
73 Reviews
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Picket Fences (1992–1996)
Good at first but then it got bad.
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be frank, Judge Henry Bone was the only character I liked throughout the series though some characters had their moments.

I however detested Dr. Jill Brock a bad wife and mother who cannot get her priorities straight! In the episode 'Remote Control' she sticks up for her precious old friend Rachel Harris over her own husband! Just when said husband was just trying defend people's right despite a flawed execution of trying to.

Also she demonstrates hypocrisy and moral cowardice as Mayor when she becomes that later and dismisses her own husband's attempts to reason with her and tell her an order she is giving is against federal law! I mean how pathetic.

That's not half of why her character is so bad.

Not that Sheriff Jimmy Brock was a saint, he can be a bit self righteous at times but is a better parent and does have more morals then his wife. At least he has straighter priorities then her!

Also the storylines got more and more questionable most notably after 'Remote Control'

I did like this series at first but then the second season came and well.... I grew to dislike this series, I'm afraid.
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GTO: The Graduation Special (2013 TV Special)
This is just plain pathetic.
20 October 2014
To my own surprise I watched this out of curiosity but sadly it was even trashier then then the original series because the acting has not improved and the quality of the story telling is even lower.

In this the lack of chemistry between actors is quite evident there was no chemistry between Akira and Miori Takimoto and there was no chemistry between Ryuji and Nagisa in this. Not to mention none of the acting has improved at all, because the acting in much of the actors was pretty wooden! Also there was even less humanity to Akira's performance to Onizuka then before because in this they made him too self righteous and even hypocritical. Also Azusa was really quite bland and I liked the more independent version shown in the anime, original live and manga (even though I HATED the manga especially these days).

The character development was an even badder joke then the TV series and the other specials. The ending was utterly pathetic and I wasn't uplifted because this was a pretty half baked 'effort' (shall I call it?) at a GTO 'Live Action' remake which was a very pointless project to begin with.

At least with the anime they bothered with character development as did the original live action plus they were decent unlike this load of utter trash or even the manga which lost focus on the story so much that also introduced so much junk into it and the characterization was rather poor though mind you the 2012 series including this special was a hell of a lot worse! All in all this was a poor adaptation of a poor manga in fact the anime and the original live did a far better job of what GTO should have been and lived up to the spirit of Shonan Junan Gumi and Bad Company then this load of utter trash or even the badly written GTO manga itself!
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Another Fantastic Episode!
11 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Once again the anime writers did it! They gave more story to characters particularly to a character like Tomoko whose potential was senselessly wasted in the manga.

Also I liked the anime better because it gave a more realistic depiction of show business, I tend to disdain anime/manga that don't (unless they are 100% pure comedy). I liked how Onizuka helps Tomoko and genuinely helps his students.

Not to mention this episode features a scene of Onizuka actually teaching his subject matter which he didn't bother to do in the manga.

Also I liked how it developed the character of Tomoko Nomura, not to mention showed more of Urumi and Tomoko's friendship. Also another episode that emphasized how closer the class was then in the anime.
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Great Teacher Onizuka: Revolution Everywhere (2000)
Season 1, Episode 21
A Great Episode About Azusa
11 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great episode because it bothers to give Azusa a backstory on what inspires to be a teacher which was far better then the horrendously shallow back story she got in the manga.

Azusa worked at a bed and breakfast, her bosses daughter told her of her teacher and Azusa soon found herself helping with the classes of a beloved teacher Ms. Sagara. Azusa's experiences with Ms. Sagara and her class inspire her to be a teacher.

This and the subsequent episode had great character particularly for Azusa because it shows her past and what inspires her to be a teacher. Episodes 21 and 22 alone give more depth to her character.

One of the best episodes in the series of one of the greatest anime adaptations ever created. Also shows the superior approach of the anime writers to the original manga creator.
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A Great Episode that introduced one of the best characters in GTO!
3 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a truly great episode and it introduced one of my favorite characters in GTO: Julia Murai, Kunio Murai's young single mother. I really liked her and she was such an interesting character, I was really disgusted at how much she was pushed aside in the manga! Also I liked how Julia and Kunio were much closer in the anime, whereas in the manga they really didn't feel like that and I was truly appalled by the characterization of their relationship in the manga. Given how all they had was each other (Julia gave birth to Kunio when she was 13 years old), you'd think they'd have been closer. Which is what they are in the anime! I also liked how Kunio was more motivated by concern for his mom, rather then any kind of whiny attitude.

