
14 Reviews
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Tetris (2023)
Timely reminder of the fall of communism
1 April 2023
Brings back the magic of video games from childhood although tetris launched into a world that had largely moved on from such simple delights.

The film is incredibly ambitious delving into licensing and legal rights which treats the audience as adults. Its quite rare these days and mostly it works although maybe it drags a little.

Where is serves us so well is the accurate portrayal of communism. I was lucky enough to visit during that time and it was a horror show yet strangely it is often portrayed romantically through rose tinted spectacles. Not here the brutal reality and corruption is on full display.

Overall 7/10 for a good story well told and top marks for their honest portrayal of the soviet union and Maxwell. Very amusing that the russian scenes were filmed in glasgow which as the modern day successor of the soviet state makes so much sense.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
Topical portraying psychological manipulation
7 August 2022
Fascinating movie with top cast. Very engrossing and emotive given the way likeable characters are manipulated and subject to disturbing treatment at the hands of a psychopath.

This is very topical given nudge and psychological techniques were openly used on the population recently. The ethics of this need to be closely examined and this movie helps shed light on what is possible when trust is given to a third party who abuses for their own purpose.

High recommended. 7/10.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Modern feminist take on the laws of the jungle
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a dark theme and Ms Pike is excellent. Mr Dinklage also a great actor. But it tries too hard to cling to a modern world view of feminism. Having painted these bad women it seeks to redeem them in their battle against the organised crime boss. But Dinklage is very likeable and loves his Mum and is not hiding anything. He did not seek out these women and was protecting his family. Whereas the women are involved in activities that make them the lowest level of humanity preying on the weak and feeble. There was an opportunity to redeem this when Ms Pike thought the only way to fight was legally and she challenged Dinklage in her arena seemingly unaware that not everyone fights fairly. This should have been the law of the jungle and would have been more satisfying even if there was a struggle to prove her feminist credentials.
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Undermined by extremes but worthwhile
29 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this but the end is a little far fetched. Its a sensitive subject that is far too common and possibly by showing such an extreme situation it ignores the more typical scenarios.

Cary Mulligan is excellent but the rest not so good. The family does not really work and i think we need to know more about what happened to make sense. Not a fan of flashbacks but it may have helped it here as we are left to figure out what is going on and why.

Spitting in coffee was so good though. The fact he came back should have told her all she needed to know.
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Love Sarah (2020)
Missing something
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of good actors in this and ticks along but story lacks details. And doesn't really arrive at the destination in one piece.

Big groan when it suddenly mid film heads to wokeville with the lead loudly advising the government are deporting the residents of notting hill with foreign heritage. Disturbing news.

Having a Michelin starred chef turn up wanting to work in your snooty Notting Hill Bakery is pretty good fortune but still possibly because of lack of advertising or any promotion beyond opening the door the business is failing. Its hugely overstaffed though and having the cakes spread around the shop cant help as sticky fingers poke and prod them.

Luckily they hit on baking cakes for the same residents being deported who despite them being chased down by government forces have plenty of spare cash to buy very elaborate and pricey looking Japanese crab cakes and Norwegian muffins etc. Really it seems very contrived and shame as could have been pleasant easy movie but loses its way.
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The minnesota da vinci code
19 August 2020
Quirky and original. Very fargo esque.

Some interesting history and zipping about around rural minnesota. Slightly mad at times and huge leaps of faith taken with some of the stones and characters. But its light hearted and the dynamic between the two main leads has some laugh out loud moments.

Hope there is a sequel now we know more. Lots more to discover and only just scratched the surface in this series.
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Messiah (2020)
Thought provoking
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The assumption is the baddie must be a fake. One of those cases when guilty until proven innocent but the smartest investigator thought he was real and withdrew whilst all the others, less smart, were determined to prove their own beliefs right.

Really enjoyed the show and pity its been cancelled. I suspect the real reason is it had an anti-war message which would not have gone down well with all those corporate sponsors. Fancy a president withdrawing troops who would have thought such a thing.

It was a little slow at times but some stellar performances and interesting characters. But appreciate the original ideas and thought provoking subject. I would say its not anti-religion, maybe anti organised religion more spiritual in its way, but challenges why these true believers always end up in wars with each other.
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Eccentric in every sense but wonderful
4 July 2020
This is very funny and fondly pokes fun at eurovision, europe and Iceland. Its not mean and especially Iceland, which is a wonderful unique place, and deserves the spotlight here even more than Eurovision.

Rachel McAdams is outstanding and Will Ferrell allows her to shine. Its full of insider jokes and observations with many guest appearances from real eurovision. It does pack a lot in although why they chose Edinburgh as host City whilst joking correctly the Brits never win! The amazing theatre used is from Israel so why not base it there?

I didn't get the anti american thing either. Presumably it was anti-trump as he mentions a wall but it didn't make any sense. They never explained why he felt this way and grouped all americans together even when they helped him. I do not hate americans and regardless this bit passed me by.

