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Baywatch: Nightmare Bay: Part 1 (1991)
Season 2, Episode 1
Monster in the Bay
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Eighteen months after the end of season one Baywatch returned. In Syndication.

The budget was lower. But this does hide that quite well. Although the number of sponsor companies in the credits is startling.

Craig is conspicious by his absence initially. But you get used to it. Gina is also no longer around. Hobie is now a different actor as the original had a growth spurt. Shauni and Eddie have had those too. But they still whine at each other. There's no mention of that cliffhanger either.

Captain Thorpe introduces veteran lifeguard Ben. Who is the long lost twin brother of Al from the pilot. Possibly. He doesn't want to work switchboard. Then does it anyway.

We also get Devon. Who gets more backstory than Jill managed. And an irksome reporter. Played by Mrs. Hasselhoff.

Then there's Harvey. Who is like Cort crossed with Jeff Altman. One scene only so far. But terrible.

Thank goodness for a Newmie sighting.

This is a two parter so ends on a cliffhanger. It sets up a story of there being a monster in the bay. The cliffhanger is decent.

Once again this isn't bad but the little things annoy. In addition to Shauni and Eddie. Choppy editing. Reporter lady is a bit of a cliche. Things just again don't hang together as well as they could.

Montage sequence tune is quite good though. There's a nice feel of summer at the sea.

Watchable enough. But still not quite all it could be.
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Baywatch: The End? (1990)
Season 1, Episode 21
Rocking Eddie's World.
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Baywatch pulls out a surprise for it's first season finale. They remembered Rocky the dog! But not Ms. Keller.

Everyone is off doing things when there's an earth tremor. Then a fully fledged Earthquake hits. Cue stock disaster footage. The main plot is Cort and Craig getting trapped in a cave.

Oh and Shauni and Eddie have a silly fight.

Nobody missing this week. Even Gina. This tries for spectacle on a modest budget. And it's not too bad. But it's Eddie and Shauni doing things for the sake of the plot. Again.

Logic also goes out the window when the only way to rescue people in a cave of natural gas is with explosives.

On the plus side Captain Thorpe, whilst annoying in the first scene, comes over well when being a leader.

Cort isn't driving a storyline, and as before is more tolerable as a result.

And that's all I got.

Better than some others I've given seven out of ten to. But as ever, could have been so much more.
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Baywatch: Old Friends (1990)
Season 1, Episode 20
Outdoor survival
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Two plots. In one Cort starts by trying to get a dog into danger so he can get to know a lady. Then forgets the lady when he thinks he sees an old friend. Who died a year ago. This opening brings us back to annoying self centred Cort. Which is not fun. Cort gets together with old friend's wife and finds she has a secret.

Not a terrible plotline ultimately because it tries to give him a moral dilemma. He does have chemistry with the wife also. But it's people doing things because the plot requires it.

In other plot: Mitch Garner and Craig go to the mountains. Mitch crashes his hang glider. More things go wrong and Craig is stranded with him as well. Can Garner get help? Can the two stranded friends survive?

This suffers from not enough location work at points and some studio bound bits. We do get some locations later in it though. It does allow for Garner to wear trousers for once and do something a little different. But it doesn't get any character moments in, which is a bit of a wasted opportunity. The rest of the rescue is fine and once again we get Newmie with dialogue. So there is that. Not what it could be though.

No Gina this week. Hobie is on the credits but I didn't spot him. Shauni pops up midway through and doesn't whine. So there's that too.

Not bad and better than some other seven out of ten ones. But could be better.
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Baywatch: The Big Race (1990)
Season 1, Episode 19
Cort needs cash
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Two stories this week. In the B plot Baywatch does something very rare. Continuity. Shauni has PTSD over what happened to Jill. We get one fact about Jill that's new. So that's nice. It's the same kind of plot Eddie has too often. In that she won't admit she has a problem. But there is some actual drama in this one. It all sorts itself out in the end of course.

Main plot is something the show has alas done before. Cort has a scheme. He also appears to be a con man. But whilst he is as self centred as ever he actually has a better motivation in this one. Which gives him some back story. Which is less interesting than the Jill thing. Despite all the obstacles the story throws in the way of him Mitch and Craig winning a big race to get the money he needs you know how it will turn out.

However it does manage a bit more tension in the race than I expected. So there was that.

Gina is the only one missing this week. Miss Keller has now permanently vanished which of course is not mentioned.

