
35 Reviews
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Night Swim (2024)
Decent Though Derivative If You Suspend Belief
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited for this movie after seeing the commercials. It seemed quite good and the ads were quite creepy. It almost insinuated the dead man's float episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? Tv show, but for adults. It really wasn't far off from that and I thought overall it was decent, but you definitely have to throw out a bit of common sense and logic.

The movie starts off similarly to how one would think, almost similar to the It movie, but without the clown. It then fast forwards to the new owners of the house. Ray Waller is a pro baseball player. He is suffering from MS. So, the pool is a place of comfort and escape for him since it eases the pain and stiffness of his muscles. So, naturally, it is a decent story to set up the centerpiece of the film: the pool. Because, prior to the film, I was wondering how there was going to be enough content to justify a whole movie around a pool.

So, it takes quite a long time to get going. I didn't set a timer, but I'd say 75%-80% of the film is really not completely scary. There's a bit of something feeling "off," but I never felt creeped out or anything. But one thing I did notice that I can't quite get over is how long these characters could hold their breath! Many people would be long dead! There's a scene where the mother confronts the mother of the girl who died in the beginning of the film that really starts the climax that I would say ups the creepy factor and sets the film into motion. It's similar to the old woman scene in It 2 mixed with the therapist session in Smile. Then it turns into a dash of The Shining for the last 15-20 minutes or so.

But, that's part of the problem with this film, it's way too easy to compare it with any movie that already exists. There's notes of this and hints of that and flavors of this all throughout. There's nothing about it that gives it an identity of its own. And I would still compare it to that episode I mentioned earlier (dead man's float).

And, as some have already mentioned, it does not explain where the water/spring/monster comes from, but I can forgive that aspect as there have been awesome and successful horror movies in the past that have not given an exact answer as to how the villain arises (It Follows). But the main glaring problem here (with me) is how long the characters can hold their breath at times. That's the sole part I cannot get over and what I mean when I say you must suspend belief. Most people will have trouble overlooking that aspect, as I had quite a hard time with it.

Overall I liked it. The characters were well-written. The narrative, if flawed, definitely will keep you guessing. I was truly invested in trying to figure out what was going on. At no part was I just completely bored or did I lose interest. It's just the lack of identity and the abnormally powerful lungs of the characters that I really had an issue with. It's definitely worth a watch and I'd recommend it to anyone curious about it.
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Servant: Pigeon (2023)
Season 4, Episode 1
Oooh! Starting off with a bang!
13 January 2023
Off to a good start already! I am stoked yet saddened that this will be the final season of Servant. Servant has always been my winter watching series and I look forward to it every year. I kinda lost track of it a while back, but I can't help but feel glued to it nonetheless. I love the characters and the setting.

Following up season 3, this season starts off with a bang. There isn't a lot to really take in yet, as it really is more of an intro episode without a ton of content. But it is fast-paced, wild, and intense! I'm not going to lie, this feels like the creepiest the show has ever been. However, there is one aspect that I'm not exactly crazy about so far. I won't give it away, but it did happen at the end. Considering the ending of season 3, it definitely wasn't expected, not for myself anyway.

But, bring it on! I am so ready for a new season to eagerly look forward to each week. I will have to rewatch it all the way through once this season is over for a refresher. If the rest of the season moves like this first episode, we will be in for a wild, crazy treat! I have so many questions right now, and I am hoping we find out some answers this season!
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Intense and Scary
20 December 2022
I love true crime and documentaries like these shows. This one is one of my favorites! The title is pretty self explanatory, as many of these stories would be someone's worst nightmare!

In a sense, it is a little full of horror tropes and cliches, which is why I knocked my score down a little lower, but I'm serious! They really knew which stories to include in this series.

There are several episodes on here that I have rewatched a lot, such as "When the Lights Go Out" and "Bump in the Night". Those two episodes are creepy even without having a horror atmosphere. The stories alone are scary enough. Those cases would be someone's worst nightmare I would think.

I plan to watch the whole series, but I've only seen about a quarter so far. Out of all the other series on Investigation Discovery, this one is easily the most thrilling and intense. Highly recommend.
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How dumb do they think we are?
15 December 2022
If you thought her stories in 2008 and 2011 were laughably bad and cringeworthy, just get ready for this! She changes her story completely and tries to throw her whole family under the bus in the process!

