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John Wick (2014)
Great action, no holds, no PG13
17 January 2015
Others can go in-depth if they feel the need, but as it is the movie ticks all the right boxes for this sort of film.

Yes story if comic book/80s style, and its executed in full force, no silly fast cuts or shadows hiding action, you get a fast moving visceral action film, no brains needed.

The cast is great, many stereotypes but all played well, also nice to see Keanu is still able to pull off some old moves and a few new ones, got to say the gun fights and fist fights are some of the best I have seen since The Raid.

If you want a real gritty/over the top/assassin/revenge/high body count/R rated/well shot and paced film....well this is it, give it a go.

Oh and this is maybe the best acting from keanu reeves I have seen, odd I know but there are more sombre moments and he nails it.
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Salem (2014–2017)
Good, and yet it seems some sleepy hollow fan boys don't like it
22 April 2014
OK giving it a 7/10, very early days yet but seems good, yes there is better out there, but there is also far worse stuff.

Looking at the scores it seems a good number gave it 1/10, thats not possible for a show that is a bit different and has what looks like a good production budget.

It is all by the numbers so far, but its worth following, it also has the chance (if done right) of becoming bigger and better than say....sleepy hollow

The 1/10 normally falls to those who want just anything to flop or because they are fans of another show that touches upon that sort of thing, sleepy hollow springs to mind.

Some just hate anything they see as a thunder stealer or competition.
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Alan Wake (2010 Video Game)
One of the best...its that simple
4 January 2014
OK its not a gun fest, no mutants or screens covered with body parts....but it does not need it. It looks great (not bad now even today 2014) the acting parts are well done and the cut scenes are A+, there are no corners cut, they cover all the bases.

Sound FX and music are again A+, there is no driving score all the way, but they add what they need to just to keep it spooky and at times fun.

Story, well thats the big thing, all talking about its like this film/book/movie, and TBH there are a few that are close but there is more than enough differences to make it original.

I would say mix In The Mouth Of Madness (film) Twin Peaks (tv show) Shinning (book) =amazing story that draws you in, you do feel like you are part of the story....almost like you are reading it.

It has action but for likes of Resident Evil fans, they might find it lacking, but for me it was just right.

I really hope they do more like this, but seeing as how long this one took to get finished and final come out.....well I will not hold my breath....but there is DLC for it, which is next on my list of to do's.
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Great film, a must see.
1 January 2014
Not a long drawn out thing, I will leave that to others to go over every detail. The story moves at a great pace and yet spends enough time with the men to draw you and make you really feel for them. The acting is good, very good in parts, and for the most part feels as though the actors are really going through what those poor guys did (portraying that it) The gun fights are very good, again you get the feeling of been there with them and having the fear of danger. Stunt work is a standout point, some by actors (more than normal) but those brave stunt people really earned their paychecks. The location for filming is spot on, there is very little green screen, and again it helps you feel like you are there. My only dis of the film is the last 30mins, it starts to slip from a real feel to a normal action film, but its not enough to hurt the score of this film.
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Riddick (2013)
Great to see him back
6 September 2013
OK big fan of the 1st one, and I do like the 2nd one (directors cut though) and I can also see why some did not like the 2nd, it has some issues but the main one was the ALIEN 3 problem, that been after Aliens and all its army and guns, ALIEN 3 was no guns no army......people wanted more of the same, which in this case its funny to see that a 3rd Riddick film which gives people Riddick vs monsters is getting "its a rehash" Not sure what people want from a film like this, its pure comic book action, and I loved it, but you have to see what they were playing with, less than half the budget of the 2nd film and half as long to shoot, this is a labour of love for the Director and Vin, by today's PG13 Hollywood standards its a miracle it was made as a R/15, as for the film itself they seemed to make good use of the low budget, some very nice setups and yes in parts the low budget shows but as a whole its good, and that about sums up the film...GOOD, I rate it higher than most of Joe public but I am a fan and get more of a kick out of it, and going by the others in the cinema the feeling was "a good action film" while fans came out "great, been waiting ages for this, now give us a 4th, finish the story" I will go see it again and look forward to the BluRay
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Some ups and downs but a MUST see
15 July 2013
Too many long winded reviews, and too many trolls, so to put it in a simple way. Acting 6.5/10 Story 7/10 Script 6.5/10 Action 9/10 CGI 9.5/10 Sets 9/10 Entertainment 8/10. If it helps the Mrs was really not wanting to see this (she did not like Man Of Steel) but when we left Pacific Rim she said she enjoyed it and would tell friends to see it. It is a big screen film, the bigger the screen the better, and the 3D seemed good on the whole. Its not perfect but a MUST see movie, doing well with fans and even those been dragged along to see it like my wife. Will win no acting Oscars but it does what it needs to, and that's entertain on a massive scale.

