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A unique kitsch masterpiece
3 May 2024
This is a movie you can not afford not to watch. It is the ultimate kitsch fantasy b-movie flick. The direction looks more like 1970s style, the movie is overcrowded with beautiful female warriors, and the lead star ATOR looks like a very beautiful version of the singer of Europe. The dialogues are literally to DIE for! Especially the part where ATOR wants to marry his sister in the beginning. I do not know if they were making a sarcastic version of Conan or they actually meant these lines to be spoken in a serious manner. I'd like to think that the crew simply wanted to have fun, and meet many many hot girls. A fun movie, watch it for a good laugh!!!
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Lets face it. We are not here for the monsters...
15 January 2024
The first two or three episodes went down effortlessly, but towards the end it was hard not to skip forward. Forward to the scenes of Anna Sawai. Because Anna's enchanting face, sweet smile and lips soft like velvet are the only reason someone will put himself through this trial of a series. Monsters have some nice screen time, but it could all fit in one 30 minute episode. The dialogues are boring, the plot predictable. But when Anna comes forth the series suddenly becomes a 10! Anna Sawai was the best casting choice and by far, and her beauty has brightened this mundane week even via this below average series. Be still my heart for Anna is returning in Shogun soon...
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The Seven Samurai in space
24 December 2023
A perfectly watchable remake of the Sever Samurai story, outrageously overextended in the Snyder way. By no means this is simply influenced as there are way too many similarities to the original. Just adding spaceships and lazers does not make Kurosawa's movie a Snyder original as I have seen it being described. The second part from what I see on the trailer will be even more close to the original, as the training and war preparation scenes are almost similar to the 1954 movie. Again, this is not a bad movie, but it is reasonable why Star Wars said NO, as this is by no means an original script. If I write Romeo and Juliet in space, would that make it my original story? Nope mr Snyder it would not.
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Kindred Spirits (2016– )
Ridiculous Fun
13 March 2022
Lets face it. Ghosts ARE camera shy and we will not be seeing them even if this runs for 1000 season. So, this these two best friends were able to create six successful seasons with jump scares, incoherent sounds that they interpret to their liking and an "out of this world" "psychic". Hats off to that! Overall it's fan to see the old houses and good locations, and I like Greg's shrieks! However I am not rating the show as a mockumentary so it's a solid 1 for a Reality-TV show as it is not Reality...oh and Chip...Chip is brilliant. He has a recipe that works for him fine, and it consist by the fact that basements and attics are haunted, and ghosts usually scream Get Out" and "F Off" (he might be tuning to the thoughts of the audience though with the second one)...good fun overall...still a 1...
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outrageous exaggeration all over the place
19 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary demonizing technology with exaggeration and hypothesis.

Perhaps this documentary is targeted to people who do not have the ability to make decisions and filter information.The documentary promotes the assumption that people are weak minded and incapable to control what they see, hear and in Fake News was not born with the internet. It exists since the first humans communicated information in a way that served they own agenda. They had Fake News in ancient Greece, they had it in the middle ages, they had it in WW2.

Most people I know have control of what they see and do on line. They can investigate if something i Fake News or not. It just takes a bit of reading, clicking and time.

Near the end, it is promoting that idea that technology and global exchange of information and ideas between individual people is bad. That technology may cause the end of civilization and civil wars (in the US). Is there an agenda here? Is it a good thing to distance people? Is it good for individual citizens to stop communicating directly and form relationships over vast distances?

Of course I am located in Europe. Perhaps this is a documentary only targeted to a US audience where people are affected differently for some reason beyond my comprehension.

Personally, I have been using the internet since the Beginning of internet! I have never been addicted, misinformed, isolated, missed dinner, sold something I did not want or gone to war with my neighbors. I even decided that I don't really need a smartphone because I get enough internet on my pc so I am only using my mobile phone to

