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MotoGP Unlimited (2022– )
A very good insight, but...
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've owned bikes for 40 years. I love my bikes and all bike racing. The MotoGP era hasn't been my favourite class, although it's produced some fantastic racers, characters and successfully pushed motorcycling technology to some amazing levels that we occasionally get to share on the roads.

This show gave an excellent insight into the MotoGP world. Rather than concentrating on the racing, it shows the background of the new blood and a couple of the older generation.

The 2021 season saw the retirement of arguably the greatest Grand Prix rider the world has ever seen. Rossi made MotoGP his own. This series doesn't cover Rossi's career in huge detail, but in my opinion, covers his retirement excellently. It's not a show all about him but more about the upcoming stars of today, but salutes his farewell perfectly.

The reason I've knocked a couple of points off my rating (nothing gets 10), is because there's one thing that really annoyed me for much of the series.

Whoever decided that the UK version should be dubbed over with absolutely terrible, posh English accents needs sacking (I'm English btw).

Some of the dubbed voices used for the show were diabolical.

Why couldn't the producers at least find voice-over actors with the right accents?

Rossi is Italian. Marquez, Spanish. Quatararo, French. To have Rossi dubbed with an accent like David Beckham just FAILED miserably.

At some point a commentator was dubbed with voice that sounded like a football commentator from the 1940's. It almost forced me to turn it off.

No motorcycle race commentator has EVER sounded like Terry Thomas as far as I remember.

One thing to remember.

TV will never, ever show the speed of how fast race bikes travel.

If you want to see the truth in the flesh, then get yourself to a race.

It doesn't have to be a MotoGP race or even a British championship race. Club races can provide some excellent entertainment but without the glamour. If you really, REALLY want to witness mind-blowing speed and ridiculous motorcycle skills, sell a kidney or 2 and get over to the Isle of Man for the TT or the Manx Grand Prix.

You won't regret it and you'll have the best fun you can have with your clothes on.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
Crude but excellently funny
1 February 2024
I binged this short-ish series on Netflix over a week whilst laid up with a bad back.

I absolutely loved it. It's very funny in many places even if a bit crude for some. Each character grew throughout the series and it's such a shame it came to an end when it did. It seemed well written and every actor did justice to their profession.

I found myself in agreement with Ron Livingston's character in many of the scenes where Loudermilk was forced to deal with utter morons.

You'll love this series if you enjoy edgy humour and don't mind real world bad language.

Some of the situations are a little silly, but added to the savage charm of the series. Loudermilk is the perfect hero who's frustrated with most things and most situations he gets dropped in. You'll find yourself rooting for him, but sense that you know he's sadly going to lose most of the time.

Brilliant. Watch it.
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So bad it's brilliant
8 August 2023
Given 2 stars, but don't hate me.

1 star for the absolute pile of pants this utter shambles is, plus 1 extra for how ridiculously funny it is for being THAT bad.

The storyline is so shallow, a fly wouldn't drown in it. The writers (HA! Writers) must have jotted down every cliche quote from the worse 'shoot em up' movies ever made, then crammed them into the worse script ever written. I'm guessing the creators of this omnishambles paid a bunch of prepubescent sons of gun carrying red necks to write it.

Hats off to the team who managed to sell this utter doughnut of a film to a production company. You could sell snow to the Eskimos, my friends. I hope you made a fortune and blew it on booze.

I've honestly not laughed so much in ages whilst trying to endure the teeth-pulling wretchedness of this waste of air and electricity.

Watch it. Please do. At least try. You'll see what I mean.

"What the hell is that?!" "Looks like some kind of alien tech, Sur."
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Education too late.
26 February 2023
David Attenborough has been a constant in my life. I'm 54 years of age and I'm disgusted that the elite of mine, older and current generations has broken this man's heart.

We have absolutely ruined this blue/green rock, yet the vast majority of the, vanity obsessed population could not give a single toss.

I'm not a tree hugger by any stretch, but I'm ashamed that we have not done enough to stop our planet's demise.

Unless the powers that be get off their lazy, money obsessed backsides my granddaughter will only witness the wilderness of this planet, in the archives of some dumbed down website.