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Defiance (2013–2015)
Its all there, so why does it suck?
6 June 2013
Its a shame, I hate it when people dis shows so early on when there was a chance.....but it seems this one needs to either change BIG time or just quit it. The start was fine, first 30/40mins and I was "oh now this could be a good show" problem is that started to drift away and its not stopped drifting. The actors are all fine, good names in there and the sets are good, as is the cgi, all tick the boxes and yet I really don't care about any of them or what they are doing, the story is doing nothing thats not been done before in some form and there is no "omg" or "what will happen next week, I must tune in" I do hope there is a big turn around but come E10 if its more of this then I will not be bothered about saying goodbye to it, which like I said is a shame, TV really needs some goods scfi right now....fingers crossed.
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Maniac (2012)
Good but
29 April 2013
OK the good part. Looks good well shot, music is just right, acting is either very good or OK, story is not bad, moves at a good enough speed. The problem I have is the time set, it should have been the 80s, this is because what he does and gets away with would not happen, some of the stuff is just too open, we are led to believe that there are no people around or any security cameras, oh and lack of mobile phones. I know its a movie but it drags me out when I see things that really make you think "oh come on" that's why it would fit better if it was the 80s, no such, a lot less cameras. All in all its good, a break from the normal big budget movie.
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Fun yes, but not what it should have been.
27 April 2013
Hmmmm, not over happy with it. CGI is good but looks more like a film from a few year ago. Story is so so, its kind of meh! and the twists were OK apart from main one, that one made me laugh for a second or two the think WTF have they done. Acting is good, its more of what we have seen really. Humor is hit and miss, some very funny bits and some that miss the spot. 3D, its OK, nothing that makes you grip the seat. The main issue I have with it is that I don't think they sat down and watched past Iron Man stuff, because in this film the suits seem to be made of tin lol when you watch it you will see what I mean, the guy went toe to toe with Thor and yet....oh wait and see. There are lots of silly errors, most films have them but they spoil it when they standout so much (big cuts that the paramedics seem happy to leave untreated, and nor does the character seem to care) might seem silly to point them out but on such a big film there should be nothing that pulls you out of the film and make you think eg "why does she" As it is the film is good but it is easy to score it lower than the first 2, although 2 was not a patch on the 1st one either. Worth seeing but but I hope they get another director/better story next time. 7/10
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Red Dawn (2012)
Please re-read scripts before you sign on
20 February 2013
Its not often I am moved to write a bad review but the film is just......rather poor. Would think it got the budget and green light because of Chris H, if it had not been for that I would say straight to DVD movie (did so in most countries) The 80s one at the time was a school boy/teen fav, but even when I was younger it was questioned (don't think its possible....but) and yet this was the time of Rambo and Commando, this sort of movie was the norm. For the film to be remade and set in a time where they can track one man from space, they somehow don't see a shed load of troops popping over to the states. Even if we take it as a movie, just silly action, it does not hold up for me, and when I start looking at my watch its not a good sign. The 80s one is worth seeing, silly 80s action flick, but fun, and the 2012 version is just stupid. Best thing they could have done is drop the guys in, hold the town all hush hush like, make a base without the rest of the world knowing, a sort of first step to bigger plans.......and set it over 24/48hrs, still silly but makes it a bit more (could happen)
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Gore action and funny as hell
11 January 2013
Not often one of these films turn up and they normally get overlooked as its a bit of all sorts. Straight away I would say this film fits movie fans (lots of in jokes to how movies normally pan out) or to those who like a sort of....dare I say it Quentin Tarantino style movie. Its not PC, it does not hold back anything, they seem to have freedom on what went into the film and it stayed on the big screen, I mean normally they would tone it down a little with soooo many big names in a film. It does feel like a film the actors wanted to be in for the right reasons, and this seems more apparent by the budget of just $15mil, which to me is amazing seeing who is in it. The story can be brutal at times and then very funny a moment later, and all acted out brilliantly by the cast. Script/story wise I was impressed at how neat it was, the main story and the chats between the characters is both interesting/funny and at times touching. The film also falls into a strange scoring zone for me, I give it a 9 but its not a film I would buy, the reason been you get what you need from it on one showing maybe two or three tops, and though that sounds bad its not, its just I got all I needed from it and really enjoyed it. I would say go see it or rent it when it comes out, it really is a film worth seeing at least once in ya life should you be into these kind of films.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Love it hate it.....I loved it
