
21 Reviews
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Worth a watch
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I get why people are upset, but it is getting too much hate. The show has great effects, great acting in its majority, and sticks to the original plot, with some changes here and there. Some things did get rushed and annoyed me, but don't see this as an exact copy of the original animated series, because it is not.

Here are my comments: Love the costumes and scenary/green screen, Bending is done perfectly, except for air bending, feels too fake.

I hate the chemistry between Katara and Aang, but Sokka is being portrayed perfectly.

They are adding too much things from book 2 and 3 that are not necessary yet.

Why add the tunnels part now? And the way that it was done was so bad. They even missed the iconic line on the song.

The spirit world part was done very differently. I didn't liked it.

We are missing the iconic side quests too like the pirates, Bato, the firemaster, and Aang not learning water bending yet????

Character development is too lacking. The bounty hunter, Suki, Kyoshi, Appa, I don't really like Princess Yue here, and even Katara, feels like a background character. Azula also shows up for some reason??

But overall, anyone can watch this, it certainly entertains and hopefully gets renewed for book 2 and 3 wich are the best ones.
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Judgment (2018 Video Game)
19 May 2023
At first I loved the game, it was just like a Yakuza, with a new story and different tasks. But after around 10 hours you notice that the story doesn't go anywhere, the combat is just mild, 2 styles and the combos or special actions are boring, side stories are boring, and the game gets extremely repetitive and man I hate the tailing missions. The key things are just unnecesary, the girlfriend side missions are ok, but again, extremely repetitive, the skill system it's so lacking, I felt that I unlocked everything on the first hours of playing the game, It's still not bad game, but it could be better.
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Overcooked 2 (2018 Video Game)
Seems simple, but it is very complicated to nail 100%
22 August 2022
The game might seem simple, but man this game is challenging. I started playing by myself, and after 4 levels, I played with a friend trough all the campaign. It will be boring if you just barely pass the level and just continue, but it you manage to get all 3 starts on each level, and then somehow get 4 in new game plus, you'll be in for a real challenge.

I strongly recommend to play it with someone and try to do as best as possible.
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Sing Street (2016)
22 August 2022
What a great movie. Usually I hate movies that focused on music, I feel they are cheesy. But this one... This was one was amazing, great original music, amazing characters and plot. I still listen to their tracks on Spotify every week or so.

Great hidden gem.
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Drake & Josh (2004– )
Nostalgia? Nah, quality
22 August 2022
At first I though it was just the nostalgia that made me think D&J was great, so I watched it again multiple times, and still think it is amazing, the comedy in this show is quality, not even forced, because the characters are just funny by themselves. Not childish at all, great to watch at any time, and any age.
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Kids show? You sure?
22 August 2022
I saw this when I was around 8 years old, and I remember thinking it was great, so when Korra was announced, I rewatched it because I couldn't remember a lot of things. That was one of the best decisions I've ever taken. This show's story is so deep, so entertaining, fun, emotional...

How it goes back to previous avatars, previous events, how the story develops with every decision taken, the fighting, every character development, even the secondary characters...

Book 2( season 2) was just a masterpiece, if you feel a little unsure at first because it may seem childish, just wait for season 2, you won't see the show with the same eyes.

I can only imagine how this would be if it was at least PG-13, or maybe even R rated, because yeah, sometimes you can see that it was intented for kids, but still, you can watch it at any age and will have a good time.
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Great to re-watch it at all times
22 August 2022
This movie was just great, it's short, so you can watch it at any time.

First time I saw it, I didn't read the comic yet and saw it had a lot of gore, which wasn't that common for DC animated movies at that time.

I was just amazed of Everything that was happening, so I purchased the comic. It's a little different, but still, it sticks to it and makes a great adaptation.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Weird movie to watch, but I like it that way
22 August 2022
This movie is super weird. At all times I was just thinking, what am I watching? But then everything was just getting along, and then it was a mess again, and so on... It was a roller coaster for sure, but the acting is great, Jake Gyllenhaal is an amazing actor, the plot itself is something to think about as it can leave you confused. But surely if you want to have a different movie night, or just watch something random, this could be a great choice.
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A little obnoxious
22 August 2022
I mean it's not bad, as an adult it is entertaining to watch, and there are a lot of references to be on the lookout, but that's about it, the references save the movie of not being that boring, because the characters can get a little annoying at times, the plot is just decent.
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Uncharted (2022)
I was expecting less and was kind of surprised
22 August 2022
Usually game adaptations to movies are awful, this wasn't the case. Although it wasn't great, I still enjoyed it. I've played every Uncharted game, and the script was similar to what you could encounter in the games, obviously it is a movie, there's not enough time to develop such a masterpiece as the games did, but the action, comedy, and references were actually great. There are details that once you see it, you'll think, was that necessary? Oh well... But yeah, that's about it, it's entertaining, and hopefully we get another one with more story to tell.
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Almost near perfect
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was about to give this movie a 10, I was just so entertained though all the movie, was trying to think of ways that the plot can develop, and it always had a plot twist, it was amazing, but then the end... Why? If I didn't knew that it had multiple endings in the director's cut and in the internet, I would have been so disappointed. I don't tend to like happy endings in movies, but this one, if Evan ended up with Kayleigh, I would have been happy, relieved... And the end were Evan kills himself, at first I though was not that good, and weird, but then I though of all the plot twist this had. It a definitely a movie that you need to think about every detail.
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Close to being worse than Thor 2
22 August 2022
Man this movie was so boring, I've watched the whole MCU movies and shows, this has to be among the bottom half for sure.