I also liked how Onizuka and Julia had more of a better friendship, not to mention his respect and admiration for a woman who had a kid at 13 years and raised the child (likely with support from non-family members as her parents disowned her). Though I like Azusa I thought of Julia as a far better love interest.
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Disappointing, also made me lose respect for almost all of the Characters
5 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing and I really hated this film, the Rebuild Series looked so promising but this completely killed it for me. I mean to me its as if everyone has just gotten completely nuts! Also Third Impact was not Shinji's fault at all, it was Gendo's. Honestly Shinji didn't know what he was doing and only ones who knew what was going to happen were Gendo and Fuyutsuki.

Yet everyone treats Shinji like crap not caring about their own contributions or even how much their behaviour is playing into Gendo's hands. No matter what they claim to be WILLE are just plain tools of Gendo whether they know or not, their stupidity and pathetic behaviour confounds me.

Shinji is even more unstable and easily manipulated yet the only really sane one in this is Kaworu Nagisa.

Frankly the series has turned into one of those where I am actually rooting for the antagonists, part of me wondered throughout the movie is 'Would Fourth Impact really be so bad?'. Kind of scary, huh? I have never been so disappointed as the series started quite promising and yet they pull up this crap. Other disappointment with the Evangelion franchise included End of Evangelion and the awful manga!
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Great Teacher Onizuka (1999–2000)
The GTO Anime is by far better then the manga!
20 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was my first taste of Great Teacher Onizuka and I admit when I first heard of it, well I did have reservations until a friend told me of it. So I went to watch the anime and you know what....I didn't regret it at all.

This is the series that genuinely captures the spirit of what the manga was supposed to be about, everything was toned down to actual better effect and also all the over the top humor in the manga was out of place in a serious story.

I really grew to like Onizuka and other characters that were to be introduced because Eikichi is such a great character he can a pervert but he does use help his students, genuinely cares about them and is willing to go out of his way for them. Extreme measures are always a last resort but the guy can get excitable and is capable of admitting his own wrongs.

Also in the anime I felt he was portrayed many times better then the manga. Because in this Onizuka and others were much more human and much was toned down and it didn't exactly follow the manga (which over the top and rubbish to good effect). Also Onizuka in this does not have a invulnerable body he is capable of bleeding and being injured, not to mention he almost dies in one episode.

If you're looking for at least practically invulnerable look at the GTO manga with Onizuka walking away from something that should have killed him or left an invalid.

Because quite frankly the GTO manga is terribly overrated, mind you it did spawn this anime which actually is better because everyone felt closer in this anime and there was a genuine air of friendship. Also unlike the manga it did not have too many characters, too many characters added made the manga confusing as well as trashy.

Also side characters were not underdeveloped in fact it did not neglect good characters like Julia Murai and Tomoko Nomura for instance it gave them more stories and the toning down I thought the toning down of certain things was a good thing.

Also some side characters that appeared in the manga not being in it at all was actually a good thing because either they were poorly introduced, poorly developed, did not have a good storyline and/or served no real purpose. In fact I swear quite a few of them only had the purpose of adding more characters, in fact the anime writers did the right thing and gave existing characters more stories.

As Bruce Lee said it best "Less is More."

Also the anime has none of the galling HYPOCRISY of the manga! In fact the manga Onizuka was a total hypocrite, who did his share of wrongs in the manga and yet never took responsibility for them, some guy with the viewpoint of 'You should take responsibility for your actions', eh?. Fujisawa did an extremely poor job of portraying someone with 'his own conscience' in the manga.

I think of all the GTO stuff I think this is the best telling of the story because they gave existing more characters more story rather then adding pointless arcs and new characters like the manga did.

Also there were no plot holes in this anime at least none I could see but there was plenty in the manga particularly in the final story arc of the manga there were plot holes in prior story arcs but that one had the most.

If you want a GTO TV series stick with the anime and I hope they might decide to remake the GTO Anime that's if they had time for a live one. If they do I hope they do as good job with that one as they did with this anime which actually surpasses its poor and over rated manga which quite sadly did not do its predecessors Shonan Junan Gumi or Bad Company any real justice of any kind.

