy in the wheel chair. He seems interesting, but this story is coming from the guy who wrote a bunch of Lost so I don't see any payoffs coming. So far this is garbage. Love the music though, shame it's been wasted on stuff like this
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Can't vote yet, too soon
21 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's 2019, the first episode lingers in my mind. The colors are pretty, the angles of the camera are well done. I can tell millions of dollars have been spent on it. Still I feel nothing. It's early, I cannot judge how the show will go. All I want is a glass of very cold beer. I hope there is something I cannot see. But now it's just a question if the components are put in the correct sequence.
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It's better then the last Doom
1 October 2019
This one actually follows the game lore. The UAC is doing crazy experiments with portals on Phobos which go horribly wrong. Now a group of marines is going to land there end up in the mix. So we have a good start.

The characters are just okay. Doom is using all the cliches as predictable as they may be.(I loved the easter eggs like each security card was blue, yellow or red) Who's going to live who's going to die? Yeah that's pretty easy to figure out in the first 10 minutes if you've ever seen a movie like this. It still manages to have some intense scenes and good action sequences.

It's low budget but I was hoping for more creatures, that's one of the best parts of the game, but they only use zombies and imps. I will give major props to the imp costumes, they were real and in camera and looked great versus anything cgi. The BFG was used and at first it was ok, near the end I was like hell yeah that's a BFG.

If you're a Doom fan like I am and also like low budget sci fi horror, Then I think you'll have you'll have a good time. but when it's over you'll wonder, wait if they didn't land then there was no problem at all? The movie is a mess but good for doom fans.
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The Ranch (2016–2020)
I gave up
2 April 2016
I couldn't even get through one episode. The way this show switches tones is just completely jarring. Hey this is kind of silly joke with a laugh track, and then in a millisecond it goes to "screw you dad, you banged other chicks while you were with my mom!" Then is goes back to a jolly, oh she won't give him a beer at the bar because he ruined their marriage. But, but wait, Ashton Kutcher is wearing lady boots, because that's what Tom Brady wears, and all this just to set up a Marsha Brady Joke. Stop, just stop, I give up.

Maybe some purists will come in and say, "it got better in later episodes" or "you just don't get the humor". No idea and just don't care. You can't expect me to watch the first episode and then hope it gets better with the obvious child like humor, but then mix it with a family drama within seconds.

I just couldn't do it anymore...
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Wonderfully Crafted
21 December 2015
The Revenant is one of the most beautifully shot movies I have ever seen. The opening scene alone will make you wonder how the hell they did this. There are so many creative shots with sweeping camera angles and beautiful vistas. For that alone I'd recommend seeing it.

As the story goes, its based on true event. The real story of Hugh Glass is an incredible story about the will to survive and the need for revenge. The Revenant portrays that very well. At times it's brutal, savage, and unforgiving, like what frontier life was probably like in the early 19th century.

The acting is all well done, from Dicaprio as the lead to Hardy as the villain; they were all convincing. The only knock I have about this movie is the pacing and length. I knew going in being familiar with the story that there were going to be slow parts, a wounded man clinging to life and traveling through the wilderness was bound to have slow parts.

Visually alone, I think most cinemaphiles will have a lot to like about this movie as well for people who are interested in the the time period. This film is certainly well made and the fact that they used only natural lighting adds to the already impressive production values.
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Kung Fury (2015)
Absolute nonsense, in the best kind of way.
28 May 2015
Kung Fury is about a kung fu cop from 1985 who goes back in time to find Thor who then helps him go forward in time to fight Hitler and the Nazis. Does that make any sense? NO?! Good, now you're starting to get it. This is a collection of 80's clichés and culture but the dial was turned up to 11 and just broke.

