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The MCU's Trend Breaker
13 March 2019
Captain Marvel is down there with the Marvel Cinematic Universes' lesser films, Like Iron Man 2 and Thor the Dark World. Which is a real shame since even when Marvel stumbles they always seem to find their footing again, but after seeing this movie, the future of this franchise seems grim.

From the first frame it became apparently clear that this movie's pacing and overall direction would be lacking. Captain Marvel is a film that goes from scene to scene with clumsy editing and headache inducing continuity errors, and the lack of consistency between quick edits plagues the entire movie. This is probably the worst directed film in the franchise, most of the films by the MCU usually have the unique voice of their directors behind them, but Captain Marvel felt like a B-movie with a Hollywood budget. You could have told me an AI had directed this movie, and I wouldn't have questioned it.

If the mediocre filmmaking wasn't bland enough, Brie Larson, our lead actress was even more bland. I'm not entirely unconvinced that the usually talented Larson couldn't make this role work, but the material she was presented with was not in her hitting field. Her comedic timing was weak and the only tone of voice she seemed to know was either monotone, or slightly more concerned montone. They should have played more to Larson's strengths as an actress if they insisted she should play this role, or just pick a different actress.

But the worst part of this movie is what this movie implies for the future of this franchise. Without spoiling, they imply the Carol Danvers will now bullhead the films going forward. Which they should not do, she is the most boring protagonist this franchise has introduced so far. If Carol was supposed to be just another side hero, like Ant-Man, Falcon or Scarlet Witch, then that would have been more forgiving, but as it stands they seem to want her to be the new face of the MCU, and if this movie is any indication, that's not good.

Going forward, I hope this isn't the death rattle for the MCU, since they had been on a role with movies like Spiderman Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, and the excellent Infinity War. We can only home that Marvel can fix this misstep like they have done in the past.
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Didn't ruin Coco but.....
28 November 2017
......but It put me is an a dower mode before the movie started. There has been a lot of hate on Frozen ever sense it garnered popularity back in 2013. I never got the hate and I thought the movie was just okay. But after seeing the overly long, boring, schmaltzy mess that is OLAF's FROZEN ADVENTURE, I think I may hate Frozen now.

It really is a shame this waste of time and talent was forced unto such a beautiful, smart and powerful movie like Coco. But hey! Disney has to milk it's dying cash-cow some how! Why not put it in front of a movie a lot of people are going to watch! That way they have to watch it! It's to late they already bought the ticket!

Bad move Disney....BAD!!
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The Shannara Chronicles (2016–2017)
When spectacle eclipses story.
7 January 2016
I have just watched the first two episodes, and I can tell that this series is not for me.

Within the first few scenes I already could tell I was going to hate the fast editing and uneven pace. I feel like the show did not do very well at introducing us to this world or how it works. There is never a moment of rest, and scenes only exist to push the story along instead of giving any development.

Most of the actors aren't that great either, especially Wil, he's just comes of a dough-eyed doofus who makes really bad jokes. And Amberle just seems like your titular YA heroine. Now there were some characters who are potentially interesting, like Eretria and Allanon. And I had not idea the Eretria was played by the girl from Pan's Labyrinth, thats awesome.

And as the title of my review implies, I feel the scope is really distracting. I think there were way to many grand money shots, they really brought nothing. And sure they look good for television, but personally, a strong story is far better then your fancy computers. I just felt like the show was way to flashy when it didn't need to be.

Now for the parts that were actually good. I like the sets and the costumes they are very unique. And I do kinda like the idea of a fantasy world that existed from a ruined earth. They haven't done anything interesting with that idea, and I haven't read the books so I don't know if they do, but at least it was an idea.

The first two episodes really didn't leave a great impression on me. And I don't know if I have interest in continuing. There were somethings I liked, but overall the show just felt to rushed and to empty.
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4 January 2016
I really, really wanted to like this movie. And don't get me wrong, I understood the themes of the story, and I actually do like slow- paced animated movies. But Princess Arete was to slow!

In the first hour of this movie nothing at all happens. It only takes place in a handful of boring a dull settings that don't really immerse you in the world. And it seems like all the characters do nothing but sit around and talk about things. The animation is good, but very uninspired, it doesn't take risks, or do anything spectacular. And besides, animation is the pinnacle of visual storytelling, and its the best way to express imaginative and to tell immersive stories. When I see an animated movie that has such a dull atmosphere, I feel sorry for the people who worked on it.