I would give this a seven or perhaps seven point five. Just losing a mark or so because it's a cort story. But Garner gets to do a bit more thanks to being the one doing the heart to heart talk when Craig isn't around. And for the first time in seven weeks yes I was counting we get a Newmie sighting. And he gets only his third bit of dialogue this season.

So for that last bit alone this one is worth it.
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Baywatch: Shark Derby (1990)
Season 1, Episode 18
Jaws music
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This week more lifeguarding. What's this show coming to?

Only one main plot. A promoter who is just as selfish and self absorbed as Cort tempts sharks into the bay to promote his restaurant. Jill is injured by one during a rescue. Someone is out for Blood. Mitch that is. Not the shark.

Not perfect. But not bad. Having only one plot helps. Especially one not focused on Cort or Eddie. Slight feel again of folks doing what the plot requires. But it's not terrible.

And Jill gets more backstory. And more scenes. And then gets killed off offscreen. The ending is emotional. Because you feel the loss of a wasted character.

The assembly of footage in the action scenes is rough. Slo mo running appears. And you will be laughing for the wrong reason as a result at action scenes that should be dramatic.

Even so, Cort is so much better when he's not the focus of a storyline. Eddie and Shauni don't get enough to do to annoy. And the Hoff as ever really does try when he has to emote. Bless him.

Gina the only one missing this week. Ms. Keller pops up again. But will be forgotten after. As seems to be the fate of that dog from last week.

Not perfect but better than some.
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Baywatch: Eclipse (1990)
Season 1, Episode 17
The Lady in White
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A different kind of plot this week. We start with lifeguarding. Eddie has a partner who we've never seen before. He has potential. And then he's gone. Was he killed by a ghost? Eddie gets caught up in the supernatural shenanigans. Too bad there isn't a detective agency that specialises in such things yet eh? All of which for Eddie triggers a painful memory.

In the B plot Hobie's latest girl friend might lose her dog. Hobie to the rescue. Just don't tell Mitch.

Again not bad. But not quite there. It doesn't ever quite come together. The B plot is okay and the dog is lovely but its the kind of thing that will be quickly forgotten you think. Like Ms Keller who isn't around this week.

Main plot suffers from not getting the full focus. And it being Eddie being Eddie again. Keeping his troubles to himself is something he really should have gotten past by now. Thus the ending isn't as emotional as it should be.

Cort has a thing going on but it's quickly sorted. It's a nice change he's not a focus for once.

Garner is the only one missing this week. Jill gets her one scene of course. And I only just remembered where's Sid? He must be with Trevor.

Two great sunsets though and one lovely shot of sun on sea water. Those are totally worth it.
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Baywatch: Snake Eyes (1990)
Season 1, Episode 16
Gambling on Eddie
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This week on the John D. Cort show Eddie does something stupid. Yes, that plotline again.

A trip to illegal offshore gambling turns into an addiction for him. It's all of course rigged. And Eddie still hasn't learned from past experience to tell people about problems from the off. Gambling addiction is real, but this does again feel like something happening for the needs of the plot. And it's Eddie so you can't care that much. Cort has a plan. It all gets sorted out. It's an ok storyline and would click if it wasn't Eddie.

The other story of the week is Mitch dating Hobie's teacher. Yes she's a character for a second episode. The dating montage is quite good. But Hobie has a few lessons to learn about his dad dating a teacher.

This is ok character stuff at first but lacks drama and what Hobie does feels too convenient. But the last scene is convincing character stuff.

Amazingly only Captain Thorpe goes missing this week. Trevor being gone alas. Also amazingly Craig doesn't turn up till the last third. Cort is actually a little less annoying. Garner only pops up at the end. Gina is back again. I think she's done her hair because she feels hard to recognise. Jill gets two whole scenes. Which is nothing if not different. And Newmie gets mentioned. His day will come.
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Baywatch: Muddy Waters (1990)
Season 1, Episode 15
Down the slide
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Three plots again.

Cort and Eddie end up training would be lifeguards at a water park. But someone is sabotaging the place. Garner joins them to find the culprit and gets to wear different shorts.

Not bad. Nice location. Cort has some less brash moments. Which are welcome. One very good bit of actual drama. Obvious resolution and one chase doesn't quite come off. A girl likes Eddie though? Come on.