The Great Teacher Onizuka anime was much more Great Teacher Onizuka then anything else, as it kept the nice healthy mix of comedy and drama. It also had a much more lighter air save in the places where it is a drama.

Onizuka is far more human and funnier, not to mention more convincing as a teacher, then his manga or his 2012 Live Action depiction. The manga Onizuka was just an pathetic, hypocritical, out of control and egotistical maniac with no regard for people's safety or how his actions reflect on other people.

While Dr. Doug Ross from E.R. didn't always think things through on how his actions would reflect on his colleagues, he always got his comeuppance if the situation called for it and always took responsibility. There were times he was frustrated with what was going on. Also Dr. Ross did have genuine good intentions which unfortunately didn't always work out for the best.

The manga Onizuka on the other hand never really took responsibility and was completely irresponsible, no matter what Fujisawa says and tries to spin his actions and behavior (and his own bad story telling and structure) that's a fact.

Fujisawa did a crap job in presenting what he wanted and Onizuka in the manga was no teacher, in fact Onizuka didn't even bother to teach his subject matter in the manga. In fact Onizuka in the manga was barely if at all focused on teaching. Fujisawa contradicted himself constantly throughout the manga.

The second best is the original Live Action Adaptation which starred Takashi Sorimachi and Nanako Matsushima. If you want to find the best GTO go for the anime or the original live action not the awful manga with almost no story structure, poor stories and character development manga or the lame live remake.
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Teenage Dream (1986)
So-So Gymnastics movie
12 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this and I thought it was okay, but it wasn't anything special.

The script could have done with a lot more work, but the story had some nice touches such as: The main character Robin Crew was injured in a car accident that also killed her dad, leaving her with injuries that diminished her abilities which she must work to overcome.

I did like the story though but it suffer from: 1. Robin's relationships not being explored properly.

2. I felt there were some unneeded additions like the stepfather. The team mates who did not accept Robin were enough.

3. It did turn cheesy in places.

Nevertheless it was reasonably entertaining, but really not something I would watch over and over again.

It would have been better if it was more better thought and the script had more work. Much of the work on it seemed lame though there were decent performances by Olivia D'Abo, Keanu Reeves and Rita Tunsingham.

All in all a so-so movie which I think the most stellar thing about was the soundtrack. I did like how it was about succeeding despite the odds but like I said it suffered from let downs and a very flawed script.
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Suzuka (2005–2006)
A Boat Load of Cliché!
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I watched the anime and read the manga and I'll tell you they are both absolutely awful! Let's start with the anime we get the cliché of love at first sight (which I do not believe in) and then some boy just falling for some girl because of her good looks and athletic ability, despite her rude attitude and how she treats him.

I thought Yamato (the main character) was okay but he really could have used proper character development to which he did not get anymore of in the manga. Yamato was not as irresponsible as certain people try to make him, he was little more then a typical teenager.

In fact hardly any of it is realistic because the manga in particular we see Yamato made the lightening rod of consequences where we hardly (if ever) see anyone else face any for their shenanigans. This is one of the core reasons why Suzuka is not realistic at all because of how much Yamato is made a lightening rod of consequences not to mention how selective at best the consequences tend to be in both anime and manga.

Frankly I thought the only really sane girls were Miki Hashiba, Yui Amami (shown in the manga) and Nana Shirakawa. Miki Hashiba was my favorite because of all the girls she was the most....real, because I liked Miki's warm and good hearted personality while she can be slightly nosy and a bit of a busy body at times its difficult to hate her because its obvious she means well whenever she does.

I didn't care much for Suzuka herself and I also found it quite annoying that instead of giving him advice Yamato's aunt Ayano likes to belittle him and compare him to Suzuka another thing I found sickening.

Also his cousin Miho she doesn't do much to help Yamato if anything in fact she also tends to pile on the crap by joining in.

Honoka was not much better yes she was a sweet, shy girl but she never tried to see things from Yamato's point of view not to say Yamato was a saint he can get excited not to mention he suffers from his own awkwardness (particularly around women) not to mention his attempts to win everyone over. But Honoka was not so bad but I hated how she turned out in the manga.

