
17 Reviews
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Troppo (2022– )
Excellent story and well acted
29 August 2022
No I didn't read the book! The low scoring 'critics' on IMDB seem to always throw their rattles and make comparisons with the book! A fatal mistake but there you go.

Based on what the directors/producers have done with this film/series and not comparing it to anything I loved it! I like the main characters, the story and how I felt compelled to continue watching it.

Highly recommended as a very long film broken up into a series. As for the book I have no idea! I do know that reading a book is generally totally different to watching a film which has directors interpretation rights! Watch it with open eyes!
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Unforgettable (2011–2016)
Only 4 seasons!
15 August 2022
If you watch all 4 seasons like me and get to the last episode, Paranoid Android, you will be so peed off you ever started watching this, believe me. The ending just leaves you wanting to find out what happened but in the knowledge you never will. A bit like considering buying a book with the last chapter missing, you just wouldn't buy it would you!

Watch something else!
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
As good as the original series but what a shame.....
13 May 2022
I must be the only one that finds Madison Lintz acting irritating!? I could put up with her in Bosch because she had a minor role but, oh dear, she's unfortunately got a bigger part in this new Legacy edition. Wooden is one way to describe her inability to act from her 'perpetual singular look' to her unconvincing character portrayals. It is such a shame the Director cannot see this too! If you fast forward past her bits you'll enjoy this much more, in fact it won't really change the story line either!
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Hardly an ending! Spoiler alert!
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Weird! The ending left open. The Byrd family are alive and they leave the story open with the new cartel 'Beach' in control! If this truly is the last episode of the series it is a big let down! I have a feeling they will return with a 5th season but if not be prepared to be disappointed!
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
No cliff hangers here and too predictable
23 October 2021
When you've seen really good enjoyable series like Castle, Breaking Bad, Justified, Banshee and The Ozarks this just pales into insignificance by their standards...
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Boring and all done before to better effect..
1 May 2021
Poorly acted and the most basic of storylines. I really couldn't care who got shot or if they all died in the end! Pointless film and so unoriginal!
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Really well acted, enjoyable, riveting and moreish!!
30 April 2021
Loved the first season despite the subject matter normally having no interest for me! I was drawn in by the 3rd episode and just had to keep watching! Great job to everyone from Director/producer and script writers to a great cast! Billy and Bel were the icing on the cake for me!
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Could have been so much better!
6 January 2021
OK so this is definitely tongue in cheek hospital action/romance/comedy fare. Not to be confused with the likes of the brilliant House series which ticks all the boxes except the one Greys does best which is to be totally unrealistic in virtually every way. Greys is yet another PC cringeworthy show doing its best to cover every gender type possible for what reason? Brownie points? The first series to show the latest so called gender specific type zyxwv etc etc.... Don't know about you but it's not portrayed as interesting discovery but more like 'yeah I'm non binary so refer to me as they we or them' who gives a rats whatever! Anyway I digress. I enjoyed the first few seasons even putting up with the annoying Meredith Grey but alas as the seasons progressed the writing became more desperate as mentioned and quite silly. Worth a watch if you really have nothing else planned. Would have been a 7 but overall a 5 thanks to later seasons.
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Enjoyable unpredictable action fantasy film..
9 November 2020
A short review.... Acting is good enough with a different twist on a witch story for a change. Moves along at a good pace with very little filler. Not overly long. The effects were reasonable for the time it was made and it didn't try too hard. I enjoyed it very much especially the ending. Watch with the lights off and no distractions for a very creepy/scary experience indeed! That is if you're not a hyper critical/analytical person of course...Just relax, don't over think and enjoy! The main reason for it being scored down was nothing to do with the film but some peoples preconceived ideas as to what makes a good film. I'd like to say more but I'm not into spoilers. Certainly worth a score of 6/10 comparing to all others of this genre...
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NCIS: Twilight (2005)
Season 2, Episode 23
23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I would describe this series as a tongue in cheek crime drama show. To kill off Caitlin at the end of this season was not necessary just because the actress wanted to leave! The banter between the team both in their office or at a crime scene gives you the impression the director wants you to enjoy in the knowledge they'll always get their man and survive no matter what is thrown at them! Killing Caitlin off is what you would expect in serious crime dramas where they attempt to make scenarios as true to life as possible! Like others have said she could have been transferred leaving her character open to return in future. Anyway this has put me off watching any more. I liked the tongue in cheek feel to this series but not stupid decisions like this which fly against the the ethos of the style of this series. I'd imagine her moving on wasnt a popular decision at the top!! One other character was killed off earlier but not an established main one like Caitlin. So if you are happy to watch a fun crime series but with major culling of main characters when it suits then this is for you!