But overall, i thought this would be marginal and over the top. But its far better than that although maybe knowing Iceland and Eurovision helps. Has the feel of Blades of Glory and so high praise indeed.
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Missed a great deal
26 April 2020
I enjoyed it but felt it didn't do the subject justice. The game of the movie title was squeezed in last few minutes but didnt in any way capture the sense of underdog and massive support Japan won. I watched that game and remember the excitement of watching an historic win against all odds. How did this happen and was it just hard work and focus. I think there is more to it and Eddie is far from the one dimensional and humourless operator presented here.

But even badly told its an interesting story and fascinating how an individual can inspire performance. Glad it got made even if not all it could have been. Maybe have another go with a movie of Eddie being picked for the england coach and what he had to contend with on and off the field. The Japan job may have been a training run for the politics of England and basket case he inherited.
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Woke christmas i gave you my woke heart
12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Thank goodness for mother of dragons she at least gave it a go.

Until i watched this i referred to the wham movie but sadly the songs have been wasted. There is very little link between the music and the story. Its similarly woked like the beatles film but that was a far better film with the music front and centre playing a starring role.

The funniest part was when suddenly a young white male jumps up and started shouting at a white european couple minding their own business on the bus because they were talking a foreign language. Yes that sort of thing happens every day on London buses ............. only in the minds of hollywood stars as they fly first class between roles. Its fake and just silly.

So sadly a missed opportunity. Its a bit muddled bit unbalanced in the story. Looks like china played a part in funding as the dialogue between the two leads is very slowed down and pronunciated and looks dubbed. Presumably so they can sync it in asia more easily.
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The Laundromat (I) (2019)
Uninformed and naive although at least they tried
20 October 2019
Conflating fraud with tax avoidance is a problem. Also confusing offshoring with tax avoidance. Film is most successful when dealing with secrecy.

I can see what they tried to do but don't think they understand the subject enough. And i guess Hollywood are not going to point the finger at the political process that has facilitated the offshoring and secrecy whilst opening the door to hot capital from around the world without impunity.

So disappointed and wanted more. The Oldman character was hard work and the Panama whistle blower looked odd and was confusing having the same person playing two parts.

This is an important subject area and needs exposure and change. Unproductive offshore fund flows need taxing to reduce corruption. Asset owned offshore should be taxed onshore at source before the money vanishes. So well done for having a go but not sure the global elites will be losing much sleep over this one. Or maybe that's the point given who made it.
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Woke, sweet, not very funny and misses the mark
4 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why they coughed up all the licensing dosh to link the series to the movie and bring in Curtis and McDowell. So the original film was a comedy im pretty sure of that. This is more like mistresses mixed with lifestyles of the rich and famous.

By focusing on exceedingly wealthy young women living in multi million pound properties in Notting Hill it loses the charm of the original. In one scene the mother complains about paying the mortgage and funding the business of one of these young women. But in reality the house in Notting Hill would have made millions in the time frame they were meant to own it so not sure they would be too worried.

So you have to suspend reality whereas the original was unapologetic posh. Not necessarily wealthy which is maybe something that the new writers have misunderstood. The ending is frankly ridiculous and again suspends belief.

Its sweet enough but unsatisfying although probably would be better if it wasn't burdened with the film link. Doubt we will see this again which is a shame as it seemed like a good idea.
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The Comedian (III) (2016)
Admiration for the performer hidden in a sweet romcom
29 April 2017
This is a nice romcom which contains some crude humour but its not really about the comedy content. All the poor reviews are missing the admiration the movie tries to show for those few individuals that can hold an audience and make them laugh.

Its hard enough public speaking but to then capture an audience and hold them in your hand hanging on your every word making them laugh is what this movie is trying to show. I think Robert De Niro is a great comedy actor but from his interviews probably an introvert personality so no doubt admires the skill of people like Billy Crystal, who has a small cameo, greatly and the reason he did this movie.

Harvey Keitel's face after the final performance in the retirement home summed up the movie. Grudging admiration for the skill of live comedy.
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Good movie, beautiful scenery but could have been historically more complete
7 April 2015
Great movie although Russell does not look old enough to have adult sons. The water diviner title is also rather weak and not really anything to do with the story as far as I can tell.

What is good is the scenery in Turkey is stunning. Its a beautiful country and this movies does it justice. The story as well is entertaining and well told. Russell has done a good job with such serious and heavy going subject matter.

Movie goes out of its way to acknowledge and show the Turkish side. Full credit for that especially coming from Australia which often brushes over this. Sadly failed to acknowledge the other allies that were fighting alongside the Anzacs which suffered terrible casualties as well. I appreciate this was about the Anzacs but it made out as though they were the only ones involved so an opportunity missed to truly educate everyone as to exactly what happened. The token British toff thrown in to rub salt into the wound of the thousands of British, french, canadians, kiwis etc that died in the campaign as well.

The overall casualties were shown at the end but no mention that they were not all Anzacs. I appreciate its Hollywood and historical accuracy is not their strong point. But given the outstanding efforts made to show the Turkish side fairly I think this was poor. Likewise the nationalist uprising taking place in Istanbul was not really explained very well and little mention of Ataturk.

Otherwise entertaining. Enjoyed it and recommend.
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