I genuinely feel bad for her dad. Her parents make no appearances on here because I have a feeling that they've cut her out of her life. Because she was desperate and afraid of being convicted, she throws one last trick out there to see if it works, and it did, apparently.

I don't blame her parents for wanting nothing to do with her! I would hate for my daughter to go out and trash and smear me like this woman has done. There is no excuse for it! I'm not saying her parents were perfect by any means, but there's no way they were as bad as she makes them out to be.

She is a monster, a narcissistic, hateful, selfish, lying monster. I think the reason that this was made is solely because her conscience was getting to her recently. It's funny to listen to the elaborate tales and lies she's bringing up here. It makes me mad at times that people actually believe her. But it's just genuinely mind blowing at the crap that comes out of her mouth!

And why was the interviewer not challenging her? She would say one thing then contradict that thing the next sentence and no one asked her about any of that stuff, nor called her out on it. The folks who believe her are as naive as it gets.

It's a funny watch, but you may get mad if you're someone who was invested in this case. Because this monster clearly lies with every sentence that comes out of her mouth. She has never uttered a truthful word. And for that aspect, the elaborate "new" story is a knee-slapper. No one can believe this. And my thoughts and prayers go out to her family for being smeared by her for this. She straight up did them wrong! Lol. Enjoy with some wine and go with the ride.
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Zoey 101: Little Beach Party (2005)
Season 1, Episode 13
Kinda dumb
3 July 2022
I remember liking this show when it first came on but I'm revisiting since it was just put on Netflix, and it kinda makes me cringe. Of course I'm in my 30's now, but I was a little older than the cast when this first came out and it always made me want to go to a boarding school in California at the time.

Anyway, I grasp that they wanted to have a beach trip and it was kind of a bust in a way. But with them packing for the trip and having all the towels and boo boxes and clothes and items for the trip they originally planned, why the hell did it take Zoey telling them to make their own beach trip before they did it?

First thing I'd have done was crank up and jams and make my own party.
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A PG-13 Horror Movie That's Rated R
2 July 2022
Not sure how I feel about this one. I really wanted to like it. The trailer looked so good and so dark, and with my love for Sinister, I expected this to easily knock it out of the park.

We follow the Blake's in the 70's. They're struggling with the death of their mother and the father seems to be struggling with alcohol which leads to issues with the kids.

Finney gets abducted and has to struggle against his killer to try to make it out alive. There are some dream sequences that have a bit of a callback to Sinister, but they only take up a few seconds of the movie on the whole.

The prior kid victims call him on the phone in order to help give him advice. I think the help scenes were nice, but they were far from scary and the were very predictable as a whole. Finney would attempt to do something, the phone would ring and they'd tell him to either do that or not do that. It felt more wonky than the trailer led me to believe.

I won't give away the story or the ending, because honestly I really thought the acting, the story, and the ending were very well done. The child actors did a great job, Ethan Hawke did a great job, and the guy who played Max did as well. He was quite funny and goofy.

But, overall, I felt this movie was drug out WAY too long. You could cut out the first hour of the movie, and you'd have the same movie. Nothing happened in the first hour. It was SO boring. There was not much cursing, there was not much blood nor gore, there were no scares, and it was not nearly as dark as the trailer led me to believe.

I really felt this felt like a PG-13 horror movie, but any horror director will do anything to avoid that eating for the reputation it carries, but this really did just feel like a PG-13 horror movie.
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X (II) (2022)
A heaping bucket of crap!
27 June 2022
I don't understand how this has such great reviews on here and from critics. This is one of the most vile, disgusting, and just messed up movies I've ever seen. In many ways, those words would be a compliment for a horror movie I want to look for, but in this case, it is absolutely not. I cannot explain just how bad this is.

It started off fine at the beginning and I was actually excited for what felt like a great slasher from the 70's. It was beginning to feel like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it delved into something way weirder and worse.

