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Blood Red Moon (2010 Video)
Pretty good actually (spoilers!)
16 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Blood Red Moon" tells the story of Megan, a young woman who moves with her mother to a small town. There she meets Victor, who is revealed to be a benevolent vampire (of the daywalking variety). When a series of murders plague the town the two of them must find the culprit and prove Victor's innocence.

One thing about this movie is that it was clearly made on a low budget. The cast wear pretty much the same clothes throughout and the effects are, frankly, pretty cheap and underwhelming to say the least.

Despite that I actually really enjoyed it. The acting, while not Oscar-worthy is acceptable and does the job. Personally I found Megan and Victor to be likable and engaging characters and their relationship to be quite sweet. One thing I particularly liked was a scene where Megan asks Victor to bite her and he refuses since he doesn't want to treat her as a food source. I found that a refreshing change from the usual way 'vampire romance' movies depict biting.

One thing I would like to stress is that I have never seen any of the "Twilight" movies (which this movie was clearly inspired by) or read the books. However I've seen enough reviews to get the gist of it and I can honestly say I have no interest in seeing or reading any of them. I suspect many people call this movie a rip-off, but at least Megan and Victor show emotions. They smile, they laugh etc. I can totally accept them as a couple that love each other.

My point is, you do not need to be a fan of "Twilight" to enjoy this movie.

While "Blood Red Moon" isn't to everyone's taste it is not bad by any means. All in all a good movie that's definitely worth at least a look.
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Ghost Stories (2000–2001)
A truly excellent series
13 February 2010
Gakkô no kaidan/Ghost Stories begins with Miyanoshita Satsuki and her brother Keiichirou moving to their late mother's hometown. They discover that their mother was an exorcist who sealed away many evil spirits. However due to urban developments the spirits are being released. Together with her brother and her new friends, Momoko, Hajime and Reo, Satsuki takes up the task of protecting the town and sealing the spirits away again.

The series is quite frankly, brilliant. The animation is superb, the characters are interesting and likable (besides Hajime's 'bad habit') and the story lines are thrilling. Every episode had me on the edge of my seat. One thing in particular is that the gang are 'just kids.' They have no super powers, no gadgets or weapons of any kind (other than the Ghost Diary belonging to Satsuki's mother than contains information on the ghosts). Despite that they repeatedly take on supernatural evil and prevail. The audience really cares about them, worries for them and is delighted when they finally save the day.

My favourite character personally is Satsuki's best friend Momoko. She is polite, sweet and kind-hearted, yet almost completely fearless when it comes to confronting evil forces.

The writing is also top-notch, with each episode managing to provide genuine chills without having to resort to gratuitous violence or blood-letting.

Why the English dubbers chose to make the dub a parody series is beyond me. Watch the real thing, in Japanese with subtitles. It is much better.
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Tru Calling: Star Crossed (2003)
Season 1, Episode 6
Brilliant! (SPOILERS)
27 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far my favourite episode of Tru Calling. I watch it all the time. This is due mainly to the wonderful work done by Rachael Bella (Jen) and Melissa Lee (Amy). Both of them are simply amazing as two young women in love. They are sweet and affectionate together, and are a joy to watch. The scene where Amy gives Jen the necklace in particular is delightful. It doesn't hurt that Rachael Bella is one of my favourite actresses and this is the first role I saw her in. It's a shame that they don't have more scenes. Still, they do an excellent job of providing depth and characterization given the limited time they have. For example, Jen's wry, ironic comments when she talks to Tru.

What I adore is that it doesn't go with the usual clichés about gays/lesbians that most shows do. By the end of the episode, both Jen and Amy are alive and well and in each other's arms. It is also good because the truth about their relationship is what actually prevents a tragedy from occurring.

There are some problems to be honest. One scene that infuriates me is when Luc asks Tru how can she still be single. Gee, maybe she WANTED to be single, ever think of that, Luc? I hate it when people seem to think that a woman can't be happy or content unless she's in a relationship. Tru's apparent cynicism at the end also bothers me. There are also some plot holes (e.g. where was Amy in the original timeline?) but these flaws don't really detract from an otherwise great episode.
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Intermedio (2005)
Could be better (SPOILERS!)
13 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't bad. I've definitely seen much worse, and it was certainly worth a look.

The acting was for the most part very good. Especially Amber Benson. Cerina Vincent also does a great job. I remember her from 'Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy' and I'm glad to see that she is still getting work. Also I was very glad that the film had no nudity as I hate that (there's a shot of Cerina's bare back, nothing more). Another film made by The Asylum that I enjoyed (Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill) also did this, so I hope that The Asylum will continue this with their future movies.

The biggest problem is that Amber's character dies yet again. Amber if you're reading this, please, PLEASE play a lead character who doesn't get killed off.

Also, at times the story was a little lacking, consisting only of people running around in circles.

