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Ghost Whisperer: Pater Familias (2008)
Season 3, Episode 18
just, makes no sense...
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Gordon, her whole id was/is this. So, not a Gordon, yet keeps the name ??? This would make me want to at the very least change name, to, well even Clancy, her husbands name, as he has stood by her, believed in and of her...

So, then, the brother, ummm, well, if, huge if now on this, is Gordon even his father ? And well, as not Melinda s father, not her brother. Though none of this is addressed, but maybe explains why he vanished.

The whole of her mother not telling her about her father, her real father, as growing up she did NOT have one, no matter how much some will try and say she did. Never explained this either, and well her mom also seems to vanish, never meeting her grandson ???

Yes, i still enjoy the show, even with all this and more not adding up. Rating this, would put the show over all at a 9, the whole 5 seasons. If rem, with another glaring off in another season, will add why there. This episode, 8.
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Charmed: Happily Ever After (2002)
Season 5, Episode 3
someone has plot hole, but ...
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In charmed again both grams and their mom were talking to piper and phoebe about having a "baby" sister, and all that needed to happen was for the 3 of them to get together and be charmed again.

When they meet and are charmed again and all that happens before she chooses sides and well the 3 sister connect as paige decides to be charmed with her new sisters.

At pipers club, paige comes over joking about free drinks as she does not drink, piper and phoebe exchange looks, then have paige come with them. Find the 3 in the attic in next scene and summon their mom, and only their mom, and mom meets grown paige.

So no plot hole, as grams was not summoned at this time.

Over 3yrs later ...
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Ally McBeal: Being There (1998)
Season 1, Episode 21
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So many saying she, rene, should have been found guilty, so another words, going backwards. Typing this re the backwards means NO no matter where/when saying NO, means nothing. THAT IS JUST GRRRARG! SO RAPING SOMEONE IS NO LONGER SOMETHING TO BE PUNISHED OR ATTEMPTED RAPE IS ALSO FINE AND DEFENDING ONE SELF WILL NOW MEAN THE ONE DEFENDING WILL BE PUNISHED!

Yes it is not right to mix things up, but NO, STOP, LEAVE ... IS NO LONGER MEANING NO, STOP, LEAVE, so attempted rape and rape is ok ??? So mixed means a person is allowed to attempt rape or raping you is fine ???

So, she could/should(??) have had a punishment, like community service, but this guy hit her and demanded she never hit him while being really "hands on"( shown as a show with no real going for rape) her body and taking what she has said NO, STOP, LEAVE... and he gets nothing done to him for attempting to rape her ???
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Ally McBeal: Happy Birthday, Baby (1998)
Season 1, Episode 19
really like this show
1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having a "best friend" like Rene... cutting in to "upstage", right, not. And saying, "even if i were, i would never..." ya right, she already did.... so now have to fill... what do you put when you dont really have anything else to type ? So you put words that really mean nothing just because they have not put a 600 word "requirement" which really makes no sense as at times you have nothing else to put top with there are 2 other reviews that are no where near 600 characters used but now no choice and still have 80 more to go... so who else loves the humor, some really good, some just ok ? ....
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like show, just now for...
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest, well like one other show did, maybe more. MAJOR SPOILERS SO DO NOT READ IF DO NOT WANT TO KNOW....

Showed as a nov 7th, and JIM dies in this one. Then "jumps" into another body some epis later. To then "forget" for several epis who he was/is. Then "suddenly remembers", we find out Melinda is pregnant, top with it is suppose to be JIMS ?

Ok this all would be good and fine as a wonderful thing for when Jim was alive in his own body, but then they go and put this into an unreasonable time for pregnancy. Conception right on the day of nov 7 would be latest, end of aug, but nope, have the b day as end of sept, so who is the father of this baby? Cant be sam s unless she somehow without him knowing, so who is the father...
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Ghost Whisperer: Weight of What Was (2007)
Season 3, Episode 5
yrs later, though do/still love this show...
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Major spoilers for those who may be watching and reading these before or as watching, so read if want but be warned... we learn/know melinda s dad is NOT gordon, so no possible brother, as mom did not have another child and we know her real dad never cheated and fathered any other child. Personally, dont think this pretend dad ever had a child or at least one that had "gifts" as he did not have any, and listening to, seems "brothers" mom did not have "gift" so... explains more about the way this so called vanishing brother, as no mention after this season, is gordon looked for ones like melindas mom and well melinda herself including "brother".

At least this pretend dad had a, well ending, though do wish melinda changed her name to her husbands, though to the one story line of him killed then "reborn" but still same name after all the nonsense, or well some was cute but still... to still keep the gordon... There has been a few other things but this one with the "bro, and pretend dad" well major what ??? And huh??? Still love this show and will watch again, and will point out another glaring what and huh when watch again, prob soon as kind of binging.
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Criminal Minds: In Name and Blood (2007)
Season 3, Episode 2
6 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really hate the "new director" as she is an ... then top with, hotches wife, as this epi really makes me dislike her too.

