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I liked it.
26 May 2024
I'm trying to complete my collection of Woody Allen films. I realized I don't have, and have never seen, The Curse of the Jade Scorpion.

So I found a DVD copy.

I wasn't disappointed. If you like Woody Allen movies, you'll like this.

The film has a lot of well known actors. I was actually surprised by how many faces I instantly recognized.

The story is a little hoaky, but that's okay. Woody has captured the style of the day, from the clothes and sets, to the colors.

For me, the best part is he got back to his roots of using one-liners through the movie. The jokes are hilarious and well delivered by everyone.

If you like Woody Allen, you'll like this film.
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Roman Holiday (1953)
Sorry, thought this was ridiculous
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've always heard about this rather famous movie, and finally found a copy of DVD.

I was a expecting a fun romp in Rome. Instead, Audry Hepburn spends the first 20 minutes of the film asleep. That went on way too long.

It was an interesting premise to start, with Gregory Peck's character, a journalist, realizing he has the inside scoop on a big story, but it all goes sour very quickly.

When she leaves his apartment, Gregory Peck stalks her through the streets. Then there's the scene where he ties to steal a young school girl's camera, behaving like a total pervert. Especially when the girl says, "that's my camera," when he tries to take if from her.

So they get together, sort of. He does a few things with the princess and she has some fun.

Gregory Peck's friend, the photographer, is taking clandestine pictures of the princess with this matchbox size camera. Again , creepy.

It's supposed to be a love story. But they are only together for one day - you don't fall in love in a day. At the end, she turns her back on him and goes back to her privileged life as a princess.

I don't understand how Audrey Hepburn won a best actress Oscar for this. She was okay, but hardly a great acting performance.

This movie was a total disappointment.
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Sort of contrived
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I picked up this prestigious film on DVD, because I saw Rachel McAdams is in it, and I am a big fan of hers.

It's an interesting movie, but I found it a little contrived. The moment Cheaver meets his wife after being away for two years, you know she's going to ask him for a divorce. You didn't even have to think about it. The other two characters are sort of stereotyped or something.

Some parts of it don't make sense. They go to the old guy's house for the birthday part, the next thing, they are going into 'guests rooms' without the host inviting them to stay there. Kind of odd.

This isn't a bad movie, but it's not a great one. Still like the main characters though.
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Cyrus (I) (2010)
Not a comedy
28 October 2023
This is an interesting film, but it's not a comedy as it was promoted. There are some funny things in it, but most likely it could be considered a quirky film, not a funny one. There are too many weird things happening to make this funny.

Even the scene where main characters meet - come on. A normal person would just walk away,, not stop to talk, then become interested.

The one thing that bugs me about this film is the bad camera work. Zooming in,, went out in the 60's, and with good reason.

Zooming was used extensively in the 60's because the technology was new and everyone thought it was cool. Then it was realized, zooming does not follow the normal course of sight. People stopped doing it, because it doesn't work. I've never seen so much zooming in, in a film in my life. This must have been the camera person's first film, and they just got out of high school or something. Very very bad. Yes, very. With a 'v'. Thank you.
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Knocked Up (2007)
What a dog.
2 September 2023
I'm rarely critical of movies. Usually I like them all, but this film is just bad. I bought it because I'm a real Katherine Heigl fan, but she can't save this one.

It is badly written, and just doesn't follow the movie paradigm format at all. One day she's lingerie sales girl, the next , she's bonds person, out hunting people who didn't show up for court. What? Her transition to this role is too fast. The whole thing with her calling her friend all the time is kind of weird as they don't explain if it's a friend, sister, or who is this person? Her interaction with other characters isn't realistic at all. One moment she meets a guy,, the next , he's covering her back and shooting up the place, and they don't even know each other. Just a ridiculous story. I still love Katherine, but not in this role. Thank you, and God Bless Tiny Tim.
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Very good, I must say,
12 August 2023
Finally got to see this film after searching for it for years. It sounded like a strange film to begin with, which just made me more interested in seeing it.

This is one quirky film , which makes it so great.

The whole 7 and 1/2 floor thing, well that's an entire gag in itself. The whole thing about the 7 1/2 floor sort of sets the tone for the film. Which is super quirky and rather claustrophobic.

The story is weird, which makes it great So many odd characters, like the boss who insists he has a speech impediment. Hilarious. John Cusack is great as is Ms. Keener.

If you like quirky movies, this one is for you.

My only criticism, is there are too many scenes which are too dark. Thank you for reading my review.

God bless Hollywood.
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I like this film
6 August 2023
This was a fun film to watch. Great story progression here over several years.

The only reason I picked it up was because it stars Natalie Portman, and I'm a big fan of hers. The entire cast is really however. The story moves a long at a great pace with some unusual plot twists.

One thing is how Natalie goes from being a rather innocent 17 year old girl, totally out of her element, to a grown woman. It is quite a transformation.

I like the scenery and where it was shot. Some pretty good special effects as well. Over all I would say this is a great film. Don't get fooled by the poster or cover on the DVD.

