
5 Reviews
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Truly Godless!
20 July 2023
So I watched this last night and it has been stuck in my head pretty much all day. If you don't know this is inspired by a true story. It's also not a horror film! I hate that this is marked as a horror film. I was disturbed and very much sad by the end of the film. This is a perfect example of when a radical religion goes to far. I say radical because there are different types of Christianity. I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church and there is no way anyone would have condoned or thought that this was okay in the way this was handled. The sad part is I looked up and read the true story which IMO was far worse. I truly felt for Lara. Trauma is very misunderstood. It can cause worse mental illness if left untreated. I feel the secret which is unveiled closer to the end of the film was much more gutwrenching than I ever saw coming. I saw where the film was going once it got closer to the end and I didn't want too. From a technical aspect the film is stunning. The director does a beautiful job building up tension, and immediately sets up a story and lets you feel the dread* . The acting is wonderful. You feel for Lara, your frustrated with Ron as he makes decisions for his wife and you almost hate him but know he's just frustrated. Pretty much anyone from "The Church" ( if that's what you can even call this religious group) you immediately know something is quite off about all of them. The only happiness that is shown in this entire film is during the flashback to what happened that caused all this mess. During these scenes I felt deeply for Laura again because you can see the happiness in her life and how fast in a glimpse of a moment it's all taken away.

For anyone religious I encourage you to see this.

For anyone who likes true crime I encourage you to see it. It will make you think!
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29 July 2019
First off i love this film and i don't know why so many negative reviews. I grew up with this film being a huge part of my child hood. The story is simple but does have character development and back ground. The lead actors are good actors and over all the setting is very atmospheric. the film revolves around two friends Jana and Leslie, Leslie being the one with boyfriend problems. Jana talks Leslie to going to her family's cabin for the summer and getting a break from Josh, her boyfriend who seems to be controlling and cheating.While at the Lake Jana takes Leslie to a local diner and gets her a summer job. Once there someone takes an interest in Leslie and starts to kill to get to her. over all the kill scenes are really good and the special FX are very realistic (especially the throat slicing scene and the arm cutting. But over all its a very calm setting and when you watch it has 80s synth music throughout the whole film which worked really well for this film. I use to rent this film every weekend with The Last Slumber Party it was two of my favorite films as a kid and then once it came to DVD the funny thing is that they both were released on a double feature. so please give it a chance and check the film out its an 80s gem.
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Boycott this film...
30 April 2019
First I have to rant, I love the original. I have ever since I was a kid, I became friends with Camille once I got older and have mad respect for her an an actress!!! I have collected her Italian films etc. I especially Love Madeline Anatomia Di Un Incubo (a wonderful performance)..... But there is one, yes 1 very important performance that's looked over by horror fans because no one wants to admit it's a damn good performance!!!! I Spit on Your Grave!!! Camille Keaton's performance was raw, in your face, nothing was hidden, nothing was censored it was a perfect performance, hard to watch and gut wrenching. There is no other actress who would have done that role better than she did (if any actress would have done what she did) she brought a real victim on screen a performance that sends chills down your spine. She made the film what it is today and for Meir Zarchi to make Deja Vu it was a complete insult to Camille Keaton an insult as an actress, for her character who she has been for the last 40 years Jennifer Hills, and as a person! She is an inspiration in the original film a strong woman who fought back, in this "piece of sh!t" that Meir Has written he has belittled her character..... HOW DARE YOU! I was so enraged when watching the film I got to the grave yard scene and I was so made I broke my glasses I was crying not because of the story but Damn what an insult to an actress who made the I Spit On Your Grave Legacy!!! Things she was saying in the script And the way the story unfolds was crap.... heck the original Savage Vengeance kept her a badass and was a hell of a lot better than this!!!!! This is a shame.... You know it's sad when multiple people are watching it and you can feel a strong hate for Camille in the film it's obvious and multiple people said the same thing... Boycott this film at all cost!!!! As for you Meir you gave us Jennifer Hills an icon in horror how dare you take her away the way you did, disgrace!!!!!
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Wasabi Tuna (2003)
1 Star for Anna
30 March 2019
This movie is atrocious Anna Nicole is the only good thing about this project
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The Love Witch is exactly what I have been waiting for... Anna Biller is needed more in Cinema
28 March 2017
First I want to say that this is not just a film this is art. The sets and costumes were stunning. The cast was amazing and perfect in their roles. THE LOVE WITCH is something we can all relate to and enjoy its definitely a throwback to classic movies. Not just 60 and 70s but she has brought glamour back the screen. I highly recommend this film I've watched it over and over ever since I received the Blu-ray. The Film industry needs more directors like Anna Biller. I also want to point out I loved Samantha Robinson and Laura Waddells performances. When I was at a showing in Knoxville TN to see this film the first time at Scruffy City Hall the whole place was packed every table and chair and balcony was filled I actually had gotten the last seat. People were sitting in the floor just to watch this film And around the balcony edges. Everyone seemed to love it and when the film ended people were clapping. If you appreciate good artistic cinema and love a good story along with beautiful sets and designs and amazing actors I recommend this film it's definitely a breath of fresh air.
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