She knew who she married and his job and was ok with it before, but now ?!?

It is hinted at that she is the one unfaithful, the phone call(s), to start fighting with her husband because of his job to hide this, then telling him to "kiss good bye his son", really ?!?

The b director, the unfaithful b wife... ok we know whats his name just didnt turn up for work, must be nice to just not show and still... but anyway, his character was ok for what was, and well, went with as show was still not bad, and the new ones coming and going... though have not watched since it ended, as heard few things re... this epi, well not bad, just, repeating, some, the 2 characters, one hated right from start the other, well not bad acting to make ya hate who they are playing.
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Pretty Little Liars: It's Alive (2011)
Season 2, Episode 1
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Again like the show despite the many way off and or way out there things.

This epi, this therapist is as blind as everyone else. See them stiffen and look at each with fear in eyes when phones go off, lucky timer goes off too, then ready to talk, then one sees something, lets others know and couple others see, all stiffen, the something that was taken out of apartment, there, and of course bit of fear can been seen, (ok yes really seen as well actresses) but in real life... then top with said therapist telling parents to separate them, and parents blind to the fear in and disbelief in eyes... and well with with this kind of friendship and closeness, separating them would not be what is done... but anyway, the blindness is not a blind person.
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Pretty Little Liars: For Whom the Bell Tolls (2011)
Season 1, Episode 22
so much, yet still ...
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, not much can really add as like this show despite the many many things that do not really add up even from one epi to the next, as well, it, using this word again, adds up to what makes the title mean something more than the show itself.

The ending of this epi is, well 4 girls come out, cop asks if joke and what as, come with me, no body, which of course we saw as viewers saw a body, but gone, their faces say it all with confused looks and what do you mean gone and then said girls come out of church with dazed and again, more confused looks while a crowd is gathered including one of the girls parents, all 4 stop and answer their phones with looks of fear on faces, and you know some should have heard all 4 say the last bit, as said fear still on faces, while looking at each other and kind of a bit around, and you know some others should have seen this action with said phones before... but all "blind" to this... ok, really off police, though that is sadly kind of real in real world, but then we know the cop that appears to "help" but well part of title of show. In the following yrs of, more the same of that fits with title or least some of the words... yes, weird that like but do.
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Pretty Little Liars: Out Damned Spot (2015)
Season 5, Episode 19
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This epi, so glad the A hole character of wjat is Hanna s dad, know he was from the start as he really never cared about his own daughter, the bits of so called attention to her were just ugg, as his new and well only daughter showed her true colors, and major caught, yet he not once ever said sorry to Hanna, his actual daughter, as he really didnt believe his new daughter was ever that bad, his own mom saw the truth. The schools, real good ones according to and his daughter gets in to 3, they look at his income and expect him to pay for his child, as divorce and agreement between parents is nothing to schools, but no, a child not his he pays for, though what about her father, well guess that dont matter, just the biggest A yup using, A hole and glad he no longer bothers to show face ...
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Charlie's Angels (1976 TV Movie)
was a toddler when this 1st appeared...
12 March 2022
So have no real memory 1st time playing, but think rem re runs as do rem seeing something, think anyway. But the cheesy 70s, there is something about this era, this show, and others from. Well, entertaining this 1st episode, and funny to see whats his name from several movies, one where his partner, whats his name from fresh prince, think right name, goes back in time to well 69 not 70s. Good laugh and well might not be the "never ending move and action and so much, too much more at times over the top with little to no story at times" but well, like some new stuff too.

But this was a fun diversion from today, the slower pace of tv, and even longer running times, like and hr play is anywhere between 47 and 50 maybe 51 mins, today your lucky if it reaches.43 mins in actual show.

Sad though to think so many are no longer here, and ok, was awhile ago, as cant see names of when typing, but the one that was on a poster, maybe all as all were beautiful, well think all are beautiful in some way, and well we are all human, but the one that died from cancer, married to, (or not ?) but he stayed with her till ... he played the characters father who was called bones on well bones, to the one who played Bossley, the original to... think will find and watch the full series.
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Supernatural: Something Wicked (2006)
Season 1, Episode 18
not just brothers....
6 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Big sisters too, do what they have to, to protect little sisters and brothers.I really felt and related to Dean this epi, esp the flashbacks. Because of abuse, (not going to really go into it, but can/could add protect their mom too, and yes threats were, and know today for far to many children, are real) I cooked and went without many times, though did not throw out food.

Also think Dean and his way of living "now" (esp earlier seasons) can be that he "learned to find and have fun" (think of young children giggling), I never did as a child and well, learned as a young adult as saw my children enjoy life and innocence. So Dean and the way he acts seems almost "normal".