Also Shauni was tricked into posing for a calendar. Fully clothed. Captain Thorpe wants her fired for this. Craig to the rescue.

Craig actually lawyers again. The resolution is quite clever and has one genuine chuckle. Which is rare. Thorpe does what the plot requires though which doesn't work. Gina pops up again for one single scene. I had forgotten what she looked like.

Also Hobie's school should do a field trip to Baywatch. Which would be good for Mitch's ego. It's called off. Hobie gets in trouble. But will Mitch get hot for teacher?

Quite nice to actually have Mitch get a plot in a way. This exists though just to bring in the teacher as a love interest. Did it not work out with that old flame he was trying again with it? Last scene is comedy and doesn't quite click. And poor old Jill just gets one scene only. Again.

They did get everyone in though but you do wish they'd spread the main plots around. Not a bad episode at all. But another that's just not quite entirely there.
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Baywatch: We Need a Vacation (1990)
Season 1, Episode 14
Down Mexico Way
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Three plots again:

A: Cort Craig and Eddie go surfing in Mexico. Things go wrong. They get caught up with a town under threat from a nasty gringo.

B: Capt Thorpe is dumped by his wife. Moves in with Mitch. And wants to recapture his youth.

C; Hobie gets a crush on Shauni.

Hangs together quite well as a script. But again it's nearly there but not quite. The trouble is what the writers think is funny just isn't. The Thorpe plot line does pay off better than you initially expect. The Hobie plot line gets horribly awkward. Then has a final scene that is better than you would expect. But still has issues.

They do seem to have a little bit of budget for the main one. But Cort is again self centred and thus a bit annoying. The resolution scene isn't that great directing wise. The punchline could be worse though.

Another like some from this season. Nearly there. But just not quite.

Still no Gina. Trevor is still in the titles but never coming back. No Garner. No Newmie sighting or even heavily suntanned lifeguard. Jill gets one whole scene. How fed up must Shawn Weatherly have been by now? Watch out though for B'elanna from Voyager in an earlier role. I never realised till the end credits.
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Baywatch: Home Cort (1990)
Season 1, Episode 13
Here comes Cort
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You notice change from the off in this one. Two new people in the titles. Garner now a regular. As is John D. Cort.

The latter being an old colleague and Buddy of Mitch's who naturally never got mentioned before. He's the cool kid in class. Cool as it do whatever he wants without thinking of the consequences.

No wonder Eddie latches onto him. He only wishes he was that cool.

That's the main plot this week. As Cort lifeguards but is actually there to do a shady job with another old buddy we've not seen before. When things go wrong he wants revenge.

Not a terrible plot line. But it doesn't know how to finish and has to throw things out of nowhere in to bring it to a wrap up. Cort is well played. You can see how Jon Allen Nelson got the Deathstalker part in that franchise. But he's also completely self absorbed, and you would get a bit annoyed with a real person who behaves like he does.

In the second plot line Jill and Shauni go into the sandwich business as Shauni doesn't like another vendor. This has a handful of scenes. Then an ending that thinks it's funny. So you know how funny it really is. Still, at least Jill gets something to do and her competitive side comes out again. Would that she had more character.

Trevor gets one brief scene. And that is the last you ever see of him in the show. He will be missed. For a bit.

No Gina yet. No Hobie. Captain Thorp only gets mentioned. No Newmie sighting either. But heavily tanned lifeguard pops up for his third showing of the season again. That was at least a surprise.

Not bad as an episode. Just depends on how you like Cort really.
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Baywatch: Armored Car (1990)
Season 1, Episode 12
Balls on the Beach
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Strewth mate! Remember early on when they hinted at Jill and Trevor as a couple? Well now they do too. Jill gets a storyline and some backstory and character as well! She used to play volleyball. And gets back into it to show her ex partner she's annoyed with him.

Meantime the death pier is breaking apart. So someone puts an armored car full of money on the edge. Shauni and Eddie are in it when things come tumbling down.

Trevor and Jill's story does get a bit more time. And gives both some needed character. Some of the shots seemed to be reused for the volleyball games. You don't know how this story will end, but the ending you get is satisfying. Although you will have a hard time suspending disbelief. It seems will to win can overcome injuries. Apparently.

The other story sees Shauni and Eddie bonded further as a couple by their experience. It's not a bad story but one of those that is looking to end as quickly as possible. Again though the two are a little less annoying when they have good drama to work with.

