
47 Reviews
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Family Can Be A Killer
14 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm no stranger to James Patterson and Liza Marklund having watched the series Annika Bengtzon and read most of Patterson's novels. I didn't know they had filmed an adaptation of the book so it was a bit of a surprise. Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays NY Dectective Jacob Kanon having to jet out to London to identify his daughter. Getting no sense from the Police he takes things into his own hands, then the Cat & Mouse chase ensues across Europe trying to outwit the killer siblings who have a fetish for classical art. He teams up with fellow american Cush Jumbo(yes, I've never heard of her, either) a journalist in Sweden. If you like a good serial killer jaunt this is for you, don't expect oscar winning performances just a good night's entertainment.
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Lost Girls (2020)
Community Suspicion
13 March 2020
Excellent Netflix film based on real events, I don't say that very often. Dolby Vision and 4K has made viewing films like this a very realistic proposition which makes them more horrowing and thought provoking. Amy Ryan is magnificent as Mari a crusading mother trying to find out what happened to her estranged daughter Shannan, ably supported by her two daughters. Police only stumble across two bodies by mistake which takes her to a strange private community called Gilko Beach(The True Location). Gabriel Byrne plays Commissioner Dorman a cop whos at the twilight of his career, he forms a cat & dog relationship with Mari. Mari forms friendships with the mothers and daughters at a wake, where they try to seek justice. This won't be bettered this year for its realism and passion and superb acting. A Must See!
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White City Lovers Buzz Off
6 March 2020
The trailer promised oh so much but the film failed to deliver. The gothic surround centering on the lover themed murders was impressive along with the scenery but the characters and acting fell flat. You knew who the killer was from a early stage, it was a case of seeing how the main characters wove into his sick plans. The murders were very predictable with no change in his method of execution. There has been some excellent Spanish Crime Films over the last decade sadly this didn't fit into that category. Netflix best work has been international Film &TV this let the side down a bit.
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Magic or Tragic at Niagra?
29 February 2020
I can't remember ever watching a bad Canadian Film or Tv Series. Canadians are very careful what they pump money into, unlike some US dross. This is another example of an original, well crafted, intriguing little mystery. Tuppence Middleton plays Abby, who returns to Niagra after the death of her Mother. Selling her mum's motel she remembers witnessing an abduction when she was seven and decides to play detective. It's a very compelling movie that keeps you guessing where its going to end up, watching her behaviour you think there's more to her than meets the eye. One of the best films this year for its originality.
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Always Cover Your Tracks
28 February 2020
Nice low budget well acted indie flix. If you want to dispose of a body this is the way not to do it. Bethany Anne Lind plays Leigh Tiller a single mum trying to run a garage and cover her tracks. The ever young Will Patton plays her dad and local sheriff, the relationship between the two is strained especially when he finds out what she's done. Things spiral out of control to a ending thats from a spaghetti western. Good watch better than wasting your hard earned money on cinema rubbish.
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Was To Endure This Film
21 February 2020
How trailers are misleading, I was really looking forward to seeing this film, how disappointing. Some decent talent on show here, shame it was wasted on this poor man's version of a book. Potty mouth reporter Anne Hathaway jet setting in and out of South America to get a big story as well as looking after her sick father Wilem Defoe. This was a bit of a mash up, I was trying to get what the big scoop was supposed to be. It was a very confusing film at times even the actors looked lost. If you want to see a good South American journalist film check out Salvador 1986 or Under Fire 1983.
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Horse Girl (I) (2020)
Purgatory Is Bad For Your Health
15 February 2020
Netflix have made some really bizarre films just recently, suckers like me watch them. I thought Saga Noren in The Bridge had strange mannerisms but Sarah in this was off the chart. It's not until an hour into it, that everything becomes clear or not. Seeing this affliction through someone else's eyes is quite an eye opener. It all starts watching a series called purgatory and escalates into the weirdest visions you'll ever see. I can see why this was made to make people aware of the fallout you have to deal with. My parents both had dementia so I sympathise about people with a mental illness.