Feel also for the way he feels unworthy, though in a way he has grown somewhat away from some of that feeling, it still shows, but the fact is he isnt is/has been shown by those who care about him, how they treat him. Though do know you have to learn that within self, that you are worthy, had to learn that myself. Hope this run on made sense.

Not the greatest at editing, never have been, or typing, better with creative pen to paper, but hope these thoughts and well sisters too also feel/do have to protect.

PS, title is much same as another show i enjoy. Have a good day or night where ever you are when reading this ramble. Oh, ya pushed the edit thing here, have tried to paragraph some now 3 times, will it work???
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Star Trek: Charlie X (1966)
Season 1, Episode 2
Taking a re watch of what was re runs, though...
14 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
even with the re runs on 1st time viewing, as I was hatched in 74, did not have full memory of all epis, though prob did not see all either. Did start a re watch once before, but so much was going on that still missed some and then had my TV series dvds and few movies (other items too) "liberated" by, well thought was a friend to whom I open my door to live in spare room with my daughter and I. Son was not happy with missing stuff as he was one of many who help buy for b days and Christmas, and couple series were his. OK over sharing, but when I buy, despite Netflix and such, I like the extras added to dvds/blurays, still only have part of my former collection, sadly Star Trek TOS, and TNG plus couple of the original movies have not replaced. Will say that TNG is my fav but TOS is next with the movies that follow the TOS series, the 4th movie is my top, though when watching, like to see all in order.

Love the fact that for several of my fav real TV shows (HATE reality crap) that a 25/26 yr old playing 17 is the same as Buffy and Roswell. He played the part not to bad and really when thinking about it, the way the show was done, made sense.

He was "raised" and not, by beings that gave him power to survive completely alone. Being completely isolated from any other human set the stage that when he was "rescued" still having power and never having interacted with another human, yes he was a child, still was though so close to being "adult" as hey if 16 and 17 yr old can serve a country and even tried as adult, there really was not much chance for him to really live among others his age or even other humans less they too had power. When he was begging to stay, you could feel for him, see that Kirk and the rest of the crew did too, and as the beings could not take the power away, well he would use them again no matter what he said as the power was completely part of him, a danger to everyone as he could not really stop being who he was.

Hope my thoughts made some sense despite run on and horrid editing, never have been good at editing, though I try. Have a good day/night where ever you are.
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Full House: The House Meets the Mouse: Part 2 (1993)
Season 6, Episode 24
In general we liked the "campiness" that was/is the appeal
27 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This originally aired when I was 18 (19 the coming summer) with my son who was turning 5 3 days after my b day, and 1 yr old daughter enjoyed watching this every week. There was just something about the show that was so corny that you either really loved it or could not stand it, but it did appeal to many as had 8 seasons.

We did not mind the Disney ones, as was nice to see, even if we could never go. The only thing that did bug me, and even remember my son in his own way asking why Michelle was not being very nice. I know in my mind that she was the spoiled brat (in several epis too but as have seen that in other families that do spoil the "baby" of the family, more to it but wont type more), but the fact that she basically was allowed to ruin everyone's time, mainly her sisters, and despite the "fixing" at the end, was not shown to get disciplined. I may have been young, but both my children were punished, age appropriate, from the time they started to talk. Remembered my son saying something like "she should have been not allowed to go on any more rides the rest of day" with "you would have taken us home if I did that", as that is what I did, (yup, as parents, we had to miss out on things when our children are not behaving but isn't it a parents job to parent ?!?)

Loved Joey with the cartoons and even enjoyed the trying to propose and well, love to see all that is put into these parks, though think the world one is too much/big but to each their own. The way those playing all the characters (despite a couple things heard) but still, and the way it does flow together (real nature is well real and a bit better) but still works well. Sorry if got to "preachy".

Without the spoiled brat 8 1/2 out of 10, the spoiled brat 1

Live life to be alive...and may your day be well or find one thing that gives you that little extra, even just a 😄
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Eggs (1998)
Season 2, Episode 12
another tell by Buffy to her mom
19 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't mind this episode, Buffy "fighting everyone" except Xander, with the "cowboy" baddie vampires, that was sorta funny.

Do love the first part in the mall with her mom, and the "teasing" about clothes, esp when Buffy is asked to go pick up outfit for her mom, gets "side tracked" and forgets, well she does have to save someone from a vamp, the vamp runs away.

Gets back to mom, "where's my dress" opps, Buffy says, then Mom says "let me guess you got distracted by a boy", Buffy, "technically" and offers to go get but store is closed.

Now here again Buffy says to her mom after she asks Buffy if she ever thinks of anything else beside boys and clothes, SAVING THE WORLD FROM VAMPIRES, love the look on Joyce's face with this answer. So yes again Buffy has told her mom what she thinks and does, but the "blinders" are still on. Buffy was told to stay home, got caught coming back from slaying, (Buffy on phone with "Willow" who is already attached),got grounded and told to stay at school in library only till picked up.

