
57 Reviews
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Spencer (2021)
Silly unbelievable story
27 November 2021
A quite silly plot, a lot of those things in the film were certainly made up, but I gave it 9 out of 10 for the phenomenal performance of Kristen Stewart as Diana, she perfectly portrays the sense of loneliness and claustrophobia that Diana must have felt, a nailed on Oscar in my opinion.
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A good evenings entertainment
27 November 2021
The music is fantastic, the two main actresses thomasin mackenzie and anya Taylor joy were brilliant especially thomasin who will be a major star in the future, in fact all the parts were played very well, it was an interesting concept with a nice little twist in the tail, all in all a thoroughly enjoyable film.
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Eternals (2021)
A bit long winded
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was at least 30 minutes too long, but not as bad a some reviews would have you believe, the main issue I had with it was most of the characters weren't interesting enough.
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OK apart from one thing
27 November 2021
Good story in the most part well told and well acted, apart from Jared leto who in my opinion should never be let onto another movie set after this, it was overacting at its worst and slightly ruined the whole thing for me.
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Tenet (2020)
Great action movie
31 August 2020
I've seen a lot of the criticism of this film and can understand it, the dialogue is sometimes difficult to hear, the story is not the easiest to follow but I loved it. All the actors do a fantastic job, the cinematography is amazing, the action scenes are top notch and the two and a half hours fly by. The one thing I would say is this film needs to be seen on a big screen with no distractions as yoy need to be focused in what is going on to follow it, it is not a small screen film that you can watch indoors, or at least I couldn't because I would be distracted by my phone or the kids or the cats, it needs your full undivided attention and maybe even a couple of viewings but it is well made and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I may even rewatch it again this week myself
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Normal People (2020)
7 May 2020
Might be the best thing that has been on telly in the last ten years, truly outstanding performances from the two leads, it draws you in and grips you from the first scene and doesn't let go The two main characters are both flawed but we all were at that age, they make bad decisions, they get there wires crossed, they are awkward, and every feeling and emotion they feel comes through the screen, next years bafta awards are sewn up already because it will have to be an exceptional show to beat this
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Lost Girls (2020)
Good telling of a strong story
14 March 2020
A good solid film, one of the better offerings from netflix in recent times, it's well acted, especially thomasin Mackenzie as the sister of the missing girl, she will surely win an oscar one day she is brilliant in every part she gets, the rest of the cast do a pretty good job as well, the script is a little clunky at times but it is a good solid watch
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Emma. (2020)
Ok, but not as good as it could have been
27 February 2020
A fairly enjoyable couple of hours but could have been so much better, Anya Taylor joy was good as Emma, the costumes and the settings were perfect but something was missing from the film as a whole, was a bit of a disappointment on the whole, if you want to go and see a period comedy go and see the personal history of David Copperfield instead a much more satisfying experience
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Like a Boss (2020)
A waste of a good cast
27 February 2020
A truly awful film, it was set up to be ok but sadly for a comedy film the scriptwriters forgot to put any jokes in, it was predictable and I think I had a mild chuckle about twice in the entire film, a real shame
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Nothing memorable
2 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story is a bit all over place and never truly decides what sort of film it wants to be, it is similar in feel to red sparrow and atomic blonde but not quite as good as either of those, the cinematography is great and some of the action sequences are solid if not spectacular, but you really have to suspend belief to get that in the space of 8 months a junkie prostitute can turn in to an assassin, the cast do their best but it isnt the best script to work from, maybe I'm just getting a bit bored of watching 8 stone women who can suddenly survive attacks from 14 stone muscular men, it's not a complete waste but it's not a film that will stick in the memory for long
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A fun couple of hours
18 January 2020
Cheesy as hell, full of the usual action film cliches but if you switch of your brain, buy a bucket of popcorn and don't overthink it you will have a fairly enjoyable couple of hours, it passed the 6 laugh test, the action scenes were good, the storyline was a bit silly and predictable but overall a pretty good time was had
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Funny, and very moving
4 January 2020
What a fantastic film, hilarious, especially the first half, it had the feel of a mel Brooks film for the first half, the second half of the film while having plenty of laughs was also very moving and bought a tear to my eye, especially one particular scene. The young boy who plays jojo was very good, and the supporting cast was also excellent, a special mention to the outstanding thomasin Mackenzie, she is brilliant as the young Jewish girl, I confidently predict this girl will one day win an oscar after seeing her in this and her equally outstanding performance in leave no trace
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Little Women (2019)
A truly wonderful film
31 December 2019