7 January 2013
OK its not perfect (few are) but its a great film. I am not going to write page after page as others have, I will just say it looks great, nice cast, story grips you for the most part of the film (the future future part is maybe a little weaker) oh and its a long film, but never really feels like a drag. It has laughs and action, i am also shocked that its just a 15 for UK, I would have said its more like a 18 due to some stuff in it. It will split everyone, you will either come out not understanding it or able to follow it, its not for everyone, but at the same time you might come out of it hugging your partner and wanting to change the way you live lol Be your own judge and go see it. 9/10
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A much higher class of straight to DVD
26 October 2012
OK this is a very odd film. It does not feel right, its hard to explain but on this film Hyams has nailed it (with help) the direction/editing/cinematography/music....its all too good for this type of film. Not long in to the film I was shocked at how good it all looked from a film structure point, its not a Alien or Godfarther standard but its far above straight to DVD movies, its far better than most big screen films. The only thing that reminds you that this is a small screen film is the cast and their acting ability's (Scott does a good job where he can), but then again if you rented this film you would not be expecting any Oscars, but when it comes to the action side they do a very good job, its very upfront and bloody. The film sits around the 7/10 area, most of these films would normally hit a 5/10 but this one picks up points for the effort that has gone in to making something more than a cheap straight to DVD film. I hope that the same guys who put this together get a bigger film with a upgrade in actors, if they can make a film that looks this good with a low budget I would like to see what happens with a few more million thrown in.
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Good low budget Brit flick
30 August 2012
OK if you want a mega budget action film, big names, big affects....well then this is not for you. Its always hard to rate a low budget film as most have a bigger version out there (not always better mind) its hard to see past the poor locals or affects, long story short they look cheap. So we have Hit-man who relives his life, flash backs and the like, all that he has done told through his eyes. Acting wise Luke Goss is good, cold and cool, and the other cast.....well a few are good and a few bad (it tends to be accents that let actors down) The action is good at times, again the low budget keeps it to mainly gun/hand fights, both of which are not bad, its not flashy but it feels a little bit more real to life. The story is what it is, been there seen that, but it moves along well. The look of the film is lower budget.....but at times it looks very well shot. One thing that stood out for me was the soundtrack, simple and at times haunting, much better than most films of this type. I know I keep saying budget budget budget, but its what you have to think of when you look at these films, for me this is a good solid film for the budget, it makes me wonder just what Perry Bhandal(director, first film) could do if he was to get a bigger....OK last time BUDGET. I hope some studio has faith in Perry Bhandal and gives him more room to create.
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How would you rate TDK vs TDKR if Heath had lived
19 July 2012
Seen it and have my own views on the film but more keen to see why so many rate TDK over this one. For me TDK has one small issue and then very big issue. The small one was the actress change....not a good choice. The big issue was TwoFace, the film was great up to when I saw the FX for his face, it was way OTT, it should have been more in keeping with the real would (bad burns) Anyway the main thought is how would TDK rate if Heath had not died, I mean it pulled more press news and sad to say the awards given to him would have been fewer (Would have won some just not as many) I feel he did an amazing job but because he died you would never be able to top it because of people having extra feelings about the film that otherwise would not be there had he lived. I love The Crow, I went to see it 12 times and as much as I like it I know it would have not made the money or had the impact it did if Brandon had lived (film grabbed me because it was close to his life, due to marry in film and due to marry in real life at time of his death) its a sorry truth but a real death of a star helps sell the movie (also in music i.e. Whitney Houston) So if you could somehow overlook the sad passing of Heath and rate TDK against TDKR would you still put it above? for me TDKR although not perfect is a more solid film with less gripes about it.
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Too much change is not always a good thing
17 June 2012
Loved the 1st one, low budget and yes a few ott accents but a good idea and all round great horror flick. I was counting the days for the 2nd one, shooting was on and off and I kind of gave up on its coming out, and now having seen it I wish they had ran this past a few fans as I am sure they would have said NOOOOOOOOO! THE GOOD Starts well, setup is OK. Gets in to action faster than the 1st. More money spent on it. Music is fine. Script for the most part is fine.