Well the eggs of course are not "normal", the are the "babies" of some underground monster. As the eggs hatch they attach themselves to humans and make the human more of less a zombie. Since Xan boiled his egg (cheating ? ) and Buffy killed hers before it could attach, they are knocked out by Cordy and Willow, locked in with 2 more eggs but again wake before and smash them while hatching. Pretend to be like the others, Buffy sees her mom there too, as Giles put a hatched one on her, gets interrupted by the cowboy Gorch brother vampires, and still save the day by "bring" pick ax with her while being dragged into the monster and hacks it from the inside, comes out and the 1 surviving bro runs away, as yes 1 bro was got, by the monster as he was saying hi to it.

Well even after all this, still grounded and her an Angel make out in the window of her room.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Beard (2010)
Season 3, Episode 9
Morgan finds out about Chuck...
14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The ring set up all from Castle, well except Chuck, he hasn't "flashed" so left behind. Morgan fires Chuck as his best friend. And the staff at buy more think that someone wants to buy it and the ones came to look over are going to keep Chuck and Morgan, and fire the rest, little do they know they mean kill all the rest as this is The Ring who set all up.

So the Staff set up to "keep their store" by locking themselves in, though big Mike says all will be fired except for Chuck and Morgan, no one else seems to notice that both have vanished, as well as the supposed buyers, that I find funny.

You do feel bad for Devon, who is again well scared, as he thought he was through with the "Spy" stuff. Well he in a way never is but he don't know that yet.

So Sarah, Casey and Shaw are locked out of Castle, trying everything to get back in, but well Shaw thinks its best to destroy it all, but Sarah talks him into waiting, give Chuck a chance to take care of and get out, he does.

Whsts that noise? thats the employees of the Buy More staging a revolution, hmm singing is a revolution. Casey there, kill him, Jeff "helping" knocked one guy out with well chloroform, walks away not seeing Casey pick gun up and try to move the lockers. Find a lot of it funny as I would be wondering what was really going on.

Morgan stays, my best friend for 22 yrs, and hey I am flashing again a real spy, (he don't realize he is a spy no ifs ans or buts). As Morgan now knows and saw Chuck "perform" to get them out, well its an interesting "ride" now as Morgan over tries but also "fits" sorta in as time passes. And Buy More is no longer for sale, VICTORY!!! hehehahah.

Devon, we have to get away, to Ellie, she like we just did, but he like no farther and longer, Dr.s without borders, he still freaked out as the ring used him and Ellie. The final phone call with ring phone to Casey...
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Fake Name (2010)
Season 3, Episode 8
chuck to become...
14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So Chuck has to become a "killer", to find out who the ring wants dead. He is also trying to find love with Hannah, while Devon says he wants to not hear anymore about Chucks double life.

The Ring wants Shaw dead, Chuck cant talk to Ellie much anymore and He really does like Hannah but still in love with Sarah.

Chuck is starting to stress, but pulls the "Rafe" act off, he is the real killer, finds out Sarah name is Sam and goes to "kill" shaw as they are being watched. Rafe of course gets away, ends up at the room, kills the 2 that were going to hire him, goes to kill Shaw, and well Chuck and Sarah too. But Casey makes the shot and Rafe is dead, and Chuck is a mess.

Talks with Ellie, but cant really share, knows he has to break things off with Hannah who says she is real good at spotting lairs, and Chuck is the best she has ever seen as she didn't see his breaking up coming. Hmm the best she seen, more to prove Chuck turning into good spy.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus Operation Awesome (2010)
Season 3, Episode 4
you feel for Devon, and Ellie
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Devon really really wants to be done with "spying", more excitement than he bargain(s) for, and now being kidnapped by the ring, who think Devon is Chuck. Poor Ellie, stood up for a "date" with her husband, and a husband who has been keeping Chucks secret from her for a bit, now has even more to keep and is very scared but also trying to hide it from her...Nothing like him having his life hang over a roofs edge, but will do whats needed to live and Chuck has to make sure Devon lives and is finally OK.

Devon's face watching Chuck shoot, you killed, no no its tranqs, saying you are incredible, spy training? Chucks maybe lie, game play, but ya he flashed, to take out the ones on the 12 floor, to you shot him and it wasn't a tranq, though Shaw shot himself after taking pill to appear dead, with the save me note, (course Devon knows what to do), as the ring wants him dead. Now Shaw in charge of Castle...

The buy more fight club, uh ya, just cause Chuck under stress hit, after also telling lady off in her language, well strange secondary story, and Morgan as assistance manager under big Mike, though do like that big Mike, has taken Morgan under his wing, an Morgan firing Jeff, as Jeff just not following Morgan as a boss, but rehires, on probation, Morgan "growing" a bit more.