So, I give this mockumentary...a 2!
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
11 August 2020
It appears that Matthew Rhys is excellent at everything he appears in, without saying that the rest of the cast in this wonderful suspenseful "film noir" drama were less than great! This is a 10 star show and I am looking forward to the second season! Great work everybody!
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Poorly written but visually... pleasant
24 April 2020
Out of ten stars I give this a 5 for the art department and a 0 for the writing, The artists made a strong effort to build on poor rushed writing and managed to create something out of nothing. I was very disappointed to be introduced to a very promising "home" by one of my favorite artists, Ricky Gervais, and then be taken through a pointless ride only to end up at a most expected outcome. (Trying to spare you from spoilers). Anyways, this movie could have been quite good but sadly it is not. If only I had worked on it...
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Where is the original cast?!
21 November 2019
A Horrible Histories movie should definitely include the amazing comedians of TV's Horrible Histories, Mathew Baynton, Simon Farnaby, Jim Howick! The movie is not bad, made in the style of the series, but it could have been way better. I hope that in the sequel we get to see some of our favorite comedians.
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A for Efford
31 May 2019
Pretty weird movie in regard to the fact that it has a lot of great elements and a lot of terrible elements at the same time ! So, when the cinematography, direction, costume design kills it while the sound and music department work well and the lead actor gives a good performance, there comes the ridiculous monsters and outrageous action scenes that sink this film to the bottom of the deepest ocean. Is it an example of what happens when a production runs out of money too soon? Did they fail to find some good special effects people? I do not know if that is the case, but it could have been A LOT better. What a pity.
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Thumbs Up !
18 February 2019
It's been a long time since I last saw a good horror movie without any cheap scare tricks that make me laugh, and I was very happy to finally find a horror movie that I liked. The Possession of Hannah Grace is the best horror movie you will ever watch, but it is way above what we have been served by Hollywood over the past few years, and the low rate it has on IMDB does not do it justice. The special effects are excellent, and I loved the (chilling) work they did "re-animating" Hannah! Also excellent are the direction, cinematography and sound. The script is not something that will surprise you with it's originality, but it is well written -without cheeky lines in general- and comes through! Overall a very good Horror experience. Enjoy!
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Grows on you
27 January 2019
First time it felt kind of strange watching a Zombie musical. However the catchy tunes stuck in my head so I gave it a second chance and I liked it even more than the first time. Some very nice songs and good performances all around. Ninety minutes of bloody musical fun.
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Peppermint (2018)
Highly overrated
26 November 2018
After all the fuzz in my city about this movie I finally got to watch it. Sadly it was an overrated Punisher/Nikita rip off and brought nothing new to the table. Sure, it was fun to watch... and the time flew by... but production played it safe and made this "money earner" for some fast cash flow and nothing more. Well, lets wait and see if the sequel is better...
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Alpha (II) (2018)
Beautiful ! More please...
22 November 2018
This movie is complete in every way. Solid scrip, the right cast and excellent direction. The photography is stunning and the music /sound department has done a fantastic work binding everything together. Overall an excellent experience that left me asking for more.

I am looking forward to a sequel! Please make a sequel...
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The Nun (2018)
Ruined by scare Clichés
21 November 2018
I was really looking forward to this movie, so it was a huge disappointment when I finally got to watch it. I couldn't really give any spoilers on this even if I tried, as it is using the oldest tricks in the book, again and again and...again! The production team had this great idea to work with and a good looking budget. Instead of using all those for good (pun intended) they made a very easy "give me the money" kind of movie, where you know what is going on before it happens as if you wrote it yourself. I especially HATE the "she/he/it is standing behind you" Cliché. Movie making guys never use that again. Never! If you find it hard to work on the next Conjuring movie without that trick, just give me a call and we'll work something out...
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Da hong zha (2018)
Why so bad ?
6 November 2018
This is an impressively bad film! However, as the CGI airplane fights are fun, I gave it a 2 instead of a well deserving 1. I never expected to see Bruce Willis in such a low standards film, but I guess the international economic crisis is forcing stars of old, to become more "flexible". This movie is about the fight of the Chinese against the evil Japanese. The true crime though is the terrible acting, direction and script. In my humble opinion one can make a great movie with only one cheap camera as long as there are a few good actors and a good solid script. Bruce Willis can not make up for the luck of script guys. Next time pay for better writers instead.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
Fun "recruitment" series
4 November 2018
This show is mindless and outrageous, but fun to watch. It is filled with silly propaganda, out of this world characters and outdated stereotypes but modern thinking person can hardly take it seriously will hardly give it a second thought. It is a show focused: (quote) "the war culture of the US" and it promotes the necessity of a strong US military fighting to save everyone on planet Earth while promising awesome times to anyone wishing to join the US forces. It's ok I guess to want to attract new why not try it with a fun series ! I am really looking forward to find out who the bad guy is going to be on season 6, as there are no more countries
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The Dark (I) (2018)
Thumbs UP for this Original Drama Horror
24 October 2018
This is a beautiful movie combining drama with horror in an original way. Horror went to the background after the story of the two teenagers begun to unravel which works great! This is a movie where the real "monsters" are the "humans", and I loved the fact that characters have depth!