Now the movie is not all bad. Like I said earlier, I did understand the theme of isolation and oppression, and at the very least the last twenty minutes actually had something happening, but its not enough to make up for the ninety minutes of nothing that came before it. I'm sure some people would like this movie, but I don't think I could recommend it to anyone.
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Heckler (2007)
In a way I understand but.....
30 July 2015
No artist likes receiving criticism. I understand that might be frustrating to have your hard work not pay off. But you can do one of two things, you can thrive on criticism or you can be so indulged with your self and whine about it. Guess which one is practiced in this movie.

To be fair I did like the first fifteen minutes of this documentary. Where it was about how hecklers during comedy shows need to stop and be polite etc. That part made sense. I for one hate it when people are rude during any form of entertainment. But when Jamie Kennedy changes the topic to attacking critics that's where it fell apart.

Not only are Jamie Kennedy's antics childish and rude, but also completely contradicting to the message against hecklers. And it doesn't help that Kennedy makes a fool of himself when he is interviewing a critic who gave one of his films a bad review.

Now on a positive note I at least do get behind some of what this documentary is trying to say. There are some critics who are bad at their jobs. Not giving the proper criticisms of the product's content and instead criticizing on how hot the actors are, and how many parts of a movie suck. But not all critics are like that. There are those who know what they are doing and give good constructive criticisms.

But what I can't get over is how is seems that most of these comedians and other artists think that critics should not even exist. That is just petty and unprofessional. Shouldn't artist be glad that their are critics to point out flaws so that the artist can try better next time? Well not for our Mr. Kennedy apparently.

So in the end I thought is was a terrible documentary. I'll admit I like the first few minutes, but after that it becomes an indulgent, childish and just down right disgusting experience.

So if there are any inspiring artists of any kind, I'd implore you to swallow your pride and listen to your critics. But only the ones that have actual good constructive criticisms. And if you don't you'll become egotistical hacks like the people that made this movie.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005–2010)
Should have been renamed; "Jennifer Love Hewitt's Ego Trip"
11 June 2015
I started watching this show with my mom a few months back. Needless to say none of us really took it seriously. Everything about this show just felt so weightless.

The main character is played by Jennifer Love Hewitt, and she is also the executive producer. With that said Hewitt probably had some liberties with her character. Hewitt's performance in he show is just plain terrible, she tries way to hard to look sexy for the camera rather then work on her acting. And what makes it worse is that some characters will just randomly tell her how beautiful she is. Wow I wonder who told them to say that?

But what ever this is supposedly a supernatural show with thrills and scares. Well if you can call them thrills or scares, the creator's definition of "thrilling" is bombarded with generic loud noises and cheap jump scares.

This really not a good show, it's not suspenseful, its boring and our leading lady has an ego the size of Mt. Everest. I'm glad this show isn't still airing.
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I rarely give movies a perfect 10.
21 May 2015
It's not everyday when a movie leaves you so entranced to the point your drunk on it for a few days after watching it. But somehow this movie really hit me.

When I first saw The Secret of Kells some years back, I said; "I want to see what else these people have in store". Sure enough not to long afterward I heard that Song of the Sea was in production. At that point I was so hyped to see it. I didn't know if it was going to be better then Kells but somehow I knew that the film was going to be something special. But little did I know that Song of the Sea was going to completely blow my expectations.

It's honestly hard to talk about this movie. But I guess if I had to sum it up in one word it would be; Beautiful. Everything about this movie is just beautifully handled and thought out. The characters, the story, the visuals, and it's even shot very well. You wouldn't expect that from an animation it being "well shot". Considering that in 2d animation the camera is just planted. But the backgrounds and the images really have crisp visual story telling.

A lot of people are a little closed minded to this movie because of how unlikable Ben can be. To that I say; "That was the point, duh"! Have any of you ever hear of a story arc? How boring and unsatisfying would the ending be if Ben was just a nice kid throughout the movie?

Now for the problems with the movie. There was only one big problem with the movie. It was embarrassing to watch. Oh no, not because it was an unbearable or annoying, its because I feel embarrassed for most American animation.

After watching this movie and then waking up and realizing that most American animation is mostly (not always) filled to brim with dull, sterile CG movies that are usually aimed strictly for kids. We see movies like; The Nut Job, Strange Magic, Alpha and Omega and list goes on forever. After watching Song of the Sea I just realized how ashamed I am of the animation industry in America. They need to step up their game.