Chuck making his own plan to get Devon out of spy game, as he says cant take it any more, and gladly hands over ring phone so Chuck manages to reverse it and Shaw, your on your own, hmm didn't work and Chuck hasn't quite learned how to yet, and Chuck really don't like guns or killing, cant yet, though when finally "does", still doesn't seem to after though guess to save love one would again.

Casey and Sarah say you will have to shoot us as they go to rescue Chuck. and hmmm would Chuck have fired if Shaw hadnt ??? would have been a close call, though Shaw it pays to know how to use 1, Chuck does, well sorta, he does have aim. And spies should not have "ties", well Chuck always has, Ellie, Devon and yup Sarah (even though she can take care of self quite well, at least the "spy" stuff as well as stuff her father well "taught her") and his friends/family mainly Morgan, but the rest of them a bit too.

The get together and Ellie you have had enough of that,as Chuck and Devon lied regarding Devon away, Casey drunk...well great epi.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus First Class (2010)
Season 3, Episode 5
I'm chuck no Charles but friends...
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Do love him stumbling over his name, Chuck no Charles no but my friends call me Chuck. His well sorta first mission on his own, and guess in the fact the no one else from Castle is on plane, that part is a first. Course Sarah don't think he ready, think Casey agrees, his talk bout "girly screams" and all with Chuck, and Shaw (have/had alike and strong dislike and some huh what over the whole Shaw character but well choosing/choose to enjoy show and do love how bro and sis take care, opps getting really ahead), is Chuck a real spy as 1 moment is like "mega" and the next a "cartoon" (my wording of this part), and yup he is a real spy, but not ready for this mission, going anyways, Shaw says so (beat beat ahh aah) oh and Beckman agrees.

Buy More and Morgan, well the rest of what was/were friends still "hazing" is as good a word for it, though do like the way Casey ends up uh putting it this way even though not, "be friends" Morgan, helping him with the other "staff".

Mission on plane, his "stumbling" funny, 1st with Hannah, kinda liked her and if didn't like Sarah/Chuck well...then with Panzer, pen pressure but "worked" just not quite, the whole who are you...and well got what was "needed", easy, but NOT, still need more stumbling and fun with a bit of poison and oh planes can be flown by remote distance then given back all without the rest of "everyday people" knowing, and even though "flashed" first time was not quite tied up 2nd well the plane did the job, and poor Chuck, this time round, did not get to see Paris or tower, well only from plane, but told Hannah to "look" him up and gave her a "job" if needed, hmmm though didn't know he had the authority to hire but as Morgan really owes him...

Casey, Morgan's "assistant" well sorta, gets more control with Casey and how does Casey quiet growl get respect Morgan wonders, Casey says he takes the respect, so yup "good choose", to have Casey in "your corner", hmm Casey "brain washing" Jeff, does it really work, well sorta, for a bit.

HMMM ya the conversation Sarah and Shaw, that sorta bugged me, though no tour we go home, but not the end of Hannah, well yet, and the whole Shaw "loosing" wife and not really "knowing but knowing", again part of what was off/bugged me, but still liked show and great epi. with Hannah walking into Chucks Buy More.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Mask (2010)
Season 3, Episode 7
good funny stuff, and well...
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Love the fact that Hannah followed saying "you heard the boss, nerd herd er", Morgan, "ok good carry on to hey wait a minute I am the boss, also wait I did not get this how did you", cant fig out how and why Chuck is leaving on this nher that did not "come into store" by person or phone.

At the museum, Casey tells Chuck that Shaw was trying to "borrow" mask that the ring uses somehow, and he missed, though do like his removing of his well mask in defeat, saying please tell me the intersect isn't busy, though technically didn't need the intersect just needed Chuck, hmmm think he did not want to ask for Chucks help ? as seems he never brought Chuck a coffee, though did at least 1 for Casey. Now here comes Hannah to "help" with whats happening, no time for her to leave, Shaw only has couple minutes of air left before he dies, Shaw rescued, close "call" maybe as Chuck has to come up with why he saying no and talking to "computer", and so Chuck and Hannah hired to for the night at the opening of special display at museum, Shaw says it'll be up to them to help get the mask.

Hannah sees Sarah at museum with Shaw, and asks about it all after she and Chuck kiss, he going round the subject till as watching who is all there "flashes" on someone who is ring, makes lame excuse, goes tells Shaw/Sarah, Shaw says the guy will remember as you tend to not forget who sets face on fire, so Shaw says abort but Chuck is like I can do, so he and Sarah go to get mask, and all the while Hannah is watching, not understanding what is going on, till computer goes on the fritz, thanks to Chuck as he had to so they could get mask, course does not go smoothly, and Shaw and Casey have to work against Hannah to keep it on the fritz till she disconnects, Chuck and Sarah just manage to switch masks and get out. Of course while Hannah was having said probs, Sarah and Chuck had theirs, with having to knock out someone who too wants mask, ring.