We should hang our heads in shame.
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Train Truckers (2019– )
Excellent skills
1 December 2022
Excellent skills, and not just from the drivers, planners, banksmen and engineers. The filming on this fly-on-the-wall series, is also excellent.

The camera work and editing is very dramatic.

From the use of every conceivable camera angle, to the brilliant use of dawn til dusk, light.

As for the drivers? My hat is well and truly doffed.

I've drove class 2 for a few years, and to be honest, the thought of driving a 'normal' artic, fills me with dread.

I just ain't interested in the stress and certainly lack the necessary skills. My little 18 tonne tanker is plenty big enough thanks.

15 hour days? Never again.

Sleeping in trucks? See above.

The drivers on this show, have the skills to reverse a 7.5 tonne wheel barrow up a loft ladder. Brilliant stuff. If these lorries were in the wrong hands, there'd be 100s of miles of carnage.

A big thumbs up to the team behind it all too. To organise moving cargo so big, takes some PROPER planning.

As a Brucie bonus, I've a passing interest in history and engineering, so what they're shifting, also gets my attention.

Unfortunately, it's also the reason why it loses a star or 2. The audience for this show is pretty limited to train anoraks, lorry drivers who think the job is romantic and engineering history loving, former photographers and now HGV drivers, like me.

Top work folks 8/10.
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The Crown: Aberfan (2019)
Season 3, Episode 3
23 December 2020
I'm the first to admit I'm no royalist. However, the series has gripped me by the throat and won't let go. This episode so far has been the best yet. As a working class son of a former miner, the story of Aberfan has been told many, many times. The heartbreak that those proud families suffered should have been impossible to put into a tv programme. The writers of the show, absolutely nailed it. 116 children and 28 adults lost their lives thanks to greed and corporate neglect. May we never forget.
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The Ripper (2020)
Closure to the end of an evil B....
18 December 2020
Note. This is not entertainment. This is an inside story that gripped a generation in the north of England. Growing up in the 70's, in the north of England, I remember the Yorkshire Ripper being on the news on a regular basis. This docu-series fills in the gaps of misinformation that we were fed back then. The emphasis on how women were (and still are in many areas) portrayed back then is the key to this story. The police and society in general, failed women. Peter Sutcliffe killed women. The media only took interest when he killed women who weren't regarded as prostitutes. Even now Peter Sutcliffe will be remembered as a prostitute killer thanks to the false information fed to us by the police and the media. Sutcliffe may rot and the pathetic excuse for those in charge of the investigation should have hanged their heads in shame. Andy Laptew is one of the few that can say they can sleep soundly knowing that they did their job. Anyone writing reviews saying that this was boring are probably just disappointed not to hear Sutcliffe's voice. Boring? Try telling that to the families of Sutcliffe's victims.
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6 Days (I) (2017)
Ok if you remember the event
16 June 2019
This really should have been made as a documentary drama. I was 12 when this siege took place, so kinda remember it as it happened. It's not really movie material. It just reminds me what a rotten piece of work Thatcher was. If you are old enough to remember the event, you'll also remember, that Kate Adie wasn't that pretty and didn't sound like a Scandinavian robot.
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Chernobyl (2019)
10. End of.
4 June 2019
I'm sure there's probably been some artistic/poetic license added to the story, but that doesn't take away the powerful message that Chernobyl depicts. I wish this wasn't a true story, but it could have ended much much worse.
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2:45 I'll never get back
18 May 2019
Nice special effects, but that's about it. A lame storyline that gets sillier as it drags on, where the outcome is obvious. The 1st 3 Transformers films were pretty entertaining, but now it's just stale. Anyone who gives this film 10/10 needs to seek therapy and perhaps get themselves a boyfriend/girlfriend.

BEIJING, CHINA As apposed to Beijing, France? And I'm not anti-American, but if I see one more fluttering stars & stripes, I'm gonna puke.
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The wrong presenter
12 January 2019
Whilst I've nothing against Megan Fox, I'm sure she may very well be a beautiful and pleasant person, the decision to employ her to present a series of historical documentaries is something I can't fathom. It just doesn't make sense. Is it an attempt to grab the attention of younger viewers or does she have a genuine interest in international history and this is her new career path? Aside all that, it's not all bad. It's certainly more watchable than The Curse of Oak Island.