All in all, could have been better, but decent enough.
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W.I.T.C.H. (2004–2006)
Brilliant show!
21 April 2005
W.I.T.C.H. is a brilliant show and I highly recommend it.

First of all there are the main characters, Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin (hence W.I.T.C.H.) are interesting and likable, each with a distinct personality that works well with the others.

Another thing I like is that the characters are fallible. Too often in shows like this, the characters get their powers and instantly work like clockwork. In W.I.T.C.H., the Guardians can and do make mistakes. We get to see how they practise with their abilities to get better at them. Additionally, it's very good that when they transform into Guardians, they do actually transform, in that they become slightly older and sprout wings (compare that to shows like "Power Rangers" where all that happens is they get a change of clothes.)All these help lift it above most other shows.

The episodes are good, with a fine balance of humour and drama. What I enjoy is that unlike say, "Teen Titans", the show takes itself seriously, even when it's humorous (plus it doesn't have the ridiculous 'exagger-mation' or whatever it's called). That is, it's funny without being silly. The animation and artwork are also very good.
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The Forsaken (2001)
Awful (spoilers)
5 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say? This is definitely one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It has no likable characters, a poor story and poor execution.


The story suffers from a number of plot holes. Example, Nick has supposedly been tracking the vampire gang for months. He knows that they can only be killed by sunlight or decapitation, yet his only weapons are a handgun and a knife! He had plenty of time to pick up a bladed weapon suitable for decapitation, so why doesn't he have one?

Plus, it is stated several times that the Forsaken can only be killed on hallowed ground. Yet they still need a human to drive them around in the day. So sunlight kills them anywhere? So when the head vampire dies at the end, it didn't need to be on hallowed ground? So the 'quest' to reach it was pointless. And yet again we have the 'dawn to mid-day in seconds' cliché found in so many vampire movies.

My main reason for seeing this was Izabella Miko. The way she is shown on the forefront of the video cover suggests that she has a big part. Yet she is completely wasted as she spends 99% of the movie in shock. She is used in the film merely as a way to lure the vampires (yet another cliché- woman bitten by vampires who has a psychic link to them). Not to mention the gratuitous nudity which I despise. She deserves much better than this.

The protagonists treatment of Megan (Izabella) is abhorrent and leaves the audience with no sympathy for them at all. I was really hoping that Nick would die and that is not right. We are supposed to cheer the 'heroes' on, not hate them.

Avoid this movie like the plague.
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Disappointing waste of potential.
5 April 2005
This is one of those movies that could have been very good, but comes off feeling like 'could do better.'

Firstly, the plot is a repeat of the first movie (master vampire wants to use an ancient relic to become a daywalker). Plus it re-uses the old 'girl bitten by vampire has visions which allow them to track it' trick. It also has the 'drug cocktail to prevent her from turning completely' also used in "The Forsaken". I didn't like that, although that's just my opinion.

Then there's the new villain. Arly Jover does a very good job with what she's given, but she has no back-story or character development at all. We know NOTHING about her. The character's name (Una) is never even spoken in the movie.

The cast all do well enough, especially Natasha Wagner who was very good and the highlight of the film. Frustratingly, she is criminally under-used.

The worst thing by far, the thing that makes this movie truly bad, is that it has another 'tease the audience by having two women look like their about to kiss and then they chicken out'. I HATE that. Any film-makers reading this: Women who love each other are NOT fantasy figures. They are PEOPLE and they deserve respect and equal treatment.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
A waste of potential (Possible spoilers)
26 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I do not understand why so many people talk about this show as if it's the greatest of all time. It has some good points, but overall, it's a disappointment.

Firstly, Buffy herself is one of the most annoying, unlikeable characters I've ever seen. They tried to show her as 'isolated' because of being the Slayer, but she instead comes across as self-centred and aloof. In the Finale of Season 5, she is perfectly willing to sacrifice all reality, rather than allow her sister to die. That is not love, that is selfishness. It is not helped by the fact that Sarah Michelle Geller is ridiculously skinny. Someone who fights vampires regularly and practises martial arts should be muscular; look at Jessica Biel in Blade:Trinity. That's how a vampire slayer should look!

Both the show and the character suffer from a lack of compassion. We occasionally see Buffy save people, but we never get to know anyone outside of Buffy's inner circle. In this show 'good' is defined not in how many people you've helped, but in how many monsters you've killed. In several episodes, there are tormented spirits of people who are 'killed' by show's end rather than saved.

Plus, why is it that they talk about 'demons' and 'Hell Gods', but never about angels or Heaven Gods. Why should all supernatural beings be evil? We're supposed to believe that the entire battle of Good and Evil starts and ends with Buffy? What a conceited idea.

Every season has basically the same formula. 'Big Bad' emerges, Buffy fights them, BB tries to destroy the Earth, Buffy stops them. Why does every season have to be "the end of the world"? Is that the only way they can think of to generate drama? It seems that the show can tell only one story.