Morgan and Ellie still trying to figure out whats been going on with Chuck, and Morgan following Chuck to get answers but Chuck disappearing, what ?!? now has Morgan really confused.

Chuck takes charge, Sarah oh ya Shaw too are dying, poisoned by what was in mask, suit up to Casey, as there will be an antidote to poison at the museum, which is where he was and has to go. Hannah has been tricked into same vault room and has less than a hour, so rescue her and get back to save Sarah. Shaw admits to hitting on Sarah, and during there conversation Sarah is fading faster and room clears so Shaw shoots doors open, Shaw picks her up and they both head to museum, as both know there really wouldn't have been time for Chuck to get back...the trick with another fake mask worked well mostly as he spies Shaw, the ring know he alive, and the rescue of Hannah, she cant believe she safe and alive with Chuck, he saved her, so she "forgives" him. My thought(s) why would this "assistants assistant" lock her in this room in the first place and why was Chuck there along with Sarah and Shaw plus if Morgan was boss over Chuck yet Chuck seems to do his own thing and be boss plus the plane, the whole even meeting on the way to Paris, well I would be wondering what really was going on.

Ellie and Morgan spying on Chuck, who is "sneaking" round the store, catches Chuck making out with Hannah, Ellie "relieved" Morgan acting relieved but, 1 its the girl he liked, but the look on Morgan face, says he don't buy it or at least not all but what more can he do...ooo scary ring place, well sorta "rude with a hint at scary" as they shot the one who had his face burned.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler (2010)
Season 3, Episode 6
wasn't as bad as 2 of the reviews have...
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Chuck "training" new Buy More employee, Hannah, and also learning more about the spy world and having to use someone as an asset, Manoosh, who it turns out built a new interest and is using it now on himself as he really doesn't know who the ring are, the ones who "employed" Manoosh to build it in the first place, yet it all sorta goes together.

Hannah starts work, Chuck was going to go over stuff, but Casey "yogurt shop", and Chuck has to go, leaving behind a kinda confused Hannah. There he learns about Manoosh who the ring have hired to build something for, just don't know what he built. Manoosh, who I think Chuck could really have been friends with, after trial an error manages to gain some trust from Manoosh, but still needed Sarah to "close it" as the ring was right there, making them have to move now. It was as Chuck was "returning case" that he knows Manoosh really is in over head but also that he built intersect (Chuck thought only his dad could), uses it, gets away, for now, from ring and as he told Chuck where he was going they follow, get caught, save day, Chuck almost let Manoosh go, but tranqs him taking him out, as the others would kill, and tells Manoosh he is a spy, so no not a friend, Casey "well he is becoming more an more of a spy good thing" Sarah, "is it", Chuck too you see him struggling as he is figuring it out.

Morgan finds out Chuck went to Paris and said nothing to him, Hannah let it slip to him, as she finds out about Sarah working at yogurt shop, thinks Chuck "Cant let go of ex" (yes and no), oops let it slip, as Chuck said not to tell, but this Paris thing has Morgan "lost", even though Hannah thinks Morgan knows about it, as he is "boss".

Morgan and Ellie think more is going on, and Ellie thinks/knows Devon knows whats going on with Chuck. Yup, Devon knows, told has to lie as if not he and Ellie would end up being "lost" by gov't so isn't it better to protect against this. So we have the start of Morgan and Ellie "working" together to well spy on Chuck. Oh ya, Morgan did try and have Jeff and Lester first spy on Hannah, then on to Chuck, Morgan is even more suspicious of well Chuck.

Interesting to see Chuck with a bottle of "booze", expensive, probably, but looking almost defeated and lost while Casey and Sarah comment about Chuck and turning in to good spy.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Angel de la Muerte (2010)
Season 3, Episode 3
the "flash" dance &Devon needed, storta and then...
5 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The helicopters, and Ellie's huh, seems like a lot of them and Devon oh ah haven't noticed, as he knows some about Chuck, not all, but funny how he can "surprise" Chuck. Promised to help and fix TV to work, but as Chuck has been so busy, Ellie not happy with her bro. Cute conversation after Chuck flashes on something and then his phone rings, and then Devons phone and repeats back to Chuck with word change "Dr" stuff, secret (more or less).

Former someone, premier Goya, Casey assigned to kill is now on the we do not want to kill, we will protect, as some others now want him dead, but course not easy as who would believe someone who used to want you dead now want to protect?!? Devon is the Dr. called in and "saves" life at hospital, so the come to invite Devon to party (Casey thought they coming for him, nope), Chuck gets invite with them.