The acting is laughable. The underlying "plot" (if you'd call it that), is cringy, and the ending is just stupid. The old folks were just nasty and I felt like I needed to bathe after watching this. And it wasn't for the gore, tbh, there wasn't a ton of gore outside of one of the first scenes in the movie. The gore would've been welcome over whatever this was... Just a disgrace to the audience.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sure one could say it's already iconic, but the episode is still quite new. So I would give it time, but this will be an episode I think all stranger things fans will talk about for a long time to come

But in a season that's very heavily influenced by A Nightmare on Elm Street with a cameo from Freddy Kruger himself (well, rather Robert Englund who played the iconic villain) with a wonderful last 5 minutes with a great soundtrack, there's nothing else left to say except this episode is PERFECT. It ranks among the best episodes of any show ever.

This show might have a story line, but Vecna is also portrayed as a metaphor as well. It doesn't matter if you're in a toxic situation at work or in a relationship or becoming sober, it is universally emotive and the pinnacle of human emotion and the strength to battle our demons. Max is the canvas and her wonderful performance is all of us. And the love of her circle saves her in the end. Love will save us all in the end. It is a beautiful episode that hits on so many levels.
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Servant: Mama (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Saved the Season!
26 March 2022
So, I was completely addicted to this show season one. Season two was hit and miss but I stuck with it, and it ended on a decent note. Season three has been sort of a lull. I've tried to like it but not much has happened. I was led to believe things were going to build from the last few episode but, still, by the ending of each of them, I felt disappointed. But MAN! What a way to wrap up the third season. This sent me in twists and turns I haven't felt since the first season. And, I have to admit I had to sit and soak in what happened in the ending. Don't know what kind of direction the show will take on next, but I am absolutely ready to see!
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LuLaRich (2021)
2021's Tiger King
14 September 2021
Oh my lord! I have been anti-MLM for years. But this one really takes the cake. This is a mess. Deanne and Mark should be in the loony bin. I can't even really talk much about my review without spoiling anything, but all I can say is that you can't make this crap up! And the footage of what they are saying to their consultants. They are VILE. Sit down and binge it all. Get some popcorn and wine. It's a straight up mess. The whole thing is crazy but the last episode is a straight up rollercoaster! Haha.
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American Horror Story: Pale (2021)
Season 10, Episode 2
Sucked In!
27 August 2021
American Horror Story started off as being one of my favorite shows of all time, but by the time Freak Show rolled around, I found seasons 4-7 to be very underwhelming. Starting with season 8, I've noticed that it has improved a ton!

I have to say, based on these first two episodes, this has the potential to be the best season yet! The atmosphere stays creepy, the actors are amazing, the pacing is perfect, and the music is fitting in every scene.

I pretty much predicted the ending of the second episode, but it was still executed perfectly. The final shot has me completely invested to see where this is going to go. It brings up so many topics and ethics we need to really think on sometimes.

The last time the show has been this good was Asylum, and honestly, this is an even better beginning than that season. Color me hyped for the new season. Despite the slump seasons in the middle of the series, it seems AHS is back and better than ever! It's about time. Maybe they needed the extra time off to really get this right. If you've fallen off the bandwagon over the years, maybe it's time to tune back in.
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iCarly: iGot Your Back (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Feels like grown up iCarly!
25 June 2021
I loved this episode and it's by far the best one yet. Some of the first three episodes were a little... of, especially episode 3, but this felt like the spirit of the original show. Definitely hoping the show feels more like this for the rest of the season. The outfit montage was too funny!
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Rugrats (2021– )
How long did they spend on this?
5 June 2021
This is awful. I grew up with the original cartoon show. It was one of my all time favorite shows growing up and even my parents enjoyed it with me. But this reboot of the series is a pitiful excuse of the original show.

The animation is just... off. I don't mind them changing the animation style compared to the original, but it looks cheaply made. The closest thing I can compare it to is a surreal video on YouTube. I enjoy watching those as they're kinda funny but they're bizarre and that's to be expected. When I watch Rugrats, I don't wanna see that kinda animation style. It's a major eyesore.

The voices are terrible. The children still sound like themselves, and that's to be expected because they're the same, but the adults' voices are terrible. They actually sound younger than the kids and I'm wondering how long they spent on this. It's like they took the first few people who offered to do their voices. Chaz's voice and Grandpa Lou's are the absolute worst of anyone on the show. It's laughably bad.