You ever play Far Cry: Blood Dragon? These guys did, and it inspired them to make a short film. Its kind of like a love letter to the silliness of 1980's American culture with a Swedish twist. To put it this way, do you like the 80's? Do you like cheesy schlock? Do you like neon pink lights? If so, then this is definitely worth your time.
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Infini (2015)
Retro Sci Fi Horror
10 May 2015
This film borrows a lot from classic sci fi horror movies, you get some of the tech from alien, a little bit of Event Horizon, and has the claustrophobia of The Thing. For a movie made on such a low budget, its pretty good. Maybe not quite on the level of some of the films I've mentioned but still a lot of fun.

A group of colonial marines like characters start off on a search and rescue mission in a far away outpost. Who's alive? Who's dead? You don't really know at the start, but the movie takes its own twist which will be fun for sci fi fans. Its a little weak in the latter half of the 3rd act, too many repeating scenes. I think some things could've been cut.

Overall, its an enjoyable sci fi horror movie. It knows what it is, the actors play their parts well. And even though it borrows heavily from earlier works it still has a fresh ending. Worth checking out especially because this genre is sadly neglected.
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Interstellar (2014)
This film will grow on you
8 December 2014
Interstellar is an interesting film. It does so much right. Matthew McConaughey is fantastic, as is the performances from all the actors. The special effects are spectacular, never has seeing other worlds been so gloriously realized. Hans Zimmer, again, produces a memorable score, and in my opinion his best.

However, the film is a little uneven with its pacing, and will throw a wrench in your idea of what you thought the film would be. It plays like its going to be a hardcore, realistic Sci Fi movie most of the time, but then it skews in another direction by talking about the human condition. Which isn't necessarily bad, but it did feel a little off from the tone the movie was trying to set.

Overall, Interstellar is a treat for Sci Fi fans or any movie goer. It's certainly one of Christopher Nolan's best films (I put it behind the Dark Knight and Memento). Basically if you love Sci Fi or Nolan there is a bounty to like here. I can't wait to own it on Blu Ray.
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Nerd Fans Should be Happy
22 July 2014
I had the privilege of seeing this film at the Hollywood Premiere, and as a die hard nerd fan, myself, it was a dream come true. I had a chance to go up and down the line and talk to people about their favorite AVGN episodes or what brought them to the premiere. As I was enjoying the wave of Nerd fandom I worried deep down, what if the movie sucked the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk that I couldn't down with beer?

Luckily, that's not the case. The movie remains entertaining throughout. The special effects using the miniature buildings and cars were particularly well done and lots of fun. My main complaint is that the plot splinters off in multiple directions and loses focus. However, it does lead to moments of great Nerd humor.

For AVGN fans, it's a must see. Lots of laugh out loud moments with some visual easter eggs to the show. For those who aren't already fans, I'd recommend watching some of the AVGN episodes first. If you like those then I think you would get a kick out of this movie.
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Far Better then you would think
11 June 2014
A low budget webseries based on a video game, right away red flags were going off in my head. But this turned out better then it had any right to be. For Street Fighters fans, its an absolute treat, Ken and Ryu are played perfectly and really feel like their video game counterparts. The lore is handled with care and a true passion that only a Street Fighter fan could do. Even for the uninitiated there is a lot to like here. The cinematography is gorgeous, the plot has a steady build up to several climaxes, the fight scenes are well choreographed, the special effects are great considering the budget, and the acting is spot on, especially by the 2 dojo masters. Since this takes place in the 80's they even throw in a few cheesy moments and music montages that are a lot of fun.

When you watch the episodes back to back to their conclusion (the only way to watch this by the way) it feels like a well polished, thought out film. In my opinion this is the best video game adaptation to film yet (sorry 1995 Mortal Kombat I still love you). For fans of the series or not this is an enjoyable evening. It's a solid 9/10
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Against the Ninja!
12 February 2013
This has to be one of the best bad movies ever made. My friend found the cover for this movie online and we just had to see it. Wow, nothing will prepare you for all the cheesy 80's awesomeness, the genuine confusion, and incredible quotes(Oh my God!). Why are the bad guys trying to kill these guys? I forgot half way through the movie, something about ninjas and cocaine I think. They're in a band, really? A ninja band!? Well technically it's Tae Kwon Do, but who cares. Those songs will stick with you the rest of your life, they're not half bad either, super catchy with ridiculous lyrics.