THE BAD Those not so good accents are back. Too bright, the first used darkness and shadows very well. Woman lead, I know i know, but she just does not work for me. The film seems to stray from what made the 1st so good, for me the Nazis were need to rush they cannot be killed, and they also popped out of shadows, there one second then gone, but in this its more like 28 days later Nazis. The lead Nazi is dif actor (not want to do or dead?) the guy in 1st was a spooky mofo, I was not happy to see him missing. Addig more new elements does not always make a better film, the crazy Nazi was just lame, and close to the end there is the main twist...if you can call it that, well it made me laugh, in a horror movie thats not a good sign, don't want to spoil it but the force was strong in that Jedi master....once you see it you will get it.

I wish they looked at what people liked in the 1st and upped it, got a strong 2nd film out, made their money, then think about where to take it once they have a good budget, maybe bigger names (yes bigger names is not always a good thing) This falls in to my list of such a shame movies, could have been great and should have been.
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Nice to see Mel in a great film
11 May 2012
Will make this short........GREAT MOVIE. I am glad that we got Mel back doing what he does best. He has always been good but of late he has picked some very poor movies to be in, add to this the whole bad press and its not looked like we would ever have him back on form. Don't know how it will do money wise but I hope its a solid hit as it should be, it ticks all the right boxes, action, well written, fun at times, great setting, and yes the last 20mins might be a bit "no way" but it does not take anything away from the film. I hope this puts him back up there and we see this character again one day soon....if it is the so called link to Payback guy.