The budget and time spent, or lack thereof, on the reboot of quite possibly the biggest and best of children's shows is a shame. I try not to hand out 1's and 10's in large amounts as I hate to be overly harsh on something someone makes, especially since many projects take time. But I'm convinced this took no time to make. And this I'm absolutely is deserving of a 1 and nothing higher. I cannot believe this even exists.
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Come Play (2020)
Short on Scares, but Surprisingly Uplifting Message
30 October 2020
I've seen better and worse, but for what it is, as a PG-13 horror movie, I think it does really well. It's short on scares, so don't go into this hoping to be scared out of your mind, but I think the emotional power that the message conveys is definitely worth a viewing. Definitely struck my heart strings by the ending. It's definitely derivative of several movies, but it's pretty good for sure.
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Evil Lives Here: I Killed Dirty John (2020)
Season 8, Episode 1
24 August 2020
Out of all the episodes of this I've seen, this has to be one of the craziest ones. It was resolved at the expense of one life, but how on earth this lady ignored all these red flags is beyond me. I hate that the daughter was involved in all this. Poor thing, she seems to have ended up with a lot of PTSD out of this whole ordeal. The woman kept saying that she was surprised the guy ended up being who he was, but there were so many red flags.
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I didn't die
28 July 2020
I was told that I would die, but I did not. The movie was just okay. But since I didn't die, I'm giving it a bad score.
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Palm Springs (2020)
I Must've Watched a Different Movie than Everyone Else
15 July 2020
I turned on Palm Springs last night since everyone is talking about it, and it has gotten rave reviews from both audiences and critics, which is kind of a rarity these days, and it also has Andy Samberg in it. It really sounds like it can't go wrong... but, it does.

Throughout its run-time, I don't think I laughed even one time. Its trailer advertises it as a comedy, and everyone on here calls it hilarious, but seriously I didn't even laugh once. It starts off as almost like a sci-fi horror movie ala You're Next meets Happy Death Day, but after those first 15 minutes, it becomes to drab and mundane.

I really don't think I've seen more people cry in a supposed comedy. Every 5 minutes someone is either crying or teary-eyed. And there is no comedy at all to be found. It's not darkly funny, it's not silly funny, it's just overall not funny. At all. But it's also not sad either.

It's not a total waste because it is beautifully shot and well acted, but those are about the only two good things I can say about this. I just don't get it. Not sure what all the hype and ranting and raving is about.
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Scoob! (2020)
Undoubtably Flawed, But Perfectly Enjoyable
18 May 2020
I was pretty hyped to see this from the trailer, as I have loved Scooby Doo since I was a child. I am 30 now. After viewing, I have to say that my expectations were met. It's definitely awkward in some ways as we see young Shaggy using a cell phone, listening to 90's music, despite being an origin story (you'd think they might be set in the 50's or 60's), but with those gripes aside, I still thought this was a cute and funny move overall.

The animation style was nice and clean and none of the characters were changed too much. I thought the voice actors did a great job overall. I thought the script and humor were cute, quick-witted, and funny. Ultimately, yes, this doesn't feel like a Scooby Doo classic episode as the mystery is pushed into the background and it's more along the lines of a superhero movie like The Incredibles for instance, with many Hannah-Barbera characters making an appearance. But for what it's worth, I do not regret purchasing the movie. It was only $5 more than to rent, so I figured I'd make the leap.

I feel I'll revisit for the script and humor for sure, but just don't go into it expecting the gang to tackle a mystery and I think everyone will enjoy it, despite the flaws in the continuity.
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What We Do in the Shadows: Ghosts (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
17 May 2020
For context: I love the movie and I love the show. And when I say this is the funniest episode of the show so far I mean that. I have watched this episode alone probably ten times. It is absolutely hilarious. Gregor the Ghost is one of my favorite characters and the overreaction to him is just comedy gold. I thought a spin off from the brilliant movie was doomed to failure, but instead, it has led to a show that is possibly more brilliant to the movie and the second season is even better than the first. This is just fantastic!
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Thin and Stupid, but I Still Love It
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I remember going to see this in theaters as it was all the talk of the friend group in high school. We went and saw it and it seemed no one really cared for it but me. I still like it to this day, though. I actually found it for $5 on iTunes and thought it was definitely worth the purchase.