A thoroughly enjoyable film, it will make you smile, shed a tear, and the acting is first rate especially from the impeccable saoirse Ronan and florence Pugh, as a 53 year old Male I'm definitely not the target audience for this but I was captivated from start to finish
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It's not a 10 or a 1, make up your mind
19 December 2019
The reviews on here are worthless, people have already made up there minds before seeing it, this film is neither a 1 or a ten, what it is is a solid film with good action sequences, good performances from all the main leads, it ties up most of the storylines quite nicely, the star wars nerds will moan about it because it is not exactly what they wanted, and the fans will give it ten because they would love it no matter what, I would skip the reviews and go and see it, make your own mind up This film was always going to divide people, I've enjoyed pretty much all of the star wars films, even the hated solo and last jedi, but then again I'm not a nerd who spends his entire time in the cinema analysing every bit of the story and looking for errors, I just turn up, buy some popcorn and sort back
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The reviews are right
14 December 2019
This is the lowest mark I have ever given a film, but it's well deserved. It was poorly written badly acted, and the whole thing was a mess from start to finish. Some films are so bad that they are funny, this couldn't even manage that, made lesbian vampire killers look like a masterpiece
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Not as bad as the reviews say
7 December 2019
This film seems to have been mainly reviewed by people who decided they were going to hate it no matter what, and I'm pretty sure a lot of them haven't even bothered to see it at all, they have just written a stinking review based on their dislike of Kristin Stewart and Elizabeth banks and there feminist and political views. It really isn't as bad as the reviews will have you believe, it is what I deem a popcorn movie, buy a bucket and just switch off and enjoy, it's not like the original series or the earlier Diaz, Barrymore and lui films were exactly citizen kane. Stewart is fine in it as are her co stars, the action is good, it has some funny lines, and all in all it was better than than Diaz etc. Films imho, it wasn't too long and the action flowed quite nicely, the story was ok, a bit unbelievable, but its Charlie's Angel's, so what do you expect, if you want to just switch off your brain for a couple of hours then go and see it, it is quite fun
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Blue Story (2019)
A bit dull, and could do with subtitles
30 November 2019
A bit dull to be honest, I am not the target audience for this film and I felt it, the whole thing seemed to be in a different language to me, all slang, and if this is any representation of today's youth then we are in real trouble as a society
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The Good Liar (2019)
Quite enjoyable, but a bit daft
22 November 2019
The performances of the main characters were fine, I'm sure they had a good time making this movie, but when they look back they might wonder what the hell they were doing I'm all for a plot twist but the twists at the end of this were simply too much and made the whole thing just a bit ridiculous
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Cracking film
6 November 2019
Great story and great acting, bit unsure about Christian bale's accent but that aside was good, although it was quite a long film it didnt drag, the dialogue was solid the action sequences great and you felt like you were there with them
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Good twisty thriller
6 November 2019
Cracking story, very dark and twisty, in the main the acting was solid apart from conleth hill who in my opinion was badly miscast, I thought the whole thing was entertaining from start to finish and kept you guessing
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Judy (II) (2019)
Great main performance
18 October 2019
Renee zellweger will surely be nominated for an oscar for this and rightly so she is amazing in what is quite a dark and sad film about the life of a superstar whose life was both sad and tragic, struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction, all in all a good biopic, a bit like last years stan and ollie focusing on the last bit of her life
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Gemini Man (2019)
Not the best
18 October 2019
Badly written, poorly executed and generally quite dull, the technology used to make will smith younger is just distracting and looks so fake.
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Joker (I) (2019)
18 October 2019
This is an absolute masterclass in character acting from Joaquin Phoenix, not so much a superhero/villain story, it is more of a study of mental health issues in society today, drug addiction and the social issues facing people who society has left behind, you will struggle to find any actor who deserves the oscar this year
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Ad Astra (2019)
Visually great, but that's about it
22 September 2019
Difficult to review as nothing of interest happens, visually it is beautiful, but it was so dull and slow, pointless scenes thrown in to try and liven it up failed miserably,it just dragged on, the main character isn't someone you can invest in or care about all in all a waste of time
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Unbelievable (2019– )
Uncomfortable viewing
14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Kaitlyn dever should win every award going for her performance in this, she is amazing, the story is not an easy watch, in fact it is very uncomfortable to watch in places, it tells the story of the rape of a young troubled girl, but unlike some shows it doesnt do it in a way that is voyeuristic, it shows how badly she was treated by the police in the original case and by the people who were supposed to be her friends and carers, it shows why women are so reluctant to report these crimes if this is how they are treated, it is a must see, but it is not a comfortable watch
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