The only good thing about it was the relationship between Willow and Tara (magnificantly played by Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson). To be fair, it did do well here and it was very good to see a show with lesbian main characters. That alone could have saved the show, but it was thrown away when the series reverted to another 'dead/evil lesbian' cliché (after the writers promised repeatedly that they would not) for a story which could have easily been achieved without it in a hundred better ways.

This show could have been great. Instead it wastes everything.
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Great movie (SPOILERS)
17 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my all-time favourite movies. It is funny, cheerful and uplifting.

The storyline is very good, making fun of conformity and commercialism (a particularly brilliant moment occurs near the end when Josie tells a concert audience to decide for themselves whether they like a song or not). While it is never too serious (the 'fight' between Josie and Fiona is hilarious), it has just enough of a sense of jeopardy that you care about its characters and root for them.

Plus its good to see a movie that is actually funny, rather than the 'gross-out comedy' and 'toilet humour' which I despise.

All of the cast do an excellent job, especially the leads who all add welcome depth to their roles. I was especially impressed with Rachael Leigh Cook and Tara Reid, both of whom were perfectly cast as Josie and Melody respectfully.


The movie does have one or two predictable moments, such as when the band fall out, but even then it manages to add an original twist, as it only happens because Josie was under the influence of subliminal messaging at the time.

All in all, it is very good. Who else wants 'Josie and the Pussycats 2'?
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Bound (1996)
17 March 2005
Bound is by far one of the best films I've ever seen. Its atmosphere, lighting etc give it a highly engaging look and feel. It has a compelling story, great acting and great characters.

Normally I dislike movies that feature criminals as protagonists, but Bound does a fine job with its leads. While we do sympathise with Corky and Violet, it never glamorises the fact that they are both on the wrong side of the law, or makes it look like 'it's fun to be a lawbreaker', or anything like that. Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly both do an amazing job, portraying very interesting characters. The love-making scene is very good; I dislike movies with gratuitous nudity, but I don't mind if it's used to help further a story as it is here.

Plus, I support GLBT rights, so any film with gay/lesbian main characters that are treated with respect deserves praise. We need more movies like this.
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Hell Asylum (2002 Video)
17 March 2005
I can honestly say that this is the worst movie I've ever seen.

No real story, no interesting characters, rotten effects, no explanation for what the villains want. At the end I was thinking, 'what was the point?' I have seen other movies I didn't like for one reason or another, but most of them had at least some good points. This has none. It was just a series of death scenes, with no logic or reason. It has a bunch of hooded ghouls running around killing and eating people with nothing on where they came from, why they do what they do etc. It could have been a decent movie done properly, but this was a waste. A complete waste of everything.
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Really good (SPOILERS)
14 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. It has some fine acting, a good story and some interesting ideas.


Firstly, although it features a group of teens, it does something quite original by having them be a debate team, rather than the usual 'bunch of friends out camping' or something. It is good to see a horror film which doesn't portray teens as drinking, smoking, sex-obsessed, drug-taking layabouts.

The characters are interesting, and the cast does a fine job. My favourite would have to be Gwen (Chelsea Jean), who comes across as a lot more interesting and memorable than the typical 'survivor girl'. The last 10-15 minutes are especially good, showing her growing desperation.

The film also has some very interesting concepts such as the cursed town being in a kind of time-warp where it's always sunset (and having the movie take place in the day is also good.)

Two other things I liked: 1) NO NUDITY. I loved that.

2) No 'twist ending'. I hate it when movies do a 'surprise, the bad guy's alive. Everyone dies' just to keep the franchise going and set up for a sequel. The ending here was really good.

My only complaint is that an important detail (Gwen looking exactly like Bill's sister) is never really explained. Was she a re-incarnation? Was she related to Bill?

Besides that, it's really good. Definitely on my top ten.
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Very good (SPOILERS)
14 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having waited months for this movie I was delighted to see that it fulfilled nearly all of my expectations. It was highly entertaining throughout, with excellent fight scenes, some humorous moments, some creepy and scary points, and interesting characters.


To be honest, it is not without fault. The biggest problem is that it contains too many story lines, so none of them get fully developed. Dracula's return, the Nightstalkers introduction, Blade being chased by the FBI, the vampires plan to all become Daywalkers etc.

The Nightstalkers are a welcome addition. It is good to see human hunters, showing that Blade isn't the only one who can fight vampires. Abigail Whistler (Jessica Biel) is wonderful and just lights up the screen whenever she is on. She put a lot of work into the physical aspects of the movie and it shows. Also I was very pleased to see a female character who doesn't want or need a romantic relationship, as women are too often included in movies as just 'the love interest'. She was definitely the highlight for me.

Hannibal King, alas, was something of a let-down. This isn't Ryan Reynolds fault (he does very well with what he has), but while King is funny in some parts, he soon becomes annoying with his incessant foul language. Words like f**k and d**k are not funny, not funny at all. A scene where he is being interrogated is particularly bad.

Overall, 8/10
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