It's not a 'chick flick'. It's a solid movie for anyone.
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Funny, and a little unhinged.!
25 July 2023
Had a chance to watch this fine film this week. This one has a far-out plot, good characters, and an interesting story. It has pot-heads, a whacked-out dentist, a local Jewish drug dealer, and hillbilly girlfriends and wives. What's not to like? One thing I like is this film takes one dramatic wacky turn, right in the middle of the movie. You aren't expecting it and it turns the entire film complete upside down. Yes, upside down. Which in turn leads to a whole different turn of events. Hahah it was great. Good performances all around by some of my favorite actors, even those in the smaller roles. I recommend this movie, and you can bank on my word.
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Hilarious , all the way through.
14 July 2023
I've read the review about the original French version..Well so what.

Hollywood took the original version and made it better.

Dinner for Schmucks is a laugh riot from start to finish. The cast is terrific, all of them. Steve Carrell is perfect in this role. He's plays a total idiot but you have to love the guy. This is one funny movie. If you don't like it ,, there may be something wrong with you. It's a great movie. Now , my review is not long enough for some reason. Apparently 600 words is need. Ludicrous. Why?? Are you supposed to do a detailed bio of everyone in the film including who provided lunch?

It's a funny film. Watch it. You'll like it.
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Wedding Daze (2006)
A strange comedy indeed
10 July 2023
Well, this is certainly a different kind of film with an unusual story line. The characters are funny, the story quirky. Funny characters all around.

I picked it up on DVD just because Isla Fisher is one of the leads. She is terrific. I always like her. It's not going to blow your mind, but if you want to just watch a funny movie and have a few laughs you may enjoy this film. YEs, that's about all there is to it. Some funny lines and some quirky things going on. That's about as much as I can about this film, at this time. I really don't have much more to ad about his particular film. I enjoyed it, and it will go in my collection under the heading of comedy. Thank you.
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Yes, I liked this
4 July 2023
Well, I am a male of a certain age, so most people I know won't watch a movie like this. I found entertaining and very funny.

Lots of great lines in the film and all the characters were hilarious all the way through. Best part is when Emily is doing her audition. Laughed my head off. As far as music, if you like music, you'll like it, because,, it's a musical.

That's all I've got to say, but I'm now required to use 178 more letters for some reason.

So I will say this, It's a funny movie. All the way through. Great lines, funny characters, ridiculous situations which makes it even more funny. Yes, I recommend Pitch Perfect II. ( that's number 2 to the layman.)
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Lots of profanity, sex, drugs, and rock n roll, but good!
17 June 2023
Well, this is one profanity lace, drug fueled, alcoholic celebration movie. If you're into that sort of thing you should enjoy it.

Russell brand is a hoot as a 'party all the time' type of rock star. Jonah Hill, is also funny as the junior member of a record company sent to bring Russel to a concert in the use. Of course you know what is going to happen. The only thing not believable was Jonah Hill in a relationship with Elizabeth Moss. Just seem to be that real. On a good note, I didn't realize what a great actress Elizabeth Moss is. I've only seen her in some short TV spots. But she's a real natural. Very good performance.

If you watch this movie, and drink along with it, you could possible lose your eyesight!
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Diggers (2006)
It was okay, but really?
7 June 2023
Well, this an interesting movie. I liked it. I liked the characters, and the story was okay. Not a fast moving film, but that's okay. It goes along at it's own pace.

The characters are believable for the most part. It's hard to believe this film is set just an hour away from Manhatten.

So, here's my beef with this film. Certain things have become too commonplace in current films. Do we really need the vulgar language all the time? Is that a modern thing? Second, for some reason, there always had to be a sex scene. Do we really need that all the time? And thirdly, there always seems to be a seen of someone going to the bathroom , which in this film happens more than once. Come on film makers, some things really need to be implied and left to the imagination. I don't want to watch a movie and see a guy sitting on the toilet.
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3 June 2023
Well, I'm a fan of both Mathew Modine and Gina Gershon, but this movie really tanks. It take about ten minutes into the movie before you can figure out the ending. It's a little too obvious. I actually fell asleep during this film. The thing is, why is Gina Gershon playing an English woman? She doesn't have a real English accent, and she doesn't look even close to being English. It's like seeing an Egyptian actor playing native Scottish guy named Angus McTavish. And her as an amphibian biologist - in New York? Downtown? Yes, that makes perfect sense. Well, this one will be going on the shelf and possibly a garage sale for .25 cents.
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Carolina (I) (2003)
Got to love Carolina
28 May 2023
This is a fun movie with a good cast. Julia Stiles is one of my favourites, I pretty much like anything she's in so it was no surprise that I liked this as well.

The whole cast is pretty funny, with special nod to Shirley McLaine as grandma. The whole family is a little on the crazy side.

It does sort of have a predictable ending. You can see it coming from a mile away, but that's okay.

If you like a light comedy with a good cast, you will enjoy Carolina. I also like that fact that part of the movie is shot in a less than stellar part of Las Angeles. You get to see a different side of the city.
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A fun movie
21 May 2023
This is a fun movie to watch if you're a Mathew Broderick fan. There are lots of great lines, especially from Mathew's character.