The general atmosphere of the movie is great. Excellent direction, photography, sound, and (of course) performances! This is a beautiful production, well worth the time and effort invested by the people involved! Thumbs UP!
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Mr killer plz make the kids shut up
22 October 2018
This movie is actually a love story gone wrong. A masked guy with talents in pastry and painting after living for a long time alone in a forest, falls in love with Yvonne Strahovski (can you blame him?). However, is she already has two very loud hyperactive kids that ruin the movie for everyone. In a futile attempt to fix the move and give himself a very happy ending he tries to bribe the kids with cupcakes and drawings. Kids get even louder, and the audience starts rooting for the masked avenger while checking out info on contraception at their mobiles. In the end our guy just gives up and will probably try to get it right in the next movie.
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Death Kiss (2018)
Definately not a tribute
22 October 2018
This move reminded me of the late 80's when as a young boy rented by accident the "Path of the Dragon" starring Bruce Lae and Chuck Narris. As attempts to cash in on this dead star became a thing, it got a name: Bruceploitation. In this case it is Charlesploitation I suppose. I just hope it does not become a thing as well.

About the movie, simply terrible in every way. Bad acting, bad sound editing, bad script and bad direction. Oh, and bad photography too. Nothing noticeable besides the fact that they found a Bronson lookalike and attempted to copy "Death Wish". What a waste of time and resources.
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Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
Cashing in on the franchise
8 October 2018
This show was made fast and cheap cheap cheap by the look of it. The graphics are similar to the ones we used to make in the late 90's on 3d Studio Version 1!!! Does have some ok moments, but overall we are watching it because we love Star Wars and we will watch anything with the SW logo on it. They know it, and we know they know it's all good. Maybe it will get better after the first season. Fingers crossed.
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Why so bad ?
14 September 2018
After watching for ten minutes it became apparent that this movie was made for the television. But why making a tv movie has to be a bad thing? The production has spent a good budget on sets and costumes, and the sound is not that bad. Also they did cast some people who can act under the right circumstances. When it came to putting everything together the entire project fell apart, and -sadly- this can only be the two directors's fault...the lack of experience is obvious in every scene, but the fight scenes are especially bad. So sad when I see good money and talent wasted on such ill planed projects.
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Rise (2018)
Television done right
10 May 2018
This great show was bound to step on quite a few toes and thus the unjust rating on imdb. It is true that they included everything that is wrong with the world in a ten episode series and that may be too much. As the show progresses though we see more focus to more specific "events", and in the show works fine. Brilliant acting from everyone involved, very good direction, and the musical part of the show is excellent.

This is a show you can not afford to miss this year.
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12 Strong (2018)
8 May 2018
A typical -bad- propaganda film like the ones they used to make during all the great wars. Outrageous heroic lines, silly heroic action and psychological terror for cinema goers who feel threatened by the "Taliban". Movie "politics" can be such a joke, especially when a few years back in Rambo 3 the US was allied with the Taliban against the Soviets (remember Rambo 3?). Anyways, if you wish to make a good propaganda movie learn from the WW2 propaganda movies cause they were way better (evil NAZIS helped in that to be fair). 12 Strong is a waste of a good movie budget.
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Instinct (2018–2019)
Another cop show straight from the tin-can
26 March 2018
Huge disappointment to see Alan Cumming do bad tv. The show is about a pointless cop and psychologist team up, the characters are poorly written and the dialogue is full of Clichés. Personally I could not wait for episode two to end, and I will not be watching episode three.
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Surprisingly brilliant
25 March 2018
The dark side of Hong Kong exposed. I would never have imagined that in the 60s they would attempt to make such a movie. Way ahead of it's time this movie deals with racism, sexual exploitation, prostitution and refugees. Images of hungry women trying to survive in the filthy streets of Hong Kong staid with you. Brilliant performances all around. Magically this movie manages to marry a very dark drama with the shine of Hollywood... and succeeds !
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