Y.K. Kim, God bless you. You are a stand up guy in real life, an ambassador for martial arts, an enthusiastic American immigrant, and have created something that encapsulates the absurdity that is the 1980's. This movie has to be seen by lovers of camp everywhere. No joke, it will change your life.
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Revolution (2012–2014)
Surprisingly Entertaining Garbage
7 November 2012
I have watched this show from the start, and I can't stop watching it. It's not good, at all. None of the characters are likable and have incredible mood swings. Also a person's child is the motivator for almost every single person. That's fine if it's just a few, it's only natural, but for practically the whole cast? It's like the head writer just had his first child and is gushing about it with a multimillion dollar TV show.

However, it is surprisingly entertaining. I have no idea what direction this show will take or what the characters will do. It's like rolling the dice only that I know whatever rolls will come up stupid. If you like ripping on movies or shows this is a prime target. It's cheesy, it's bad, and I don't think the writers realize it; which ironically makes it a lot of fun.
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Men at Work (2012–2014)
Painfully unfunny
27 May 2012
Maybe I was too hard on this at first. I had a bad day and things weren't going my way; so I ended up watching this show to help me feel better. As the show went on, I felt worse, I watch comedies to forget my day and laugh a bit, the writing was boring, and the performances were flat(canned laughter is a pet peeve of mine and it sealed the deal); all in all it was just uninteresting. This show needs to die as soon as possible. TBS, not funny, NOT FUNNY.

Just stay away unless you're a masochist. If you like pain (oh this was filmed in front of a live studio audience, but they didn't laugh so the canned laughter was added) then have at it. This is your show. But if your brain still works flee.
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Incredible start but..
20 May 2012
This movie starts out solid. What if a man from 15,000 years ago was still alive and tries to confide this to his friends. The performances are good and the dialogue very engaging. For the first hour I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen. Then the movie throws the twist at you.

Spoilers! The caveman turns out to be Jesus. Why movie? There were so many great directions to go and you choose to crap on religion. If that wasn't enough they make the Christian woman look like a hysterical simpleton. If that wasn't enough the rest of the cast attacks her for her beliefs. The movie is still worth the watch but the twist seriously reduces my score. It's a 6/10 that could've easily been a 9/10.
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Touch (2012–2013)
Good Premise Contrived Writing
3 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the idea of the show. A silent but genius kid who sees what most people cannot. While watching the show however, I could not help myself from finding gaping holes in the story.

First off, on what grounds did the state have the right to take his son? He was providing for him, gave him a nice home and sent him to private care designed for his needs. I would think the blame for him constantly escaping would fall on the school or maybe the locked state facility he got out of, Jesus, if that's not a case for a lawsuit I don't know what is. (btw is this kid batman? He seems to vanish into thin air an awful lot).

The plan for the Iraqi kid to save his family is to steal an oven? Are you serious? Great Scott, I need to chain up my water heater because some teenage delinquents somewhere might need one. Then the kid ends up as a suicide bomber that happened to be triggered by "the phone", all this just feels so forced. And about the phone, in 3 days(he said he lost his phone 3 days ago) it went from JFK, to Ireland, to Tokyo, and then ends up in the hands of terrorists in Baghdad. How was there anytime to make any videos let alone for anyone to logically conceive of how the phone made this miraculous journey in the first place? All in all, I liked the idea but the story is holier then swiss cheese and feels incredibly artificial. Side note from episode 2, the stewardess told the Indian that she hadn't been to "that" stadium since she was a little girl. Today's Yankee Stadium was only completed a few years ago, the stupidity has no limits. The only way to enjoy this is to check your brain at the door because while watching Touch it will only get in the way.
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