It also takes a light hearted look at addiction of many varieties. While Matthew's character is likeable enough, he's got some serious problems that he won't really accept responsibility for, but learns the hard way. The movie is set mostly in Las Vegas, and has a lot of casino action, fun hookers, crazy characters and a lot of other fun stuff. Lots of bad language so you probably don't want to watch with the kids. If you like Matthew Broderick, and Las Vegas, you ill like this movie. Thank you.
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What a great movie.
8 May 2023
I just watched Thelma and Louise again after not seeing it for several years. This movie is always great. From terrific performance to a rootin' tootin' story line. The route the girls take on their journey provide some terrific images and great cinematography. Of course Susan Sarandon and Gina Davis are terrific as Thelma and Louise as is the rest of the cast. One highlight of this film is the soundtrack. It really sets the mood and goes well with the 'hot desert climate, the girls are driving through. The ending of this movie is one of the best, and least expected in movie history. Very well done, all around.
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Fading Gigolo (2013)
I liked it
6 May 2023
I ordered FADING Gigolo on DVD because I thought it was a Woody Allen film. At the start, something seemed off. It did not seem like a Woody Allen film at all. I checked the credits. Nope, "A film by John Turturro. One of the reason I ordered the DVD was because Joh Turturro was listed as a star. I like everything he's in. Turns out Woody neither wrote or directed. He was just acting in this film, which is rare. Either way, it's a great combination of a team up with the two of them. The rest of the cast are great as well. Really found this one fun to watch. Interesting story and plot. Good film all round.
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Away We Go (2009)
Thumbs up on this one.
27 April 2023
Away We Go is a refreshing change in movies. I really like Maya Rudolph as Verona, and John Krasinksi, as Bert. They are decent people, but question their own ability to be adults. That is evident when Maya asks him, "Are we F** ups?" It's fun that it takes place in different cities rather than in on setting. The dialogue is real, and very funny at times, and they find themselves in very different situations the different quirks of people they visit. All in all it's feel good story, especially the ending. I would highly recommend this film for most audiences. Don't expect explosions or car chases. It's not that kind of movie. >Thank you.
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Terrific, really funny,
27 April 2023
I love this film. Seth Rogen was terrific, as was Barbra. No one got killed, no explosions. Considering the two of them pretty much carried this movie, that was a lot of hard work. Some of Seth's lines are hysterical. Really liked this film. The little gags, like his reference to the car and a circus were hilarious. Barbra was terrific as his mom. She still has great comedic timing, and still looks great. I like that fact that it was a road trip. It's fun to see movies that cross the country and you can see all those strange things people see and do on the road. I would highly recommend this film.
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Love Drew
19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I bought the DVD only because Drew Barrymore was on the cover. I like pretty much everything she does, so yes I like this one too. Not a heavy duty movie, just a romance type comedy. Hugh Grant is great as well. Lots of funny lines for him and he's very quick.
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Finally got ot see it -= it stinks!
21 October 2018
I was supposed to go see this with a girlfriend when it first came out... glad I didn't. Wow,, what a dog of a film. How did this film actaully win an award for SOUND!??? The first think I thought of was,, "I can't understand what they are saying!!!! Turn on the volume on the dialogue. There were a few times actually stopped and reviewed a scene because I thought there was something wrong with the sound. Nope,, it was actually there. Secondly , every kristopherson song was terrible.. terrible. I didn't think he was convincing as a rock start - maybe if he was more of a country dude - but rock star? nope. Babs' songs were also absolutely horrible,, except for Evergreen. The screenplay was terrible,, just terrible. The first meeting,, what ??? Oh,, what a disappointment.
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A TV movie huh?
8 October 2018
I bought this as a whim, and only because Kevin Costner is in it. After realizing it is actually a TV movie, as stated on here a lot of things make sense. It really does seem like a TV movie. Someone else mentioned on here the say thing that is my complaint. BAD AUDIO! At least for the first hour I coudln't understand what anyone was saying. They were saying things relative to the story but if you can't understand them, you don't know wha'ts going. It was a combination of bad recorded and actors trying to talk southern or something, but most of the movie left me asking "What did he say?"
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Time for another,!
8 August 2018
Okay Farrelly Bros... time to make a new one. It's been almost five years somce Dumb and Dumber To arrived. I'm ready for the third one. Jim and Jeff are a great team. There are so few comedies made now. Everything is digital effects and explosions. Fans of Harry and Lloyd would love to see another adventure with the boys. Great comedy team. Maybe stick away from the toilet humor,, it's a little funny for 12 year old boys,, but that's it. Otherwise,, come on.. lets see what they are up to for their third adventure. The possibilities are endless!
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31 July 2018
I was really looking forward to seeing this film. It was indeed beautifully shot and all the digital effects are well done,, but beyond that there s nothing. You definitely have to see the original first. If you don't , this film doesn't make a lot of sense because a lot of things in the original movie are needed here. Also, is everyone in the future dead sullen and speaks in quiet deliberate voice.? Is everyone the future void of emotion or something? Wow. Sorry, but this movie just didn't do it for me.
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