But enough of that. Overall just watch Song of the Sea. It's an indescribably wonder that deserves that all the attention it can get.
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I honestly don't get the hate....
28 March 2015
Well okay the movie wasn't great or anything. Some parts were boring and I don't think Cooper needed to be there, but other then that I actually had a pretty good time with it.

I don't know how to wrap my head around why this movie is so hated. Seriously people when you think "The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie" were you thinking it was going to be some big grand movie that defied film-making? No! I know and you know exactly what this movie is. It's a silly low budget cheese fest.

But I did have a few problems with the movie. First of all I thought there was a little to much going on. Every thing throws itself at you full throttle and there is barely anytime for a breather. And Second is Cooper. I dunno I kinda wanted to see the Nerd travel around with familiar faces like Mike, Kyle, and The Bullsh*t Man. But if James wanted to try something different I can respect that. But why Cooper? And I also found out that the actor is the same kid who played Koda in brother bear. He must be a magnet of announce.

But beside that I actually really had a blast with this movie. Even though it was low-budget I can defiantly see the work that went into bringing this movie to life. The sets, the special effects there was a lot of hard work to behind here and it's very apparent on screen. And I found a few parts surprisingly touching especially the end credit speech, I won't give it away but come on guys you all liked that speech. And James if your reading this, please don't stop making movies.
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Original concept, not so original plot.
28 March 2015
I love GKIDS. Bringing us some of us the best foreign animated films. They are responsible for distributing; The Secret of Kells, Chico and Rita, Ernest and Celestien and many more. So naturally when I heard of this movie I didn't think twice to give it a rent.

First off I love the idea of the inverted people. There is so much creativity in the animation. The characters are pretty likable as well and the character animation is actually very expressive. However although the concept is unique the plot itself was lacking.

It's the same generic dystopian society that hates people who are different because... reasons. That part of the movie is what what keeps it from from being a great movie. I think it should just been a more simple story and not about a big government conspiracy.
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Best thing with the Turtles names on it...............
27 October 2014
When this show was first announced I was a bit skeptical. For one is was being released by nickelodeon. I thought that was awesome, but on the other hand it was part of that lackluster CGI cartoon gimmick so I wasn't overly fond of the art style.

When I finally got the chance to see it any doubts I had were gone. Having grown up with both previous cartoons and the three live- action movies I've gotta say this is so far the best thing that bares the novelty of the Ninja Turtles. Although like I said earlier I'm not overly fond of the art style, but I can look around that if the story and characters are good, and luckily they are.

All the classic characters are represented very well; The Turtles, Splinter and The Shredder the whole lot. And I have to hand it to the creators because for the first time the character of April O'Neill is actually believable. I'm sorry for any hardcore fans out there but I've never believed April in previous works. I don't think in reality a head strong business woman would hang out with a bunch of teenage mutants in the sewers. So yeah I really like teenager April sue me.

It's nice to see that there is finally something I'm that is both fun and satisfying for a life long turtle fan to exist. Because where the new live action movie failed the new cartoon succeeded. And I glad I have such a great show to fall back on.
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Foiled by the positive Reception....
22 October 2014
I was first introduced to this film when I saw it on the shelf of my local video store. I looked at it and thought to myself this could just be a animation reject or maybe there is more to it. I went home a researched it and saw it has a 70% on rotten tomatoes. So I found it again at my local red-box and gave it a try.

Since I just saw it is fresh in my mind, and I gotta say it wasn't that enjoyable. The pacing was off, the animation was creative but looked cheap, and the movie just had weird and pointless moments.

For example (without spoiling anything); Our main character is on a train and it should be quiet atmospheric moment but then out of no where some guy just shows up and tries to kill him. Who was that, what was he doing?

Even the English dub was really off and the actors sounded very bored and monotone. But to the film's credit Although the animation did look cheap I really did like the design. I'd love to see Dreamworks or Pixar make a film in this style. Another thing that caught my interest is that the romance is actually genuine. The two leads actually have good chemistry and you want to route for the

I am aware that is movie is based on a story that is supposed to be a part of a rock album and the band actually had involvement in making this movie. I think if this movie was given to professionals I'll bet the movie would have been a unique experience. But as is this film is pretty lack-luster, If you want to see it all power to but I say it ain't really worth the time.
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Surprisingly mundane.
2 August 2014
I've been an animation lover all my life. You could even say I prefer it over live action. However I have been a little disappointed that pretty much all American animated films have turned to CGI and turned down traditional styles (I have nothing against CG animation, I just like verity).

