
4 Reviews
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Absolute kak...
25 April 2013
Arnie = utter toss...acting is miserable as usual. Plot = predictable rubbish Execution = sad, lame and totally unoriginal

What a complete waste of time this movie is.

If anything, it contains at least 2 memorable moments. One is the end credits rolling, the second is me hitting the stop button.

If this is the pinnacle of Arnie's acting career, then it's a sad day for the US film industry.

He should go back to lifting weights or trying to govern a state, because he's fit for neither, even less so, starring in movies.

I think I'd rather spend a day picking the muck from my toenails than be subject to such low rate, low grade tat.
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A good mixture covering a broad range of topics - all inspire debate
21 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It's very difficult not to remain cynical in this day and age. Such is the make-up of our world, that people will always find reason to criticise material that challenges specific consensus views of the world.

This is no surprise given the way we receive and build our world-picture in the modern age (predominantly through corporate media and entertainment).

Thrive is a challenging documentary. It covers a broad range of historical, mathematical, scientific, social and political realms and reaches into areas such as the imbalances and structure of the global monetary system, torus waves and their implications at both micro and macroscopic levels, free energy devices and, refreshingly, offers some inspiration in terms of moving forward in a positive way on a global scale, without the need for traditional corrupt power, industrial and monetary systems.

I'd have to say, I was inspired by many of the findings and, whilst many will doubt, decry or deny any of it exists or is occurring in our world today, I think it touches upon so many fundamental issues and concepts that it is - at its very worst - an entertaining mix of what appears to be well-presented scientific fact and at best, an awe-inspiring call to wake up humanity and move forward on a global scale, with equality and freedom at the helm of the movement.

Anybody who has a problem with these basic assertions for the future is either blind, deaf, lazy, scared or lulled into a false sense of individualistic comfort to the extent where they can barely see past the four walls of their own little boxed existence.

There are some indisputable truths concerning the human situation planted firmly through-out.

Well worth a watch, whatever your background or belief. This is one for people with open minds and open hearts, or indeed anyone who craves a safer, cleaner and more harmonious world.

It's also staggering to observe the volume of dis-information out there today - I think 'Thrive' tries to present itself as a valid piece of research and whilst I've not followed all of the references, most of the evidence and sources are compelling enough.

See it and absorb the bits that make sense to you!
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War (2007)
Surprisingly disappointing
23 September 2007
The bravado surrounding this movie was the usual blend of short, action-crammed trailers and moody looking lead poses.

Unfortunately, the movie fails to deliver on so many levels except the entirely predictable ones.

The clichéd cop interactions, the naff fight scenes and classic Jap gang pleasantries of hits against rivals, all wrapped up in an unengaging plot line.

Jet Li really doesn't impress as he has done in other movies, and Jason Statham's attempts at acting are becoming tiresome, he should certainly stick to keeping his mouth shut and kicking people's behinds. They even introduce yet another Transporter-esquire axe-dodging scene - really nothing new.

No character really convinces you to care about their plight nor did I end up giving a monkeys about who rang victorious in the end - inevitable as it all was anyway.

There are far batter action movies out there - this is really an average way to pass the time.
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Shrooms (2007)
A real sense of....boredom
23 September 2007
I've seen hundreds of horror movies in my lifetime. This rates among one of the least entertaining or scary.

None of the characters were convincing or engaging, in fact I prayed for their deaths after about 15 minutes. The plot was nigh on skull-numbingly poor and the scares relied almost totally on sound effects and offered precious little on the visual front.

In its favour, the plot was not entirely predictable, but I was left not really caring what happened less than a third of the way through.

The thin pretext of a 'shroom'ing holiday could have quite easily been left out and all of the visions etc. could have been explained by a dodgy smell in the air...

Anyway, don't bother wasting your time with this one. Have a nice cup of tea instead and do something constructive...
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