Starting next week, Jennifer Aniston features in a new documentary series about trout farming in the Scottish Highlands.
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Nope. Can't continue to watch.
10 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so pleased that the History channel isn't publicly owned, because I'd want a refund. I've more than a passing interest in archeology and treasure hunting, so forced myself to watch the 1st series. BUT. The whole series could have easily been wrapped up in a single 30 minute show. The rest of it is over-egged with unnecessary dramatic music, what ifs and over-enthusiastic hypothetical narration to make it appear more interesting than watching paint dry. If it all wasn't so tragic, it'd be funny. The 2 brothers must have more money than sense. Knights Templar on Oak Island? Yeah, right. And I'm a flamenco dancing Labrador.
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Centurion (2010)
Lost potential for a good story
3 January 2019
How anyone can rate this movie above 5* is beyond me. It's a shame the movie doesn't hit the spot on so many levels, because the potential for it to be a good movie was there. There's way too much emphasis on over the top bloodletting and gore. I doubt Michael Fassbender will rank this film as one of his greatest.
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Detectorists (2014–2022)
Quintessential charming gem
15 October 2018
The Detectorists is one of the most charmingly humorous shows that you could wish for. Mackenzie Crook should be heartily congratulated for this piece of 'real' English comedy. Each character has their own quirky trait to keep you wanting more. Every episode leaves you with a smile on your face as the intrepid detectorists stumble from one scene to the next. As someone with a passing interest in metal detecting, I can honestly say, these characters exist in reality to some extent. From the rivalry and the battle for getting permissions, to the excitement of thinking you've finally got that one big find, only to dig up a cap off a shotgun cartridge, is genuine. Mackenzie Crook has nailed it. Brilliant job.
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Nature of the Beast (I) (2017)
The man behind the Beast
7 October 2018
I'll hold my hands up. I'm biased. Dennis is my uncle. His brother, Graham is my dad. Even so, this docu-movie shows much of how Dennis is in the real world. Whether you agree with Dennis's politics or not, this film shows how both he, and his brothers are dedicated to standing up for the rights and wellbeing of people less fortunate than the powers that be. Since I can remember, Dennis has been an influential political figure to me and yet he still had time to teach me how to play tennis.

In my adult life, I've learned to handle bigotry from those that oppose his political beliefs and think they can use me and other members of my family as a verbal punchbag, to express their views on Dennis. Many times I've been told that my own beliefs have been indoctrinated by Dennis and my dad and that's the only reason why I have similar views. I feel extremely blessed to have had such an educational upbringing and pity those that get only their own political views from today's social and mainstream media.

A man said to me only yesterday. "Your uncle Dennis is a legend. I normally prefer my hero's dead, so they can't let you down, but for him I will make and exception."
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In depth, moving history lesson
7 October 2018
Although labelled a mini series, this one seems quite lengthy (over 16 1/2 hours) probably due to its in-depth agenda. Please don't be put off however. It's a really moving and interesting account of the whole mess that was the Vietnam War. The footage and photography throughout the series shows the true horror of this war. It also shows the story behind the many protests and the political corruption that went on during the administration of 4 US presidents. Covering the events from 1858 (yes, eighteen fifty eight) to the present day, this epic could have been spread over twice as many episodes. I for one, hadn't realised that Vietnam had been a melting pot for civil troubles for so long. For me the 'Vietnam War' was a guerrilla war between the US and North Vietnam from the late 60's to 1975. I hadn't known that the Vietnamese people had suffered for many decades at the hands of the French, before it all kicked off after WWII. Now I'm no big fan of gung-ho, shoot-em-up, bad-ass movies with Amuricans waving the star spangled banner and this series certainly isn't an advocate of that, one little bit. The young men and women who volunteered or were drafted, were well and truly dropped into a horrific mess, that they'd never be able to solve. The US governments over the last 20-odd years of the war, made a total shambles of an impossible situation and almost 60,000 US soldiers and approximately 2 million Vietnamese paid the ultimate price. Even those soldiers who returned mainly intact, suffered chronic mental issues still do today.

