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Fear the Walking Dead: The Beacon (2021)
Season 7, Episode 1
18 March 2024
Why is Strand wearing a Joe90 costume? As if a zombie apocalypse isn't enough, our porotagonists now have nuclear fall out to contend with, although Rufus and the horses seem to be managing tolerably well avoiding contamination by radiation and being eaten by the dead. So it's not all bad news. But why nuclear warheads to inflict the damage? The writers could have used another crisis at the nuclear power plant which would have kept the destruction to a limited area, thus providing the reason why this catastrophe doesn't feature in the other WD sagas. It's going to need a 100 year time slip to advance the story now. Or it will just be more of the dreary same. I'm 75. It's time to move on.
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So unbelievably stupid
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bearing in mind that I don't like water and have no experience of swimming I wonder why does she wear her heavy boots to swim back to the plane? They would slow her down unnecessarily in the cold water. Sure enough her boot gets tangled in the webbing. Why does she wear her only dry clothes in the water? There is noone to see her naked and they are not keeping her any warmer. Drying out with them on afterwards would make her hyperthermic. I'm only on episode 2 and am already losing patience. I don't have a problem with the flashbacks as they provide some substance to the story but the practicalities are annoying. I'll carry on watching. Who knows, it may get better.
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Ridley Road (2021)
Food For Uncomfortable Thought
6 October 2021
In 1960 I was 11 years old and living in Manchester. My mother was a great seamstress and we would go into the city centre to buy materials, in and around Stevenson's Square. That was my first introduction to a Jewish community. I asked many questions such as "What is a Jew?", "What is the Jewish religion?," and "Why are there so many tailors & fabric shops in the area?. My mother explained about coming to Britain for safety and then told me about the Holocaust. It was aweful to learn about, but very necessary. My father worked for Home Office Approved Schools at that time and was full of admiration, that there was only one Jewish approved school in the country, and that was never full. The Jews, he said, look after their own and family was everything. I admired that too and wished I'd come from a Jewish community. "Ridley Road" has taught me some uncomfortable truths, that although I thought 'normal' people didn't judge by colour, creed or sexual orientation - and I still think that, nevertheless old prejudices were dangerously held whilst I lived in ignorance. At 72 maybe I still do. Everyone should watch this series. Food for uncomfortable thought indeed.
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Reign (2013–2017)
24 March 2020
No spoilers. The show spoils itself. Carpet on the stair, Victorian bath, fancy dress costumes. Urgh!
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I know what I like and it isn't this.
19 October 2019
I'm not an academic just an ordinary woman who likes to watch anything historical, fact or fiction. I've never read the book or seen previous versions of this story so I can only review on the here and now. Two episodes in and I'm completely lost. I've had to watch the second episode from Demand as the 'live' episode clashed with something else I was recording. Simply put, It's too dark (illumination not plot) to see properly, the dialogue is indecipherable (no sub titles on Demand) whereas the action sequences blast out and my neighbours will complain I'm sure. The back story is lost on me. Mother & daughter? Sisters? I'm sure in real life they wouldn't look the same age. I kind of get the drift of what's going on but surely I should be more deeply embedded in the plot than I am. Maybe the third episode with sub titles will enlighten me.
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Project Blue Book (2019– )
Is it just us?
11 April 2019
I'm sure this would be a very enjoyable series if only we could hear the dialogue. Is it just us? Our TV volume is usually on 18. Tonight it was 24 and we still couldn't make out the dialogue. Such a shame.
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Fleabag: Episode #2.4 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
28 March 2019
I'd have given this episode 10* like I would all the other episodes except for one thing that niggles. In the cafe The Priest asks what Fleabag's Step mother to be is like. But Fleabag met the priest at the engagement party of her godmother to her Dad. It seemed like they knew each other well. Or am I missing something?
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Intimate, informative & entertaining.
2 January 2019
This is a really interesting film, not just about Beatles' music but about people who knew them. Some only briefly but all had a tale to tell. It was like chatting with friends in your living room. Great production from Seth Swirsky.
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More like Adams' book
22 December 2018
Richard Adams didn't write a book for children about fluffy wuffy bunnies. He wrote the story for adults about life from a real wild rabbit's perspective. I agree that the animation makes them look more like hares but up to now, this version is more true to the book. I find it full of emotion and I'm expecting to laugh and cry. I've read the book many times over and I only have to turn to the back page and read the final paragraph to be consumed by tears. A wonderful story.
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Too much. Much too much.
24 October 2016
I've always enjoyed watching, 'The Walking Dead.' Goodness knows why. I'm more of a costume drama sort of gal and a 67 year old gal at that. But it's been such a fun show, hiding behind cushions or disappearing into the kitchen to make coffee at tense moments, annoyingly asking my husband, "What happened?" when I reappeared. Well tonight's episode has taken the show to a different level and into a different genre. I've long suspected my husband to be lacking in empathy and his assurance tonight that, "It's not real. It's only a show. No one has really died," just confirms this belief. If you thought this was entertainment then I'm sorry for you. After all, isn't that what TV is all about? Entertainment? Tonight's episode has crossed the boundary between what is acceptable to watch and what is not. Graphic violence like this is not and never should be acceptable for screening on mainstream TV. Yes, I know you'll think me old, middle class and probably boringly stuffy, but that's only if you don't know me. Even so, it was too much for me. So, so long Walking Dead. It's been good to know you.
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A remarkable film that is a classic.
25 December 2011
We owe a debt of gratitude to Brownlow & Mollo for the making of this film. I had never seen it until today, Dec25th 2011.

It's a remarkable film especially when you consider it's meagre budget (said to have been $20,000), the ages of the film's makers, who were 18 & 16 and the eight years it took to produce. Everything about it seems strikingly authentic. The attention to detail is meticulous; the cinematography is inspirational; the subject matter is horrific and so very nearly came to pass; the poor sound quality and grainy black & white adds to the realism; the dark and brooding scenes are terribly atmospheric.

I was born in 1949, close enough to the end of World War II to almost feel I was a part of it. I grew up listening to my parents' recollections and 'the war' has always felt very real to me. So it chills me to the bone to contemplate the England I may have been born into. 'It Happened Here' should act as a warning to today's deluded souls who think Fascism has any place at all in our political spectrum. Anyone who thinks it glorifies Fascism and is anti-Semitic has missed the point completely.

First thing tomorrow I'm going to post it to my 16year old granddaughter studying Government & Politics. It should be made a compulsory part of the school curriculum.

I can't thank Brownlow & Mollo enough for making this film and am just so sorry it took so long to discover it.
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