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Anna (II) (2019)
What's not to like!
19 May 2020
(Short and to the point). Besson rocks! Tongue in cheek female spy movie but seriously produced and directed with superb effect. You will want so much for her character to be real!! Pure escapism. You'll love this together with Besson's Lucy. Another stunning film!
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Due Date (2010)
Very Very bad so why score it 6.7!!! Go figure!
13 March 2011
I would imagine the whole cast/crew and their families/friends/acquaintances/distant relations (you get the picture) were the only people to give this so called excuse of a comedy a good rating, allegedly. I will not waste my time saying any more than this. It deserves about 3/10 and no more (I was that tempted to give it 1). If you want to waste your time be my guest. I would not be surprised if the makers of Skyline lent a hand as it has their bodged direction/production written all over it. The only good thing to say is that they did a great job of making all the actors look total amateurs! Others on here have made reference to Planes Trains and Automobiles which is not surprising. In fact the storyline is so close to PT&A that I actually thought it was a remake within the first 10 minutes of watching!!
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Not a big screen movie but then again what spoof is!?
20 December 2008
This is about as good as I expected and so what did I do to prepare myself? After seeing that awful trailer I simply waited for it to arrive on DVD. No spoof movie deserves paying out decent money for and none of them need a big screen to get a laugh. So I ordered the DVD from an online rental company and the cost worked out at about 5p each. I made sure I got enough beer in for myself and mates to enjoy before watching it. I think it fair to say we all had a great laugh (what we managed to see and hear that is) and this film certainly gets the thumbs up from me and my friends. You could say there was a lot wrong with it but then again who really cares!? RECOMMENDED IF WATCHING WHILE VERY DRUNK ONLY!
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I must have missed something if so many people liked it!! ??
20 January 2007
In my opinion this is a typical cheap British movie. Reasonably entertaining in parts but some poor acting and no real story line to talk of made it very disappointing for me. It was like a modern day tale of Mary and Joseph set fractionally into the future. So many messages were being sent out regarding racism and immigration it made me wonder if the producer/director was attempting to show how this country is really going to end up if our current government continue in allowing this mass influx of humanity onto our very small island (8/10 for that part of it). We shall see very soon no doubt. But as far as this film's concerned don't lose any sleep if you never get around to watching it as it has all been done before and to better effect.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Wow Wow Wow!!!!!!
9 January 2007
Like a certain brewery would say..This is probably the best film in the world. I would go further as to say 'It is the best film ever made'. I'm not suggesting that it's perfect but it comes very close. Everything from amazing camera work, breathtaking visuals and superb wardrobe (kidding! ;) unless you consider ancient g string type things a work of art of course...there were chances for wardrobe in the 'city' to excel themselves which they did but I am not qualified to comment on authenticity, or of course on the authenticity of the scars, tribal markings etc etc but everything looked brilliant and so true to life. Filmed at perfect pace for the story and never relenting it seemed. Gibson and crew will/should get every award going and Gibson should be given the US equivalent to a Knighthood...Arise Sir Gibson :)
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You really can't get much better than this....Very enjoyable, uplifting and just plain feel-good fun.........
8 November 2005
Romantic teen comedies really don't get much better than this and this film is top of my list for the genre. It is very well acted which lets you get into the characters and submerge yourself right from the start. I wouldn't make any changes as I think all the actors work well together and they must have had a lot of fun making it as it shows. The soundtrack is OK too which always helps to make this type of film even more enjoyable.This is one of Cussacks best IMO as he plays his age (approx.) wonderfully. I would suggest that if you like this film try watching 'Last American Virgin' which is also excellent and full of surprises in more ways than one. I mention this not only because it also features high on my list of Romantic Comedies (all be it bitter/sweet) but because 'L.A.V.' is more like a Porkies type movie which another reviewer suggests 'The Sure Thing' is similar too!!?? Hardly a comparison with The Sure Thing but spot on with Last American Virgin.A very surprising movie which needs to be seen to the end to be believed.

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Casshern (2004)
Excellent film of the genre.
11 July 2005
Ignore any adverse comments on here and watch this movie now! It is a deeply involving film which needs your utmost attention to enjoy it. In fact it's one of those film you watch again and again and every time notice something different.

If you are someone like me who is not overcritical of films and just wants to submerse themselves in the wonderful escapism of it all then you will not be disappointed. For those of you who are discerning critics you will, no doubt, leave yet another negative criticism on here. You really just don't get it do you and in fact you probably never will. For the rest of you keep on watching and enjoy every last minute :)
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