Nice to "flash" on a dance, to get them where they need to go, to then use the dance to "take out" the wrong "bad guy", rotten egg, yuck, to then flash on the right baddie who happens to be part of the guards (hmm got into guard premier when ? don't really know but prob was the 1 who put him in hospital). So Casey, who really cant be seen on "grounds" sneaks in and unfortunately Devon thinking doing good tackles Casey just as the real baddie is making move, but Devon does not know and at first didn't recognize Casey, course all, esp Goya thinks Devon hero again.

Sarah and Chuck told no way to rescue Casey, so trying to find way on own, but as Goya needs a Dr. again, and asked for Devon, Devon goes to Chuck and says he can get them in as this time staying in the consulate, Sarah not happy that Chuck brought Devon to Castle, but quickly decides OK as they can rescue Casey. Devon seeing Sarah in action, she is the "army", fun how Casey fighting too at what appears to be the same time, and getting away, with just one "hit on" guy who shot Casey in leg, hmm good thing maybe as was right on where the needle went in, from Sarah, but cant prove anything as the real baddie somehow gets away. But can run yet gotta get Awesome, "you brought your bro in law, what were you thinking". Casey loosing too much blood, Dr. busy, Devon says, no Chuck, he is suppose to be one, well Devon told to be quite, but do love to see his face when Chuck "becomes a Dr," great flash again, Devon really cant believe what he sees, but Devon's "mission" not done as a Dr. saves lives.

Casey right blood type to save Goya, (though in real er most other will work just keeping the rule of neg an pos, and also with Casey already hurt and loosing blood, that too would not have been but well its a TV show and I enjoyed the show, still do), but of course Casey did not want to help, but did (again but) and he no longer the "angel of death" to Goya but now is "the angel of life" as his blood is in his veins keeping him alive (uh again the blood, easiest term, flushes itself and we rebuild which is why we can keep donating every month or so, bit depends on build, not weight , build, ya ya who cares except DONATING BLOOD SAVES LIVES, i is done).

Devon done with "missions" bit too much for him, double life nope, but...
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Highlander: The Zone (1993)
Season 2, Episode 6
one of the no immortal epis
4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not a fave but has some funny/good parts, opening with Charlie and Mac, course Charlie really don't know Mac has big advantage, hmm except with maybe boxing, also a bit of background on Charlie. Also return of Joe, and again, "lets not get this as a habit" as Joe asks Mac to get involved with a poss immortal, but they don't yet know as (title) the zone is a very bad place. Not polite to eavesdrop, (would really have been interesting if he could have overheard the immortal part) but Charlie thinking Mac in over his head, well in a way is, but not the way Charlie thinks.

Course Charlie don't listen, follows mac, Mac knows this, gives in, sees that don't have a choice (Richie out of this, Mac don't want him there either when Charlie suggested), and Charlie says its even worst than when he grew up there, but there is 1 person who supposedly didn't give up or in, so takes Mac to meet her, Asia.

The back story, only sorta fit, with miners and the bosses son working them unknown to both his dad and his co workers, and him shot by those his dad sends/brings to well kill, did the dad learn, probably not from what history has written.

Canaan, the 1 Joe not sure of isn't immortal, just a very bad guy preying on those with nothing, only the most we all have, life, to loose. Charlie seeing youth being given a gun, decides he is stepping in, as Mac says Canaan not who he thought but with Charlie, well theys involved, and while Charlie talks to Tio, Mac "found" taken by surprise, well hit from behind, and Charlie see Mac go into the lake/river/water, cant tell what they wanted it to be, dives in to save Mac but...tbc

Macs sarcasm to Joes hows the water, wet, funny. But not over, as Mac gets involved even though no immortal, Joe only kinda gets it, as cops wont do anything there and Canaan is evil.

tbc...Love Charlie in the dark attacking Mac, mind you thinks he must be dead, and the this is getting to be a bad habit again, and the conversation about the water and how cold it was, "woke" Mac up and Charlie says he knows, spent half an hour looking for Mac. Was there for a friend, now Mac is going for himself, going to "clean up" and well poor Tio and Asia, was on the take but, Poor Charlie but but Mac gets he and Asia out of cold and kicks butt.

Bittersweet ending, though my thinking, wish Mac told him about immortals then, (ok yes understand Macs thinking/reasoning not to tell but) or at least after well wont spoil for another epi here in case someone reading this is watching for 1st time or rewatching after yrs and cant remember or was to young to remember, (me with the original Bionic woman). Charlie is a great friend to have.
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Highlander: The Return of Amanda (1993)
Season 2, Episode 7
dear Amanda, always something...
4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Done well with the "past" story fitting the "present" almost seamlessly. Her "entrance", with who do you want, Richie or Mac, course its Mac, and he really "knows how to get a girl off her feet". Mac grumbling about the espresso/coffee machine and spilling it all over while she "sizes" up his place, suits him but she not to get used to it. Course she also tries and make it seem its been longer since they saw one another, an well she always seems to "betray" him, though sometimes, well a few anyways, not on purpose., but well we learned, told Tessa that she made him laugh when there was not much to laugh about, hmmm give her a pass, but he does have more on her than anyone knows, but we have to wait till end of series to learn this.

