
23 Reviews
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What a way to end the series
12 September 2022
I feel like this is a series that could've gone longer, but was stopped at just the right time. Not many series can end their show with a bang, but OITNB did.

Laughter, tears, anger, death, this episode had it ALL. The entire series was great, even with some not-so-hot episodes, it always made a comeback. I'm going to miss it, but I am grateful for every year Netflix keeps it as an option for me to re-watch.

Thank you, Netflix. Thank you for Red and Nicky. For Piper and Alex. For taking a character like Pensatucky and really making me appreciate her. Thank you for opening my eyes to the goings on in women's prisons.
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Bridgerton: A Bee in Your Bonnet (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
So many tears
14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having lost my dad, I found this episode absolutely heartbreaking, but in a way that had me enjoy it all the more. The clips of his past bring to light his attitude for love and marriage and it is so utterly charming when we find out why he does not wish to marry for love.

This is the episode where we see Kate & Anthony learn much more about each other. I am excited to see where this season will go.

I am also excited to see what is to become of Penelope and Colin. I haven't rooted for someone to find her love more than I've rooted for Penelope.
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Didn't hold my attention
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story is sad and very tragic for all those involved, but it was very slow moving, very hard to stay engrossed in, but I did it because I had to see how it ended.

The way it ended was with David living in pure denial, even after reading his dad's transcript. He treated his mom like shit and never seemed to be able to grasp that it was possible his father wasn't sexually interested in his mother because he was more interested in young boys. To which his father freely admitted. David couldn't see anything good in his mom and while she wasn't mother of the year, she still deserved respect because after all, she was married to Arnold and had much more knowledge than her children will ever know.

My respect goes to Seth for not being interviewed and keeping his life private. David however, he will never rest believing his father could be guilty. Jesse will forever live with the guilty heart he carried because of his father. I'm grateful he was able to see his mother after he was released from prison.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Has potential, but not enough for me to finish the series
18 October 2021
What turned me away from the show so much was the age of the actors. Here you have actors in their mid-late 20s trying to play 17-18yr olds, if that. I couldn't get past their age. The premise of the story has promise, but I see this more entertaining for someone under 25.

I'm a bug fan of The Crown and was excited for Gillian Anderson, but was pretty disappointed in her role as the sex therapist. For me,I just couldn't see her as anyone but Margaret Thatcher.
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Never Have I Ever (2020– )
Very pleasantly pleased.
13 September 2021
Let me preface by saying I'm a 40 year old woman who doesn't usually partake in teen series, but when I saw Mindy Kalinga was involved, I knew I had to watch.

I love the show. Some parts of tacky, but itz a teenage series. The parts I appreciate is Devi's flashbacks about her dad. The scene with her on the bus and having the ambulance drive by is something I understand because I have the same reaction after having lost my dad.

Overall, in pleasantly pleased and look forward to the 3rd season. The actresses do a great job at portraying their characters.
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New Girl: Cooler (2013)
Season 2, Episode 15
Best Episode. Ever.
14 June 2021
Every time I re-watch the series, I always look forward to this one. This episode has heat, comedy, passion, fun, and what makes this episode the best, the most unforgettable game of True American EVER.
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Grey's Anatomy: Leave a Light On (2020)
Season 16, Episode 16
21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All throughout the series I was never a fan of Izzy and after this episode, I find myself despising what she did and how Alex was able to forgive her. Forgive her for hiding the fact she had his kids, forgive her for walking out on him, and forgive her for all the messed up things she did.

What the most unforgivable act of this episode was not about Izzy, it's about Alex, actually its Shonda Rhymes. Alex earned a better departure from the show than this. His character grew and evolved into someone who would never leave his wife, never. There were other ways for him to exit the show, but for Rhymes to have the writers allow this story was not ok.

Overall the episode deals with zero hospital related stories and 95% of it is Alex reading letters he wrote to Bailey, Meredith, Jo, and Webber. Flashbacks are included, but not at all enticing. The episode earned its poor ratings if only because the ending of Alex Karev was done in poor taste. Maybe he'll come back one day, but I seriously doubt it. For now, this episode was easy to watch, but incredibly hard to tolerare.
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Grey's Anatomy: In the Air Tonight (2017)
Season 13, Episode 20
Easy to enjoy
11 May 2021
The negative/low reviews are mainly in part to the inaccuracies of what happens when there is a medical emergency in flight. For me however, I don't worry about the accuracy of an airline protocol in a fictional show. I do believe most viewers of Grey's know a lot of the stories and stations presented are fictional.