Also one of the very, very, very few things I liked about the anime was Saki Asai was not in it! In the manga she was so disgusting with how she treated Yamato and was so happy to just humiliate him and betray his confidences without any remorse at all. In fact Saki had the most galling hypocrisy of the characters she goes on and on about how Yamato does not 'understand a woman's feeling' yet refuses to ever be sensitive to him. If that's how Saki treats her friends it gives me the chill's to see how she would treat her enemies.

Also when Yamato and Suzuka get together in both the anime and the manga well Suzuka's personality does an immediate (also unconvincing and unrealistic) flip!

Also I didn't like Yamato's so called 'best friend' Yasunobu who was more a leech then a best friend who just caused problems for Yamato, even to the end he was more a pain in the butt then a best friend. Also making up lies and all that, with him having Yamato take the blame? Some friend!

So this is one anime to give a miss because it is so full of cliché and bad writing and don't go for the manga because you'll get even worse writing and even more cliché, especially at the end of the manga!

So basically to any teenager reading this review let me tell you something do not watch this or read the manga but if you must do not think of at least half the story as realistic because if you pull the crap certain characters do including Suzuka herself you will face consequences which neither the anime nor the manga will care to show and the Kouji Seo has not bothered to put in.
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Firestorm (1996)
Cliché and Badly Written Tripe
7 March 2014
I watched this years ago and let me tell you something it was nothing short of complete garbage because it was so full of endless cliché not to mention the horrible script and dreadful acting! Quite frankly the actors looked embarrassed to be in this film which I would be surprised if they were given the horrible script and dialogue that the film has.

Also the characters varied from poor to cliché and the script was so bad it lost me a lot. Also let's not forget the characters, who were terrible and were very uninteresting at best!

Overall this is just another trashy Science Fiction that is very third rate! In fact this was one of the most dreadful movies I ever saw in my life!
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A Great Episode!
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite GTO Episodes because it featured Tomoko Nomura in some of her most shining moments she was such an interesting, cute and funny character. I was most disgusted when she was just basically fudged out of the manga appearing only rarely which I didn't think was appropriate at all.

Also what makes the anime better is it how it portray's the characters in a more human light but also much more fitting for example given the kind of performance Tomoko put on at the contest it made much more sense for her to be more of an actress rather then some model despite her large breast size!

Also being a model really didn't fit her sweet and innocent character, also I was very annoyed at how a great character like Tomoko got pushed aside so much in the manga. It was such a waste!

Anyway I loved how the anime gave Tomoko a PROPER story!
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Great Teacher Onizuka: Good Cop/Bad Cop (2000)
Season 1, Episode 34
Great Episode featuring Onizuka, Tomoko and Samejima!
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode very much as it featured plenty of Tomoko Nomura but also has Onizuka teaming up with his old pal from his biker gang days Samejima who is now a cop.

This is a very amusing episode and I really liked how they did more that fit Onizuka's character in this because in his interactions with Tomoko he does display attraction to her (but also a few other female students) which I think fit the 'likeable pervert' aspect of his character more.

Also this illustrates further the genuine caring the anime Onizuka has for his students (unlike the manga Onizuka who was just an out of control maniac) and the ending was actually the funniest part of this classic episode of the anime!
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Great Teacher Onizuka: Wedding Bell Blues (2000)
Season 1, Episode 35
A Very Cute Episode!
12 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Kunio finds wedding magazines and wonder's what his mother Julia is up to or if she is getting married in fact his reaction and what leads up to the end, not to mention the end itself is very cute! One reason I liked the anime better is because Kunio and Julia felt much more closer in the anime then they were in the manga which made sense given how Julia is an unwed mother who gave birth to Kunio when she was 13 and with her parents disowning her and her boyfriend taking off refusing to take responsibility all they had was each other.

So none of this episode felt like a filler at all it simply once again gives Julia Murai (who is a very interesting character and I felt should have been entertained more as a serious love interest for Onizuka in the manga) the screen time she really deserve! All in all a very cute episode!
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Great Teacher Onizuka: Onizuka's Final Battle (2000)
Season 1, Episode 43
Not a bad ending
12 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good if a bit rushed ending likely because the makers were under pressure to wrap things up. Either way I liked how the series was left on an ambiguous end but I don't think its likely Fuyutsuki will follow Onizuka because well she ain't some lost puppy that's for sure.