However tradition hand-drawn animation still thrives in Europe and Asia. Sometimes I even find some great gems like; The Secret of Kells, Ernest and Celestien, Metropolis, and Studio Ghibli. But one film in particular was a real white elephant and this the film I'm talking about today.

I first heard of A Cat in Paris a few years back and ever since then I've been wanting to give it a watch. The film eventually found it's way unto Netflix and I gave it a sitting, my reaction; MEH!

At first I thought the movie was going to be really charming; A cat that has two owners; 1) a traumatized girl named Zoe who won't talk and 2) a cat burglar. I thought the contrast between the two worked so well and eventually the cat will bring them together and they will have a cute little friendship. I spoke way to soon.

The real story is about a boring police man hunt for an insane crime boss who killed Zoe's father. It wouldn't be so bad it the villains weren't the most clichéd humorous baddies you'll ever see. This guy is supposed to be a ruthless crime lord who murders cops. But the movie portrays him as a male version of Cruella Deviel. If this guy is Cruella Deviel that means his henchmen are Horace and Jasper. They do lame recycled slapstick comedy, talk like they have dementia, and say stupid one liners. So yeah this movie turned into something I was hoping it wouldn't be like.

However the movie wasn't without it's good moments. For one; the animation was good a fluid and the art style was really unique. The fore mentioned Thief and the girl were good characters but they still needed more development. Overall I feel A Cat in Paris is a failed attempt at an underrated classic.
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Not very impressive but.......
5 April 2014
I only first saw this movie a few months ago, and I've got to say it really is a mixed bag. I've not yet finished the book in which this movie is based on so I'll judge this movie on it's own. First I must talk about the animation. The animation starts off pretty good, not Disney quality but it's passable. However it's one of those animated movie, you know the one where the quality seems to get worse as the movie goes on. Those kind of movies really bother me. I know animated films are painstakingly hard to make but I just feel this approach is lazy.

But a good story is a good way to cover some flaws, and how is that? The story is actually good, it's well paced, it ties up the loose end and it managed to do so with an 80 minute running time. Not to mention this is the story that really helped influence Tolkien and C.S. Lewis to right The Hobbit and Narnia. So props to that.

With that said a good story can't be saved unless it has good characters to carry it through and this is were it gets mixed. First things first, the Goblins. Everyone knows goblins are the most devious creatures of all fantasy, how are they portrayed in the movie? How do I put this nicely.... THEIR ANNOYING!!!!!!!! Seriously goblins are versatile, open to many possibilities but this movie decided to go to lowest denominator. The supporting characters are not very good either, the guards, the nanny etc. are very annoying. Fortunately to the movie's credit the two leads Princess Irene and Curdie are actually likable. They share a cute chemistry and you do want to route for them.

In conclusion The Princess and Goblin is lukewarm, A good well paced story with two likable leads, but annoying supporting characters and inconsistent animation. So in the end I'm glad I saw it, but I won't be rushing to see it anytime soon.
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Not the great master's best, but still captivates
18 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I like a lot of people who love the works of master animator, this movie was right up my alley. If you read many of my reviews you should know that I belittle movies for not being faithful or capturing the spirit of their source material, however I have not gotten around to reading this book so I'll just review the movie for how it is.

Like most movies Howl's Moving Castle follows the three act structure, and to be honest I had a different reaction of each of the movies acts. I really loved the first act. An insecure girl is stricken with old age by a witch so she becomes the cleaning lady for the infamous Wizard Howl. This follows the usual Miyazaki formula, a simple premise, likable characters and top it off with some of the best hand-drawn animation you'll ever see, by the way the movie was going I was looking forward to the rest of the movie. However I did love the first act I just like the rest of the movie.

The middle of the film some subplots drop their anchors and it started getting very needlessly confusing; Like how Howl was a lover with the witch of the wastes, and Howl as even worse self-esteem then Sophie (Hilarious scene, if you've seen you know what I'm talking about), Howl's hearts is lost or something, there is a witch who wants to take everyone's powers away and there was something about a war etc. Yeah like I said it get a lot more complicated then it needs to be.

By the time the third act rolled around it was just a mess. I have to many spoilers in here already so I'm not going to say anything about, like I said before if you have seen the movie you should know what I mean.