Overall, it was decent. Always hardtop watch Meredith on a plane and notve concerned, but I found it a bit odd that Riggs was on the same flight.

Overall the story fits alongside medical issues and this is the premise of the series so not a complete fail at all. You watch it and decide.
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Grey's Anatomy: Be Still, My Soul (2017)
Season 13, Episode 18
Be still my heart
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really will touch anyone, but people who've lost a parent to cancer will especially be affected.

The acting was great as was the story. Following all the treatments and side effects of said treatments were hard to watch, but hit close to home. It really goes to show you how a child deals with the illness of a parent and how the grief really takes its toll.

Maggie's mom was someone I wound up missing even though she was only in a handful of episodes. This episode was more than worth it.
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Grey's Anatomy: She's Leaving Home: Part 2 (2015)
Season 11, Episode 23
Amelia, Amelia, Amelia
7 May 2021
When this episode first aired, social media gave Amelia's character a hard time for her supposed trauma. However, if you watch her in Private Practice you know what she suffered through. You felt her loss of her fiance, her son, and the comeback of her addiction.

This episode touches on a lot of things. While I'm getting tired of hearing the same line "the carousel never stops turning," we see Amelia finally accept Derek's death. Caterina Scorsone's performance when talking to Owen was electric. If you have lost anyone, Caterina succeeded in all that pain coming back. T was a very moving moment in the episode.
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Grey's Anatomy: How to Save a Life (2015)
Season 11, Episode 21
Not COMPLETELY terrible
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The issue most people have with this episode is Derek's manner of death. The writing was mediocre, but the overall episode was just ok. The problem is Derek's death was incredibly hard to watch as the way he was killed was not something tbT he would normally do. As a full fledged fan, I know Patrick Dempsey and Shonda Rhimes did not get along which explains why she killed him off the way she did.

It was also very frustrating that Meredith did not call Derek's family. In the very first season Derek told Meredith if he was ever on life support, he'd want his family there.

Its not a total waste of time, but if you're attached to Derek, be prepared to be angry at Rhines.
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Criminal Minds: Entropy (2016)
Season 11, Episode 11
There's a reason why some episodes are better than others...Reid
16 March 2021
I will give no spoilers. What I will say is as soon as I was done with this episode, I wanted to watch it all over again.

Gubler gave an outstanding performance, as usual. His counterpart, Plaza, did an equally excellent job. Their cat and mouse game was as extremely enticing. I didn't even kind that the other agents had a much smaller role because it all played out.

Many have said it might be the best episode of the series. I have not yet finished the series, but I cansay this is definitely a top 3. Top 3 of a 300+ episode series.
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Criminal Minds: Nelson's Sparrow (2015)
Season 10, Episode 13
Not how Gideon should've gone out
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, a character like Gideon deserved more than the this episode gave him. I felt the story line was weak, too predictable, and not at all something that would happen to Gideon.

I feel as though giving it 6 stars is generous. There are 2 reasons why. 1 Ben Savage. If you really watch him and listen, he really pulls off a young Gideon. 2. Reid. Reid's reaction to Gideon's death seemed very genuine. You could tell he was feeling the same pain he felt when Maeve died and it really drew me back to that episode.

Again, Gideon didn't get a "good" death/departure. He deserved way more, especially considering he and Rossi (revealed in this episode) started the BAU which I believe was also eluded in previous episodes.
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Criminal Minds: Rock Creek Park (2015)
Season 10, Episode 18
Definitely one of the best this season
14 March 2021
The story was very believable. A congressman's wife is kidnapped by a Russian gang demanding $20M to get her back. It flowed so well and the twists and turns made it very exciting to watch.

Hotchner shined in this episode. I believe a part of it was him not wearing a suit throughout. His character seemed more determined than ever.

Most of the other characters okayed a back roleezcept Rossi & Reid.

Reid was his same nerdy self, but his intellect really played out. We all should've known he spoke Russian. The other agent he worked with and he had a cute little flirtation going which worked itself into thr story without taking anything away.

I honestly thought I knew how this one would end, but I was completely wrong.

I did turn on the closed captioning because the Russian accents were hard to understand at times.