Cute "seduction" well she tried anyway as he wonders where she was going to stay, says and has a place but didn't think was needed (well guess she assumed wrong this round). The bad guys after her, not immortal, but that too not unusual for her, but not watchers as Mac at first thought. FBI well ya but not good guys, they want what Amanda got in the past story that also involved Mac and him getting someone out of Germany (WW2 and Hitler major bad) and in in that part of the story learned Amanda and Mac both could fly a plane. Stole real plates to print money from some one while performing, and boy for the era was risqué, but suited her, poor guy got nothing not even a kiss before some others bad (?) ones, came to get the guy, and the guy was killed and she was told to sing.

Mac expects sharks to bite, and Amanda to be well Amanda, though her heart tries to be in right place, sorta this time. You don't have a mother as she don't know them, course he got shot, he will live.

Past story, thought was part of story when Mac on bike with sidecar went off the road was part of story, but found out on commentary was not, but it worked. And Amanda's I'll not forget this as he has given her his seat on the 2 seater, his kiss and yes you will.

Love the way they set up the bad FBI, though the rest of the good cops can not figure out where and what happen to the bodies, as they know this bad cop would and did shoot to kill and so point blank, well guess the bodies caught some real swift unexplained current out so may may never be found, hmmm wonder what they would think about them walking and talking an living still or again, immortal unless head removed, hmm then the few headless bodies explained that didn't disappear (buried by the one who won or watchers or well never completely told).

Amanda does love Mac and he her...though very diff than Tessa...again the seduction, but this time its Mac, the plane will be there in the morning.
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Highlander: An Eye for an Eye (1993)
Season 2, Episode 5
fist epi after Tessa
3 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Richie, so "new" and love Mac as he smiles almost "father like" at him esp regarding being hungry. And Mac bought the DoJo because it was for sell, the funny truth, but Charlie is wanted to stay and run in, hot water heater is gonna cost Mac 450...

First time Richie "feels" another immortal besides Mac, and Mac know the woman, Annie, who was "after someone", she is still living like there is war and she is fighting it, as that was where Mac knew/knows her from, she still part of IRA. Mac "tries" to teach Richie but Mac is really not in the right mind to teach, as Annie is coming for Richie. The IRA gang she was/is with wanted to kill and a lot of others could have been killed either way, even with Richie and Mac getting in way and Mac tells Richie lucky only one died, whom Richie says deserved it, as he was part of gang, Mac points out you can not know another's heart. The 1 dead, was Annie's husband, and Richie, he comes in 2nd, he dies.

Annie's dive out the window, hmmm the why sums it up, but course they don't know, she'll be back. Love that Charlie sticks up for Richie, telling Mac off, then revealing the terrorist woman dead (well not but he don't know that). But kinda works as Mac says he was wrong, and they really need to train, as Annie has "escaped" but no cops are looking as they think she dead, so does the rest of the gang, guess didn't know bout immortals, did her husband ?, and still don't with the don't believe everything you hear.

Interesting sword training, well in show it is a matter of life and death as to knowing how to use, and hmmm how does Mac know her fav move ? hope she hasn't changed her mind bout it. Richie not ready to face her 1st time round, glad he finally got bike started, (love the "magicical appearing sword") and the out another window, though this time Richie and not that high, just enough to give a good bike jump and escape. Charlie will "train" but boy he confused with how Richie has healed so fast, and Mac goes to see Annie with a "bottle" and though some were angry the show did this, slept with her. We don't know the real length of time passed from Tess and we as humans, some need to have something to remind them they are still alive, we left behind need to live, though I wouldn't do what he did, have friends who needed to remind themself...Annie and Mac both lost loves an "lived". Annie still has some abandonment issues, even with Mac, and will cont in min...

Richie Charlie talking, but Charlie telling Richie similar to Mac and Annie, but both R and C grew up in bad neighborhoods, though Charlie for his reasons, chip on shoulder. Richie did not get Mac, out all night with her, hmmm don't think he got they slept together but did get that she is still after him. Charlie, still confused, as Richie takes off, saw sword gone and Macs damn, has know idea whats up, just something dangerous.

the cont...Richie goes to her, brave ?, well didn't want fear to rule his life, and Mac nothing he could do, "battle" started, but Richie, won, (primal yell was interesting) but couldn't kill her, Mac tells her that was it, her life was given, apt she listens, doesn't appear to come back again for Richie.

Richie thought he could kill, couldn't, realizes lots to learn, given his own sword, told might be his only friend make it part of him.
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