But with that said, even with it's problems aside the movie still has the magical, innocent, and heart-warming charm that only Hayao Miyazaki can deliver. I highly recommend it.
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I really hate to give it such a low score but........
6 March 2014
.....look it's not so much the movie I dislike I mean I really do like this movie and will continue to like it, but the thing that really make me clinch my fist is the movie's phenomenon. In a way one of the most famous movies of all time has really made the world blind to the true magic that Oz has to offer. How many people do you now who have read the books? Not very many right? The books are just fantastic (most of the time). But for some reason whenever someone tries to adapt closer to the books (AKA 1985 Return to Oz) people are to harsh to it. Leonard Malton and Siskel and Ebert hated that movie because it wasn't the 1939 version. Granted over time people have realized the magic behind the books and Return to Oz (Seriouly I'm like the only one who likes that movie was better the then this one) and I'm sure the years to come people will grow attached as well. So just a recap, I like this movie always have and always will. But at the same time I think it's a little on the overrated side. If you haven't read the book or seen Return to Oz I strongly suggest you do so, it's time to know the truth.

P.S.: I hate it when other adaptations winks to the audience with references to this movie.
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White would have been proud
19 February 2014
I'm going to get this out of the way fast. The only downside to this film is the comedy. It's pointless, unfunny, and just childish. But the rest of the movie........ Great!!!!!

I grew up reading the book and watching the Hanna-Barbara movie. The book is a classic and always will be, the movie was good but revisiting it; the animation is awkward, the made up story lines are dumb and the songs for lack of a better word are just bad. When this live-action remake came out I actually wasn't that exited. It took me a long time to finally sit down and give it a view.

Think about when you read the book. Charlotte's Wed really gives you a warm tingly feeling when reading it. For the most part the movie transfers the sensibility of the book to the screen. If you are a fan of the book you'll like this movie. If you are gung-ho about the original film you probably won't like it. Whatever it's worth I say give it a watch it's on Netflix right now so stop reading this review you probably don't care about and watch it and draw your own conclusion.
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A forgotten Animated Gem
2 February 2014
I remember when The Prince of Egypt came out a few decades ago. My recollection is that it was a huge success and the buzz everywhere. Being a kid at the time I didn't understand the movie. I knew the story of Moses for sure but at that point in my life I didn't really get the magic of animation.

Fast-forward today and I see it as movie that needs more attention. The story the characters, and a good blend of computer and traditional animation, it's not easy to keep that consistent. The only downside I can think of is the kookier moments and it is kinda distracting. But other then that it is a really good underrated movie.

I hope in the future that they could make more animated films based on Bible stories.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
An atrocity to behold
31 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard that Tim Burton was going to be doing an Alice in Wonderland movie I was immediately hyped. When the movie finally rolled around I was ready to seen the adaptation the classic story "deserved".

The prologue seemed promising a young Alice with her father having some cute banter. But then we fast forward many years to find Alice as a teenager. One of my problems with the movie is I thought Alice was to old, if you read the book I think it's apparent that Carol intended her to be a young girl. But what they were going for and Alice returning to Wonderland after many years, I didn't let it bother me.

Alice and her mother go to merry-gathering where Alice meets people and witnesses events that I am sure is "NOT AT ALL FORESHADOWING FOR LATER". Watch The Wizard of Oz much? Among all forced story lines Alice is proposed to by a snooty young man, before she answers him she sees a white rabbit and follows him down a rabbit hole.

After a pretty impressive interpretation of the falling and the room with all the doors. We finally get to see the Wonderland we've been waiting to see. But to our dismay Wonderland looks like a boring CGI dung-heep. But if that wasn't enough we get to see some old favorite character but SURPRISE their boring too. The Wonderlanders think that Alice is the "wrong Alice" so they go see Absolen the caterpillar (So the caterpillar has a name now). Absolen brings out a scroll that tells the future and tells Alice she must slay the Red Queen's evil Jabberwocky and save "Underland" from her tyranny. This was the point of the movie I realized I'd been suckered in.

Not to long afterward we get to see Helena Bonham Carter as our villain. To be fair Carter is the best part of the movie and she really tries to get around the contrived writing. But even her character is written wrong. The famed phrase "off with his head" isn't fun anymore but instead we get to see the victim crying about how he has kids to look after. Wow it's like the producers just wanted everything fun or memorable about Carol's book to completely shove it down the drain.