Not often I rate movies so high these days.
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Does what it says on the tin
6 April 2012
Just seen it and its just what you would think this sort of movie would be like. Its not going to blow you away with its script or acting but I would never go into this kind of filming thinking that, what it does is grab you and pull you along on a good old action fantasy film. Better than the first film in both scope/effects/and wow factor. The story is all it needs to be, good vs bad blah blah. Looks wise the film is very good, its all done very well and no real "oh dear did they run out of money" moments, in fact I am a bit shocked at how much they put in, I mean normally its action/talk/action/talk....big end fight, but this time once the film gets going the action is almost none stop and if not wowing you with action then is giving you great spectacle of the underworld and the beautiful landscapes they travel along. I think if you take it for what it is this is a very good movie, it gives you action and entertainment by the bucket load. I gave it 9 out of 10, high for me but I score a film on what it has achieved, it does not set out to try and be something its not, its just a simple straight in there action fantasy film.........and a bloody good one at that. Oh one thing I did not like....the music is great but there is one fight where you can hear some electric guitar ahem! not really fitting.
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Better than the first film
2 January 2010
OK short and sweet. The movie was never going to get the money it needed and it was always going to be made in Europe, that's just how it is now for JCVD and how to save money. Now having just seen the movie it started how I thought it would, the almost TV show look of it, and the cheap opening credits, and yet after a few mins the action kicks in and the stunts are of a high standard. Yes the story is not so great but again with the money they it's not bad. Yes Mr JCVD looks tired, his personal life with drugs has caught up to him but still at his age he is in good shape and well if I am in his shape at his age I will be happy. Acting wise, well it was never going to happen, it's very plain and really it was never going to be anything other than that. Now after all this why did I give it 8 out of 10? Well for one reason, the action, you see it is full on, well thought out, amazing to watch, feels fresh in areas, and for me it is one film that stands out. The fighting is different from the past US, that film is more like a dance class, spins turns and so on, but this one is brutal, you can see the UFC having a part in the style with many locks and ground work been shown off in the film. I could also mention the filming is well looked after by John Hyams, but I do have a feeling the fact Peter Hyams was the cinematographer for the film really helped him. All in all it would have been nice with a bit more money spent on this film and maybe a few named actors as I do think this would have been a good chance at showing movie goers Mr JCVD can still make a good no brainer action movie, and I mean that in the best way as it's been a long time since I saw fight scenes this good.
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Smallville: Doomsday (2009)
Season 8, Episode 22
Building up to nothing
17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Total waste, yes I like the show and hearing about Doomsday been in the series got a smile on my face and like all we had to wait and wait with just small bits now and then of him in action......this was indeed building up to what I thought would be a hell of an ending to the series and yet what we got was nothing, yeah some other stuff happened but this so called unstoppable beast was put to rest faster than most of the other villains and I was shocked, yeah its a TV show and there is a budget but for an end to a series and the whole build up of "oh no Clark will be killed" well I am happy I just like the show and that I am not a huge fan because if I was I would be SO pi$$ed off.
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Star Trek (2009)
Looks good, but thats about it, shame really.
13 May 2009
Well just seen it and thats kind of a sign right there, I waited for few days so it did not send out message of must see and NOW, and well I think now that I have seen it I think my sixth sense must have been working as for me its a 6 out of 10, just too many things that made me try and defend it for been different but really it left me thinking "oh don't do that please don't do......oh crap they did"

THE GOOD It looks nice and starts well, lots of big bangs and all moving along at speed. CGI is top notch. Script is not bad in parts.

THE BAD Weak story, not another time travel thing No!and the bad not all that bad really,how many stories were turned down for this one to win? loll Actors in this are hit and miss, they all try their best and I think thats the problem its just people trying and not acting, none of them hold the screen well and the added humour just goes OTT in places, yes there was some in the like of Trek 4 but this new film really lays it on thick in parts.