You know that Christian Bale is always great, this is no exception, Marvel villains are pretty much always dull, but this was decent to be honest( mostly because of Bale) but the script was not great, felt like we needed more Gorr torture to the other gods, and action between him and Thor, and less forced comedy. The Thor character in the MCU although it can make you laugh at times and feels strong, it needs to be that powerful God of Thunder that it once was.

I was trying not to fall asleep at the movies, felt like this really didn't add much for the MCU, other than the end. Close to being worse than Thor 2.
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Transformers (2007)
Watched it as a kid, and then as an adult, enjoyed both times
22 August 2022
So I was like 6 when I first watched this movie, loved the action, maybe didn't care much about the plot, but then watched it as an adult, and the plot was actually great, the action sequences were awesome, I felt nostalgic watching the characters that I played with as toys. So sad that the sequels weren't good at all, but this one is a one to watch.
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Soooo good, specially the dub in Spanish
22 August 2022
So, I've watched this movie in both English and Spanish, but the dub is amazing, watch it as a kid, and what I could remember was just the colors, the characters, the plot twists... Then I watched it again as an adult, and laughed, felt nostalgic, had a great time. You need to watch this movie, won't take long, give it a try.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Not bad but...
22 August 2022
I mean the movie is not bad, could entertain you at some points, but it is sooo generic that you end up just guessing what could happen and maybe get distracted doing something else. The characters are really not that interesting, and for the budget that this movie had, could have had a better script and better sequences. Regardless of that, the acting was actually not bad, but the script...
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Tekken 6 (2007 Video Game)
Not the best one, but still great
22 August 2022
So, we can all agree that the story was good, but it got a little complicated unnecessarily at the end. We see the return of many beloved characters, and the story continues, but the addition of the rebbel army with Lars, and out of nowhere you get Azazel, and a couple other elements, everything got kind of mixed up, which lead to Tekken 7 being awful.

Regardless of that, the gameplay is amazing, great combos, characters, hit reg, the arcade mode as always(except Tekken 7) is great, loved each character development, surely a game you can play for hours and everyone should enjoy it for a while.
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Tekken 5 (2004 Video Game)
Great fighting game
22 August 2022
Even for the new fighting games being released, this is surely better than most of them(specially the horrible game that was Tekken 7).

Great gameplay mechanics, lots of combos, great characters, great hit registration, amazing game modes, WONDERFUL story(obviously better if you follow the other Tekkens plots) The only couple of things why this wasn't a 10 is because the loading screens are sooo long, and as any fighting game, you can get tired of playing it after a while, but regardless of that, at least for me it is the best one in the franchise.
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Tekken 7 (2015 Video Game)
22 August 2022
This game was awful compared to the previous entries.

The story is incredibly short and boring, barely got trough it just for the respect that I had to the previous games.

Arcade mode was my favorite game mode, but in here is just a couple of random fights and then the boss fight just to get money?

The joy of beating many opponents, most of the time related to their story, and then get a cutscene for each character in the previous games was amazing, why get rid of that? Instead we get A SINGLE FIGHT, with a cutscene that couldn't be worse for the characters.

On top of that, you need to pay to get all the other characters, seriously?

This game was made to play it online and get customized items, which is not why many of us love Tekken. Surely a miss in the franchise.
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Great potential
20 August 2022
If you at least know some Tekken story plot and gameplay, you'll be very pleased with this. The only thing is that they should have animated the other fights, I really wanted to see those face offs, some characters were kind of wasted with that, but I'm sure that if they add more episodes, everything should work out just well.
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Yakuza 3 (2009 Video Game)
13 June 2021
After playing Kiwami, Kiwami 2 and 0, I found this entry extremely disappointing for multiple reasons.

The story is actually good even though it starts SUPER slow, for the first couple of hours you are just wondering what you are actually playing. But the main problem of this game is the combat, it is just unfair. The upgrade system is horrible, you get into so many random fights and last so long because either everyone is attacking you at the same time or so consistently that you can't do anything, the enemies block so much and you miss so many hits. So the combat is awful, but the story is so short that you can't enjoy anything for long. Definitely a miss in the franchise.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Box (2018)
Season 5, Episode 14
Best episode so far
9 January 2019
This was way deeper and smarter than I thought. Awesome episode.
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