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Midway (2019)
From Despair to Heroic Victory
15 February 2020
Only Roland Emmerich could pull this masterpiece of a war film off. Brilliant special effects, excellent acting, fantastic depiction of one the greatest tactical WW2 battles. Desperation after Pearl Harbour the US Navy became heroes against the odds at Midway with a depleted fleet. This is so much better than the Pearl Harbour film, a proper tribute to the many who lost their lives at sea. Nice to see a great Hollywood film instead of the usual dross thanks to something people can be proud of.
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Angels ? Do Me a Favour
14 February 2020
If you're going to make a film with Angels in the title, make sure they're good looking. At least in the two remake films they got it right plus the films were ten times better. The plot, the acting and soundtrack were total garbage, what Sir Patrick Stewart was doing in this I don't know, the money must have been good. The people who put Elizabeth Banks in charge to direct, produce and do the screen writing must have had a hangover. I know why I don't go to the cinema anymore when money is sunk into brain dead rubbish like this, thank god for fast forward. Hollywood big spenders get some originality!
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Check Mate Comrades
8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The most intelligence film Netflix have ever made. Espionage is always a safe bet when it comes to endulging the mind. On the eve of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a USA v Russia chess match takes place in Warsaw and CIA,KGB dirty tricks ensue. Bill Pulman is excellent as a reluctant drunk professor recruited by the CIA to obtain a microfilm undercover as a chess grandmaster. This is like a Agatha Christie film keeps you guessing who to trust and some unexpected twists. Never has a game of chess been so thrilling who needs Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.
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Knives Out (2019)
Odd Ball Agatha Christie Parody
7 February 2020
I wonder what Agatha Christie would have made of this, I'm very undecided myself. You've seen it before family gathering waiting to hear who the killer is, sqrobbling between themselves. Well this a 2 hour 10 minute version of that, I wasn't that bothered who did it really, as they were all pretty obnoxious. As for the acting it wasn't spectacular, Daniel Craig doing an american accent thats a first, some decent actors on show, but no oscars here. There was a b movie very similar to this in 2018 called Fortune Defies Death, check it out see for yourself. Overall not bad but no classic.
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Martha's Got Murder On Her Mind
1 February 2020
You never know how TV movies are going to pan out, this is one of the better ones. You need good leads to make a film Jesse Metcalfe and Sarah Lind do this in good style in characters and looks. The chemistry between the two sets the standard to make this an enjoyable murder mystery set in a beautiful setting. The storyline without giving too much away revolves around inheritance and charity dealings. The supporting characters make this into very decent watch, better than some rubbish mainstream films I could mention.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Beat The Clock
26 January 2020
Having to endure Dr Sleep the previous night it was nice to get back on the horror track with this enjoyable original film. This is the way to make a good horror film keep the pace flowing with plenty of thrills. Elizabeth Lail not only has to endure the Devils Countdown to Death but the local Perv Doctor. She befriends Jordan Calloway whos in a similar fate and the two embark on a path to Beat the Clock. Compelling from the start it races along, throughly recommended.
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Sacrifice (2019 TV Movie)
Justice for Trash Clientele
25 January 2020
Government Attorney Daniella Hernandez quits to represent high profile trash clients like hip hop stars and drug dealers. Hip hop star Isis gets beat up by her boyfriend so Daniella goes on a crusade to get justice. The plot isn't bad keeps you guessing to find out who's behind all the shenanigans. 76 minutes is about right for this TV Movie watching Daniella trying to work out who's playing her. I've seen a lot worse than this, better than average TV Movie. Expect to see it on Channel 5 soon.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Accept No Substitute
24 January 2020
This film sums up Hollywood at the moment running out of ideas, it bombed at the box office. Doing a follow up to one of the greatest horror films of all time is always going to be flogging a dead horse. I don't think any of the acting was that great, The Rebecca Fergusson character Rose The Hat was very Irritating, Ewan Macgregor has been struggling for roles and you can see why. All in all its just a mediocre horror film.
