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The Unicorn: Everyone's a Winner (2020)
Season 1, Episode 15
Mean Girl Woman
24 February 2020
Confusion over party invite going to SPAM folder is a different issue to a "grown up" mean girl loudmouth in a theatre is "shushed" by others, when Wade was actually pleasant to her suggesting she stop talking.... This show is confusing, I like the character of Wade, but the show is very inconsistent...... hopefully it will keep trying to find it's footing - it's only first season after all!!
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By Grabthar's Hammer, what a Documentary!
18 December 2019
I am in Canada, so seeing this in a theatre was not possible. So December 17th meant an iTunes purchase. Worth every cent! I saw Galaxy Quest opening weekend 20 years ago! It was instantly in my top 10 of films. This documentary is a beautiful love letter to the cast, fans and creators! If you love GQ, you will enjoy this! The passing of Alan Rickman was extremely sad, for his family/friends firstly - of course, but also for fans that the Amazon-planned revival series was gone along with him. No-one else could play Sir Alexander Dane, no-one. So we can just enjoy the movie, and now this documentary. Well done Screen Junkies! Just have to wait for the Honest Trailer for this documentary now
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Flushing a dress??
8 December 2019
The beautiful dancing sequence that opens the show with the boys smiling and laughing pulls this show from being a zero.... Have enjoyed the previous episodes with my 10 year old, this one was, urgh... difficult. Nini is not going to homecoming, ok fine, why on Earth would a writer have her trying to FLUSH a dress down the toilet. Who though it was funny? How did it make it past draft scripts, let alone to rehearsal, to being filmed and LEFT IN THE SHOW. I think a teen girl would be smart enough to not do this in real life. Hope this was an anomaly. Joanna Kearns (Growing Pains actress) should have done better....
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Too light a tone for a HORRENDOUS scam
2 December 2019
The tone of this film was too light in it's depiction of the horrendous crimes that were laid out over too long a period of time. The film ends with "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer..... uh... what? As someone who was by my husband's side during his illness, the thought of anyone being deceptive and downright criminal over people's lives by not providing correct diagnostic results is beyond disgusting... This film was like a misguided love letter to a woman who obviously has a lot of issues with reality and her own shortcomings compared to her hopes and dreams. People were threatened and it ends with the company was dissolved in 2018! That's it!?
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Rock the Block (2019– )
Resources wasted!!!
5 November 2019
Why were the designers not given bare bones houses.... instead of brand new homes (minus flooring) that would be ready to move in to!?? If there is a season 2.... give them houses with NO interior fixtures.... stop the waste!
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A Million Little Things: Mixed Signals (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Maggie... a terrible therapist!
28 October 2019
Maggie is a therapist..... Yet she does nothing but continually lash out at her mom or Gary.... Her character has always been difficult for me to be interested in.... With her is it just a case of "Those who can't do, teach"? She needs to settle down and ask a question or two of people around her..... how can she give guidance to other people, when her own communication skills are awful?
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Aquaman (2018)
Manta.... NOT a victim!
29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Aquaman was GREAT! Wonderful to see DC release a fun and bright movie! I enjoyed the vast majority, the only parts that could have been left behind on the cutting room floor was the "Manta" character. So Manta and dear old dad are pirates. Murdering pirates. Yes, murderers. Aquaman saves what remains of the submariene's crew, but does not save Manta's dad from being stuck under heavy wreckage and imminent drowning. Manta then grunts under breath "Aquaman, bad, must die"! And now, Aquaman is supposed to be someone we think of as a villain for this character and we are supposed to care he wants "revenge" for the death of his, PIRATE, MURDERING dad, who tried MANY times to kill Aquaman!! Sorry Manta, you are not a sympathetic character. Neither was your dad. What your dad got was karma. To quote Jim Carey from "Liar, Liar". Stop breaking the law (can't use expletives on IMDB)!. Then dear old dad would not have died. Yay, Aquaman! Nicole Kidman was great! I have also. It been an Amber Heard fan, but she did great as well, I thought she was well suited for the role!
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It's a BIOPIC, not a documentary... and it's EXCELLENT!!
11 November 2018
Have seen lots of negative articles and clickbait headlines about how Bohemian Rhapsody "lies" to it's audience... Before people start pounding away at their keyboards they should understand the difference between a movie based on a person/group and a documentary... There are plenty of documentaries out there, some great... some not-so.... you can get all the facts and timelines there..... Creative license has to be taken to put all of Freddy's story into this movie, so yes, some things are moved around and/or combined or happen at different times to reality..... This movie is SPECTACULAR! The casting of Queen was excellent, everyone were brilliant (Mike Myers was a little misplacesld, I thought, but in light of Waynes World bringing Queen to a newer audience, I understans why he was asked to be there. Rami is OUTSTANDING, he put a lot of work into his characterisation of Freddy, it comes across on screen every second he is there. My only (minor) complaint was the jarring transition from Live Aid to end credits.... I wish they showed parts of the trimphant concert at Wembley the following year and then went to credits, or had it playing over/alongside the credits.. Cannot wait for the Blu-ray release, this will be watched many, many times!!!
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A Million Little Things (2018–2023)
The music! Make it stop!!!!
19 October 2018
I get that this show is trying to be another "This Is Us"..... enough with the music! Every time someone says something, we know it's "going to be important" because the music starts, and we are supposed to let our emotions go.... except, all I can think of is, I wish the music would go away so I could hear the dialogue, and decide for MYSELF if it is causing me to get emotional..... Not every phrase uttered has to be "touching" or "meaningful", because, it isn't! Every man is such a "guy", all back slapping "super" friend, or "not worthy enough" friend.... The women all have to speak in that breathy, whispery voice, unless they are having an outburst, then they sound like a normal human. I'm wondering when the secret of Jon will emerge, is he the head of a drug syndicate? Child trafficker? Cheating husband as well (vibes from the secretary/assistant)? Serial killer? I can see maintaining the image of perfection maybe caused him to leap off the building, I'm hoping it's more, or else it seems like Jon was sick of doing 99.9% of the friendship work, while everyone else was waiting around for is latest grand gesture. Pizza night also needs to be implemented by our world leaders, because after potentially years of secrets and betrayals, hey presto, "Pizza Night" is back on! We're all friends again, woohoo!!!!
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I Feel Bad (2018)
Wish I could give it a ZERO!
15 October 2018
Yikes! Was interested by the premise and the promos looked fun! Oh no, not fun at all! Too many "dad grabbing grown daughter's backside", urgh! The woman asking her co-workers if she is still hot? It's 2018, and in the era of Time's Up and #MeToo, it's just a gross and seriously unfunny part of the show. Franky surprised it hasn't been cancelled yet!
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Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
Yes, Star Wars is for CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!
9 October 2018
Have just watched the first episode, my 9 and 11 year old love it and seeing as THEY are the demographic, that's all that matters. As someone who was 5 when Star Wars (A New Hope) was released, I appreciate this show for what it is: a fun show FOR KIDS! Adult fans of Star Wars need to get a grip...... Star Wars is for children...... George Lucas always said so, that was his intention and basis for story. Watch it through the eyes of a child, and enjoy it!!!!
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Freemakers! Funmakers!
24 March 2018
LEGO Star Wars shows have always been popular in our house.... these Emperor & Darth Vader are always worthy of some belly laughs! The Freemakers are great! Some favourite characters pop in from time-to-time as well! Great run-through storylines, wonderful animation and great characters! If you haven't already - watch it now! (Season 2 was just released on DVD, hoping Blu-ray will be soon, will be absurd if it is only DVD!
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