We do get a Newmie sighting. And I think we shaw Shippy as well. The construction crew boss is quite cool and well acted. No Captain Thorpe and no Gina once again.

Hobie also does something that would get him in trouble nowadays. Mitch thinks it's cool though. Ah, the 80's.

Almost a bit above average, but just not quite.
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Baywatch: The Reunion (1989)
Season 1, Episode 11
Battle of the Ex
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Starts with a montage of people running around in the shallows for no apparent reason. But there's a Newmie sighting, so that's cool.

More montages than plots in this one. And Newmie's in the second of the former. Also cool.

Old friends of Mitch and Craig's are in town for lifeguard sports. Along with a girl who broke both Mitch's and Craig's hearts. Might the two fall out over her?

Meantime Eddie is with lifeguard Cory. Who we've never seen before so he must have shot through training. But he's in a car stealing racket and Eddie buys one from him. Who will end up in trouble?

Not terrible but the writing frustrates as characters are doing things because the plot requires it of them. There is some chemistry in the romantic moments. More than you would expect. But Mitch and Craig have a big bust up just because the plot requires it. Gina isn't in this one but is mentioned. Probably because she'd get in the way of the story otherwise. But it's a bit lazy writing wise to avoid that angle.

Still just when you think Eddie is going to be as stupid as ever the programme surprises you. With an action scene that seems to bring Garner in from an entirely different episode. But Eddie gets punched. Which is almost as cool as Newmie sightings.

Trevor has two really good scenes. Jill gets one average one and two moments of doing her usual nothing much. Hobie and Captain Thorp are around.

Not the worst one. But not the best.
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Baywatch: Shelter Me (1989)
Season 1, Episode 10
Stormy weather
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Stock footage of a storm hits the area. Most of the characters end up at Baywatch HQ. Nice to see Henry again. Along with them are two escaped convicts. The situation escalates.

Meantime Garner is very slowly on the way to deal with things.

Not a bad episode. The main plot works well. It gets some Craig and Gina business in nicely. And remembers again he's a lawyer. There is some good directing in the final few minutes.

The pacing could be better though as sub plots get in the way. The Captain tries out for a radio job. They even fit Trevor in this one. It's not unfunny though and the pay off works.

Hobie meantime clearly regrets dumping Jenny as he wants to get close with a girl we've not seen before. And will Shauni and Eddie find sparks? They're barely in the first half. So that's nice.

Pretty solid episode all in all though. Not a bad watch.
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Baywatch: Cruise Ship (1989)
Season 1, Episode 8
The male of the species
6 March 2024
Three stories once again

Shauni has a boyfriend. She's desperate for Eddie to like him. But he turns out to be abusive. How will she and Eddie handle the situation?

Logan, played by a pre Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston is a guy running a party boat where people can get drunk. This is starting to cause problems. Craig gets a bee in his bonnet. He allows Mitch to tag along.

Hobie doesn't like having a clingy girlfriend. But he needs to be careful what he wants as he just might get it...

The abusive boyfriend one starts with more Shauni and Eddie whining, but once it gets serious it turns into capable drama. It's amazing how much better the actors get when they get solid material.

Bryan Cranston is not stretched by what he gets. In a storyline that rather hangs around then throws in an action scene that ends up being a bit rushed and too late to have much impact.

Hobie's story doesn't know whether to be comedy or drama. And ends a bit inconclusively without Mitch getting the chance to be smug about it. What a waste.

Not the worst episode by a long shot, but just lacking a certain something.

Trevor gets a rescue though. Jill gets two pointless scenes as ever. Gina gets one. No sign of Captain Thorpe and Sid is only on the other end of the phone. But it remembers Craig is a lawyer! You thought they'd forgotten. They probably did.
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Baywatch: Rookie School (1989)
Season 1, Episode 7
Trevor goes to school
28 February 2024
It's time to get some new rookies. A girl on the run ends up amongst the group. She and Eddie get closer. But then her past catches up with her.

Meantime Craig and Gina want a baby. So it's time for a romantic weekend.

And Trevor has to go through rookie school also. Where he develops a rivalry with the star student.

Strewth mate! This one actually hangs together well and isn't bad at all. It balances it's storylines. Trevor gets a fair bit to do and has a good storyline. Jill of course just stands in the background and says a few things, but it remembers to hint at attraction again.