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The Host (2020)
Anyone for Burgers
24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Atkinson bank clerk, gambler and loser in life thieves £50,000 from his bank loses it all. Enter the triads who give him a chance to redeem himself by exchanging cases, what could be simpler. Well he goes to Amsterdam, gets roped in by a DEA agent and then things get darker. Never accept hospitality from a beautiful woman you never know what you're in for. It's stylishly shot for a british film, the acting isn't bad, it keeps you interested right to the end.
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Dirty Little Secrets
18 January 2020
Today's cinema goers wouldn't appreciate a good acting film like this that's why it bombed at the cinema. It's usually the case that the book is better than the film, nevertheless Ed Norton has done a good job acting and directing this. Playing someone who's got Tourette's Syndrome takes some good acting, Ed does this to perfection. The story is compelling trying to work out what the death of a private detective has to do with a property magnate. The cast is top notch they all make it into a great watch.
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Not Terminated Yet
18 January 2020
Why all the negative reviews, this is a very entertaining installment in the franchise. Any follow up to the T2 masterpiece always going to be difficult, this is much better than some recent installments. Bringing back aging original actors is always a gamble but it pays off in fine style. A different future with Legion in control, a new resistant female leader(Dani) and a female human cyborg(Grace) lead the fightback. You know the score terminator sent back to kill resistant leader, closest film to T2 as far as action goes, carrys on at a decent pace with special effects aplenty. A very enjoyable instalment lets hope it's not the last.
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1917 (2019)
Tribute to the Heroes and the Brave
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We all know about the horrors of WW1, here's the best tribute to all who lost their lives. A realistic portrait of one such heroic mission to stop the Devon Battalion from suffering a massacre at the hands of 1600 Germans. Brilliantly acted by our two heroes bringing performances of passion and daring treking across the wastelands of France. The memories of a time where men became heroes will never be forgotten thanks to this masterpiece.
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No Peace Here
18 January 2020
Seeing one of the best actor in the world in this was a bit of a shock, Guy Pearce is much better than his role in this. He plays a Marshall that hasn't fired a gun in ten years, interesting when your town is being held at gun point by bikers. Its a pretty routine action film that doesn't pull any punches, you've seen all before. It keeps you entertained for an hour and a half, better with an alcohol beverage. Lets see more acting roles like The Rover, Guy?
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Stand Aside Nancy Drew !
11 January 2020
Teenage sleuths witness the disappearance of a corporate businessman and decide to investigate. Add mystery and intrigue plus one of the great minds Nikola Tesla and you have a thoroughly enjoyable romp. Pursued by two thugs they have the time of their lives trying to solve the mystery. It's nice to enjoy an intelligent teen film for a change.
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The Book of Confusion?
10 January 2020
Missing Wife, Dead Author's book translation, poor Ben Kingsley having to listen to it all and the viewer thinking what the hell is going on. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad watch there was some intriguing moments that kept you guessing. Most of it is in english except when David talks to his publisher they talk in german no subtitles. Its more of a afternoon matinee film than anything else.
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The Mercenary (2019)
Vengeance Is Mine Sayeth The Lord !
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First real action film I've seen this year, there won't be a more brutal and bloody one. We have a new action hero in Dominique Vandenberg and ably supported by Louis Mandylor who plays a malicious ex mercenary turned cartel enforcer. Maxx left for dead twice by Leclerc seeks vengeance for spoiling his new karma. Not for the screamish the killing is very nasty more for aficinardos
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Snatchers (2019)
Pregnancy is a Killer
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As far as Comedy Horror films go this one of the most bonkers I have ever seen. Teenage girl gets pregnant by sex crazed boyfriend and ends up giving birth to Aztec mythology monsters. Yes it is this daft, I won't divulge anymore silliness you'll just have to see what enfolds. Watch it all if your sanity holds out.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
Justice Is Not a Colour
3 January 2020
Having not a favourable review from some critics I went into this with a open mind, I wasn't expecting such a gripping compelling thriller. This is up with the best of recent crime thrillers, it starts with ex army rookie cop brilliantly played by Naomie Harris witness bent cops on her cam killing a gang member. It races a great speed gripping at every turn, seeing if our hero can save herself and execute justice. One of the best films of 2019 a throughly recommend thriller.
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