I hadn't seen the movie in quite sometime but I remember buying we physical DVD when it first came out. There's some sense of nostalgia embedded in this movie I guess, because there aren't really any redeeming qualities. Or maybe it's just the cool house setting; I could look at it all day.

Simply put, though, the female lead is not a very good actress and the characters are all horribly underdeveloped. We see her with her best friend at the beginning of the movie, yet we have no reason to care for her. She says like 3 lines. What's the use? We see her later with her friend Tiffany (surprised I remembered her name), and she's a horrible actress and she is killed off. Obviously she was added just for the body count because we are led to believe they were prior best friends but recently went through a fight. But there was no connection there.

The Mandrakuses (is that spelled right? I can't seem to find the name anywhere on the internet) are good people, I suppose, but we're really just left seeing them for the first little while then they disappear. The kids literally don't say a single word. They just cry. The first several minutes of the movie have no connection to the actual movie itself. It felt like it was thrown in and was going to be part of the movie but then someone changed their mind at the last minute.

I guess all of these flaws is probably due to the source material. It's a full movie based off the first 20 minutes of the original movie. And yes the movie is stupid and the plot sucks, but for some reason, I always enjoy watching it. I've watched it probably 4 times since I bought it last week after losing my original DVD. Maybe it's just one of those movies that's so bad that it's good. That's the only way to explain how I feel about it.
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Informative and Inspiring
18 February 2020
Awesome little mini-series on LGBT history. Some of this was more basic and common knowledge, such as the Stonewall Inn, which gets some coverage on here, but there are more obscure little factoids strewn throughout, too, such as how television characters in general were molded around gay and lesbians in television and cinema before it came to wide acceptance in modern society. In today's times, being gay is a non-issue as we have come to learn and grow, but it surely is inspiring and awesome to know what people growing up in the 50's, 60's, and 70's went through as a gay person under McCarthyism. It really brings a ton of respect to those people. Definitely a very eye-opening documentary that I feel LGBT people should watch as well as those of whom are allies or interested in the long, tumultuous journey toward acceptance.

It's crazy to think in retrospect but these people were in jeopardy of losing their careers, family, freedom, etc for making their orientation known. To think people had to live double-lives to keep from being renounced from society, considered mentally ill or a criminal over who they loved. It seems kinda silly today, but these were the struggles many others had to face.
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The Influence (2019)
Starts slow; gets better
18 January 2020
The first hour of the movie seemed to drag and the story was kind of convoluted and didn't make sense. After a certain part of the film, which I won't spoil, it gets much better. The last 45 minutes or so are pretty awesome.
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House of the Witch (2017 TV Movie)
So bad it's actually kinda good
18 January 2020
The acting, dialogue, and special effects are absolutely atrocious. The character, Taylor, might be about the most annoying character in any show, and her one-liners make me cringe. The story is dumb and makes no sense. I'm pretty sure the ending was nearly impossible. But for some strange reason I kinda liked it. It was one of those "so bad it's good" kind of films. I'd probably never watch it again, but it was kind of fun while it lasted. But don't go into this expecting any sort of quality.
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Absolutely fantastic
6 January 2020
Went and saw the first one day one in theaters but I somehow fiddled around and didn't catch this one in theaters. Went out on a whim and bought it tonight. Figured I'd like regardless. Man! What a movie. Great acting. Great casting (the adults really look just like the kids). Lots of scares. Some humor. Some drama. It has everything. I was worried that the nearly 3 hour runtime was going to make it feel like a drag, but nope! I'd go as far as to say that this is even better than the last film. It was awesome! It is one of the best horror films of the decade.
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Snoopy in Space (2019–2021)
31 December 2019
Cute, adorable, and very colorful, this show is great! I loved watching the Peanuts growing up and this feels like a modern version of it. I love space and I feel this will get younger kids interested in space! And for those of us adults, it's cute and relaxing to watch. Loving this, Apple!
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