So a decent end to a series its only drawback was it was somewhat rushed but nevertheless it was pretty good.

Sometimes its best to leave things open ended and leave everything about what happens from then on or in between to the audience's imagination at least that's my humble opinion.

Another opinion of mine is well Onizuka and Azusa are not as obvious a couple in the anime as most think for one thing Onizuka's flirting with her was pretty low key compared to his flirting with Julia Murai and a few other things.

Also contrary to what some people think, this was NOT a filler ending but it was more a RUSHED ending, because at the time the manga was not complete also very likely there were time and budget considerations that came into place. Also it was very probable that Fuji TV wanted the series wrapped up and the anime writers were forced to rush things.

Overall the anime was far better written then the manga, which had one of the worst story structures ever. The approach of the writers was to give characters more stories and not to add more characters which did much to make the manga confusing.

At the same time the ending does give you the feeling that Onizuka may at least meet some of his old class well at least that's how it felt to me.
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Because Mommy Works (1994 TV Movie)
I find it disgusting this could happen
4 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am not politically correct in fact I hold political correctness in no shortage of scorn as it is just so ridiculous and suffocating but I actually sympathised more with the mother in this though.

However I do admit there are cases the mother was the one in the wrong or even the bad parent or even trying to make herself into the victim when she ain't or whatever but this was not my impression here I thought of Abby as a very caring mother and I found her caring by far more convincing then the boy's father who comes across to me as some arrogant prick and his new wife is no better she is just as self righteous and hypocritical as her husband.

Frankly I don't know which I found more contemptible Abby's ex husband or his new wife in fact I found her mouthing off crap like "I used to have a career too but I decided my children are more important." and so forth in fact that bit made me want to throw up.

So this is not a case of 'divorcee facing reality' in fact there are fathers who face reality but also respectively in case of mothers.

Either way my underlying sympathies were with Abby.
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Robbie (1979)
Sends a Good Message to Target Audience
4 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this in my Primary School days and it did have quite an impact I remember and I watched it again recently and its amazing the things that impact you as a kid but then you're older and wiser.

I thought this was great for sending to the message to its target audience: Children.

It illustrates a lot of dangers on the railways and of how dangerous it is to cross train tracks also of the stupidity of those who cut holes in railway fences which are there for safety.

Robbie would be one such victim he lost his judgement on a virtual 'chicken dare' to cross the train tracks but he wound up paying a heavy price and the incident left his siblings and I doubt the narrators description of a 'nasty fright' covers it fully.

We see a scarred Robbie in the end in a wheelchair though I was surprised there was no prosthetics or anything even with prosthetics Robbie would not have been able to play football again either way but the whole film was designed simply to send a message in what the makers considered the most effective way for its target audience.

So this is a pretty decent Public Information Film
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A pretty awful OVA to Black Lagoon
22 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well this arc in both the anime and the manga was what finally put me off Black Lagoon I mean it started out great but then it got ridiculous! I mean I liked the first series of the anime and manga however with the Yakuza arc of Second Barrage (which was absurd and had a few big plot holes!) and this OVA takes the biscuit! I hated the writing of this OVA, while to his credit Rei Hiroe did show some restraint in the ending of how he ended the arc but the OVA Roberta's Blood Trail was a different story.

Also I grew to dislike Fabiola in the arc because she was so irritating she made no real attempt to understand the situations she was in or how things really work and in the end she showed no gratitude. Throughout both the manga and anime in this arc I really wished she would get killed.

This was one of the biggest disappointments I had ever known both in terms of anime and of manga.
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Jormungand (2012)
One of the Greatest Action Anime I saw in a while
22 December 2013
I loved the series it was so good and I found all of the main characters interesting and the story-lines of the series were also very good and at least seemed to be well thought out.

My favorite character in this is the protagonist Koko Haktemeyer I found her interactions with her team quite interesting most notably those with Jonah and Valmet (particularly Valmet). Also Koko herself is a very interesting character with her guile and intellect also her accomplices are also each interesting characters also given their backgrounds.

All in all this is a great action anime and a must for any action fan!
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Great Horror Anime!
22 December 2013
This was a pretty good horror anime based off an excellent manga and how they did the zombie formula was actually very, very good.

The story centers around a group of high school students and the people they come in contact with as they survive against an outbreak of undead doing what they can to survive.