Eddie and his lady are tolerable. The action does again seem to involve very shallow water, but that won't ever stop Mitch. The comedy plot is the Gina and Craig one but that actually works as it balances comedy and pathos pretty well.

All this plus some Newmie sightings. And a guest appearance from William Fichtner. 46 mins spent well enough all in all.
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Baywatch: The Cretin of the Shallows (1989)
Season 1, Episode 9
Baywatch nights
21 February 2024
Three plots this time: murder mystery when a mysterious man in make up runs around the beach at night hitting some people killing others.

Eddie has his wisdom teeth out. And can't get Gina out of his mind.

Shauni has an admirer. Who won't go away.

This starts well with some night time stuff that tries to be atmospheric. But swiftly turns into a bit of a mess. The Eddie plotline tries to suggest certain things but can't quite pull it off.

The Shauni plotline is forgotten about for a bit then they manage to finish it off. Or so you think.

Some things happen offscreen in the murder one. Some things have to be explained in due course. This all ends with an action scene where you wonder why people are doing what they do.

During all this Mitch hangs around with a look why didn't I get a storyline this week? On his face.

This really needed a few more drafts of the script.

Still, Gina and Trevor are around. Hobie is the only one missing. Newmie gets his first bit of dialogue since the pilot episode. And Eddie gets punched twice and more pain follows. The latter two sentences show that you can find something worthwhile in this one.
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Baywatch: The Sky Is Falling (1989)
Season 1, Episode 5
Don't take my Hobie away
14 February 2024
This time around: Two hapless robbers try to recover their stolen money after their plane crashes in the sea.

Captain Thorpe has a mid life crisis.

Gail wants to take Hobie to Ohio with her. But might she and Mitch be getting back together? That's what they've led Hobie to think.

The Buchannon stuff ends up being the main plot, when you initially think it will be the robbers. This is actually not bad as far as genuine solid drama goes. The three leads do try hard and elicit some decent emotion as a result.

But as oft what does slightly spoil this is changing tones. It doesn't handle them too well. The robbers work by virtue of being hapless not humorous. The Captain Thorpe stuff is played too much for laughs though, and gets very annoying when he's annoying Shauni and Eddie. Plus it really can't balance drama and humour in a montage and drama moment in the final third.

But all in all, has some good bits. So not bad.

Very little Jill. Again No Gina. No Trevor either.
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Baywatch: Message in a Bottle (1989)
Season 1, Episode 4
Hobie's away day
13 February 2024
Hobie hears his parents squabble. Decides to go off with two friends on a boat. They find an island of pirates. Literally.

Eddie and Shauni have to whine together. I mean work together.

First plotline does manage some very decent character drama. It does have a couple of things involving the pirates that are a bit too dark and leave a slightly disturbing taste which is out of kilter with the show. It also does go a bit too far with it's action scene climax. But it's good as plotlines go.

Eddie and Shauni though wimps out because they should both have an epiphany due to something that happens. But the episode never gets back to it. Still, another one that's not bad in many ways. First to not fit everyone in though, with no Trevor Gina or the Captain.
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Baywatch: Second Wave (1989)
Season 1, Episode 3
From out of the past
13 February 2024
Three plotlines this time; Eddie bumps into someone from his past. Who he doesn't want to see again. This person is dangerous.

Two; Mitch has an upcoming test. He's stressed out about it.

Three: Trevor dates the boss's daughter. Which leads to him learning a lesson.

Eddie once again thinks if he tells nobody anything a problem will go away. And again he gets no sympathy as a character from me. This goes to a set piece resolution and as a plotline is ok.

The Mitch one does have quite a good pay off. Which may make you smile.

The Trevor one is really good. Solid drama that you can learn from. You do want him to say 'see Jill? That's what it's like to get a storyline.'

So not bad at all. If Eddie wasn't so annoying, would be even better.
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Baywatch: Heat Wave (1989)
Season 1, Episode 2
Down the drain
13 February 2024
The first of many old buddies of Mitch's come to visit. He has a secret. And a son. Who makes friends with another kid which leads to the two of them getting trapped and in danger. It's a race against time.

Meantime in the b story Craig has to stop dithering and choose between Lawyer and lifeguard.

Not bad, because the main plot does actually manage some good jeopardy. The Craig one is okay and has a reasonable resolution.