So, get comfortable, turn off your phone, call in sick and prepare to find out what really went on.
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M*A*S*H (1972–1983)
Timeless comedy & drama genius
23 September 2018
I've been watching M*A*S*H since I was a kid. When it became available, I saved up a small fortune and bought the whole thing on VHS tape and then eventually on DVD. I've also read the books, watched the original movie countless times and bought the T-shirts in the 4077's honour. I still periodically pop the discs in the player, for an annual binge/fix, and still find new snippets that I'd missed the first 46 times. From the pilot through to the 11th season, M*A*S*H developed into the success benchmark that all other US comedies had to try to meet, yet there's few that have managed to match that success. Yes, it may have ran for 8 years longer than the actual Korean War, but I'm so pleased it did. It may have a smattering of continuation issues, but I believe it adds to the charm to the story of the 4077th. M*A*S*H is genuinely one of the best television masterpieces of all time.
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Timeless masterpiece
4 September 2018
Where to begin? It's very rare that I'd buy a box set of a tv series. I must have watched this one over a dozen times. I could waffle on about the fantastic effects and the excellent array of acting talent, but all that should never take away the brutal reality of the storyline. Now I'm not a flag waving patriotic type, who gets a kick out of war and guns, but the people this series is based on and many many others like them, put their lives on the line for us and Band of Brothers shows a mere snippet of what it must have been like to suffer and witness the hardship and horrors of war. You must watch this amazing series, especially the documentary featuring the real men from Easy Company. Have tissues on standby.
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Derek (2012–2014)
Must be worth a 10
28 July 2018
Love or dislike, Ricky Gervais, Derek has to be one of the best written comedies that's ever graced the small screen. From the slightly warped, sometimes vulgar, way over the line humour, to the heart-breaking sensitivity of the subject of getting to the end of your life, Derek will have you reaching for the tissues.
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White Noise (I) (2005)
The worse piece of rubbish EVER
19 July 2018
0 stars. I actually went to the cinema to see this garbage. Michael Keaton is a good actor, no question, but this film is absolutely terrible. No plot. No story. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. A couple of years later, my local cinema had the gall to show White Noise 2. So what, you ask? Well, they showed the sequel to the original steaming pile, instead of 'The Last King of Scotland' which was released the on the same week. Several emails of complaint were sent, only for Cineworld to reply with a retort, that made me vow to never set foot in their cinema ever again. "The last king of Scotland will not be shown, as we feel it would not suit the audience of Chesterfield" The last king of Scotland won an Oscar later on. White Noise didn't.
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Laugh? You will, if you get it.
2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm amazed that although the US have adopted Ricky Gervais, that they still don't get him. Everything he's been involved in, that's ended up on a screen, has been a piss-take. Usually those piss-takes have offended people who don't get the joke, hence the 2 star Nutfux rating for this movie.

The underline story is a simple one. A hunky heart-throb journalist and his blundering loser, sound-tech, fake a news story (never, ever happens), but, end up getting taken hostage, in Ecuador for real. I say 'underline' story because that's exactly what it is. This is a complete piss-take of the American, star spangled moron. Its a salute to those who happily donate a dollar to any stupid cause that's got a stars and stripes draped over it. This is a satirical piece by Gervais, that's cloaked by a typical storyline that would get the bobble-hatted masses cheering for Uncle Sam and the Muurican way. Laugh? You will, if you get it.

Even the final words spoken by the brilliant, Kelly Macdonald and Gervais, gives the viewers a clue to the piss-take: "This is like being in a movie" "A low budget movie, really"
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Go to the TT and feel the atmosphere
25 January 2014
This film is as near as you can get to being there, without actually jumping on the Ben-My-Chree ferry.

As a biker of 30 years, I finally went to the TT in 2007 for the Centenary. 106 years these mad, bad heroes have been throwing themselves into the back of an ambulance in the name of making the spectators gasp and cheer at their bravery and speed.

I saved up and went back in 2011 and met Guy Martin. Adorned a 'Bye Eck It's the 2011 Tea Tea' T-Shirt, I'd made for our gang of like minded morons, and said, "What's tha reckon yoof?' In my natural, cloggy, northern England (Chesterfield) accent. His response didn't disappoint. "F**kin Top Man!" he shouted. Laughing his head off. After a few quick snaps and hand shakes, he was off into the pit to chuck some spanners about as if this happened to him everyday.