I liked all of the characters quite interesting including the main characters Takashi Komuro, Saeko Busujima, Rei Miyamoto, Kohta Hirano, Saya Takagi and Shizuka Marikawa. Their interactions even include some moments of humor.

The fan-service I found was actually a pretty good touch combined with the animation (or in case of the manga the artwork) and well handled.

While this left out stuff from the manga this is a good anime.
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High Desert Kill (1989 TV Movie)
An Most Entertaining Sci-Fi Horror
9 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was excellent particularly for a made for TV film and it was quite well written and with an interesting plot about an alien doing experiments on humans which are mostly psychological experiments also one of the main characters Dr. Jim Cole, a scientist who does behavioural experiments on animals I thought was a very interesting touch.

Also there was some pretty good acting from the four lead actors Anthony Geary, Marc Singer, Chuck Connors and Micah Grant.

I also found it interesting scenes where the Alien manipulates them for the experiments to be very interesting and believable.

All in all this is a very entertaining Science Fiction horror with an interesting and some pretty good ideas.
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Suikoden II (1998 Video Game)
Good Game Play but the storyline is a very different story altogether.
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I played this I was excited because this was a sequel to one of my favourite Role Playing Games and I hoped for something that would surpass the original however I was disappointed in a few areas.

Make no mistake I loved the game-play in fact its one of the great features on this also a side quest and in games were a great touch. In fact there were some good ideas.

However the storyline was a different matter for me because I was severely disappointed in it. Because I liked the storyline at first with Prince Luca Blight as the main antagonist however halfway into the game it got really, really bad and the plot began to annoy me as did a few of the characters even the character I played (even though he effectively had little dialogue compared to others) in some respects.

All in All the Game-Play deserves a 9 out of 10 however the story line particularly mid way deserves a 2 out of 10.
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Suikoden III (2002 Video Game)
Has Flaws but is Nevertheless better then Suikoden 2
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty good game and I had to play via import but while I did flaws in a few characters and minor elements of the story nevertheless it told a better story then Suikoden 2 ever did.

The Trinity System I thought was a nice touch and I liked all of the three main characters very much they are: Hugo: Son and heir of the Karaya Chieftain Lucia Chris Lightfellow: Leader of the Knights of Zexen Geddoe: A Mercenary employed by Harmonia but he is the most interesting character because he is a tough, stoic mercenary but has his issues including a past we find out later.

This was a very good game sadly underrated by some but one of its faults was it too short. I can also highly recommend the Suikoden 3 manga by Aki Shimizu!
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Suikoden IV (2004 Video Game)
Good and Underrated
5 December 2013
This was a very underrated game by some while I was annoyed at lack of land battles I did like the naval battles though they could have been better.

I also liked the story and the True Rune behind the game The Rune of Punishment and how it can be an even bigger curse to the wielder of it also the fact this was set hundreds of years prior the first Suikoden game I thought was a pretty good move.

This is a great game and all of the main characters are quite likable each with their issues and it has its own share of sub games like in Suikoden II and Suikoden III.
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Suikoden V (2006 Video Game)
The Best Ever Sequel to the First Suikoden!
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I played the Suikoden series since the first game and I have been disappointed in Suikoden II, I liked Suikoden III (but was disappointed with a few things about it), I liked Suikoden IV but of all the sequels to the first Suikoden I found this one the best! Because it has a gripping storyline and the game-play is fantastic as are the battles you fight both naval and on the ground (sometimes you fight both) also I liked all the characters and it had interesting villains plus I liked a romantic sub plot with your main character.

I would like to see a romantic choice in the next Suikoden.

I liked the humanity to the main character and to his friends and allies in this game out of all the sequels this was the greatest one!
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Suikoden (1995 Video Game)
A Classic PSX RPG!
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I played this and this was one of the greatest and most unique Role Playing Games I ever played at least at the time I played it. Its game-play is nothing short of very good but what defines it is how you can recruit characters to your cause.

In fact all of the characters including the main ones are quite interesting and the storyline is very gripping. I liked the friendships between the characters who comprise the side your hero fights for and leads eventually.

It also does a great job of exploring themes of corruption, how a great civilisation can fall into such steep decline or even how much someone can be blinded by love.

This is one of the greatest Playstation 1 Role Playing Games ever made!
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