I did hope it would be good, the trailer looked good and I did think back then that it be nice to get few more films, but after seeing it I feel its just a "hey whats the new Trek film like?"...."It looks good"....."Cool, but what else?"....."It looks good" And thats all I got from it, nice way to kill time (no pun)few bangs and bit of action and few laughs but its all forgotten once I left the cinema, and sorry to say what I did remember was 2 trailers that look much better than Trek Transformers 2 and T4.
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Red Dwarf: Back to Earth (Part One) (2009)
Season 9, Episode 1
Some don't like change.....I loved it
15 April 2009
Great stuff!!!! Now this was always going to be a love it hate it and people don't like change, and yes it was missing details and fill in's from when we last saw the crew but face it when getting the green light you pitch a show that will fill 3 half hour shows/will not be so far up a fans backside that only they will understand/fill it with past events and run out of time for a new story/be fresh and funny, and then once they can do this money changes hands and they get their shot at what is really a pitch at another series, yes money from making it but more so with DVD sales in mind but if it gets the numbers then they will get another series and thats the big money for the guys. For the people who hate it well it comes down to would you rather they never do anything ever again? or get a shot at getting a series? because if you want them back on TV everyone must get behind the show and sales of DVD which will prob be out soon, its only then will the show be made, not saying like it just because of can still not be keen but its only way to get them back as its been so long and this was testing the market and to be honest I loved it, its grown and though the jokes were thin on the ground in places it had some gems and the acting was up a few grades and the effects, I also loved the very nice setups from the all time great BladeRunner, and the guys though with a few more wrinkles were as they have always been and seem to love playing the parts once again and I hope they get the chance to do so again but I do think that they could do with some new talent for stories should they ever get a new series, until then I do think the boys done good with Back To Earth.
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Red Dwarf: Back to Earth (Part One) (2009)
Season 9, Episode 1
Off to a good start
10 April 2009
Well 1st one is down and was it good?........well I have liked the show from the start, not a big t-shirt wearing fan lol but enough to catch each show and so when I heard about this and fact it's been so long and the film that never happened....well I did not hold much hope and felt that this was going to be cheap and unfunny and done for die hard fans who will swear no matter how bad it was that it was funny.......but this is not the case, what they have done is taken a risk and spent more money on it than I ever thought they would, it's not ILM effects but it's very good for a show of its kind, and though the effects have changed its to see the guys have not, they seem to be back into their roles as though they had only been away for a few weeks from our screens, yes more wrinkles here and there but they all hit their lines of a script hats just as good as past ones, yes it's only been one show but if this is signs of things to come then all should be good......but one odd thing is no studio laughter, I don't need a hint to tell me it's funny and where to laugh but just feels odd after all these years.
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Outpost (2008)
Best film of its kind in years
25 March 2009
Well I watched this last year and liked it but after watching it again I must say that this stands head and shoulders above most of the horror films made in the last 10+ years, and like so many films that get the "would have been good if they had a big budget" this proves that statement wrong and shows that even with a small budget you can turn out a stunning film but you need a few things to come together. Filming=top notch, the speed is just right by not hanging on shots too long and I think myself that this film shows that the so called horror of now which is.....quite.......RARRRRR!.....shock style is just unimaginative, anyone can do that but in this film we see a return of showing you the horror and the build up and if you want a film close to the style then John Carpenters The Fog is shot the same way and I think this film lends a few shots from that film which is no bad thing, and I for one cannot wait for the next film and hope they keep the same crew together (well actors would be......well don't want to spoil that part) Story=comic book stuff really but with enough detail making it stand out from most other films and even touching upon the strange things that were tried during WW2. Acting=yes it is an almost comic book/video game mish mash of guys from all over with thick accents, this is fine in this film because of the acting which is not over played and a tight script with more control on character rather than having guys say f%$k every other sentence just because it filled in the scripts. Setting=yes it's simple and though you can tell its shot in a field with all the below shots been studio they make the most of that field with some great shots at night very well filmed. Lighting=which an outdoor and small indoor sets it's not easy getting the most from it but they did a good job, the searching in the dark and the failing lights work well and the ghostly figures back lit with white light works very well. Production=this is where cheap films normally have a problem in that it looks thrown together and cheap, sets not convincing and props but not here, as it all looks as it should and I don't see how extra money would have change it for the better, they really nail it with detail and everything looking like it works and has reason to be there, and everyone in the film is dressed accordingly and looking the part. Effects=all as it should be, the fire fights and squibs all look great and some very good makeup effects. Great brit flick and hope they nail the next film.
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Bit dark, editing to fast but a good action film....go see it
18 January 2008
Well no point going over what many have said but with these films you will never please all the fans and everyday Joe. These films will never get the chance to be made how they should be because FOX is to scared to pay up a large amount of cash on a 18 cert film that runs along time and costs them loads, they are just not willing to take the risk so what we get is a toned down version that never has the chance to build up and set a story because its run time will never be fit it in, FOX want people in and out popcorn films, a UK 15 cert means more bums on seats and yes I know even if they have a 18 cert it does not mean they be better but it does mean such things as over fast editing and holding back would be at a min, the next thing needed is cash as putting everything in the dark to help cover cheaper suits or cgi is not great, and length is needed to build up the story and show you more, the film is what it is, a hack and slash with Aliens and Predators, it does what it set out to do and with the money given they have made a good action film, the only real thing that holds this film back is to dark and editing is to fast, had they been able to spend more on the fights where they could show more rather than a flash and a punch and a rip and a quick flash then that would of helped, also showing more from the Predators home world and more from its point of view, yeah another risk FOX will never take, and so to end take into mind the money they had, the pressure from FOX as these guys are no big names in Hollywood so what FOX says goes, and the age cert and how long the film must run and what you have is as good as you will get and this will not change until the above points are changed, for me go see this film as its just good comic book scfi that is not scared to kill people most films would not which I for one loved :-)
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