A few yards away was the garage of the 2nd most successful ace at the IoM TT, John McGuinness. Then there's Conor Cummins, followed by Michael Dunlop, Mike Rutter, Cam Donald and Bruce Anstey and many, many more. How many movie sets have you been able to wander around freely and get to meet all the stars? Answer: NONE. Not only do you meet the riders, but some of the fans are superstars themselves. Every single one of these people you meet are real, down to earth people, who couldn't give a toss for stardom or wish to be on a Z-list celebrity TV show.

The drama realistically unfolds in this film, from the tension of the build up and preparation, the practice sessions, the actual races, the atmosphere, the excitement of fans, the highs of winning (or even finishing) to the lows of tragedy and loss. Whether you're a fan of 4 or 2 wheel racing, this is a film to see. If you've any soul, then I guarantee, the minute you've seen the action, you'll be on the blower to the Steam Packet Ferry Co to book for the next year.

I'll be back on the island in 2014 and will continue to visit as long as I've got the cash and can chuck a leg over a bike. Roll on.

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Reviewing as I watch. It might not end.
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ladies and gentlemen, we are at defcon 4. Is this going to be another Amurkan gung-ho pile, like White House Down? Seeing as the American flag flutters to the ground, I get the feeling it is. So it's the North Koreans who's the baddies in this.

The plane wing clips that pointy needle thing. It collapses almost like the twin towers. Bullet count so far - 4,000,003 and more bombs gone off than the Korean war already.

Globalisation and Wall Street are the cause! You horrible commie, lefty bastards! North Korean Government deny any involvement. Well they would wouldn't they.

Good guy sits in the oval office. He's not a rogue chef. Gerard knows a hell of a lot of information already. How much weaponry the baddies have and how the windows are all rigged to blow.

All South Korea could fall within 72 hours. Its gonna be a long film. Morgan wants to speak with every important leader of the world's countries. Even France. And Gerard still sits in the oval office alone.

So kill all the people in the white house and the codes and the world are safe? GO GET EM MIKE!

Find BANNING (Mclane/Ryback) NOW!

Go on Mike. Give the kid a gun! It'll be funnier.

Where's the vice president?

Morgan just asks god to bless America.

OFF. Think I'll go make some toast.
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Grabbers (2012)
Alien meets Gremlins meets Dusk Till Dawn meets Father Ted
1 January 2014
IGNORE THE SLATERS. This movie is a belting good comedy horror romp.

It's the perfect blend of entertainment, fun, silliness and B-Movie style (make you jump a tiny bit) horror. All done on a half decent sized budget with good CGI and without the gung-ho USA! USA! gaaawd bless Murika trashy bull. You want 4 million bullets fired, a war's worth of explosions and a plot so thin, it could evaporate, watch White House Down. It may not have huge super stars in the cast, but it really doesn't need them. Everyone in it plays their part brilliantly and all are stars in their own right.

It all starts with a Jaws appetiser, add a dash of Die Hard, a pinch of Gremlins, a side order of Alien, with Dusk Till Dawn for pudding. All smothered in Father Ted style comedy gravy. There's even a little love story thrown in for the soppy ones among us.

So switch off your brain, pour yourself a pint of the black stuff and let this movie suck you in.

And don't take it too seriously!
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Utterly bad.
30 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
James Woods and Jamie Foxx in it, so what could possibly go wrong?

Well... all of it.

It's 60 minutes of my life I'll never get back. I say 60 minutes because that's all I could stand before I hit the off button.

If the plot was any thinner, it'd evaporate.

The producers must have thought, "I know. Let's fire off a few million rounds of bullets, stick a few explosions in there, drive around the lawn for 5 minutes while the army watches and show 'realistic' news coverage on the siege, that has the headline 'AMERICA UNDER ATTACK' and the Amerkan god bothering, gun toter's will flock to see some nasty, lefty, bad guys get shot to bits on their home soil". KERCHING!

I'm so pleased I borrowed the DVD and didn't spend any money on watching such rubbish. If you do decide to sit and suffer through it all, please don't try to hunt me down to tell me how it all ends. I really don't care.
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