All in all, it is worth your time.
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Criminal Minds: Burn (2014)
Season 10, Episode 2
All due to Penelope
12 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story line itself was not the most interesting. Obviously it's something we've seen before. Man abused by his dad inflicts pain on others. For the story, I give it a 5.

The reason I gave this 9 stars was because of Penelope. She was the port in a sad man's storm. No one else in the show would likely do what she did. For her to witness what she did after what she went through, well that makes her a truly unique woman.

I did draw a parallel though between the primary story and Penelope's. When the prisoner was executed I feel as though he didn't want to die alone because he was worried about entering heaven or hell. With the primary story being wrapped around Dante's Inferno, I believe (solely my opinion) Garcia witnessing the execution saved the man a life in hell even after all the terrible things he'd done.

Penelope is pure heart. It is that simple.
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Criminal Minds: Gabby (2014)
Season 9, Episode 16
Talk about tugging at the heart strings.
10 March 2021
I thought I knew where this was headed, I had my suspicions, but I was a tad off. I cried SO many times during this episode.

4yr old Gabby went missing out of her cousin's car which is every parent's worst nightmare. The hunt for Gabby had several turns, but while I fee figured each one would come, the way it ended was not how I saw it.

Leave it to JJ again to be a badass and show her maternal instincts and we saw an AMAZING Hotch. When dealing with a suspect he let loose the rage any parent would feel and it was great to watch.

All in all, a great episode.
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Criminal Minds: Zugzwang (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Not for the romantic in you
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I won't reveal much, but I will say I was pulling for Reid to finally be happy. While other critics say the death of Maeve could've been prevented, I believe the writers have other plans for Reid.

Yes, Reid needs to be happy and Maeve was his equal in every way, but her death should have been foreseen because Criminal Minds is not a show for the romantic. Her death hurts, but not as much as Hotch's wife.

I believe the story was well thought out. The stalker storyline held up well and the murder suicide was believable to me. The writers hit the mark here and giving this storyline to Reid was the right call. I look forward to any other challenges they give his character.
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Criminal Minds: The Silencer (2012)
Season 8, Episode 1
Not a great season opener
7 March 2021
After the way season 7 ended (apparently it wasn't completely liked by a lot of fans, but I thought it was great. We again saw another bad ass side to JJ.) I was hoping for a stellar season 8 premier. While it was good, it wasn't impressive.

I'm not sure why the show keeps replacing agents. Like Ashley, I'm also not a fan of the new female agent as well. She seems to lack warmth like Prentiss, but I'm hoping the episodes improve.
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Criminal Minds: Closing Time (2012)
Season 7, Episode 14
We missed you, JJ
5 March 2021
I wont give any spoilers, but JJ is a bad ass and I'm so happy she was brought back. The action she faced and her friendship with Reid is touched on and I love it.

The story was an interesting one, albeit not the best they've ever done, but it was watchable.
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Criminal Minds: The Longest Night (2010)
Season 6, Episode 1
There's something about Tim Curry
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, this and the season 5 finale were great. Tim Curry's role was frighteningly good. His voice, appearance, all his traits made him scary. He's always had the ability to pull off playing the bad guy.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Moo Moo (2017)
Season 4, Episode 16
Real Life
14 February 2021
This episode, while humourous, really touched on what the black community faces when dealing with the police.

Terry endures a traumatic situation when a white cop approaches him on the street while he was searching for his daughter's stuffed animal. He's harrassed and detained without being given the chance to talk.

His fellow white officers learn a lesson in racism and the result of what can happen when reporting the harrasment and (almost) arrest.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Show Me Going (2018)
Season 5, Episode 20
Worth the Watch
14 February 2021
Even though, as mentioned in other reviews, shootouts and hostage situations have been taken likely (i.e. Hostage Situation with the Pontiac Bandit), this episode differs.

This is an episode that touches on the effect of how others feel when their loved ones are in a highly intense situation. You see how everyone worries, especially because they can't get in touch with Rosa. All the things they do reflect what others may do while waiting to get news.

All in all, it's worth watching.
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Parenthood: Tough Love (2012)
Season 3, Episode 16
Kristina being Kristina
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Normally don't write reviews for specific episodes, but I felt the need to do it for this one. Most specifically, Kristina oversteps once again by butting in on Amber and Bob when they're at the hotel together. Kristina was always, for me, the hardest to relate to and it's for things like this. She is not only a helicopter mom, she's now a helicopter aunt.
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