
6 Reviews
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As exciting as watching grass grow...
3 June 2016
I had great expectations for this movie after seen the trailer, that looked amazing. Well, what a disappointment this film was. Is not that the acting was bad, or the production values. Neither the visual effects, which are OK. It's just that NOTHING happens... at least nothing that can move the spectators to feel, or even THINK something. The whole thing is an exercise on futility, good concepts wasted and pretentious sequences of slow motion stuff trying to be philosophical or something, but just coming out... lame. If you want to see an exciting, deep, or even entertaining sci fi space film, look somewhere else.
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Wow... the most unrealistic situation ever...
18 September 2015
She has to be the most idiotic, ignorant and clumsy woman in the planet. No doubt. Oh, sure... I'm a hot sexy woman. Let me go alone a to a lousy cabin in the middle of nowhere, armed with a cell phone. Let me annoy some of the local rednecks, trow my cellphone in the toilet and smoke some pot. I mean, come on ! Who in this planet can be THAT stupid ?? Also, that have to be the meanest town in America where everybody is a criminal psycho piece of trash.... Veeery realistic indeed ! How this idiotic movie got this score is beyond me. What also seems incredible is that this garbage had a second and third part. Is people getting addicted to garbage ?
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Hair Brained (2013)
Painful to watch, dull and overall lame
7 September 2015
Oh man, where do I start to express my disappointment with this horrid movie ? It's incredible to believe that Brendan Fraser can sink lower in his career, but this film proves that anything is possible. This is probably the worst acting in his filmography. Also the script is boring, lame, stupid and predictable. Directing is one of the worst I have seen... ever. The kid is annoying beyond believe. They make a desperate attempt to make him be cute and tender, but the results are lame. Large parts of the movie try to be funny, but they are filled with clichés and absurd, non funny scenes... The perfect cure for insomnia.
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What a waste of great animation !
15 March 2014
I'll be short: Great 3d animation wrapped around a stupid script that even kids found to be idiotic. There... I was a big fan of the show, and had great expectations about this movie. After seen "land before time" and "dinosaur" I expected this movie to raise the bar, both technically and in the narrative department. Wrong. The animation is top notch, not discussion, even better that "dinosaur" that was very good already, but when it came to the screenplay, and those dialogs, man, that was painful to watch. I mean, I saw kids yawning in the theater. A story may be simple, but never boring. Dialogs may be sparse, but entertaining or funny. The dialogs here where just plain dumb, boring and cliché. 5 out of 10 for me.
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Lamest film I have seen in years. Avoid at all costs !
7 April 2013
Solid film ?? There is no doubt in my mind that those reviews come from members of the production or their family... Let me resume it: it's a lame, low budget remake of Exorcist: The Beginning, only made without any sense of direction or story. A real agony to watch, and a complete waste of time. The only horror come from having to endure it. I mean... who makes a retell of the same film, almost identical, a year later of Exorcist: The Beginning, but trying to make it un-watchable ? Beats me. Why Stellan Skarsgård agreed to make such a trash of a movie, is a mystery to me. Exorcist: The Beginning is not a great film, but is a decent try. Its entertaining. Dominion is the worst exorcist movie ever made, and one of the lamest excuses of a movie I have ever suffered, ranking very high among the very worst films I have watched in my life, and I have seen thousands. A rating of 5.3 ?? really ?
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Halloween (1978)
Great for an indie movie of the 70's, but...
24 October 2005
I just watched this movie again after seeing it 20 years ago. I think it has good moments, good music and creates a good atmosphere, but I also think it has some really bad moments. For instance, the silly thing they do with Michael all the time, kind of NOW YOU SEE ME, NOW YOU DON'T, NOW YOU SEE ME, NOW YOU DON'T, after the 3rd or 4th time it REALLY gets irritating and predictable. Also there are lots of very illogical stuff (I'm not talking about the reactions of people in panic situations)like for instance: Where did Michael learned to drive ?? only God knows, and don't tell me they explain it in the next movies, that's a bad excuse for poor storytelling. You don't let your viewers guessing on things like that. But the most illogical and cheap NONSENSE in the whole movie is that Mr. Meyers simply refuses to die. And guess what ? nobody explains in the film why. Seems to me like a cheap resource to force you to see the next, and the next, and the next, to find (maybe) an answer. To me, IMHO, that is bad storytelling. Don't get me wrong. It is fun to watch, and worth the rent, but is no way near to a good terror film. My 2 cents, anyway.
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