Jill still needs a bit more character. But this is decent enough watching. Just grin and bear it when they try a montage with kids searching where they shouldn't. It's not as funny as it thinks.
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Baywatch: In Deep (1989)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hobie's dilemma
13 February 2024
First regular episode of the show brings three main things.

Plot one: Hobie thinks two guys who spend a lot of time on jet skis are way cooler than doing school things and chores. But when they go too far, will he tell on them to his dad?

Plot two; Eddie won't admit it. But he needs a place to stay. Will Craig come to rescue?

Plot three: Jill and Trevor. He's brash. She hates him for it. It must be the start of something...

Plot one gets the most time and works fine. It it only slightly spoiled by an action scene that lacks much drama or tension.

Plot two sorts itself out fine. But Eddie is so whiny! I really don't care about him.

Plot three is just one scene. It's predictable but not terrible.

David Hasselhoff does get to grips with the domestic stuff better than in the pilot though. A solid watch all in all.
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Baywatch begins
13 February 2024
The feature length pilot episode of Baywatch. Which I never watched back in the day but have now gotten into.

As a pilot episode, this is pretty solid stuff. It has a good budget as the show was with a network then. It has nice scenery and pretty good music. And it sets up all it needs to.

David Hasselhoff does seem a little awkward when trying to do domestic stuff for Mitch here. He gets into it as the show goes on.

We meet rookies Eddie and Shauni. This doesn't try to push them together from the off, but they are both equally whiny so not the most appealing.

It mostly centres on a lifeguard who might be past his prime. Whose name you will have forgotten by the end. But this storyline does end with a decent set piece.

Main one is lawyer/lifeguard Craig picking up a stalker. This is solid drama and does get a bit dark. Though could do with more resolution.

Then there's Jill and Trevor Cole. Who she can't stand from the off. It must be love. That seems to be the plan. Jill Mitch and Craig have a good dymanic as colleagues and that really works.

It's nice to watch tv that is self contained and done in one storyline wise in these days when the world has moved on from it. This is slight but good escapism, so if you want that it's a fun time.
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Baywatch: The Drowning Pool (1989)
Season 1, Episode 6
Detective Jill
8 February 2024
Two episodes back, Trevor actually got a storyline.

Now it's Jill's turn!

A man drowns near her Tower. She might have been at fault. But could it be....murder? Mitch of course doesn't believe her. Jill though is on the case. Getting some romance at the same time...

Meantime a would be lifeguard starts to impersonate one.

The first storyline isn't bad. It shows us Jill's morning routine at the beach but she still could do with a bit more actual character. Although the actress does fine with what she gets. Supporting characters will obviously not return so you can't get invested in them. And an action sequence is a bit illogical and one line of dialogue isn't clear. Even so, this half is alright.

The would be lifeguard plot though...played by would be goofball Jeff Altman, who would do the same with other characters on more episodes, it would work if it was serious because he obviously has a problem. But it tries to play it for laughs. It's horribly unfunny as a result.

Get through that you and stick with Jill actually getting things to do, and this one ain't so bad.
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Star Trek: Discovery: ...But to Connect (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
A little less conversation
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's a big debate about whether to try and communicate with those who made the anomaly.

Or just blow the whole thing up.

There's another debate about what to do with the new sentient Ai on the Discovery, since it's not being entirely cooperative.

Not terrible, but we've been through all these moral dilemmas before many times in other episodes. So it all feels a bit pointless. Gray and Aidra are in it again just because. Whereas the Bridge Crew are once again off doing whatever and hoping they might get some screen time next week. Maybe.

At least David Cronenburg does once again. He is always worth it. Nice to have a succinct character with certainties who doesn't dither.

Slightly unnecessary dropping of the F bomb at the end as one character does what the plot requires of them.

Ho hum.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Stormy Weather (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
Into the unknown
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Discovery goes to have a look at the anomaly. And runs into problems.

I was losing hope with this season, but this was so much better. It's not a bad episode. It's proper Star Trek. As they get into a situation and have to think their way out of it. Watching smart people thinking is always engaging, and that's what you get here.

The bridge crew some things to do! Look at the montage of them being called to the bridge early on and you can imagine them thinking of 'we're in this one?'. Owosekun actually gets a little moment of character also. Like her one about free diving in season three, you just want more of this. You want to know more about these characters.

But even so, this has solid plot and pace. Decent jeopardy. And subplots about certain characters and their feelings don't get in the way too much. Not a bad watch.
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