But surly Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter can bring some light to the movie. Nope, surprisingly Depp is the biggest stick in the mud this film has to offer. I mean I like Johnny Depp as an actor but his performance in this movie is just plain awful; he some how turned this fun-loving, delightfully goofy character into some depressing emo guy.

Anyway Alice travels with the Hatter for a while until the hatter captured by the Queen's army. Alice then allies with a dog (voiced by Timothy Spall),and she takes part in crossing to castle mote by jumping across severed heads???? Wow when did this movie turn into "The Killing Fields"? This Alice in Wonderland, leave scenes like this for Sweeney Todd Mr.Burton. So Alice infiltrates the Queen's court to find the vorpal blade the only weapon that can kill the Jabborwocky (I guess were in a Zelda game now). To make a long story short Alice finds the vorpal blade the Hatter and the dormouse try helping her escape but get arrested and Alice escapes on the Bandersnactch (oh a reference to the Jadderwocky poem, they'll think were're geniuses).

Alice escapes to The Red Queen's sister The White Queen played by a boring Anne Hathaway (I'm sure she "Dreamed a Dream" that she's to talented to play such a boring role). But meanwhile everyone is getting tried of Depp's bland performance and decide to send him to the block. But with the help from the Cheshire Cat (voiced by Stephan Fry) the Hatter rallies to citizens of Wonderland (I'm not calling it Underland) to fight back at the Red Queen. But if you haven't hadn't had enough of contrived dark scenes the Queens sends out a giant bird to massacre everyone.

So our favorite characters gone wrong meet up with Alice and the White Queen and get ready for the final battle against the Red Queen and the Jabberwocky. But Alice is feeling pressure about having to kill the beast so she is once again visited by the caterpillar. The caterpillar then shows clips Alice exploring Wonderland as a child (Not a good idea showing what the movie should have been like) and that somehow makes Alice more confident and they set off to meet the Red Queen's army.

When they arrive Alice confronts the Jabberwocky (voiced by Christopher Lee) and slays it. And that somehow make the Red Queen's army betray her and The Queen is banished. And then we take part in the most awful, vomit worthy part of the movie; The Hatter starts break dancing :P. So after that death blow to everyone's childhood Alice decides to return home and confront the similar problems she had in her real life. We end with Alice apprenticing in her fathers business and heading off to see the world.

Overall Alice in Wonderland is a messy, devised, and just all round awful. It seems like the movie deliberately went out of it's way to destroy the magic of a beloved classic. They really didn't understand the purpose of Lewis Carol's work and instead turned it into a boring CGI Narnia knock-off. And I just heard that they are making a sequel. Well I learned my lesson and I'm going to stay far away from it. I'm sure in the future there will be other adaptations and maybe someone will hit it out of the park and do the story right. But until then I'll stick with my books and the 1951 animated film.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Starts promising, but proves to be fail
30 January 2014
When I first started watching the show I was actually intrigued. It's an interesting premise built on a few interesting characters. I wasn't really open to all of the characters be named and portrayed as the classic Disney characters but I thought the actors did okay around it. Speaking of which I think the most of the actors fit their parts pretty well. One of the complaints I had is season 1 was our main heroine Emma. I personally believe she was out of place in this fairy tale-esque world. So recap on season one It was good, dragged sometimes and some characters take some time to like.

When Season two rolled around, it started off okay. I wasn't attached to Emma at first but she eventually one me over. There were some new characters that I thought were going to go somewhere interesting. But unfortunately as the season progressed it just lamer and lamer and lamer. The show went to such a direction I was hoping it wouldn't go.

Overall I think Once Upon a Time is a lost potential. If I had to choose to choose some redeeming qualities it would have to be Rumpelstiltskin and Regina. Oh my gosh, these two steal every scene that they are in and they both are great three-dimensional characters. I don't know what season three will bring but I hope to see more of them.
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Neverland (2011)
Insulting to Barrie's work
30 January 2014
If your like me who love these classic stories then you should agree with me that this mini-series is a contrived sci-fi mess. What makes this so bad is that it commits the sin that most fairy tale/ fantasy adaptations do these days; "trying to make sense of the story". When movies, TV shows or any other form of media attempt that it really destroys the magic and dignity of the stories. If you are like me and is a lover of classics I'd avoid this dung pile and stick with your books. Besides why watch this when there are far better Peter Pan adaptions such as; The Disney movie, Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates, Hook, or even the 2003 live-action movie.
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